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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
    I thought chocolate was a food group!
    I don't know about a food group, but DEFINITELY a necessity of life!! I think this smiley says it all!

    Token ~


      Originally posted by sgt.siler
      I wasn't even on the computer last night, but all these evil thoughts....*eyes SS* of fatty foods must've traveled through my computer anyways. Last night at 7pm(EST) I ran to the local gas station for a pint of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream. That thing alone ruined a week's worth of exercise! Ack! And I have a child's Birthday party to attend this weekend.
      *laughs* experience w/most kids birthday parties (or even some baby/bridal showers) is the party throwers usually go for the cheap ice cream... tell yourself... "Ick. Cheap stuff. Don' wan' any of that c***. Ben & Jerry's or nothing." (My fav is Breyer's...) 'Course now if they'll be serving your fav.....

      And like Kiwi said... don't let last night make you feel that you've ruined anything. You haven't. A pint of ice cream isn't going to kill it. Even a week of "bad" eating won't. (Now a few weeks of it might... ). Just take it a day at a time. (And again to repeat Kiwi... ... I know you know all that already... so don't I want to sound like I'm preaching to the choir, so to speak... ) (And.... it was only a pint... t'wasn't like you ate a half gallon. Hey... I'm trying to find the postive!!! )

      (((Siler))) (((kiwi)))
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        Originally posted by Ruralstar
        You are an evil evil woman.

        *eyes list*

        wibble, whimper, whine
        Hee hee hee.....

        *eyes space above head*

        Hey... I use to have a halo up there. When did that disappear???
        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


          Hey there

          I try not to moan online a lot, but I've had a terrible today.

          In October, I went to a music workshop, and co-wrote a song which then got picked to go on a charity album. I've been trying to find out the details of when it was getting recorded and found out in December that it was in January, and that I was invited to sing for the actual recording. Since then, I've been trying to find out where it was, and I chased up my teachers who told me that they'd tell me soon. I managed to get a hold of the number of the man who's running the project, and I contacted his office. They told me they'd get back to me...but they haven't.

          The recording session's tomorrow morning, and I don't know where it is, or what time it starts. I'm not going to get to record it, and I'm absolutely gutted. I put in a lot of effort for nothing.

          I could cry, but I'm too angry.
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            How big is the city you live in? How many possible recording studios are there? Perhaps try phoning them (if there's a lot, start with the most logical) and ask if the recording session is there.
            Don't know if it'll work, but hey, it's worth a shot!
            *shares chocolate with Suekay.... and more hugs, just cos*


              Originally posted by sgt.siler
              The bib is worn out from constant usage and the bucket needs dumping.

              Stop looking?!?! Pfft! Punishment indeed.

              Don't you worry about hubs....he's well cared for.
              I'm sure your hubs is well cared for!

              But does he have a splatter shield?? I was talking about him having to deal with all that drool...


                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                Once again this picture says it all. NO WORDS NECESSARY!!!

                Talk about chemistry...good lord the sparks jump right off the screen!!!
                Ship Nana! I'm glad you stopped by.

                Oh, the chemistry... even SciFi Channel promotes the chemistry! They can't deny it!



                  Originally posted by Token
                  (((((((((((Mala))))))))))) ((((((((((((Mala's World))))))))))
                  I can't possible catch up on all the happenings in Mala's World so I decided to just jump in where I can!

                  I will give testimony to what you have said. Over the last year, I have lost over 40 pounds, and it was the same way for me. I attended a Bible study called "First Place", and it helped me understand that I needed to have a lifestyle change. I can't do diets because I just struggle waiting for the end of the diet, and I couldn't deny myself sweets/junk food. Now, I understand that in moderation I can be successful in my weight goal. I believe each person has to determine their path for themselves. It is not an easy path. I tell people what worked for me and offer encouragement and support.
                  (((TOKEN!!))) Good to see you're back!


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    (((TOKEN!!))) Good to see you're back!
                    So good to be back!!! For awhile, I wasn't sure I would be. But who could stay away from Mala's World??? While I was posting links to your wonderful Shipper thread creations, I saw you had a few new ones!! LOL!! Mala, you are too good to us!! I think the best thing in life is laughter, and you are one of the Masters! ((((((Mala))))))

                    Token ~


                      Originally posted by kiwigater
                      *swallows french fry* um, that would be me
                      the healthy eating thing went right out the window today, there's only so much working 14 hrs a day I can do without seriously feeling like I need a burger and some fries.... at least it's got meat in it. I eat so little red meat these days I'm probably seriously low on iron
                      It is inspiring to hear (read?? ) everyone's stories.
                      Ah, stories...

