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Mess Hall / Commissary

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    Geore walked in dragging a heavy large sack "Swanson! Dinners here!" George said. Swanson came running out and took the Nix from him and into the kitchen. "Thanks sir, I should have this ready in a couple of hours for chow" George smiled. "No problem"



      (( OOC - A point of logic. If a Nix is enough to feed most of the base, how in the HECK are you carrying it? There's 200+ people here. That's a lot of meat. ))
      You're never too old to do something goofy.
      Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


        ((OOC: I vote he edit it to say he and several (Ok, maybe...Eight?) SF's came back all carrying large Nix along with him...That might be logical enough to hold up.
        What were the SF's doing there? Well...They felt like hunting. ))

        Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.


          **from blue's office**

          Larry walked into the mess hall and made a beeline for the serving line. Airman Lindbergh, as always, saw him enter, and had a large mug of the high octane coffee waiting for him. "Thanks Airman, how am I gonna repay you for this... you've been taking good care of me since I arrived." The airman smiled. "Just doing my job, sir, but if you ever come across any good beer, let me know." he said with a wink. That got a quick laugh from Larry. "Consider it done, but it'll be a challenge, if good beer means the same to you as it does to me."

          He went through the line, grabbing a couple of slices of bacon-like meat and what looked like a dragonfruit then took a seat. He ate quickly and quietly, then dropped his tray off at the dishwasher line. Before he left, he went back through and got his coffee topped off by Lindbergh and grabbed a plate to take to Dean in the armory, then headed there.

          **to armory**

          Thanks to ShelBel for the sigpics! SUPPORT GATEWORLD ROLEPLAY


            <<From Quarters>>

            Natasha arrived in the Mess Hall and started looking for Bullet. "Seems like he got lost somewhere or I took a pretty fast shower. I'll wait here for a while..." She sat down in a chair from which she could see the entrance door and is waiting for Bullet.
            Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


              << from the Infirmary >>

              Jensen strolled in to the mess and inhaled. Man, I must be mental; it actually smells GOOD in here! Chuckling to himself, he got in line and picked up a few items that he missed when he was off base: bacon, an english muffin with peanut butter, and a steaming cup of coffee.

              Finding an empty space, he sat down alone and began to munch, taking in the sights and sounds of the commissary. He wasn't quite ready to jump in to the social aspect of the base yet; it always seemed to take him a day or two to get reacclimated to the atmosphere and rhythm of the place. Things seemed kind of quiet, though, and he made a mental note to see which teams were off world and what the rest of the roster looked like. There'd been some incoming staff that he knew he hadn't met yet, and he felt he should at least make the effort of introductions while he was here.

              Finishing his snack, Jensen got up. He really should check in with General Blue- and Cal. He missed Cal's no-nonsense demeanor and quick humor. If nothing else, he could leave his reports with the sargeant for later perusal.

              << to General Blue's Office >>

              Last edited by ShelBel; 09 May 2006, 12:10 PM.


                <from gym>

                John (Bullet) walked around the base for about twenty minutes before finally find the route to the mess hall. "Should of asked Rach the best way to get here, oh well.' John thought
                He casually looked around before spotting the Captain, he walked up and said, "You beat here. Boy did i get lost, I ended up at the hanger bay before finally asking for directions." He looked over at the food line at said, "Shall we eat?" Waiting for a response before heading over to the line.
                Last edited by max_omega; 05 May 2006, 06:40 AM.
                Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                  Originally posted by max_omega
                  <from gym>

                  John (Bullet) walked around the base for about twenty minutes before finally find the route to the mess hall. "Should of asked Rach the best way to get here, oh well.' John thought
                  He casually looked around before spotting the Captain, he walked up and said, "You beat here. Boy did i get lost, I ended up at the hanger bay before finally asking for directions." He looked over at the food line at said, "Shall we eat?" Waiting for a response before heading over to the line.
                  "The Hangar Bay? That's what I call a detour..." Natasha says joking. "Well, I guess we both know this base equally as bad. I think I have a little advantage tough cause I had a map until this morning and I've got a great memory...And yeah, sure let's get something to eat, It has been long since breakfast. Just a suggestion, if there is Nix pick some, it's delicious." She says casually.
                  Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                    "Alright than, let's eat." He made his way over to the line and glanced at the food, picking up scattered items like mashed potatoes, a salad, and jello than look at this yellow things and said, "Ok is this the NIX?"
                    Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                    August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                      Originally posted by max_omega
                      "Alright than, let's eat." He made his way over to the line and glanced at the food, picking up scattered items like mashed potatoes, a salad, and jello than look at this yellow things and said, "Ok is this the NIX?"
                      Natasha followed John to the line. She got a glass of apple juice, rice and a big portion of the Nix. John asks her and she answers. "Yeah, taste it. It's really good. The Nix is a Gaian animal. People from the base go hunting it in the woods outside from time to time."
                      Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                        "Well if it hasn't killed anyone yet, I guess I can try it." He took a medium size portion and than got himself some coffee. "Plus we can hunt it, I am so going to do that some time."

