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Stargate SG-1 Cancelled

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    First of all, this cross over thing is nuts! SG-1 doesn't belong in Atlantis! What would they be doing there? How would they deal with the Ori and other threats to Earth from the Pegasus galaxy as is their mandate and standing orders? Unless the Ori are doing to be defeated by the end of this season (and I really hope they aren't because that means it was just too easy, and there are so many more topics to explore in relation to their existance), SG-1 HAS to keep trying to fight them! Sure they can go to Atlantis to try and get more information, just like they did in 'The Pegasus Project', but they can only do that so many times, and how are we going to explain what they are doing without having their own hour devoted to their actions?! This is CRAZY!!!

    Second, the reason I got back on here was to suggest that people contact TNT and ask that they take up SG-1. They are a Time Warner Channel, and therefore not subject to Universal. A friend of mine told me today that TNT took up Babylon 5 for 3 years after it's run on...whatever channel it had been on...I'm not a B5 fan. It may be a long shot, but there is no harm in asking, is there?

    Here is their e-mail address:

    [email protected]

    Get To It!!!

    Play It Grand


      Originally posted by rook818
      I realize everyone is upset but keep in mind this one thing...

      It would have ended someday no matter how much you wish it wouldn't.
      Oh, I know. But I can't miss this opportunity to be dramatic.

      And I am slightly in shock, still...
      Last edited by Tiret; 22 August 2006, 09:09 PM.


        The strange thing is, Atlantis may not have a choice. For three years, Sci-Fi required that RDA be a part of SG-1 in order for the show to be renewed becasue they didn't feel it could survive without him. Then in S8 with the airing of Stargate Atlantis, Sci-Fi decided that the Stargate universe could survive without RDA as the lead because Atlantis managed to survive without him; and yet, in reality it really didn't. Atlantis survived because RDA was on SG-1 which preceeded Atlantis. Atlantis may have gotten a few more fans than SG-1, but how many fans do you really believe are SGA fans only? If people suddenly start to petition and boycott SGA in order to help SG-1; how long do you think SGA can survive without the SG-1 fans? SG-1 and SGA have had a symbiotic relationship for three years now. When SG-1 did well, SGA did well and when SG-1 did poorly so has SGA. If Atlantis was truly as strong as some fans believed, it shouldn't have mattered what happens to SG-1, but Atlantis has always been carried by RDA or SG-1 and Sci-Fi knows that and I can see them requiring that one or two of the original characters be moved over to SGA in order to hopefully keep some of the SG-1 fans who did not already watch Atlantis. People may not be happy with these decisions, but honestly with Atlantis' ratings as low as they have been this season, I'd think Atlantis fans would just be happy that the show wasn't cancelled as well.

        I'm not an Atlantis fan, but I have watched anytime Amanda or RDA have been on the show. Personally, I'd rather Amanda did not join the cast of Atlantis, because I'd rather have a root canal than watch anything on the Sci-Fi channel again, but seeing as she's already been contracted for an elevenths season of SG-1 and there was already speculations that she may be doing several cross-overs with Atlantis, we have no idea how the contracts were written so she or whomever joins the cast of SGA may have no control over the matter. I just hope fans don't take it out on the actors simply because they are disappointed with the changes. Personally I think you should just be happy the show has been renewed for another season and hopefully the ratings will improve and Atlantis can finally prove that they really didn't need RDA or SG-1 to keep it afloat.


        ETA: Edited because I realized I had quoted the wrong quote.
        Last edited by ForeverSg1; 22 August 2006, 09:08 PM.


          Originally posted by rook818
          It would have ended someday no matter how much you wish it wouldn't.
          Yes, but it would have been better to end it on the writers terms, so they could at least try to defeat the ori, and answer some many questions that atm look like they will never be answered...
          Science Fiction is an existential metaphor; it allows us to tell stories about the human condition.

          Isaac Asimov once said individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all.



            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
            ETA: IIRC Amanda Tapping said at the beginning of this year that her character's place is on Atlantis. I don't know if she meant indefinitely, or not...

            OK, whoops... I meant to say:

            IIRC, Amanda Tapping said at the beginning of this year that her character's place is on SG-1...

