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    Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
    (((BEV)))!!! Good to see you! How are you feeling?!

    So, about that pic - does that mean you're in the fluff/reunion camp?
    ((((Mala)))) I'm feeling much better, thanks.
    I'm considering wearing a Hazmat suit to school from now on.

    I like fluff, and would love to see the reunion. *another shippy sigh*


      Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
      Well, you know, this one is Classic Daniel who makes me laugh... But that one is supposed to be the annoying Jackson of the later seasons (as MS said in one of the LowDown specials, 'that whiney, little b*tch' )
      My problem is that Action!Jackson has ruined Classic Daniel for me, but that tantrum crankie makes me laugh too.


        Originally posted by Mala50 View Post

        Well, I was sort of picturing you sneezing and your hair blowing out like your tuba crankie!
        Actually, you're right. My hair did do that when I sneezed.(and does that when I play the tuba) heehee


          Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
          ((((Mala)))) I'm feeling much better, thanks.
          I'm considering wearing a Hazmat suit to school from now on.

          I like fluff, and would love to see the reunion. *another shippy sigh*
          LOL, on the Hazmat suit - good idea!

          Mmmm, reminds of a certain man in a red Hazmat suit...

          Oh, I think I need to make a Hazmat Jack crankie!


            Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
            LOL, on the Hazmat suit - good idea!

            Mmmm, reminds of a certain man in a red Hazmat suit...

            Oh, I think I need to make a Hazmat Jack crankie!
            Only he could look so good in a red hazmat suit!


              OMG! the hazmat suit is

              Originally posted by Mala
              you're not kidding!


              But as you said, he is a little to say the least!

              Well, I didn't want Ray to feel left out (who knows what he'd do?! ) So I tried to make him is own crankie...
              Oh, and I also made one with a 'prop'!

              hahahahaha. the one with the knife is sooooooooooooooooo cool!!!!



                Originally posted by Mala
                Yes it is! He's actually my favorite RDA character after Jack O'Neill...

                mine too!!!
                to bad it was so short. he was having so much fun doing that

                Ernie Love



                  Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                  you're not kidding!

                  But as you said, he is a little to say the least!

                  Well, I didn't want Ray to feel left out (who knows what he'd do?! ) So I tried to make him is own crankie...
                  Oh, and I also made one with a 'prop'!

                  Of course! MWers can snatch whatever they want - and credit is always appreciated, thanks!

                  You actually did it.. You made a Crazy Ray smiley and one with a prop also!!

                  I agree Crazy Ray is hot...

                  but... he is NUTS!!

                  I swear I didn't sleep for two nights after watching that Movie
                  Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                    Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                    LOL, on the Hazmat suit - good idea!

                    Mmmm, reminds of a certain man in a red Hazmat suit...

                    Oh, I think I need to make a Hazmat Jack crankie!

                    HOLY HANNAH!!

                    *typed from floor* A warning would have been nice!! *rubs elbows*
                    Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                      *still shivering at Crazy Ray*

                      I went to find something to eat for dinner, and couldn't make up my mind what to have.
                      Is it bad that I ate a Pop Tart whilst deciding? Can it be classed as a starter?

                      Perhaps I should bring out a cook book. I once had dry cornflakes with cheese sauce, as these were the only things I had in the cupboard. *yum*

                      I think I'm rambling due to starvation. *goes in search of more food*


                        awwwwwww, Ray is just a poor misunderstood soul






                            but... but, you said you were hungry, and he has Strawberries



                              Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                              Hello, MWers!! RL has been very busy lately - been out of town visiting my youngest as well as focusing on work projects... However, I have spent some time creating some new 'stuff' as well - a few crankies here, a few manips there, etc. Ah well, as you all know, sometimes I just can't help myself!

                              Anyway, while I take a few minutes to go back and see what you've all been up to, I'll post one of the new pics that I made. Now as much as I like the photo of Jack that we saw amongst Sam's possessions, I think she should have brought along a more recent one for her quarters...
                              Now this is the photo I think Sam should have next to her bed...
                              (yeah I know 2010 didn't happen, but since they're making up props, so can I! )
                              YOWSA Maybe I'll put it by my bed!

                              My husband at dinner the other night said "I'm sick of hearing Jack O'Neill".

                              It only took 11 years.
                              ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post

                                Perhaps I should bring out a cook book. I once had dry cornflakes with cheese sauce, as these were the only things I had in the cupboard. *yum*
                                Hey, I like to "macgyver" my food, too! As in "throw everything you can find into the pan". You can invent funny new things there!

                                And my friends and me did write some recipes some time ago, recipes about things that have been eaten in "Stargate".

                                The first idea was by my friend, she cooked "Lemon chicken a la death of Rodney" for her family and everybody wanted to know how and so she wrote a very funny detailed piece about it (including to tell the neighbours they shall not call the fire brigade because of the smoke). Somebody else did "Macaroni - tasting like chicken" and such. Alas, all in German only, though

                                But here is my entry, "How to use a tuna sandwich for torture", written by Colonel Jack O'Neill, top secret:


                                It's only a short piece, hope you enjoy it!
                                Last edited by GermanAstra; 06 March 2008, 01:52 PM.
                                Funny pictures with Stargate-Actionfigures at

                                More Action Figure Theater at