                        He looked at Sgt. Swanson, "Who was the first to hunt it?"

                        "That would have been Major Rhea, sir."

                        "Well the food looks delicious." John said and walked over to an empty table and sat down. Waiting for the Captain to sit before beginning to eat.
                        Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                        August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                          Originally posted by max_omega
                          "Well if it hasn't killed anyone yet, I guess I can try it." He took a medium size portion and than got himself some coffee. "Plus we can hunt it, I am so going to do that some time."

                          He looked at Sgt. Swanson, "Who was the first to hunt it?"

                          "That would have been Major Rhea, sir."

                          "Well the food looks delicious." John said and walked over to an empty table and sat down. Waiting for the Captain to sit before beginning to eat.
                          Natasha ended her line, picking up a cup of tea for later. She then set down at the table on the seat in front of John. They both start eating ((If you allow me, max)). Natasha then asks. "So what about that nickname of yours? You are not a hitman (is this the word?), are you?"
                          Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                            "Well when I first joined the marines I was a fighter pilot, mainly flying with the Navy Angels for a couple years before getting reassigned to Marine Aircraft group 11 than 15. My main dream when I joined the marines was to be a sniper. Well a little other back story was my father was a Admiral in the Navy, and my younger twin decided to join the Navy, so I could pursue my dream of becoming a marine sniper."
                            John took a deep breath and ate some food, before continuing he took a bite of the nix and said, "This is pretty good."
                            Last edited by max_omega; 04 May 2006, 12:08 PM.
                            Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                            August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                              Originally posted by max_omega
                              "Well when I first joined the marines I was a fighter pilot, mainly flying with the Navy Angels for a couple years before getting reassigned to Marine Aircraft group 11 than 15. My main dream when I joined the marines was to be a sniper. Well a little other back story was my father was a Admiral in the Navy, and my younger twin decided to join the Navy, so I could pursue my dream of becoming a marine sniper."
                              John took a deep breath and ate some food, before continuing he took a bite of the nix and said, "This is pretty good."
                              Natasha eats a portion of the Nix with rice and drinks a sip of juice, when John stops speaking she says. "Yeah, the chef really knows how to cook Nix. He is a very talented chef. As for your story, it is interesting. Is there more to it? I hope you got to be a sniper as you wanted to. I guess I won't ask you for that shooting training outdoors I was thinking about. You'd totally win me out. Well, I'm a good shooter, I give myself that, but no match for a sniper." She said joking and then opened a little smile.
                              Last edited by Atlantean_Fan; 04 May 2006, 02:39 PM.
                              Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                                "Of course there is more I am just getting started." John siad taking a bite of food a drink of coffee before continuning,

                                “Well anyway I was about 20 when I began my training to be a sniper; my CO at the time was Lt. Commander TJ Gibbs. He was a seasoned officer and was brought back to train a new group of recruits. We trained for 9 months under all kinds of extreme conditions. Than in 1995 were we assigned on a secret mission, there were 6 of us in my team, I was in command of it.” John took a pause to eat some more.

                                “We launched out of a C-130 Hercules using parachutes to drop to our desired location in an undisclosed location, in the near east often referred to as the Middle East. We all landed fine, the real fun started when our position was compromised by a leak with in our intelligence agency. Luckily we were able to make it to the safe house where we would rest for 8 hours than head out under the cover of night fall. We arrived in a near by city masking our appearance before splitting up into three teams of two. We each had a target to hit, mostly know terrorist. The two other teams got there targets no problem, there was a slight problem with mine though, I couldn’t get a clear shot there were to many civilians around him.” John said, than pausing for it to all sink in, and let her respond.
                                Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                                August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.

