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Stargate SG-1 Cancelled

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    This is absolutly CRAZY!!!... With all the additions of the "new" cast, this show has so much potential and so many new stories that it can tell. What are the idots at Sci-Fi thinking. BRING BACK THE SHOW!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!


      You are absolutely right. The story of the ori is so interesting and there are so many things that have to be told.
      For example:
      Have Jack or Sheppard the genes of the ori or the alterans?
      Who are the really bad guys the ori, the alterans or is there a third group, because Adria and Orlin said the same things only the other way around.


        Originally posted by Anubistraveler
        Do what you want but be respectful, otherwise we will all look like nutbags and no one will take us seriously.
        Agreed, people won't take you seriously if you curse up a storm...if you feel the need to curse...go *thinks* bite a blanket.

        Sig by RepliCartertje


          Originally posted by MB.Eddie
          And if the answer is yes, this could be one reason why SCI FI dont want another network to pick it up, as they then could claim to have the longest running SCI FI series...
          They can't claim that, neither can Showtime, both networks had the show for over 100 episodes, the only person who can claim that is MGM, since they've owned the show since the beginning. However, when (and if) Stargate hits 200 episodes on SciFi (meaning it stays on SciFi), then they can claim that. Or something.


            I have Started a Save Stargate SG-1 Group on both MySpace and Flickr anyone can join


            also there is one on MSN Groups
            Last edited by DN2004; 24 August 2006, 01:57 PM.


              we have joined your group at MySpace.


                Originally posted by WTFOwned
                Just wanted to add that if everyone who watches Stargate SG-1 donated even just a dollar to the cause, we could collect enough money to buy our own fricken' cable channel.
                Over at (which seems to be down for some updates), there was talk of donating money through paypal to pay for huge ads in some of the entertainment newspapers, like Variety. Anyone who is interested should check back later.

                Also, don't forget the tissue box campaign! Send empty tissue boxes to the same addys for Hammer and Stern!

                When all else fails, change channels.


                  I am willing to donate some cash for that!




                      That is a great idea. But wouldn't we need the consent of the producers or even from MGM to do some advertising?


                        I want to bring that thing up from the contract again:
                        Stern added that under terms of its contract, the network’s decision to cancel the series prohibits MGM from making any new episodes of the show to air on U.S. television.
                        Let's analyze this and change:
                        It's says that MGM is prohibited from making any new episodes for airing in the US.

                        Please note I bolded "MGM," which means MGM (and Sony, which acquired MGM last year) can't make any new SG-1 eps for us in the US, but someone else can (like Warner Bros, CBS Paramount, Universal, etc).

                        And yes I know I posted almost the same thing 3 times in this post.


                          Sci Fi has done it again... I mean... how stupid do you have to be. This is about as smart as if George Lucas Dropping the star wars trilogy right before finishing Episode III... just as i really start getting into SG1 again after being gone a few seasons. Got tired of the story and bad guys, but come back and am loving the Ori and all the new people and stories, and it gets dropped... makes my head hurt


                            Originally posted by o-0
                            they interact with each other sometimes though, so if atlantis dials earth and on their computer screens it says "Sorry, SG-1 has been cancelled", atlantis will be screwed
                            That would be only if they trashed the sets... something I doubt is going to happen, as those sets can be used for Atlantis too.


                              But who knows if there is no leak in the contract that makes it possible for MGM to produce more episodes.


                                They would no longer be under contract if the show was canceled by SciFi.
                                Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.

