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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    Just dropping in with my 2 cents on the Jan Newman stuff - ignore at your leisure:

    I say live and let live - some take it offensively (I am leaning towards being offended) and am irked by the continued beating of the proverbial drum that mitchell is the hewo to the almost total exclusion of the 3 real heroes (that would be the BIG 3) who helped (in a VERY, VERY BIG way) make this show what it is and as successful as it was for 8 years. I say let people say what they will, interpret how they will and feel the way they feel about what they read and hear and see with regard to S10 and when S10 airs we can all come back and see who was closer to right and those who were can feel vindicated.

    This is the whinge thread afterall and if we want to whinge I say why not - I pretty much wrote S9 off based on spoilers and interviews and the early PR pimping of the shiny new characters and, to be honest, S9 turned out WORSE than I even dreamed so if I want to take what I am reading, hearing and seeing about S10 and project from that I think I should be entitled to based on my experience of being correct in my evaluation of S9 (I was only correct to a degree though since it was actually worse than I imagined).

    I have little to no fear that S10 will turn out pretty much the same, if not worse again, and at least, thanks to S9 (the only thing I can be thankful for about S9), I am prepared for bigger disappointment in S10 than I otherwise would be. It is this disappoinment and HUGE let-down from S9 that prompts me to put the criticism, the cynicism and the whinge in my posts - it was true for S9 and I believe it will be true for S10 and Jan Newman (another county now heard from) just adds to that with the proverbial "party-line" of the new hewo and the "babe" comment that I just don't know what to think of since it really is playing right into where I see TPKTS going with it.


      Originally posted by scarimor
      I guess this illustrates how the meaning of words drifts from place to place and culture to culture - nothing to do with context.

      When I was working in London a band from South Africa joined us for a theatre/club's opening season. It took the lead chap quite a while to realise that when someone said "your people" to him, they weren't making some sarky remark about his ethnic origin, but talking about his band. A phrase like "Can you get your people to move their gear on stage" meant something very negative to him; but of course it doesn't have that general connotation in cosmopolitan north London.

      Strangely, he never accepted that he was being unreasonable in imposing his own meaning onto other people's English words, even when this was explained to him; he expected everyone else to conform to his version of the language so as not to "offend" him. Even the irony that he was in England was lost on him, apparently.

      No one did of course - not the local English speakers and definitely not the various non-native English speakers and second-language speakers present (we had about twelve nationalities/cultures amongst us, including Latin American and Afro-Caribbean). As if they were all going to go with his version, the fascist!

      Some people just can't admit that their indignation is their own problem.
      then its seems we agree. yes, words are just that: words. all comes down to intent. i say i read a woman using words to (in all humor, probably an on running joke) indicate the show has deteriorated to the point where the women are only worthy of the words "babe" and "pulchritude", where they used to be "barbies". am i wrong? i don't think so. am i right? no. you can't be right in your opinion.
      Originally posted by mg
      It does indeed. We interpreted the scenario differently.
      you mean, we don't see the world exactly the same? we have to agree to disagree? oh no!! this is terrible! horrible, even! there is WAAAAAAAAAAY too much agreement going on in here for my system! <fear!> must find something to complain about, must find something to complain about
      "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
      Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


        god damn my initials

        Originally posted by minigeek
        I think Kvasir should rescue Sam, and then rag on her for not being smart enough to devise her own backup plan.
        at which point, she'll reply "yes, i'm a very bad girl" and casually lean against the window and--perfect timing--let the supergate do whatever she rigged it to do, destroying the Ori fleet.

        The End
        Feedback to: Sky/Strix/Mandy/TJ/Astro/PeopleThatCanDoThatStuff*
        *i in no way mean to insult the stateds' writing skills with my...ahem...for lack of a more derogatory term (no, DEM, i don't need one)...story.
        "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
        Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


          Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
          god damn my initials

          at which point, she'll reply "yes, i'm a very bad girl" and casually lean against the window and--perfect timing--let the supergate do whatever she rigged it to do, destroying the Ori fleet.

          The End
          Feedback to: Sky/Strix/Mandy/TJ/Astro/PeopleThatCanDoThatStuff*
          *i in no way mean to insult the stateds' writing skills with my...ahem...for lack of a more derogatory term (no, DEM, i don't need one)...story.
          Well PR ( do something about those initials ) its a good start, but I would like to see a little what's the word I'm looking for...oh yea PLOT, it needs to be a little longer (can we say a few pages). The premise is good in my oppinion, but unless you want to end up like the writers at Bridge add a little more

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by minigeek
            I think Kvasir should rescue Sam, and then rag on her for not being smart enough to devise her own backup plan.

            Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
            at which point, she'll reply "yes, i'm a very bad girl" and casually lean against the window and--perfect timing--let the supergate do whatever she rigged it to do, destroying the Ori fleet.