            I don't know if anyone's countered that, but I thought I'd edit it for those who religiously follow the thread. Sheesh, what a difference a word makes, eh?


              I know I'll catch crap for this but at least I am honest about it...

              Stargate SG-1's storyline quality has been on a steady decline for quite some time. I was at the first Creation Convention in Vancouver and one of the things Brad Wright touched on was that they were awaire they needed to get back to exploritory stoylines... it is at the heart of SG-1... um guess they didn't have time for this?! Instead they become too focused on one villian. In Season 1 - 25% of the episodes had anything to do with the Goa'uld. As it went on in seasons villians became 75% and alternative plotlines became 25%. Explorartion and history add a sense of wonderment and aw to the show. Think torment of the tantalus.


              If you want a good storyline go to the stargate' s past... This is always interesting! How did the Russian's originally know about the stargate... People are always intrigued by WWII stories. When it was discovered the US government gained control of it??? yeah right...
              From the Cartoon Network show
              "Aqua Teen Hunger Force"

              [Oglethorpe has built a copy of the Stargate]
              Emory: Isn't that the Starga—

              Oglethorpe: NO! It is the FARGATE! It is not some other kind of gate from a movie or TV show that I've never seen! Notice that it has a wheelchair and a pink mohawk? We're not getting sued!

              Emory: But it—

              Oglethorpe: No, it is a Fargate! From the makers of Thindependence Day!


                Originally posted by MB.Eddie
                Yes, but it would have been better to end it on the writers terms, so they could at least try to defeat the ori, and answer some many questions that atm look like they will never be answered...

                I agree. With Scifi pulling the plug, the writers may have no choice but to either leave things unresolved in hopes or renewal or a movie, or force the ending to defeat the Ori and tie up the loose ends. Either way, we are in a lose lose situaltion because the writers are still going to have to do it before they may have intended to, which means we are missing out on a whole lot of arc growth, character development, mind bending revelations, and all around fun!


                  Originally posted by Karterius
                  I know I'll catch crap for this but at least I am honest about it...

                  Stargate SG-1's storyline quality has been on a steady decline for quite some time. I was at the first Creation Convention in Vancouver and one of the things Brad Wright touched on was that they were awaire they needed to get back to exploritory stoylines... it is at the heart of SG-1... um guess they didn't have time for this?! Instead they become too focused on one villian. In Season 1 - 25% of the episodes had anything to do with the Goa'uld. As it went on in seasons villians became 75% and alternative plotlines became 25%. Explorartion and history add a sense of wonderment and aw to the show. Think torment of the tantalus.
                  Well you're right about the crap part, but that's all you're right about!

                  Everything up to the end of season 8 tied back to defeating the Goa'uld and/or the Replicators. You mentioned 'Torment of Tantalus'. Do you remember that one of the reasons that Daniel gave to go to the planet was the fact that it was not on the cartush at Abydos, and therefore the Gould didn't know about it? He wanted certain proof that the Gould didn't build the stargates, and he also thought that whatever intelligent life might have been there may have had the means and will to protect Earth!

                  Now think of 'Arthur's Mantle'. We just wanted to know how Merlin's device worked. We futzed with it, had a lot of fun, and THEN came down to finding somthing important to our fight against the Ori.

                  My point is that we ARE STILL EXPLORERS, but we explore for a reason! Besides, if we didn't have a reason to explore, what reason would the International Oversight Committee (idiots that they are) have for keeping the SGC in buisness? The series would have been shut down at the end of season 8!

                  Play It Grand


                    After taking some much needed time away from this thread I have had some time to really think about this whole situation. Here is what I have come up with:

                    I am pissed about the way in which SciFI is handling the situation, and I feel that Sg-1 must end respectfully...which means all story lines are ended. In saying this I believe we should all push for a return for the show on another network for one more season. However, I would like to see other options presented such as a mini series or a movie to end the story lines.

                    I feel the cross over idea is a horrible idea. Atlantis is its own show, and its wrong to mess with the characters that are on the show. Guest stars are one thing, but full time cast members is completely different and disrespectful.

