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Stargate SG-1 Cancelled

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    It was bound to happen… I spoke to someone about it when RDA left the show and told them that SG’s days were numbered. History has shown us time and time again that when they start replacing the original cast then the end of the show is not far off


      Originally posted by WTFOwned
      They would no longer be under contract if the show was canceled by SciFi.
      I hope thats the case as at the moment it looks like mgm can't do squat, sci-fi has them over a barrell


        Originally posted by jclark19
        I hope thats the case as at the moment it looks like mgm can't do squat, sci-fi has them over a barrell
        I don't believe SciFi has anything on the actors. Contracts are with studios not with broadcasters.


          I still say that if SciFi canceled the show then they also threw away the rights to it and MGM can do whatever they want with it.

          TNT or FX could easily show the new episodes on another day (I've always though Wednesday would make a good day for Stargate) and I'm sure they'd buy the rights if we petitioned to them.
          However, USA is owned by NBC, so technically they could move it over there without any trouble...
          Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.


            I think that Canadian *SPACE* Channel should pick it up.....after all it IS a Canadian production! Maybe then us Canadians won't be the last to see the show that's filmed in our own backyard.....


              Frankly, as others have suggested, I'm not terribly surprised by the decision to cancel the series. Personally, I believe that SG1 has led a downhill trend since season 9 (inability to provide a compelling substitute for RDA as a team leader, other actors leaving the show, introduction of the Ori, general lack of forward plot development, etc). To this point, both season 9 and 10 have represented a vacuum in the series, which has not been adequately filled to allow SG1 to continue any further. I also agree with JMike that when the audience begins seeing the original cast exit offstage, the end is very near. Lastly, developing Atlantis in conjunction with SG1 was an indication that there may be an end to SG1 as the series was nearing the end of its lifespan and Atlantis just beginning to become more fleshed out.

              Speaking of the Ori as a force to be reckoned with, they have simply not been a convincing adversary to SG1. This is especially true considering how much sheer power they have been endowed with and how impersonable they are when compared to the former Goa'uld (who at least provided colorful and memorable characters in past seasons). Albeit, it is difficult to supplant the Goa'uld considering they provided the backbone for the series as the main antagonists until their major decline, but the Ori was a lackluster choice altogether.

              Hopefully, this cancellation will encourage the team behind SG1 to look towards producing a full length film taking into account the drawbacks of this season and the last, and revise their approach towards a potential season 11.
              Last edited by Polygon; 24 August 2006, 05:50 PM.


                I think I've figured out what Scfi is trying to do.

                They set up MGM's contract so we're not supposed to take it to another U.S. Channel (but luckily it sounds like we can fight that).

                Then they cancelled it. I think they knew the fan reaction would be huge.

                Then they came out and said if they could take the show for LESS MONEY, they would.

                Do you see it guys? They are trying to stick us between and rock and a hard place! Either give up on the show because we can't take it anywhere else but Scifi, or sacrifice our budget to stay with them! They are making things miserable for our friends at Bridge Studios to SAVE MONEY!

                Blast SciFi To HELL!!!

                Play It Grand


                  From what I understand, it's sometimes possible that a studio will own the rights to a show for a set period of time which may still apply after the show is cancelled. I have no idea what kind of deal Sci-Fi has with MGM but it may very well be possible that Sci-Fi retains the rights to SG-1 and may not allow MGM to shop it elsewhere. Personally, I hope that it's not true. Although, it's also entirely possible that Sci-Fi may choose to go the way of Farscape and make an SG-1 mini-series after the show is over.

                  It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                    I, like so many of you, am saddened and upset at the cancellation of SG-1.

                    While I admire your want to save the show... IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! According to the Chicago Tribune, they'll keep SG-1 cancelled regardless of what the fans say due to the fact that the fan base is so small. (Personally, I think that's a load of crap, but hey... if that's what the Sci-Fi executives want to think then that's what they'll think.)


                      Originally posted by Horsie
                      I think I've figured out what Scfi is trying to do.

                      They set up MGM's contract so we're not supposed to take it to another U.S. Channel (but luckily it sounds like we can fight that).

                      Then they cancelled it. I think they knew the fan reaction would be huge.

                      Then they came out and said if they could take the show for LESS MONEY, they would.

                      Do you see it guys? They are trying to stick us between and rock and a hard place! Either give up on the show because we can't take it anywhere else but Scifi, or sacrifice our budget to stay with them! They are making things miserable for our friends at Bridge Studios to SAVE MONEY!

                      Blast SciFi To HELL!!!

                      Play It Grand

                      That kind of talk will get us no where. Even if it is true, fans of the show need to remain positive but firm. People please chill and think a bit. Stargate will go on TPTB even have said that. I am very passionate about campaigning for the show's return. However, those who threaten the network will only hurt our cause. Send your tissue boxes and letters, but please show the network that viewers of the show are as smart as the show is.


                        For those of you who want to involve themselves in a campaign to save the show please take a peep at Darren's blog for information regarding the official campaign. As he says, a more formal announcement will follow but at least people will know some details.

                        It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                          Originally posted by Stricken
                          Beleive it or not but the canceling of SG-1 may be realted to ECW, ECW want more air time about another hour or so I believe.
                          %^$#%%# no! excuse me, but WHO THE ^$*& PUT WRESTLING ON SCI-FI, whoever decided that is seriously #$&#*&#&#$&, if the want another hour, they can try spike or something........
                          Last edited by Ra's mom; 24 August 2006, 06:34 PM.
                          In Memory of Stalingrad

                          May She Never Be Forgotten.


                            Stern added that under terms of its contract, the network’s decision to cancel the series prohibits MGM from making any new episodes of the show to air on U.S. television.

                            I wish we could actually read this contract.

                            As others have stated maybe it's worded in a way that TPTB can just slap a Stargate Command label on it and air that?

                            When was that quote said by Stern? Was it after Scifi learned that many fans wanted the show on another network?

                            I only reason I watch Scifi is because of the Gates. I always hear from scifi fans that the fans aren't happy with the lineup on Scifi, mostly being those b horror movies. But they must be getting good ratings b/c Scifi keeps ordering more.

                            I really wish that we could get one more season out of SG-1 an eleventh season. I would be prepared for the show to end. Not so abruptly like it is now.


                              Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                              For those of you who want to involve themselves in a campaign to save the show please take a peep at Darren's blog for information regarding the official campaign. As he says, a more formal announcement will follow but at least people will know some details.
                              My link is a direct link to the site discussed in the blog....lets band behind this campaign. A united front is much better then not.


                                Originally posted by Sela
                                I know it's silly because it's "just a TV show" but I'm about two seconds away from tears.

                                Ok, one second...

                                I'm surprised it hit me this hard. It's been a definate possibility for a while now still hurts.
                                i know, we all know, it sucks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. but you have all these fellow gateworldians to lean on
                                In Memory of Stalingrad

                                May She Never Be Forgotten.

