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Mala's World

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    By the way, if you want to know how my mad cow disease cow is mooing, then go here:

    There is a soundflash of it.

    The page is about how to find out whether or not the cow you want to eat has this disease.

    The left side reads: If your cow sounds like this, then you already can heat the barbecue.

    The right side reads: If your cow sounds like this, then we recommend to eat fish instead.

    Have fun!
    Funny pictures with Stargate-Actionfigures at

    More Action Figure Theater at


      I thought I'd bring back last year's MW air freshener/Christmas tree ornaments - in case anybody wants to print them out again!



        For you doubters, I know that Zoser used them to adorn her tree last year! And she shared lovely photos to prove it!

        This is my COOGAMOOGA TREE (ok, its a manip) - although I think I may have gone a little overboard...



          Before I go, someone asked me to post the pic of Sam and Jack in their desert camos that I made for one my new 2008 Calendars (

          The picture of Sam is from the new MGM promos for The Ark of Truth dvd movie. You can see the photos here:



            Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
            Before I go, someone asked me to post the pic of Sam and Jack in their desert camos that I made for one my new 2008 Calendars (

            The picture of Sam is from the new MGM promos for The Ark of Truth dvd movie. You can see the photos here:

            Wow! That's amazing Mala50! Very impressive!

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
            K-9, CLASS and much more...


              See you all later!

              In the meantime, Jack will be on the look-out for Bev and her snowballs...


                Originally posted by Rune View Post
                Critter is my hero! *sticks tongue out at ONTLLs* Nyah!!!!
                Luv you too Rune!!
                Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                  Originally posted by Critter View Post
                  ARE YOU SERIOUS????? If you don't know what I mean about a backwards hat either I've been slacking or you don't pay very good attention!!!!!

                  Backwards Hat Jack is MY MOST FAVORITE Jack of them all....he is such a stud muffin!!!! Sheesh! Look at my avatar and my sig pic.....YIKES HUSSY, I do need to get out more and spread the word!

                  And I must tell you that I am the QUEEN of begging and so I must uphold tradition and ask any and all of you hussies out there to show Astra just what that backwards hat can do to our beloved!!!!! Yes, that's me begging in case you've all forgotten!!!!! I'll even add a please....
                  Ahhh gutter fodder. Man have I missed this. *rubs hands together* Do your own reading into that one. I'm going to lay low from the mods on that one lest I end getting thwacked for my hussyness.

                  Santa Jack will hear your begging and pleading and you will have a pile of backwards hat piccies under your tree. The best present a hussy could ask for right? I'd like some scruff under my tree....preferably wearing nothing, but a Santa hat.


                    Originally posted by Critter View Post

                    OK...I'll say it again...too big, I know...sorry!
                    It's never too big. Wait mean the pic. My bad....


                      Originally posted by Critter View Post
                      OH MALA....welcome home!!! Sorry to say that I cannot stay to play this morning. Littlest Critter has school and one of my older ones is here taking up the rest of my time! Ah me! I am so glad you are here and will be checking back today as time allows to see what your greatness has for us! **licks monitor in anticipation**

                      C7...thunks for the thunk.

                      Rune....your cookies smell delicious, care to share???

                      Astra...More, more MORE!!!!!

                      Hi to all...Happy Day to all....I'm off!!!!

                      Speaking of cookies and Jack. I found a book about cookies whilst doing some online shopping the other day. I can't post the link here, but let's just say that they were naughty little cookies.


                        Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                        Kailua surf (yes, the water is that blue!)

                        A beautiful lavender butterfly orchid that my cousin and I bought one morning at the local green market...
                        I've got about 6 orchids. A couple are the purple ones. They're so beautiful! I've got one about to flower. I can't wait to see them open.
                        Last edited by sgt.siler; 21 December 2007, 02:13 PM. Reason: change IMG to URL....sorry


                          Originally posted by Rune View Post
                          Whaaaaat? Do you mean to tell me that you're the only hussy here who hasn't heard of your own legendary reputation?

                          We all know that those dozens of little scorch marks and holes on Jack's clothes are where your X-ray hussyvision (TM) has smouldered its eager way through to what lies beneath!
                          That doesn't leave Jack with much clothing. Mind you I'm not complaining. Not in the least.


                            Originally posted by sgt.siler View Post
                            It's never too big. Wait mean the pic. My bad....
                            I thought size doesn't matter?
                            Funny pictures with Stargate-Actionfigures at

                            More Action Figure Theater at


                              It's just a few hours away...


                              Thanks, RepliCartertje, for the beautiful invitation!!!

                              Please come & join the fun!


                                Originally posted by GermanAstra View Post
                                Thanks for the link!

                                Actually I'm not, because I got DSL only one year ago. So back then in the seventh season I still was on dial up and did not spend hours for searching for promopics when I had to pay per minute and loading would take endless time.

                                I don't/didn't have time to search for all spoiler things, actually, either. So only if one of my friends posts something she found somewhere, then I have a look, but I don't go hunting for it myself at those various pages. I also don't have tons of downloaded pictures at my hard drive (yet).

                                I only recently started to do this, since I now can enjoy thunking threads without having to look at the spent time, and as a result my only 40 GB are almost full, now

                                And I did not actually even start to go into photomanipulating myself, which would require lots of pictures for using and changing.
                                I'm still stuck in dial up hel.....errr Netu. It's a horrible thing! I have all the graphics turned off when I come to GW and have to choose which ones to open so I don't get the full fun of it all.

                      're a beginner indeed. After I burned up my first hard drive I went with the 300GB one.

                                I leave the manips up to the pros(Mala, Shimmeringstar, etc.) too. I tried, but it just wouldn't stick. Now videos I can do. I hate the finding and ripping part, but editing comes real easy for me. Certain things come easy for me like Jack always says, but not Photoshop.