                    Those who are glad to see the show end have a point that it should eventually come to an end, but RESPECT is essential for the fans to begin to accept this new reality.....something I have had to explain to individuals on this blog.

                    TV will suffer from this, and I will watch even less, a good thing....I will be watching a lot less of scifi, because I am currently boycotting the channel unless the Gates or BSG is on. ...I believe the Scifi channel is going in the wrong direction. For **** sake I saw an NBC preview on last night.....what the hell, oh and do not get me started on ECW.

                    Lastly, I will always have the memories of the show, and all of its greatness in all 10 seasons....yes some eps are better then others, but they all were apart of the show I love so much. I like most of the story arcs and I liked the new characters as well as the old. Stargate has been a big part of my life since I was 14 and it will continue to for a long time to come. I am so sad to see it go....hopefully it will find a way to continue on, but if not I am happy with the fight we as the fans have put up to keep our show on the air. All I ask for is RESPECT for the show's ending....whenever that ends up happening.

                    However, untill its officially over I will be putting up one hell of a fight.


                      AUGUST 21, 2006: A DAY WHICH WILL LIVE IN INFAMY. I am STUNNED. I was watching SNL (Saturday Night Live) on E' channel earlier this evening, when I noticed a news ribbon scrolling at the bottom of the screen, it said SCI-FI Channel canceled SG1 after ten seasons. I DON'T think it's a coincidence SG1 was canceled SO EARLY in the season. Think about it. They break up the 1-2-3 punch of SG1, SGA and BSG by DELAYING BSG season 3 until October; coincidence, or was SCI-FI Channels actions pre-meditated??? The million dollar question gang is what show is REPLACING SG1's Friday night slot??? To the posters who are requesting permission to use profanity; I highly recomend FRAK! We BSG-ers use it all the time. If SCI-FI Channel replaces SG1 with wrestling, I swear, I will kick the FRAKING TV screen out!!! I am really agitated. I just started watching SG1 about three months ago. What is now imperitive is the fans need to mobilize get the PETITION drive going asap to save the show. I know SG1 was meeting their demographics group of 18-34. What the FRAK was SCI-FI Channel thinking???
                      REMEMBER THIS IMPORTANT FACT. When NBC canceled Star Trek/TOS. fans petitions saved it.
                      Last edited by Maj.Tahn; 23 August 2006, 04:23 AM.


                        Originally posted by Maj.Tahn
                        is now imperitive is the fans need to get the PETITION drive going asap to save the show. I know SG1 was meeting their demographics of 18-34.
                        What the FRAK was SCI-FI Channel thinking???
                        There already is a petition! Please go sign it! Find it here:

                        Petition to Save SG-1

                        Play It Grand


                          I am so scared. I really want the show to go on SOMEHOW.
                          What will we do without Amanda, Michael, Chris and glimpse of RDA every week?
                          I think that season 10 is SO much better than season 9.
                          Why are they giving up after just a few weeks of low ratings?
                          Maybe we don’t know the whole story.
                          I think they need to give it more of a chance.
                          I am hoping that they will find another network to take the show.
                          It still has so many fans; it looks like there would be a lot of places for it to go.

                          But “IF” and that is a big” IF” it has to end I HOPE like everything that they do answer some questions.
                          I don’t want to beat a dead horse but how could they end without letting us see Jack and Sam get together once and for all. How could the lead us on all these years and then let up down like that. So if it has to end I hope they will find a way to tie up all the lose ends.

                          PLEASE everyone keep watching so we will have a better chance of seeing season 11 on another Network!

                          !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P*L*E*A*S*E! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          "We were a one could even begin to understand what we went through together… What we mean to each other.” Samantha Carter


                            Originally posted by Anubistraveler
                            After taking some much needed time away from this thread I have had some time to really think about this whole situation. Here is what I have come up with:

                            I am pissed about the way in which SciFI is handling the situation, and I feel that Sg-1 must end respectfully...which means all story lines are ended. In saying this I believe we should all push for a return for the show on another network for one more season. However, I would like to see other options presented such as a mini series or a movie to end the story lines.

                            I feel the cross over idea is a horrible idea. Atlantis is its own show, and its wrong to mess with the characters that are on the show. Guest stars are one thing, but full time cast members is completely different and disrespectful.

