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Ben Browder joins SG1 in 9th season !!!

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    Well, I'm not a fan of Farscape, so I've never really seen a lot of Ben Browder, but I can see him making a great addition to the SG-1 cast. I wouldn't want to see him as base commander, even if RDA doesn't come back onboard. I'd like to see him join SG-1, not as team commander, because I don't want to take that away from Carter, but as a regular member, whatever they make his specialty. I also want him to be from Earth too, and I really can't explain why to that one.


      Originally posted by ShadowMaat
      Whenever people start complaining about change, other people come in and condescend by informing the complainers that they need to learn to accept change. Admittedly, some people ARE intolerant of anything different, but there are more who are perfectly able to accept change... as long as it's for the better. Will the addition of BB improve the show, or is it just another desperate grab for ratings? Guess it remains to be seen. But please grant those who aren't happy with the news the benefit of a doubt. Not EVERYONE objects simply because "it's different!"
      I'm not saying people shouldn't be allowed a certain amount of trepidation, but when they start claiming the world is over and start bashing TPTB, that's when I get annoyed.

      Incidentally, why would Stargate need a "desperate grab for ratings?" Aren't the rating pretty good given that there is going to be a 9th season? If this were Enterprise I might agree with you.
      Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


        I can live with this, frell yes! Frelling awesome move! Bring him on! Great replacement for Jack on the team. Still want RDA as General. But the scenes with RDA/Jack and Browder going nose to nose will be great! Hope they keep him as snarky as Crichton.

        This is frelling wonderful....the series could continue forever now.
        Causality should not be taken lightly.


          Just got the news!

          FRELL YA!

          Season 9 IS GOING TO ROCK!
          A Quick Word from the Far Side of the Galaxy


            What's worrying me is that Jack may be replaced.

            Someone said that that can't happen, but...

            I'm not so convinced.
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by sueKay
              What's worrying me is that Jack may be replaced.
              Someone said that that can't happen, but...I'm not so convinced.
              Is Ben Browder old enough to realistically play an Air Force General? He's only forty-two.
              Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                Originally posted by Major Tyler
                I'm not saying people shouldn't be allowed a certain amount of trepidation, but when they start claiming the world is over and start bashing TPTB, that's when I get annoyed.

                Interesting, since I don't see either of this happening. I've seen people say they think it's a bad idea and give reasons for why. Which, you know, is a good thing. I've seen people criticize tptb. And, they're big boys, who deal with professional critics, so they can take it. I have not seen any bashing or anyone putting that much importance on this beyond what it will do to the show.
                I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                  Wow! Talk about jumping to conclusions! The big news today was that Ben Browder was being added to the cast of Stargate. Who said anything about replacing RDA? It was my understanding that no one has committed to the 9th season yet so if Ben is coming aboard, why does that mean that Ben is replacing RDA? Has anyone thought that Ben as a regular might be filling in for Carter (since Amanda is off to have a baby early next year)? SG-1 needs a 4th member - they're missing a military presence. As much as I love Daniel, he's a scientist. Ok, one who can fight, shoot a gun, and finds whumping in the bottom of a cereal box, but still a scientist. Carter is a great leader but she needs a military partner with her. Of course, here I am assuming Ben will be on the team - for all we know, he could be the new Gate dialer!

                  As for Ben, I thought he was great in Farscape. Yes, I'm one of those Scapers who cried foul when it got cancelled and wouldn't watch Stargate. And now, I wouldn't miss Stargate (or Atlantis) for anything! So maybe I'm biased. But I also loved Ben in CSI Miami, and am now waiting for his movie on DVD to be delivered to me, and I've enjoyed him in all his other roles that he's done. Give him a chance. So many of you are jumping to conclusions that he can only play Crichton or that his character will be Crichton-on-Stargate (although that does bring a smirk to my face thinking of Jack and Crichton exchanging barbs!). Ever think he might be able to play an entirely different character?

                  And now to end my rant, I guess we could all be discussing something else....anyone else aware that Ben was considered for the role of Pete but had prior commitments elsewhere? I guess that would have brought out the Sam/Jack shippers in droves, huh?

                  And on THAT note, is it January yet?
                  Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                    If it were up to me, BB would be a human member of SG-1 (but not in command) and Jacob Carter would be the new base commander (good for Earth-Tokra relations).


