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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    the 'baggage' bit reminds me of folks that buy a new car every year or a new set of clothes every week, then constantly complain that they're broke. well dude, if you use the perfectly good stuff that you have until it wears out instead of wasting money on a constant stream of good stuff, you'd have more money

    what were they hoping? that at, ms or cj would conveniently quit and give them extra cash flow to keep stunt casting??? or is thier 'baggage' remark mean to address the stunt casting issue? cause you can bet dang good and well that lou gossett jr got paid a lot more than your random unknown actor. and i very sincerely doubt that ben or claudia came cheap either.

    also, in the past few years, there's been no shortage of 'named' actors....hey guys, if y'all are having a budget crisis, don't begrudge the folks that have stuck with the show for years who are making a decent living, take a look at all the money you're wasting on the stunt casting cause someone insists upon banking on a name to draw in fans instead of counting on solid writing to do the same
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by astrogeologist
      Warning: Rant Ahead

      I can't believe that some of Stargate's PTB have said

      1. That they wanted to start a new series instead of continuing SG-1

      2. That SG-1 has 'baggage'
      that is, veteran actors
      apparently they feel stuck with them (and their paychecks?!?!)

      I also can't believe how WHINEY these PTB sound when they moan about these things.

      I think they are lucky that there was money and interest in continuing SG-1, and yet, these PTB act like SG-1 is a millstone around their necks... or a large dead weight that they are condemned to drag around. Poooooor PTB. Awwww...

      To call the original SG-1 actors 'baggage'!!! Again, they (PTB) are lucky that their original actors still want to be a part of the series - instead these PTB are acting like spoiled rich kids - the ones that have too many cool toys, so they can be disparaging and destructive to some of them - especially the older ones (toys, actors, characters).

      If they wanted to start a new series, if these PTB were bored with SG-1, then why didn't they just leave the Stargate franchise and go to work elsewhere? Then they would have new toys (actors, characters, stories, settings, genre, etc.) - and they could leave their 'baggage' behind. Why, oh, why, couldn't these PTB leave? Go somewhere else and make themselves happy doing something else? Why did they have to take their spoiled attitudes and impose them on everyone who loved SG-1?

      Someone somewhere was still willing to back the SG-1 series. Someone somewhere fronts the money and was willing to see SG-1 continue.

      It's mind-boggling that there are SG-1 PTB who were snotty enough to take that money and to go and create something else, a new series, but under the guise of the old name. It's fraud.

      As a loyal fan of the old SG-1, I find myself confused and feeling extremely cheated. SG-1 is still creating new episodes. As a loyal fan, I should be supporting the series. But they changed the series, tremendously, and it's not SG-1 anymore. It's not a show that I recommend that anyone watch. And that makes me feel disloyal.

      And then TPTB get a chance to speak in an interview and they say something about not liking, or understanding, or appreciating, criticism from the fans. Spoiled. Spoiled. Spoiled. They sound like despot royalty that would rant 'Off With Their Heads' with respect to subjects that don't appreciate what is being presented under the name of SG-1 these days. If you don't like the king, or the royal family, you certainly aren't supposed to say so! You'll be ostracized - or thrown in the dungeon - or something nastier. Perhaps branded a heretic.

      It's hard to let go of something that I enjoyed so much - and something that I admired so much. And that was the SG-1 of years gone by.

      I didn't want them to end the series after Season 8. I was looking forward to Season 9. I was looking forward to Carter commanding SG-1, and to episodes of Daniel, Teal'c, Carter and a newbie, as the new team stepping off into new adventures.

      It's taunting me every day that SG-1 is still creating new episodes, but that they have centered the show around 2 newbies (which were the lead actors in another scifi series), and that the original members of SG-1 are wearisome baggage.

      No wonder they said that 'they didn't know what to do with' the character of Sam Carter. They were tired of playing with that character. They were tired of the entire old SG-1 tapestry. They wanted a new playground, with entirely new toys.

