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Stargate SG-1 Cancelled

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    Originally posted by TheNarims
    I do not think so. It will only be a very fast ending because there will be no time to make a good ending. That is also why we want SG-1 one to have another season or two, so that they can finish the great ori story the way it deserves.
    Well, maybe. If they have a fast ending then we know that the series will not continue, but if we get a cliff-hanger at the end of season 10, then we will know definitively that there will be a follow-up to finish up the story the way it deserves.

    Originally posted by Aquarian Paladin
    I personally think the show should have ended when the go'uald were finally stripped of power and the replicators destroyed in season 8. Starting over with a brand new nemesis in the 9th season was just overvealous. They would be better off saving the Ori plot for a new series. When did the producers expect it to end? Season 30?

    However, I don't like how they announced the cancellation in the middle of the season. That means the writers are going to have to rush an ending which I hear they weren't planning on; unlike previous seasons. I'd hate to see the show simply end without an ending or have a crappy rushed finale after so many years.

    Even if they manage to get the show aired on another channel they really need to wrap things up in season 11.
    Why? The milky way galaxy is huge, and there are many more galaxies out there! Saying that the show should of ended at season 8 is like saying Star Trek should have ended with TNG because, after the next generation- what else is there? There will always be bad guys out there, and we (as in SG-1) will always piss them off and cause them to become and enemy, and as long as the writers can think up of new and exciting story lines, the franchise should continue as it has always done. And having SG-1 start right back at square 1 with the Ori was awesome! They’ve defeated one baddie and yet it took 8 years but once they find Merlin’s weapon they will be able to neutralize them. The point is the journey that they take to get there. Season 9 introduced the Ori, Season 10 should solidify them and Season 11 should (if need be) wrap things up....but if the writers can see a season 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 and beyond, then let them tell their stories! I know that I would love to watch Stargate 30 years from now!

    Yes, them canceling the series in the middle of the season, before the 200th episode was tacky and heartless, cowardly, stupid, idiotic....I could go on, but the writers may not have to wrap things up in so few episodes. Like I stated above, MGM loves the franchise and they are willing to look at other avenues. They may go with the international co-production, they may go straight to DVD, they may continue with a series of mini-series, or made-for-TV movies, or even 10 blockbuster movies like Star Trek did. Either way, they have options to get out of a crappy rushed finale-, which I do not think they will do. They opened a whole new can of worms with the Ori and I have an instinctual gut feeling that they will do whatever it takes to wrap the show up properly.
    Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
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      Originally posted by WTFOwned
      No offense to the people who designed those, but they suck. Seriously, how are those going to attract random people? I can't even tell what half of them say!
      Regardless, I'm getting at least 2 (if that few, they will be digital prints) of the shirt, one for me and one for a friend. My shirt is true to my name, those are just, well, not enough.
      Which ones are you talking about, "McShirts and Stuff" or "Dial-Earth"?


        Originally posted by WTFOwned
        No offense to the people who designed those, but they suck. Seriously, how are those going to attract random people? I can't even tell what half of them say!
        Regardless, I'm getting at least 2 (if that few, they will be digital prints) of the shirt, one for me and one for a friend. My shirt is true to my name, those are just, well, not enough.
        I can read them just fine.


          Originally posted by Anjirika
          Why? The milky way galaxy is huge, and there are many more galaxies out there! Saying that the show should of ended at season 8 is like saying Star Trek should have ended with TNG because, after the next generation- what else is there? There will always be bad guys out there, and we (as in SG-1) will always piss them off and cause them to become and enemy, and as long as the writers can think up of new and exciting story lines, the franchise should continue as it has always done. And having SG-1 start right back at square 1 with the Ori was awesome! They’ve defeated one baddie and yet it took 8 years but once they find Merlin’s weapon they will be able to neutralize them. The point is the journey that they take to get there. Season 9 introduced the Ori, Season 10 should solidify them and Season 11 should (if need be) wrap things up....but if the writers can see a season 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 and beyond, then let them tell their stories! I know that I would love to watch Stargate 30 years from now!

          Yes, them canceling the series in the middle of the season, before the 200th episode was tacky and heartless, cowardly, stupid, idiotic....I could go on, but the writers may not have to wrap things up in so few episodes. Like I stated above, MGM loves the franchise and they are willing to look at other avenues. They may go with the international co-production, they may go straight to DVD, they may continue with a series of mini-series, or made-for-TV movies, or even 10 blockbuster movies like Star Trek did. Either way, they have options to get out of a crappy rushed finale-, which I do not think they will do. They opened a whole new can of worms with the Ori and I have an instinctual gut feeling that they will do whatever it takes to wrap the show up properly.
          Good post. I agree. There is plenty they can do if given the chance...
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          Isaac Asimov once said individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all.



            As it was planned to rename SG-1 into Stargate Command after the Goa'uld were destroyed, we think that the ninth and tenth season are part of a new series, that has most of the old cast in it, but still the producers wanted it as another spin-off but the SciFi channel would not let them rename it.

            We also think that Richard left the series because he wanted to spend time with his daughter and maybe had physical problems.
            Has anyone noticed in "Origin" when he was talking to Daniel that he could not walk properly?
            And a short time ago Richard told his fans at that his daughter noticed that he is not as happy as he used to be and advised him to go and film something again.
            It is just a dream but maybe he could come back for some episodes in season eleven (hopefully there is one) and help SG-1 stand on its own feet on another network again.


              Originally posted by TheUnknown
              Which ones are you talking about, "McShirts and Stuff" or "Dial-Earth"?
              IN my first sentence, I'm talking about both, they both aren't very good and lack looks (seriously, who's gonna listen to a shirt that just says "save sg-1"?)
              In my last sentence, I was referring to my T-shirts (click the link in my sig)

              Now is the time to start donating to a fund that can pay MGM the extra cash so that they can lower the price for SciFi and SciFi can keep showing SG-1!!!
              Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.