                      Heck, might as well throw my 2 cents in here.

                      I never watched Farscape. I've seen pictures of BB floating around, but I wouldn't know him if he knocked on my door right now. And I can't comment on his acting skills, I've never even heard him talk.

                      I wasn't excited about season 9 to begin with. Anything with less RDA is unexciting to me. Yes, season 8 has been a bit flat, imho. This news doesn't make me any more excited about a season 9.

                      I don't think BB is coming on to "replace" RDA. That's an impossible job, and TPTB would be fools to try it. But it does make me wonder if RDA is even coming back at all.

                      For me, no Jack equals no Stargate.
                      Furlings, they sound cute. Like Ewoks. --- SG-1


                      sig by Mala50. You rock.


                        "Go Big or Go Home!"

                        I'm glad the powers that be have chosen to go big.

                        - Jonas Quinn, proud founder of "kwicherbichen" about Ben Browder.


                          I thought I'd add my .02.
                          I've watched SG1 since it started, first by renting the VHS tapes, then in syndication then on Scifi. I've enjoyed the show enough but I'd classify myself as a casual viewer, it IMHO has had it's weak points mostly with plots being rehased that the show itself has already done. I have enjoyed SG:A a great deal though..

                          That said, I found Farscape in fall 2001 is reruns on SciFi having never watched it because to a casual viewer it looks very very weird. But once I got into it, I was hooked, as in most tv show I have ever seen and I was heartbroken when it was cancelled and worked some with

                          I am soo frelling jazzed about this although I'm deeply SHOCKED to say the least. I dunno what Ben will be playing but I figure
                          1. it will add something new to the show..I'd like to see Ben keep some of that smart aleck-ness but whatever TPTB desire..we shall see where it goes. I can tell you Scapers I've talked to are saying (for the ones who dont watch) WILL.

                          2. it helps keep Ben and his family going...getting paid is a good thing.

                          3. I get weekly know how long since I have had weekly BEN. OMG!

                          Hopefully it will turns out well...

                          I'm just in shock because this is just WEIRD.

                          Oh..the comments in here remind me of when Mulder wanst in the X Files and Doggett was intro'ed. I pledged not to watch because Fox Mulder was the X Files. Only later, I saw those eps in reruns....Doggett was a really good character, and a show which had become a little stale got a lot better. Fox came back, with Doggett plus Scully + Reyes. I'm pretty picky and it turned out well.


                            Originally posted by Salty
                            Wow! Talk about jumping to conclusions! The big news today was that Ben Browder was being added to the cast of Stargate. Who said anything about replacing RDA?
                            No one has said anything, which is why we're all speculating, which is what people do. There's lots of speculation about what will happen with season 9 in general, what will happen with the rest of season 8, how they'll deal with AT's pregnancy, how they'll deal with RDA's limited time, will the gou'ald be wiped out completely, will Daniel finally give up and get contacts (okay, just kidding on that, and if tptb are reading -don't you dare!)? This is no different. And, if some people are upset by the idea that maybe BB is replacing RDA, is that really so hard to understand? Since we know nothing, we can't rule out any possibility, and for those who think Stargate isn't Stargate without Jack, I expect them to be upset by the possibility.
                            I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                            Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                            Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                            Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                            Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                              Ewokmonster, if Ben knocks on your door - will you send him over to me???
                              Salty -- hadn't thought about Amanda and baby -- interesting idea. You are right -- this thread started 6 pages ago to announce a new member -- that's all. Until we know who has signed on - there's no reason to rush to judgement. The question should be -- assuming all other cast members stay on -- will a new member, namely Ben, be good for the show. And I think we have a divided audience here? But I get the feeling the "frell yes" folks are a majority. I think people will feel less threatened (?) when they know more about the character he will portray. Then we can discuss how the character might interact. It's going to be a wait and see what happens. But let's give them this much -- they got a reaction out of us didn't they???


                                I'm in the "Frell Yeah!" camp. I think BB's intro will lend itself well to Season 9. I was seriously doubting the quality of another season, but now I see hope. In no way do I want BB's character to replace Jack, but it's time for a new twist. I love Farscape and I love Stargate. I really enjoy BB's acting and can't wait to see what kind of character he plays. That being said, I do like the character Jack, and hope if RDA can't/won't be in the show much, at least TPTB write in a good role for him off screen.

