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Mess Hall / Commissary

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    Jensen took his seat and smiled. "Town life's been good. My sister in law is about 4 weeks out from delivering, and John's ecstatic. She's not been feeling well, though, so as a precaution I put her on bed rest."

    He sipped at his coffee. "How about you? I tell you, I've been back less than 24 hours and the melodrama is already overwhelming me. First off I get sassed by a cadet barely tall enough to see over Sgt. Mykonos's desk but with enough attitude to fill the Hangar Bay; then I find out Kate Howard's confined to quarters and practically having a nervous breakdown." He took another sip. "I think I've spent more time in her room in the last few hours making sure she stayed sane than in mine. If this is what you've been dealing with since I left, I don't envy you one bit."

    Last edited by ShelBel; 09 May 2006, 12:09 PM.


      ((OOC - I PMed Major Gambit and he replyed, he's still with us. I asked him to come to this thread tonight for us to plan the training exercise. Let's see what happens. Gambit, please if still in doubt read the convo last page between me, TheGreatLordGeorgerheaus and max_omega to know what's going on.))
      Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


        "Ah, you met Roma, then? Yes, bit of a handful. The General seems to have made it his personal mission to take her down a few pegs," she nodded, taking another sip of coffee. "Just pray your sister in law doesn't produce one like her."

        Hermione sighed and put down the coffee cup, before folding her arms behind her head, massaging gently to ease the tension in her neck.

        "You know, Jensen... before you left, I honestly thought Caitriona was getting herself back together," she said quietly, not wanting all and sundry to overhear the conversation. "She was working well, having a giggle, especially with you... I asked for her to be put on an SG team."

        Hermione frowned. "I thought that this Jim character would do her a little good, but it seems to have set her back an awful lot, and it's not just dangerous for her, but Ni- the General's stress levels are going through the roof. I need to separate them."

        She stroked the side of the cup with a finger. "I suggested that she move to the town for a little while, so that they can both have a little stress relief. There has to be something out there that she can do. But I think the shame of the 'punishment' would kill her. Hopefully not literally."
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          Jensen's eyes lit up. "Actually, Hermione, I *may* be able to help you out with that. I suggested something to Katie today, and I think you might like it. My sister-in-law and I were planning on having a little day camp type thing for some of the town children, but since she's on bed rest it was looking like we were going to have to cancel."

          He leaned forward and dropped his voice a bit. "What would you think of having Kate help me out with that? It would get her off base, we'd still have contact if needed, I'd be with her almost 24/7, and the kids... she'd be great, and I think she needs some silly laughter and innocent fun. It'll be mostly unstructured time, but we do have a few activites planned that will double as screening processes. She can direct the kids while I observe and take the necessary notes."

          He sat back a bit. "I brought it up to her this morning... oh crap, I don't suppose you know yet. She got herself zatted again last night, apparently she tried to make a break for it after the SG7 announcement... Anyway, I heard the commotion and stayed with her until she came to. That's when I told her about it. She hasn't given me a definite answer one way or another, but I didn't want to pressure her into it either."

          Taking another sip of coffee, Jensen gauged Hermione's reaction over the rim of the mug. "What do you think?"

          Last edited by ShelBel; 09 May 2006, 12:09 PM.


            "Zatted? SG7 announcement?" Hermione paused, her mind racing, trying to work things out. As the realisation hit her, she slumped slightly. "That announcement. Caitriona's not going, is she?" She looked up at Jensen. "She mentioned something in an email to me about splitting up with Jim, but I got the impression that it wasn't out of choice. She's not going to like being forced to sit back while he goes out there."

            She pushed her glasses up her nose. "Of course, she's not going to want to leave the base, either, while he's out there. She'll want to be there the moment he comes back." Hermione sighed again.

            "I think the idea is fantastic, Jensen. She'll love working with the children, it's something that's been missing from her life since she moved here. And I know what she's like around you. We'll have our chirpy 'Katie' back in no time." She shrugged. "But the problem is persuading her that she doesn't need to stay here."
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              "Hmmm. Well, it would only be for a week. From what I'm hearing about this SG7 mission, they will most likely be gone for longer than that. And I'll have one of the humvees for the supplies I need to take back with me; I can probably sign it out for the duration of the day camp so we have a quick way to get back to base in case of an emergency."

              He took a bite of one of the muffins and chewed, thinking. "Do you think that Blue might be amenable to sending text updates when the team checks in? That way Kate might feel more secure, knowing what's going on with the rest of her team. She might not be active at the moment, but she *is* still a part of SG7, and deserves to be treated as such. I've got the computer in my office in town already set up for emails and such, it shouldn't be a problem to receive them."

              (( OOC: How far away from the base is town? A couple miles? 10 miles? I was thinking it should be close enough to be easy to get to with a vehicle, yet be a considerable walk. And I'm assuming that Jensen has some sort of directional secured/encrypted wireless connection to the base. Just wondering... ))

              Last edited by ShelBel; 09 May 2006, 12:09 PM.


