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    Oh yeah, I saw in my latest DST newsletter that the Series 4 Desert Camo SG1 set is now in the stores!

    However, from what I've read in the reviews on GW, there are some criticisms of them. I know that some of you (Bev and Astra?) have already
    pre-ordered yours, so I'll wait until I hear directly from you gals what you think of the Jack O'Neill figure. I like that he's wearing a backwards cap (you hear that Critter?!? ) but I was disappointed to read that his hair is a dark color. Also, why didn't he get a jacket and a vest like Daniel and Teal'c? And the camo, as Astra mentioned is really kind of ugly...
    Last edited by Mala50; 09 March 2008, 08:34 AM.


      Yeah, lots of complaints, the promised knee joints are still missing (Jack and Daniel can't kneel), and the ring transporter only comes with two rings. How we poor Europeans shall order the rest when DST only sells to USA we haven't been told yet.

      As for the desert camo, we just don't get why the first try of Jack figure a few years ago (which hadn't been picked up by shops back then) looks so much better! This look it is what I try to achieve with my re-painting.

      But yeah, I like the sunglasses and the backwards hat, and I want the MALP and the ring transporter, so I'll by them anyway (oh yeah, the MALP doesn't fit onto the ramp, btw). I like the other things they bring with them as well.

      As for the hair, I doubt there will be much seen under the hat? I intend to use a silver Edding pen to make it silver.

      I don't mind the t-shirt that much, I'm all for bare arms But he will get Daniel's vest of course. And I can always do a head-swap, now that I know how to do it.
      Funny pictures with Stargate-Actionfigures at

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        Originally posted by GermanAstra View Post
        This looks very nice, but I guess we're definitely cheating now - or maybe cloning And the abs are even nicer in real, but I haven't figured out my new camera completely yet. Here's the "real" Spike:
        Nice sculpt!

        You know, actually I want to do scenes with them, and then photoshopping every picture will be too much work. If they were painted it would be much easier, but I have to completely take them apart and paint every piece and then put it together again, and I don't even know how the elbow joints work.

        I guess I'll need to repaint the desert camo versions as well, they have green dark patches, and I want to make them a lighter green. I think it's managable.
        I figured that you wanted to do scenes with them, but I suppose that it's better to see what works virtually, before you start taking things apart (if you decided to take them apart...). Hey, if you get good at painting camo, you might be able to start a side business!

        Here some scenes that come to mind where a barechested Jack might come in handy (I'm even trying to make little dogtags ):

        Any else ideas?
        Can't think of any more bare-chested Jack scenes... Well, you could do Hathor with Jack barechested and wearing his bdu jacket. Or put on a sleeveless undershirt and have him in bed in Threads...

        The link doesn't work


          Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
          Oh yeah, I saw in my latest DST newsletter that the Series 4 Desert Camo SG1 set is now in the stores!

          However, from what I've read in the reviews on GW, there are some criticisms of them. I know that some of you (Bev and Astra?) have already
          pre-ordered yours, so I'll wait until I hear directly from you gals what you think of the Jack O'Neill figure. I like that he's wearing a backwards cap (you hear that Critter?!? ) but I was disappointed to read that his hair is a dark color. Also, why didn't he get a jacket and a vest like Daniel and Teal'c? And the camo, as Astra mentioned is really kind of ugly...
          It's about time! I pre-ordered them ages ago. Bev and Astra give a shout out when you get your set.


            Originally posted by GermanAstra View Post
            And I can always do a head-swap, now that I know how to do it.
            I had this flash vision of Frankenstien's lab - GA swapping heads at will. OMG where will it end???? hehehehee


              Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
              Well, you could do Hathor with Jack barechested and wearing his bdu jacket. Or put on a sleeveless undershirt and have him in bed in Threads...