            The End
            I'd sooo like to see that! However I'm betting we will get Mitchell (Hero, the Plot Device Boy instead). Sadly I think the days of a team member / team getting in trouble and the team working together on the rescue are gone.

            Maybe I should start book on which eps Mitchell is a hero and how many times - ooops there is already a Royal Bookmaker isn't there?

            Don't mind me - I'm just on a minor Mitchell whinge at the moment.


              Originally posted by RealmOfX
              I'd sooo like to see that! However I'm betting we will get Mitchell (Hero, the Plot Device Boy instead). Sadly I think the days of a team member / team getting in trouble and the team working together on the rescue are gone.

              Maybe I should start book on which eps Mitchell is a hero and how many times - ooops there is already a Royal Bookmaker isn't there?

              Don't mind me - I'm just on a minor Mitchell whinge at the moment.
              <nods> my thoughts exactly. the reason for my "feedback to: [samandan scribes]". we ain't gonna get it nowhere else.
              "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
              Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                <nods> my thoughts exactly. the reason for my "feedback to: [samandan scribes]". we ain't gonna get it nowhere else.
                Oh I thought you wanted to write it, hence the critique Go to it PR I know you can do it

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1
                  Oh I thought you wanted to write it, hence the critique Go to it PR I know you can do it
                  you're just trying to get out of working. (i'm still tallying lines, ya know.) do your job!
                  "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                  Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                    Originally posted by astrogeologist
                    OK.... this is the Samanda Whingenuts thread...right?

                    The thread for venting? right?

                    OK, check.

                    Then I'm in the right place


                    One of the major aspects of Sam Carter (as portrayed by AT) that I admired was the way that the show, and AT, stayed away from the stereotypes. Stereotypes are too easy to play, stereotypes present shallow characters without depth, and, stereotypes are usually insulting - and comedy is somehow drawn from the insult (the wrong kind of humor).

                    Here are some of the stereotypes, that I admired them for avoiding for the first many seasons of Stargate ....

                    Major Snippage to the rescue! (Not Cam)

                    I, for one, did not expect them to flatten Carter's character to 'the scientist' for Season 9.

                    Now, it seems like it will be so much easier for them to play into typical stereotypes for Carter. Stereotypes of what 'the scientist' says or does or how 'the scientist' would react when writing her dialogue and scenes. Boring. Yawn.
                    Yowza, Astro - you are on a roll! It's sitting the same way with me.

                    As much as they pitch the S10 lovefest behind the scenes (and God bless the actors - it is a warm and friendly set and they bring their munchkins too), there is something not right about the characters in the scenes. How sad that our favorite HERO now has to wait to be rescued by the stereotypical macho male! Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.

                    OT but I just watched a documentary the other day that blew me away. That female sailor from England, forget the name ... Cameras followed her solitary journey on a trimaran ... what guts, what courage, just what a Sam Carter type would do! Strong woman, against the odds. She was (wo)manning that huge speed sailing catamaran ALONE for days against all kinds of conditions! God what a documentary and she does beat the guy's world record in the end! Sails into harbor a HERO! She was later named a Dame of the British Empire. She didn't need anybody to rescue her, thank you. And she was such an example for any woman who has to overcome unbelievable odds.

                    Sam Carter needs to be resurrected as the soldier/scientist/leader/woman we all fell in love with in the early seasons. I think TPTB have taken us way beyond that point though.

                    The show is all the poorer for it.

                    They had an opportunity to have Carter do something brilliant in her spacesuit at beginning of new season. Ya think?! This is the woman who blew up a sun!
                    Last edited by ChopinGal; 17 June 2006, 05:52 PM.


                      I saw a great video clip today a fan posted on their video picks. It's about 5 minutes long and it's on one of the websites ( that has AT's latest Stargate commercial. The clip is labeled Sam Carter Character Profile. I think if you go to AT’s website or AT’s Yahoo group. I don’t remember which one e-mailed me the commercial.

                      There is one particular part with J.G. executive producer talks about who Sam Carter as portrayed by Amanda Tapping. There are clips of S1 through S4, so I’m guessing the interview was in s4. Here are his comments ...

                      "AT as Samantha Carter couldn't be more perfect for the part because, we needed a woman who could be very strong and you believe as a solider. Has combat training and been in some wars. And who is a brilliant scientist. And who is a beautiful woman. Finding an actress that can do all three of those things convincingly is very difficult."