      They cite $$ as a reason for not wanting the 'baggage', but the money was fronted for Season 9, and that budget would have included the necessary $$ for the actors from Season 8. They knew those #'s pretty well before Season 9 was given a go.

      No, I don't think $$ is the real reason - because if it was, they wouldn't have hired Ben Browder, Claudia Black or Beau Bridges. If $$ was the real krux, they would have hired unknown, cheaper actors. But they didn't, they hired relatively well-known actors - and that costs $$.

      The disgusting facts are that TPTB wanted new toys. And a new playground. And they weren't willing to go to a new venue, they weren't willing to find themselves new jobs somewhere else. No, they took the $$ for SG-1 and then went and used it to create their new toys under the guise of the name of SG-1.

      How can they have the gall to call actors 'baggage' in interviews?

      How can they have the guts to publicly complain about their fans complaints? Do they really think that the fans find it endearing? Do they think that we are going to feel so guilty that we will apologize for not allowing them their spoiled selfishness?

      ...ok... now *that* was a rant!

      and this is one of the main reasons (their very bad and arrogant attitudes) that I have no respect for most of them - epsecially cooper and now wright. PDL is just waaay too immature and his comment about CB early on (something about it doesn't matter what she says yadda, yadda . . . ) very small minded, illlogcal and arrogant with puerile ideas and attitudes.


        Originally posted by Skydiver
        the 'baggage' bit reminds me of folks that buy a new car every year or a new set of clothes every week, then constantly complain that they're broke. well dude, if you use the perfectly good stuff that you have until it wears out instead of wasting money on a constant stream of good stuff, you'd have more money
        Reminds me of the time my mother and sister's baggage went astray when they were travelling. I don't remember which country the airline sent it to but I can guarantee that neither of them would recommend travelling without baggage.

        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


          foot in mouth disease runs rampant in vancouver

          maybe too much baggage is why the writers have gotten rid of anyone but those in thier little inner circle. When you're all members of the same exclusive clique and friends tehn you don't have that pesky baggage of someone with an independant thought and the ability to say 'dude, that's a plot hole the size of texas. ya wanna take this home and rewrite it into something a bit better????'
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Osiris-Ra brought up this point on the Samanda thread: [QUOTE]

            It seems like to bring forth Cameron shining into glory, they have to downplay the talents of Carter. I could just be hopelessly biased, but I have tried to like Cameron (sort of) but I'm just not seeing what distinguishes him as a leader.

            This made me wonder how a great Sam episode like "Fifth Man," which we were talking about a while back would have been written today.

            let's imagine the episode with the current cast and current state of writing:

            Teal'c is left on the planet with Tyler.
            Sam, Daniel & Cam are locked up when they try to tell Landry they have to go back for him.
            Vala flounces in to visit them and make wisecracks.
            Cam says "I won't leave my bro' on that planet! We're breakin' outta here!"
            Sam says: "I don't know if that's a good idea."
            Daniel rolls his eyes.
            Sam and Daniel follow Cam for his own safety even though he has a lame plan. They are forced to knock out General Landry in the escape back to the planet. (Luckily he's ranting about bureaucrats and Marines at the time, so he's easily taken by surprise.)
            Vala shows up to poo poo the mission but sashays along with them, despite being told by Daniel it would be better if she stayed behind. "Shut up and butt out" I believe were his words.
            Tyler turns out to be a bad guy and Teal'c is severely whumped.
            Cam goes charging in & saves Teal'c (mostly b/c Sam and Daniel cover his 6). And Vala was helpfully able to detect the presence of a Gouauld due to her freaky former host powers. (too bad they don't have someone else on the team who can do that. )
            After they return and get Teal'c to the infirmary, Cam has father son scene with Landry where Landry forgives Mitchell for clocking him in their escape and congratulates him on a great rescue.


