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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by Mala50
    You know, there are a lot of scenes of Sam and Jack together in the same scene, so the dual piccy thingy doesn't apply very well...

    But here are a couple for you!

    The first one is from the discussion in the conference room where Teal'c drinks the hot steaming coffee. The second one is from the commissary scene. Oh, that one makes me hungry... But I love that scene! Great expressions on their faces, too!

    3.16 Urgo

    Oh! Pshhhhtttt!!! Excuses, excuses!! I know they are together lots, that's why I wanted you to search the ep for moments that could be used for dual-piccie-thingies!
    I have to admit that, although you failed in the original assignment, you managed to use your "get-youself-out-of-jail" card by posting those fabby pics!

    Keep 'em coming!


      Originally posted by gatebee
      You know Mala....I am not really picky....I like the whole package.

      Me too

      ..and I'm still around at Mala's world
      What about seeing a bit more of Jack/RDA's feet ?!!!

      He has nice feet too I also like his butt very much when he wears his BDU

      Thank you Mala



        Hmmm...Caty and I seem to have stopped everyone from posting. I could always tell you another joke to keep things going...*ducks rotten eggs*....or perhaps not!

        *Maybe later!*


          I've just made it partway through season 4 (through ep The First Ones to be precise) so I'm now becoming a full-blown Sam/Jack shipper. *sigh* Took me long enough didn't it? For a long time I was convinced that it was just Sam who had feelings for Jack...Divide and Conquer was obviously what made me realize that wasn't true.

          Anyway, Mala was kind enough to ask if we had any requests. I have recently become quite interested in Jack's lovely arms, so any arm-porn would be most enjoyably received.


            Okay, you've made me do it! I last posted at 11.50pm, and it's now 1.35am! I guess you all wanted another joke!

            This is a silly joke...My jokes for when we are in the pub drinking a few Guinnesses are waaaaaaay tooooooo un-pg to tell here!
            [joke] A woman was leaving a convenience store with her morning coffee when she noticed a most unusual funeral procession approaching the nearby cemetery.
            A long black hearse was followed by a second long black hearse about 50 ft behind the first one. Behind the second hearse was a solitary woman walking - a pit bull terrier on a leash. Behind her, a sort distance back, were about 200 women walking single file.
            The woman was so curious that she respectfully approached the woman walking the dog and said 'I am sorry for your loss and I know now is a bad time to disturb you, but I have never seen a funeral like this. Whose funeral is it?
            "My husband's"
            'What happened to him?'
            The woman replied
            "My dog attacked and killed him"
            She enquired further 'Well who is in the second hearse?'
            The woman answered "My mother in law". She was trying to help my husband when the dog turned on her"
            A poignant and thoughtful moment of silence passed between the two women.
            'Can I borrow the dog?'
            "Get in Line![/joke]

            I hope I didn't offend anyone. I'm just telling silly jokes. You know is just there to be made fun of anyway! I've had such a silly day I'm going to tell there!
            Last edited by dipsofjazz; 24 March 2005, 05:03 PM.


              That's a great joke!


                Originally posted by fair_nymph
                That's a great joke!

                Just wait till I start on the un-pg ones!!!!


                  Here's an intelligence test....yes, I know this is the wrong place to post this...
                  Now, if you can just take your eyes away from RDA's pecs to do this quiz...

                  Mary's father has five daughters
                  1 Nana 2 Nene 3 Nini 4 Nono
                  What is the name of the fifth daughter?
                  (a, e, i, o, u)?



                  No! of course not - her name is Mary -
                  Read the question again!!
                  I just know you all got that one right!!!
                  Last edited by dipsofjazz; 24 March 2005, 08:02 PM.


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    Ship Sistah!! It's good to see you! Are you on the road or back in town?

                    Hey, you don't know how many times I played that penguin game just to get that score! 302 is very good!

                    I'm glad you came by to look at the RDA pix and that you like the my S/J sig pic. Whether or not it's true, it will be MY reality for Season 9!

                    You know I have tons of S/J pics - let me know if there's anything you want for a sig!

                    Here's a nice BIG Sam and Jack for the Shipper Extraordinaire....

                    1.17 Solitudes

                    WOW! Thanks, I LURVE it!!!!!

                    I'm home for a long weekend. Our Thursday show was cancelled and we didn't have one scheduled for Good Friday, so I got home Wednesday night from Albany and I don't have to meet up with the rest of the cast until Sunday. We have one week left then I'm free!!!

                    I don't know if you saw this post, but this is when I realized you were still poking around in the old MW thread:

                    So glad you're still here occasionally!

                    ship sistah
                    Last edited by sacme; 24 March 2005, 05:39 PM.

                    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                      DOJ, that's an evil joke.

                      I want the rated R ones myself. Alas!


                        Originally posted by fair_nymph
                        DOJ, that's an evil joke.

                        I want the rated R ones myself. Alas!
                        It's so sad that you'll miss my best jokes as this is a pg forum. Of course, I recommend that you imbibe in copious amounts of drink before you listen to anything I say! (I do!!!!!)


                          I have to say, hearing you talk about that guinness makes me want to have a few drinks myself.


                            I may live in Scotland...but I know what happens all over the world...

                            [joke]UNDERWEAR IS IMPORTANT!!
                            Always wear clean underwear in public, especially when working under
                            your vehicle... From the Northwest Florida Daily News comes this story
                            of a Crestview couple who drove their car to Walmart, only to have their
                            car break down in the parking lot.

                            The man told his wife to carry on with the shopping while he fixed
                            the car in the lot.
                            The wife returned later to see a small group of people near the car. On
                            closer inspection, she saw a pair of male legs protruding from under the
                            chassis. Although the man was in
                            shorts, his lack of underpants turned private parts into glaringly
                            public ones.

                            Unable to stand the embarrassment, she dutifully stepped forward,
                            quickly put her hand UP his shorts, and tucked everything back into
                            place. On regaining her feet, she looked across the hood and found
                            herself staring at her husband who was standing idly by.
                            The mechanic, however, had to have three stitches in his forehead.[/joke]



                              ROFL!! That's just great!

                              Oh how I love dirty jokes. Must be that dirty, dirty mind of mine.


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                                I may live in Scotland...but I know what happens all over the world...

                                [joke]UNDERWEAR IS IMPORTANT!!
                                Always wear clean underwear in public, especially when working under
                                your vehicle... From the Northwest Florida Daily News comes this story
                                of a Crestview couple who drove their car to Walmart, only to have their
                                car break down in the parking lot.

                                The man told his wife to carry on with the shopping while he fixed
                                the car in the lot.
                                The wife returned later to see a small group of people near the car. On
                                closer inspection, she saw a pair of male legs protruding from under the
                                chassis. Although the man was in
                                shorts, his lack of underpants turned private parts into glaringly
                                public ones.

                                Unable to stand the embarrassment, she dutifully stepped forward,
                                quickly put her hand UP his shorts, and tucked everything back into
                                place. On regaining her feet, she looked across the hood and found
                                herself staring at her husband who was standing idly by.
                                The mechanic, however, had to have three stitches in his forehead.[/joke]

                                LOL. Well, you are certainly on a roll tonight.