                "Looks like you know more than me," grunted Hermione. "You'd think that seeing as they are all my patients, I would be told what's going on. I might have been able to work on Caitriona and stop her getting zatted like that." She started to pick at her food, which until now had been left untouched. "To be honest, I have know idea what he will say to text updates, but it's worth a try. I don't think Jim is the only member of the team she's worried about."
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  After sitting for a few more minutes with Major Rhea and Captain Bystronski, John got up to leave, "Major, Captain I will see you both tomorrow for the training exercise." He picks up his tray and walks over to put it up. He walks back over and picks up his bag and gun, "I need to return theses things to the Armory." With that he heads for the door.

                  <To Armory>
                  Last edited by max_omega; 09 May 2006, 08:05 AM.
                  Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                  August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                    "Looks like you know more than me," grunted Hermione. "You'd think that seeing as they are all my patients, I would be told what's going on. I might have been able to work on Caitriona and stop her getting zatted like that." She started to pick at her food, which until now had been left untouched. "To be honest, I have know idea what he will say to text updates, but it's worth a try. I don't think Jim is the only member of the team she's worried about."
                    Jensen frowned. "Not the only member?" He wracked his brain, coming up mostly blank, until... "Oh. Larry. The other one she kissed." He sighed and ran his hands through his hair, wrapping them around the back of his neck. "Geez Hermione. She's such a mess. I just don't know what to do. I'm trying to help, but its like she's so turned around in her own head that she's lost. How can we convince her that she doesn't need to stay here while SG7 is off world? I mean, even if something happened and they came back early, if she's still confined to Quarters there's nothing she could do."

                    Last edited by ShelBel; 09 May 2006, 12:09 PM.


                      "Kissed? From what Julianna tells me, it was more like dry humping in the middle of the infirmary," replied Hermione, finishing a mouthful of food. "The way she's been behaving recently, I'm surprised she didn't try and jump you." Hermione finished her meal and leaned back in her chair.

                      "Even if she wasn't confined to quarters, hovering by the stargate wringing her hands isn't going to achieve anything except raise her blood pressure. If something happens out there and one of them has to come back, then she'll just get in the way. Let the professionals do their job, I say."

                      She folded her arms and furrowed her brow. "Have you spoken to her about any of this? Explained it to her? I'm sure it would be much better coming from you than me. She adores you, Jensen."
                      Yepp, it's blank down here.


                        Jensen sighed. "I hadn't, really, not in this depth. I had the brainstorm about getting her off base and hadn't had time to think about the rest." He took a bite of his muffin sandwich and chewed thoughtfully. "I did promise her I'd be back later today, though." He smiled a bit wearily at Hermione. "Doctor's privledge, you know." With a sigh, Jensen ran his hands through his hair and linked them behind his neck. "If you get in to see the general, could you mention this to him? You've got a little more pull with him than I have. As for Kate... well, maybe if I bring her some decent breakfast- especially her tea and the appropriate condiments- that might help warm her up to the idea."

                        Out of the corner of his eye, Jensen saw the female guard from Kate's quarters enter the commissary. "And there's my cue. Thanks for being my sounding board, Hermione. Between the two of us, we may just be able to pull this off." He got up and with a grin excuse himself. Crossing the room, he met the female airman at the line and spoke to her intently; after a moment, seh reluctantly handed over the tray she was carrying. Jensen went through the line again, picking various foodstuffs including a small carafe of hot water, a pile of sugar packets, and a tiny pitcher of milk. Finally satisfied with his choices, he sauntered out of the mess and headed to Kate's quarters.

                        << to quarters >>

                        Last edited by ShelBel; 09 May 2006, 12:09 PM.


                          Hermione smiled and shook her head as Jensen walked off to speak to the guard. What a charmer. She thought about his proposal and nodded to herself. It would be good for Caitriona to get off the base, and she knew how much the woman adored the charming young doctor, and as for working with children... it was the perfect solution. If they could just persuade the General and the problem child herself.
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Natasha finished her tea and started to stand up. 'Well, I could go see Dr. Ezekiel and that cool AI she is working with. Natasha! Stop thinking like a curious child, one day this will get you in trouble...'

                            "Sir, I'll be leaving too. I still need to explore this base a little further to know my ground and feel more confortable. Don't worry tough, I'll be paying attention from now on. Next time I'll be there on time. That's a promise" She said towards Rhea and then left the room, leaving her cup on the appropriate place before heading out.

                            <<To Science Lab. What can I say? She can't control her curiosity...>>
                            Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                              Nelson walks into the Commissary and grabs some jello, he sits down and starts eating like an animal.

                              Anyone who gives me green is sexy, wanna be sexy? Give me Green! Woopie!

                              CLICK THE PIC!


                                ((Everybody goes for the jello, its classic.))
                                Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                                August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.