              Originally posted by Skydiver
              the 'baggage' bit reminds me of folks that buy a new car every year or a new set of clothes every week, then constantly complain that they're broke. well dude, if you use the perfectly good stuff that you have until it wears out instead of wasting money on a constant stream of good stuff, you'd have more money

              what were they hoping? that at, ms or cj would conveniently quit and give them extra cash flow to keep stunt casting??? or is thier 'baggage' remark mean to address the stunt casting issue? cause you can bet dang good and well that lou gossett jr got paid a lot more than your random unknown actor. and i very sincerely doubt that ben or claudia came cheap either.

              also, in the past few years, there's been no shortage of 'named' actors....hey guys, if y'all are having a budget crisis, don't begrudge the folks that have stuck with the show for years who are making a decent living, take a look at all the money you're wasting on the stunt casting cause someone insists upon banking on a name to draw in fans instead of counting on solid writing to do the same
              Boy, just got home and jumped on here and yours is the first post I read ... you have nailed something that's been bugging the hell out of me this past year too ... the snide remarks from various writers and producers alluding to the fact that paying their regulars really is a hardship ... yet going out and filling up the casting roster with brand names who, as you mention, had to be drawing a nice sum of cash to make an appearance.

              Such mismanagement of resources and talent.


                [QUOTE=jckfan55]Osiris-Ra brought up this point on the Samanda thread:

                It seems like to bring forth Cameron shining into glory, they have to downplay the talents of Carter. I could just be hopelessly biased, but I have tried to like Cameron (sort of) but I'm just not seeing what distinguishes him as a leader.

                This made me wonder how a great Sam episode like "Fifth Man," which we were talking about a while back would have been written today.

                let's imagine the episode with the current cast and current state of writing:

                Teal'c is left on the planet with Tyler.
                Sam, Daniel & Cam are locked up when they try to tell Landry they have to go back for him.
                Vala flounces in to visit them and make wisecracks.
                Cam says "I won't leave my bro' on that planet! We're breakin' outta here!"
                Sam says: "I don't know if that's a good idea."
                Daniel rolls his eyes.
                Sam and Daniel follow Cam for his own safety even though he has a lame plan. They are forced to knock out General Landry in the escape back to the planet. (Luckily he's ranting about bureaucrats and Marines at the time, so he's easily taken by surprise.)
                Vala shows up to poo poo the mission but sashays along with them, despite being told by Daniel it would be better if she stayed behind. "Shut up and butt out" I believe were his words.
                Tyler turns out to be a bad guy and Teal'c is severely whumped.
                Cam goes charging in & saves Teal'c (mostly b/c Sam and Daniel cover his 6). And Vala was helpfully able to detect the presence of a Gouauld due to her freaky former host powers. (too bad they don't have someone else on the team who can do that. )
                After they return and get Teal'c to the infirmary, Cam has father son scene with Landry where Landry forgives Mitchell for clocking him in their escape and congratulates him on a great rescue.
                Brilliant but you forgot the final line ...

                Landry "congratulates him on a great rescue" and then promotes him to full Colonel thus ending the whole debate about seniority and leadership.

                Yep, that's how Fifth Man would be written for sure.


                  Originally posted by Coley
                  Oh Astro. I've not read this interview. However it is totally unprofessional to call the old cast baggage. They are the reason I watched in the main I just loved the characters as well as the stories.

                  They are just plain rude and they are nobody I would want to know, they are nobody I would admire. I really don't care if they get a successful new show whilst pushing actors who have worked their butts off over the last 8 years to one side, they are just lacking in integrity.

                  It is my point of view that currently the only baggage on board SG1 are the people making these stupid decisions and the writers who seem to have run out of good ideas!!

                  "A little integrity is better than any career." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                    Originally posted by astrogeologist
                    Warning: Rant Ahead

                    I can't believe that some of Stargate's PTB have said

                    1. That they wanted to start a new series instead of continuing SG-1

                    2. That SG-1 has 'baggage'
                    that is, veteran actors
                    apparently they feel stuck with them (and their paychecks?!?!)