                      In his own words AT is perfect for the part so why doesn’t she get to play both the strong soldier and brilliant scientist in S9 and S10? Speaking for myself as a woman that has chosen a career in a mostly male dominated field, it’s nice to see her battle through the tough guys that doesn’t think she can do the job. It’s also nice to see her gain the respect and admiration of her teammates and others at the SGC, because it’s been my experience you do have to work harder. You have to do it with a smile on your face and no complaining. You have to prove yourself constantly with each new acquaintance. You have to dot every i and cross every t. She is a strong soldier and a brilliant scientist, a conflict in and of itself, and then you throw her into a field where tough guys dominate. And let’s not forget that maybe she does begin to wonder about having the 2.5 kids and that dream guy that will walk with her through life. Someone to come home to at night after battling the bad guys all day and just feel safe in his arm and not feel like she’s weak or she has to come up with a brilliant plan to save the day. It’s not about being only a woman or only a soldier or only a scientist. It’s about all three. I think there are a lot of stories and conflicts that has built this great character and could continue to build on her character. I was looking forward to see her lead and see some of the same battle/conflicts that arise as a woman in charge. I don’t think Daniel or Teal’c would have a problem, but I think some of the other men who don’t know her that well may have a problem with her leading. Where are those stories?


                        Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
                        I saw a great video clip today a fan posted on their video picks. It's about 5 minutes long and it's on one of the websites ( that has AT's latest Stargate commercial. The clip is labeled Sam Carter Character Profile. I think if you go to AT’s website or AT’s Yahoo group. I don’t remember which one e-mailed me the commercial.

                        There is one particular part with J.G. executive producer talks about who Sam Carter as portrayed by Amanda Tapping. There are clips of S1 through S4, so I’m guessing the interview was in s4. Here are his comments ...

                        "AT as Samantha Carter couldn't be more perfect for the part because, we needed a woman who could be very strong and you believe as a solider. Has combat training and been in some wars. And who is a brilliant scientist. And who is a beautiful woman. Finding an actress that can do all three of those things convincingly is very difficult."

                        In his own words AT is perfect for the part so why doesn’t she get to play both the strong soldier and brilliant scientist in S9 and S10? Speaking for myself as a woman that has chosen a career in a mostly male dominated field, it’s nice to see her battle through the tough guys that doesn’t think she can do the job. It’s also nice to see her gain the respect and admiration of her teammates and others at the SGC, because it’s been my experience you do have to work harder. You have to do it with a smile on your face and no complaining. You have to prove yourself constantly with each new acquaintance. You have to dot every i and cross every t. She is a strong soldier and a brilliant scientist, a conflict in and of itself, and then you throw her into a field where tough guys dominate. And let’s not forget that maybe she does begin to wonder about having the 2.5 kids and that dream guy that will walk with her through life. Someone to come home to at night after battling the bad guys all day and just feel safe in his arm and not feel like she’s weak or she has to come up with a brilliant plan to save the day. It’s not about being only a woman or only a soldier or only a scientist. It’s about all three. I think there are a lot of stories and conflicts that has built this great character and could continue to build on her character. I was looking forward to see her lead and see some of the same battle/conflicts that arise as a woman in charge. I don’t think Daniel or Teal’c would have a problem, but I think some of the other men who don’t know her that well may have a problem with her leading. Where are those stories?
                        Five-star post, Annsgcfan!

                        I think you should post it at the Sam's A Great Character Thread, too (you did a great job of stating things - it's not a heavy duty rant or whine )


                          Originally posted by minigeek
                          Welllllllllllllllll..... yes. But at some point, it's about more than just their jobs. If it were just about their jobs, it could be four robotic squares with no eyes, ears, noses or mouths hopping around saving the universe. It has to be about the PEOPLE at the root of their jobs and their action/heroics, and part of that is some lower level basic exploration (even if it is an allusion only) to a more personal element in their lives. What demons does Sam Carter harbor from her past? Or Jack for that matter? Mitchell? Is Daniel really that perfectly balanced and normal or is there something about his past or his personality that we don't know about that makes him a potentially loose canon? Things like that (and you cannot exclude romantic interest for the sake of it, because it's just as valid a device of this sort), make the characters; the PEOPLE more interesting to watch within the context of their jobs. And that makes the story about them (not the Stargate). The stargate is boring, it's a big giant hunk of alien alloy. It's the stuff that happens TO the people when thye go through it that makes things interesting. Which isn't just their jobs, it's every aspect of their multifaceted characters. We should never dwell heavily on any ONE aspect (ie-> Romance) or it becomes maudlin and cliche, but that's not to say we should NEVER have emotional baggage for our characters (romantic or otherwise). Done well... it's magic. Done well... it's part of the bigger story.
                          ^ ^ ^
                          what she said.




                            Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                            All I can say about that is THANK GOODNESS. I'm sorry, but after season eight, I'm GLAD there was no personal life.
                            What she said!

                            I agree with Astro that we've seen less Soldier!Sam than we used to, and I would really like to see her back again. I can have a good old whinge about the lack of Soldier we had in season 9.


                              Originally posted by scarimor
                              What she said!

                              I agree with Astro that we've seen less Soldier!Sam than we used to, and I would really like to see her back again. I can have a good old whinge about the lack of Soldier we had in season 9.
                              But we got Scientist!Sam And that's just as good, because Smart = Sexy


                                Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                                But we got Scientist!Sam And that's just as good, because Smart = Sexy
                                Yes. Yes it does