                            Those who are glad to see the show end have a point that it should eventually come to an end, but RESPECT is essential for the fans to begin to accept this new reality.....something I have had to explain to individuals on this blog.

                            TV will suffer from this, and I will watch even less, a good thing....I will be watching a lot less of scifi, because I am currently boycotting the channel unless the Gates or BSG is on. ...I believe the Scifi channel is going in the wrong direction. For **** sake I saw an NBC preview on last night.....what the hell, oh and do not get me started on ECW.

                            Lastly, I will always have the memories of the show, and all of its greatness in all 10 seasons....yes some eps are better then others, but they all were apart of the show I love so much. I like most of the story arcs and I liked the new characters as well as the old. Stargate has been a big part of my life since I was 14 and it will continue to for a long time to come. I am so sad to see it go....hopefully it will find a way to continue on, but if not I am happy with the fight we as the fans have put up to keep our show on the air. All I ask for is RESPECT for the show's ending....whenever that ends up happening.

                            However, untill its officially over I will be putting up one hell of a fight.

                            Couldn't agree with you more. I think it's very disrespectful to a wonderful show to have it ended so abruptly especially the way it was done with the 200th ep. They could have given the show more time to tie up loose ends and allow it to end gracefully, it deserves nothing less, it's earned that right over the last then wondeful years.

                            I also agree that moving SG1 characters over to Atlantis is very wrong from the viewpoint of an Atlantis fan. We love our show just as much as SG1 fans love their show. The characters are our own and we would love to see them develop over the coming years.

                            It's not fair to them or to the fans to have SG1 characters come over and spoil the wonderful team dynamic. I doubt those fans of SG1 that don't like Atlantis will enjoy it anymore just because their characters have arrived over there and as for Atlantis fans, well we will feel angry and betrayed that our characters have been shoved aside to make way for them and I feel that would be sad for the wonderful actors from SG1 who certainly aren't to blame but I'm sure they would feel the fan backlash from it.

                            Unfortunately this whole mess is going to cause bad feelings all around on both sides of the SG fandom.

                            Please allow SG1 to go gracefully and hopefully live on in another series or movies or straight to DVD but please don't mess with Atlantis.

                            I feel very sorry for the poor actors at the Convention this weekend, they are going to be left to deal with the flak that is coming from this announcement, so anyone going to the Chicago Con please be nice to the actors it isn't their fault.



                              Originally posted by Jules49
                              Couldn't agree with you more. I think it's very disrespectful to a wonderful show to have it ended so abruptly especially the way it was done with the 200th ep. They could have given the show more time to tie up loose ends and allow it to end gracefully, it deserves nothing less, it's earned that right over the last then wondeful years.

                              I also agree that moving SG1 characters over to Atlantis is very wrong from the viewpoint of an Atlantis fan. We love our show just as much as SG1 fans love their show. The characters are our own and we would love to see them develop over the coming years.

                              It's not fair to them or to the fans to have SG1 characters come over and spoil the wonderful team dynamic. I doubt those fans of SG1 that don't like Atlantis will enjoy it anymore just because their characters have arrived over there and as for Atlantis fans, well we will feel angry and betrayed that our characters have been shoved aside to make way for them and I feel that would be sad for the wonderful actors from SG1 who certainly aren't to blame but I'm sure they would feel the fan backlash from it.

                              Unfortunately this whole mess is going to cause bad feelings all around on both sides of the SG fandom.

                              Please allow SG1 to go gracefully and hopefully live on in another series or movies or straight to DVD but please don't mess with Atlantis.

                              I feel very sorry for the poor actors at the Convention this weekend, they are going to be left to deal with the flak that is coming from this announcement, so anyone going to the Chicago Con please be nice to the actors it isn't their fault.


                              I just hope that the show finds a way to end gracefully. Anything less will cause problems.....I too agree with what you said about the convention in chicago....I WISH I COULD COULD GO!....I am only an hour away.


                                Originally posted by Jules49
                                Unfortunately this whole mess is going to cause bad feelings all around on both sides of the SG fandom.
                                It's a complete PR disaster for Sci-Fi...
                                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"