                    I also can't believe how WHINEY these PTB sound when they moan about these things.

                    I think they are lucky that there was money and interest in continuing SG-1, and yet, these PTB act like SG-1 is a millstone around their necks... or a large dead weight that they are condemned to drag around. Poooooor PTB. Awwww...

                    To call the original SG-1 actors 'baggage'!!! Again, they (PTB) are lucky that their original actors still want to be a part of the series - instead these PTB are acting like spoiled rich kids - the ones that have too many cool toys, so they can be disparaging and destructive to some of them - especially the older ones (toys, actors, characters).

                    If they wanted to start a new series, if these PTB were bored with SG-1, then why didn't they just leave the Stargate franchise and go to work elsewhere? Then they would have new toys (actors, characters, stories, settings, genre, etc.) - and they could leave their 'baggage' behind. Why, oh, why, couldn't these PTB leave? Go somewhere else and make themselves happy doing something else? Why did they have to take their spoiled attitudes and impose them on everyone who loved SG-1?

                    Someone somewhere was still willing to back the SG-1 series. Someone somewhere fronts the money and was willing to see SG-1 continue.

                    It's mind-boggling that there are SG-1 PTB who were snotty enough to take that money and to go and create something else, a new series, but under the guise of the old name. It's fraud.

                    As a loyal fan of the old SG-1, I find myself confused and feeling extremely cheated. SG-1 is still creating new episodes. As a loyal fan, I should be supporting the series. But they changed the series, tremendously, and it's not SG-1 anymore. It's not a show that I recommend that anyone watch. And that makes me feel disloyal.

                    And then TPTB get a chance to speak in an interview and they say something about not liking, or understanding, or appreciating, criticism from the fans. Spoiled. Spoiled. Spoiled. They sound like despot royalty that would rant 'Off With Their Heads' with respect to subjects that don't appreciate what is being presented under the name of SG-1 these days. If you don't like the king, or the royal family, you certainly aren't supposed to say so! You'll be ostracized - or thrown in the dungeon - or something nastier. Perhaps branded a heretic.

                    It's hard to let go of something that I enjoyed so much - and something that I admired so much. And that was the SG-1 of years gone by.

                    I didn't want them to end the series after Season 8. I was looking forward to Season 9. I was looking forward to Carter commanding SG-1, and to episodes of Daniel, Teal'c, Carter and a newbie, as the new team stepping off into new adventures.

                    It's taunting me every day that SG-1 is still creating new episodes, but that they have centered the show around 2 newbies (which were the lead actors in another scifi series), and that the original members of SG-1 are wearisome baggage.

                    No wonder they said that 'they didn't know what to do with' the character of Sam Carter. They were tired of playing with that character. They were tired of the entire old SG-1 tapestry. They wanted a new playground, with entirely new toys.

                    They cite $$ as a reason for not wanting the 'baggage', but the money was fronted for Season 9, and that budget would have included the necessary $$ for the actors from Season 8. They knew those #'s pretty well before Season 9 was given a go.

                    No, I don't think $$ is the real reason - because if it was, they wouldn't have hired Ben Browder, Claudia Black or Beau Bridges. If $$ was the real krux, they would have hired unknown, cheaper actors. But they didn't, they hired relatively well-known actors - and that costs $$.

                    The disgusting facts are that TPTB wanted new toys. And a new playground. And they weren't willing to go to a new venue, they weren't willing to find themselves new jobs somewhere else. No, they took the $$ for SG-1 and then went and used it to create their new toys under the guise of the name of SG-1.

                    How can they have the gall to call actors 'baggage' in interviews?

                    How can they have the guts to publicly complain about their fans complaints? Do they really think that the fans find it endearing? Do they think that we are going to feel so guilty that we will apologize for not allowing them their spoiled selfishness?

                    ...ok... now *that* was a rant!
                    And it deserves a medal!