                Originally posted by WTFOwned
                Now is the time to start donating to a fund that can pay MGM the extra cash so that they can lower the price for SciFi and SciFi can keep showing SG-1!!!
                The show costs 1.9 million an episode, theres no way you're even going to raise THAT much unless a ton of people do it and are overtly generous.


                  Originally posted by siXbrownSnakes2
                  The show costs 1.9 million an episode, theres no way you're even going to raise THAT much unless a ton of people do it and are overtly generous.
                  If every single viewer payed, maybe $2 each, then it would be easily possible to lessen the cost for SciFi. And seeing as how this seems to be the only choice we have, I think we need to do it. SciFi isn' just going to change their mind about want SG-1 to be cheaper and MGM won't give in because it will kill them and they won't die over one show (though if they did, Stargate would be the best show to die over)

                  Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.


                    The easiest way to lessen the cost is to buy off iTunes, buy the DVDs, and watch in syndication.

                    MGM makes their money off those 3 things. And it would be easier for fans to do and they get something out of it


                      Originally posted by siXbrownSnakes2
                      The easiest way to lessen the cost is to buy off iTunes, buy the DVDs, and watch in syndication.

                      MGM makes their money off those 3 things. And it would be easier for fans to do and they get something out of it
                      The iTunes ones are provided by SciFi.
                      It's the DVDs we would need to buy.
                      But that's not enough, why do you think so many people have started these campaigns?

                      Tissue boxes, T-shirts and petitions, oh my!
                      Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.


                        Originally posted by TheNarims
                        As it was planned to rename SG-1 into Stargate Command after the Goa'uld were destroyed, we think that the ninth and tenth season are part of a new series, that has most of the old cast in it, but still the producers wanted it as another spin-off but the SciFi channel would not let them rename it.

                        We also think that Richard left the series because he wanted to spend time with his daughter and maybe had physical problems.
                        Has anyone noticed in "Origin" when he was talking to Daniel that he could not walk properly?
                        And a short time ago Richard told his fans at that his daughter noticed that he is not as happy as he used to be and advised him to go and film something again.
                        It is just a dream but maybe he could come back for some episodes in season eleven (hopefully there is one) and help SG-1 stand on its own feet on another network again.
                        RDA had broken his ankle quite badly and was apparently in a lot of discomfort at the time those S9 eps were filmed – he did look unwell. I believe he has had problems with his knees and back [mirroring Jack!] because he’s a very physical guy… but if you ever pop ino the RDA Thunk thread you will see that he is in damn fine shape…

                        DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                        WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                          Originally posted by WTFOwned
                          If every single viewer payed, maybe $2 each, then it would be easily possible to lessen the cost for SciFi. And seeing as how this seems to be the only choice we have, I think we need to do it. SciFi isn' just going to change their mind about want SG-1 to be cheaper and MGM won't give in because it will kill them and they won't die over one show (though if they did, Stargate would be the best show to die over)

                          Ok this is never going to happen. Scifi will not change its mind if we all send them money....they will just use it on their next crappy show. I think we should push for more practical things like a mini series.

                          Send letters and ask for a season 11 but know that we must take what we can get. Sending money will never work.


                            Originally posted by Anubistraveler
                            Ok this is never going to happen. Scifi will not change its mind if we all send them money....they will just use it on their next crappy show. I think we should push for more practical things like a mini series.

                            Send letters and ask for a season 11 but know that we must take what we can get. Sending money will never work.
                            We're not sending it to SciFi, we're sending it to MGM.
                            WE need them to lower the cost to SciFi so that SciFi will continue.
                            Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.


                              Originally posted by WTFOwned
                              We're not sending it to SciFi, we're sending it to MGM.
                              WE need them to lower the cost to SciFi so that SciFi will continue.

                              Still will not work. MGM can not produce the show without scifi's approval. and Scifi does not want the show. I hate being negative, cause I wish it would work, but to me its not practical. I think that Scifi and there format changes are the reason this show is being cancelled. Hence, we need to push for something like a mini series or a series of movies to continue the story.

                              Further we need to stand against the retooling of the atlantis cast, cause sg-1 atlantis would be stupid. Atlantis is its own show, and to mess with it is so wrong.

                              I hate to disagree, but after reading all the news reports and the situation, I feel that this is the best solution. MGM really screwed itself when they made the contract with scifi, and now we must convince the channel to do justice to the show by allowing mgm to keep continuing the show in some fashion. MGM wants to continue the show, its scifi that is causing this situtation. They wanted to force sg-1 out to green light other new shows, so the decision has been made. Money will not change any minds in this situation.


                                Originally posted by Anubistraveler
                                Still will not work. MGM can not produce the show without scifi's approval. and Scifi does not want the show. I hate being negative, cause I wish it would work, but to me its not practical. I think that Scifi and there format changes are the reason this show is being cancelled. Hence, we need to push for something like a mini series or a series of movies to continue the story.

                                Further we need to stand against the retooling of the atlantis cast, cause sg-1 atlantis would be stupid. Atlantis is its own show, and to mess with it is so wrong.

                                I hate to disagree, but after reading all the news reports and the situation, I feel that this is the best solution. MGM really screwed itself when they made the contract with scifi, and now we must convince the channel to do justice to the show by allowing mgm to keep continuing the show in some fashion. MGM wants to continue the show, its scifi that is causing this situtation. They wanted to force sg-1 out to green light other new shows, so the decision has been made. Money will not change any minds in this situation.
                                You're not listening, Sci Fi specifically stated that if MGM would lower the price, they would continue to show SG-1.
                                Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.