              Already planned I only have to get this Angel yet:


              Please notice the chains in the background which will make for some nice whumping

              As for the bdu jacket, alas this one can't be taken off, it's molded on.
              Funny pictures with Stargate-Actionfigures at

              More Action Figure Theater at


                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                I had this flash vision of Frankenstien's lab - GA swapping heads at will. OMG where will it end???? hehehehee
                Well, I did not invent this term, this is officially speaking language in the other thread And since we can't take off the uniforms, we rather swap heads, to achieve a different look. Works either way

                For everybody that wants to do it: You have to put them for a few minutes into hot water, so that the joints pop easier.
                Funny pictures with Stargate-Actionfigures at

                More Action Figure Theater at


                  Originally posted by trupi View Post
                  It's about time! I pre-ordered them ages ago. Bev and Astra give a shout out when you get your set.
                  I ordered mine from Forbidden Planet, and they seem to take ages to receive the figures in their UK stores. Let's just say that I'm not holding my breath waiting for my Jack and Sam.


                    Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                    Thanks for the rescue, Nell. Of course I don't mind. Thanks for the credit.

                    Btw, I have my own framed version, too - actually, it's been on my web site in the Ship Art section for a while with some of my other SG Atlantis manips. Mine's horizontal and matted though. I also used a slightly different cap, too.


                    I adore your framed version. My purpose was to make an avatar. So, no matting necessary. However, it is glaringly obvious that I am a mere beginner in this Photoshop art. But, it's a start.


                      GermanAstra you beheaded Angel and Spike!!!!

                      I'm kidding, the idea is brilliant, and so is the result



                        Originally posted by Mala
                        First of all, I must instruct you in the terminology of Mala's World. Most people call these little pictures or emoticons, 'smilies'. If you know me and my work, I don't make a lot of silly, happy smilies... I like to make mine more in character - visually and in terms the character's personality, so I call mine 'crankies'. So since most of mine are for Jack, the term is my tribute to his crankiness as well as mine!
                        so Mala you know what this means? Now I will have to create a subfolder
                        inside my "Mala" folder for the "cranckies".

                        I'm starting to think you like my comfy computer.

                        *save, save, save*...

                        this might take a while.



                          I download whenever I see a new (well, for me new) one and then upload them to photobucket. I share these links with two friends in my German forum, so Mala's crankies are very alive over here as well, and get used fairly often.

                          You know what recently happened, Mala? I'm so used to "click and save" that my hand automatically twitched when I saw a crankie and it took some time till I realized that my friend had gotten the link from me and therefore I didn't need to save this particular one

                          And tclothingw, don't worry, Angel's and Spike's heads still are laying around and can always be put on again (if I need some vampire for a scene ). Though I have to admit that I never have watched the series.
                          Funny pictures with Stargate-Actionfigures at

                          More Action Figure Theater at


                            Originally posted by tclothingw View Post
                            so Mala you know what this means? Now I will have to create a subfolder
                            inside my "Mala" folder for the "cranckies".

                            I'm starting to think you like my comfy computer.

                            *save, save, save*...

                            this might take a while.

                            Hey, you're still here?!?

                            Btw, someone asked me how many crankies I've made and I said I really don't know...

                            However, I can see that in my own crankie folder on my hard drive that there are over 600+ 'objects' (finished and unfinished and bits and pieces for future ones...) So probably at least a third of those are completed crankies that I've made. But in my photobucket album where I keep most of the ones I use, it says 320 images. So I guess I can safely say that I've made over 200 and each of them are different...


                              Originally posted by GermanAstra View Post
                              I download whenever I see a new (well, for me new) one and then upload them to photobucket. I share these links with two friends in my German forum, so Mala's crankies are very alive over here as well, and get used fairly often.

                              You know what recently happened, Mala? I'm so used to "click and save" that my hand automatically twitched when I saw a crankie and it took some time till I realized that my friend had gotten the link from me and therefore I didn't need to save this particular one
                              Glad to hear that folks in Germany are enjoying them, too!

                              Uh-oh... Looks like you have the Mala Crankie "click and save" twitch!!
                              Last edited by Mala50; 09 March 2008, 03:43 PM.