                      For eight good years the cast was fine
                      The writers’ words flowed like wine

                      They had such talent to draw from
                      Actors bonded from day one

                      All for one and one for all
                      Four unique characters who could enthrall

                      The fans were loyal, didn’t miss a beat
                      SG1 was such a treat

                      But something happened to change the pace
                      New directions touted by a hidden face

                      Maybe more than one exec to insist
                      On finding problems where none did exist

                      Corporate egos got involved
                      Profits and bottom lines to be resolved

                      Sadly, a show so good could not last
                      Writers and producers outgrew the cast

                      They got tired of what was still a hit
                      Instead they searched for counterfeit

                      Out with the old, bring on the new
                      The show needs a more exciting crew

                      The same mindset applied to fans
                      Who were seen the same … as also-rans

                      Just get rid of those old bags
                      Remake the show, ignore the wags

                      Loyalty fell as power rose
                      How dare one question one who knows

                      What power failed to take to heart
                      Was that fans are very very smart

                      They know when they and their actors are dissed
                      And that makes them very pissed

                      A grumble here and a backlash there
                      Not bothering to watch is also fair

                      After all if baggage could talk
                      It would tell TPTB to take a walk

                      Suitcases are meant to take a beating
                      Meant to serve without competing

                      Baggage is there through thick and thin
                      It gives support with its leathery grin

                      All you have to do is smile back not frown
                      Baggage will never let you down
                      Last edited by ChopinGal; 20 July 2006, 07:22 PM.


                        Originally posted by ChopinGal


                        For eight good years the cast was fine
                        The writers’ words flowed like wine

                        They had such talent to draw from
                        Actors bonded from day one

                        All for one and one for all
                        Four unique characters who could enthrall

                        The fans were loyal, didn’t miss a beat
                        SG1 was such a treat

                        But something happened to change the pace
                        New directions touted by a hidden face

                        Maybe more than one exec to insist
                        On finding problems where none did exist

                        Corporate egos got involved
                        Profits and bottom lines to be resolved

                        Sadly, a show so good could not last
                        Writers and producers outgrew the cast

                        They got tired of what was still a hit
                        Instead they searched for counterfeit

                        Out with the old, bring on the new
                        The show needs a more exciting crew

                        The same mindset applied to fans
                        Who were seen the same … as also-rans

                        Just get rid of those old bags
                        Remake the show, ignore the wags

                        Loyalty fell as power rose
                        How dare one question one who knows

                        What power failed to take to heart
                        Was that fans are very very smart

                        They know when they and their actors are dissed
                        And that makes them very pissed

                        A grumble here and a backlash there
                        Not bothering to watch is also fair

                        After all if baggage could talk
                        It would tell TPTB to take a walk

                        Suitcases are meant to take a beating
                        Meant to serve without competing

                        Baggage is there through thick and thin
                        It gives support with its leathery grin

                        All you have to do is smile back not frown
                        Baggage will never let you down
                        Spectacular, Chopingal!

                        As always, your literary and poetic talent amaze me.

                        Your words resonate and ring so true.

                        I'm locked out the green jello fridge, but kudos - and thanks so much for posting this for us all


                          Originally posted by jckfan55
                          Osiris-Ra brought up this point on the Samanda thread:

                          It seems like to bring forth Cameron shining into glory, they have to downplay the talents of Carter. I could just be hopelessly biased, but I have tried to like Cameron (sort of) but I'm just not seeing what distinguishes him as a leader.

                          This made me wonder how a great Sam episode like "Fifth Man," which we were talking about a while back would have been written today.