                      Well, re diets, eating and weight: As I said before, I don't diet per se. I just watch what I eat - that is, I eat what I like, which is almost everything! - but in moderation. I also take vitamins daily - a multi, vitamin E, C, calcium and flaxseed oil capsules... And I exercise. At my age, I know it's easy to put on weight and very hard to take it off. But weight in itself isn't a bad thing (I actually don't know how much I weigh) it's what your body is made of (fat or muscle). So I try to keep active (I sit on my butt in front of a computer almost all day when I'm working! But in NYC, I walk everywhere). I try to ride an exercise bicycle for cardio and do weight training for strength and toning on a regular basis. Yes, there are days that I do nothing at all AND eat in excess, but as others have said, you can always make up for it. I realize it's not for everybody - so maybe this wasn't exactly inspirational (it's not easy) - I just know that it's good for me.
                      Mala, i'm sad to hear you're leaving fandom I can't say I blame you and if it weren 't for you MW inhabitants and a few others out there in the forum I might be joining you. I think one of the things I've learned is that nothing can change the way you watch a show faster than joining in it's fandom! And again, while I wouldn't swap knowing you guys for anything (well, other than some quality time with RDA of course - I'm still a hussy at heart you know ) knowing what I know now, I have to say I won't be rushing out to join any other fandoms.
                      Being able to talk about the show with you guys is awesome (and my roomate thanks you ), it's having to deal with the petty minded immature @#$% people who don't understand the concept of tolerance or respect for other people that drives me batty.
                      But, other than some major lurking until my thesis is over I'm not going anywhere for the meantime *drags self back to work*
                      ((KG)) and ((MWers)): I just want to clarify that I'm not leaving the fandom - yet. I'll be around until the end of Season 8 (US or UK - I'm not sure)... I will give Season 9 a try, but I don't think I'll be staying online.

                      As I explained to some friends already (I'm too lazy to write something new! ):
                      I have no timetable set. All I know is that the changes coming don't quite fit what I 'do'. I'm not one to write out my thoughts and discuss episodes ad nauseum. I'm not good at speculation and ranting in words. I can express myself thoughtfully when I want to, but most times I just don't have the energy to do it in public! My forte is pix and graphics - RDA and S/J ship - and seeing that both of those are coming to an end, I don't see myself contributing much more as "Mala" either...

                      Really, that's the crux of my thinking at this point.
                      Last edited by Mala50; 28 January 2005, 02:48 PM.


                        Originally posted by SG1Happy
                        Popping in to say Howdy y'all.

                        (Yes, sometimes I really talk like that. )

                        RL is busy, busy, busy. I'm missing the chance to hang out here and relax. I'm 15 pages behind.

                        Maybe I'll catch up over the weekend....or next week...or the next.....

                        Y'all take care of each other, okay?
                        Happy! Where you been?? (ok, no, I really don't talk like that )...

                        I miss you. I hope you get a chance to catch up soon!


                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          Hey there

                          I try not to moan online a lot, but I've had a terrible today.

                          In October, I went to a music workshop, and co-wrote a song which then got picked to go on a charity album. I've been trying to find out the details of when it was getting recorded and found out in December that it was in January, and that I was invited to sing for the actual recording. Since then, I've been trying to find out where it was, and I chased up my teachers who told me that they'd tell me soon. I managed to get a hold of the number of the man who's running the project, and I contacted his office. They told me they'd get back to me...but they haven't.

                          The recording session's tomorrow morning, and I don't know where it is, or what time it starts. I'm not going to get to record it, and I'm absolutely gutted. I put in a lot of effort for nothing.

                          I could cry, but I'm too angry.
                          So sorry to hear your story, sueKay. KG had some good advice, though. You probably won't read this until the recording session is past, but you can always share your song here. I'd be interested to hear/read what it's all about.
                          Last edited by Mala50; 28 January 2005, 03:08 PM.


                            Originally posted by Token
                            So good to be back!!! For awhile, I wasn't sure I would be. But who could stay away from Mala's World??? While I was posting links to your wonderful Shipper thread creations, I saw you had a few new ones!! LOL!! Mala, you are too good to us!! I think the best thing in life is laughter, and you are one of the Masters! ((((((Mala))))))
                            Who could stay away from Mala's World?? A lot of sane people, I'm sure!

                            Thank you, Token! I'm glad you like the new creations.

                            I post these things and they just disappear into the prev. pages, so I thought I would add the more recent ones to a new page (pg 3 - Natl. Enquirer Pink Poufy Jack Edition, Sam and Pete's song, etc.)

                            For anyone who may be interested, but missed these:

                            S-J Shipper Graphics


                              Since we're promoting work, I just wanted to let MWers know that there are a couple of new S/J Ship videos to download. Both are very good, very angst-filled and have scenes from Season 8:

                              By MARIMBA:

                              Jack and Sam Always (web site)

                              Dare You to Move--7.3 mb by Switchfoot. Spoilers S8, through Gemini.

                              By CATY:
                              Stargate SG1 Sam and Jack Videos (web site)

                              The 4 seasons ( Vanessa Mae) Roller coaster ride


                                Originally posted by Mala50
                                ((KG)) and ((MWers)): I just want to clarify that I'm not leaving the fandom - yet. I'll be around until the end of Season 8 (US or UK - I'm not sure)... I will give Season 9 a try, but I don't think I'll be staying online.

                                As I explained to some friends already (I'm too lazy to write something new! ):
                                I have no timetable set. All I know is that the changes coming don't quite fit what I 'do'. I'm not one to write out my thoughts and discuss episodes ad nauseum. I'm not good at speculation and ranting in words. I can express myself thoughtfully when I want to, but most times I just don't have the energy to do it in public! My forte is pix and graphics - RDA and S/J ship - and seeing that both of those are coming to an end, I don't see myself contributing much more as "Mala" either...

                                Really, that's the crux of my thinking at this point.
                                But....but...can't we just hang out here and talk about the weather, or something? We can't have a Mala's World Mala!!