                          let's imagine the episode with the current cast and current state of writing:

                          Teal'c is left on the planet with Tyler.
                          Sam, Daniel & Cam are locked up when they try to tell Landry they have to go back for him.
                          Vala flounces in to visit them and make wisecracks.
                          Cam says "I won't leave my bro' on that planet! We're breakin' outta here!"
                          Sam says: "I don't know if that's a good idea."
                          Daniel rolls his eyes.
                          Sam and Daniel follow Cam for his own safety even though he has a lame plan. They are forced to knock out General Landry in the escape back to the planet. (Luckily he's ranting about bureaucrats and Marines at the time, so he's easily taken by surprise.)
                          Vala shows up to poo poo the mission but sashays along with them, despite being told by Daniel it would be better if she stayed behind. "Shut up and butt out" I believe were his words.
                          Tyler turns out to be a bad guy and Teal'c is severely whumped.
                          Cam goes charging in & saves Teal'c (mostly b/c Sam and Daniel cover his 6). And Vala was helpfully able to detect the presence of a Gouauld due to her freaky former host powers. (too bad they don't have someone else on the team who can do that. )
                          After they return and get Teal'c to the infirmary, Cam has father son scene with Landry where Landry forgives Mitchell for clocking him in their escape and congratulates him on a great rescue.

                          i can't green you


                          this is how it's done now; diminish the once great into supporting cast for the new lead.




                            Originally posted by Skydiver
                            the 'baggage' bit reminds me of folks that buy a new car every year or a new set of clothes every week, then constantly complain that they're broke. well dude, if you use the perfectly good stuff that you have until it wears out instead of wasting money on a constant stream of good stuff, you'd have more money

                            what were they hoping? that at, ms or cj would conveniently quit and give them extra cash flow to keep stunt casting??? or is thier 'baggage' remark mean to address the stunt casting issue? cause you can bet dang good and well that lou gossett jr got paid a lot more than your random unknown actor. and i very sincerely doubt that ben or claudia came cheap either.

                            also, in the past few years, there's been no shortage of 'named' actors....hey guys, if y'all are having a budget crisis, don't begrudge the folks that have stuck with the show for years who are making a decent living, take a look at all the money you're wasting on the stunt casting cause someone insists upon banking on a name to draw in fans instead of counting on solid writing to do the same
                            Amazing, isn't it? Truly amazing how a little logic can change your perspective on things. I honestly don't know who they're trying to kid with the constant "baggage" and "salary increase" statements.

                            Are we supposed to believe that they, themselves, don't get paid a pretty penny right along with the actors who've been there since Day One - AND that they won't continue to get paid a hefty sum once the arduous baggage has moved on?


                              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                              Amazing, isn't it? Truly amazing how a little logic can change your perspective on things. I honestly don't know who they're trying to kid with the constant "baggage" and "salary increase" statements.

                              Are we supposed to believe that they, themselves, don't get paid a pretty penny right along with the actors who've been there since Day One - AND that they won't continue to get paid a hefty sum once the arduous baggage has moved on?
                              how DARE you bring logic into this

                              and yes, not to get too personal and we can't get too personal, but i sincerely doubt that along with the multiple job titles folks didn't get compensated appropriately.

                              ie i'm willing to bet that mister writer/exec producer/director isn't exactly sacrificing his salary and 'taking one for the gipper'

                              and cool and good for them.

                              but yeah, they're 'baggage' as well

                              they, the multi year vets, are no doubt getting paid a lot more than your run of the mill newbie using the show for OJT

                              IMHO, the constant remarks about money are either

                              ways to nit at scifi and annoy the bean counters there
                              laying the foundation for cancellation. I said months ago when the show gets canned the excuses will be lack of ratings, the crappy us dollar and the economy (ie money)
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                                Amazing, isn't it? Truly amazing how a little logic can change your perspective on things. I honestly don't know who they're trying to kid with the constant "baggage" and "salary increase" statements.

                                Are we supposed to believe that they, themselves, don't get paid a pretty penny right along with the actors who've been there since Day One - AND that they won't continue to get paid a hefty sum once the arduous baggage has moved on?
                                The 'baggage' consists of the folks who didn't want to continue SG-1, the ones who think that Carter, Teal'c and Daniel are now boring has-beens.

                                The 'baggage' consists of those who were tired of SG-1.

                                The 'baggage' consists of folks who should have moved on, but didn't because they decided that they could *change* SG-1 into what they wanted.

