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    Originally posted by medusacascade View Post
    Aw thank you that's really nice of you! When I learn how to give green, you're the 1st in line, promise. I've never met so many nice people with so much in common in one place in my whole life *grin* I'm going to the GW party in Vancouver and also the farewell dinner there, everyone is so friendly. I'm spending most of my afternoons/evenings on here *what is this thing called 'life' that you speak of?*
    I don't know. What is a life? lol Mine revolves around my family and Stargate. LOL

    Originally posted by medusacascade View Post
    Of course you may ask! I'd been pootling around as a 'guest' for about 6 months and then came across the 'Jr Bourne/Martouf 'Thunk' thread' and thought 'woo, that's for me!' so I immediately registered and here I am. I'm in the middle of writing Martouf/other fanfic ATM (1st foray into fanfic) and am lving the great welcome I've had from all of the threads I've ventured onto. Made some nice friends already and am soooo looking forward to putting some names to faces at the CreationCon! Oh, I'm also disabled and have far too much time on my hands. Have been a Stagate fan since the heady days of the movie when I immediately bought the video (hey, gimme a break, it was the 90's) and watched it til it went all fuzzy from overuse, by which time DVD's had come down to a reasonable price and SG-1 was around to feed my addiction (I also overexplain and talk too much *hangs head and says 'sorry*
    Welcome to my life story, I live and breathe SG, along with Doctor Who and Torchwood. (plus old stuff like 'The Last Starfighter and Electric Dreams among others)
    The Last Starfighter! Love love love love! *falls over*

    Edit: Well, it won't let me send ya a private message. Was gonna explain this there. lol But there is that silver scale like thing at the top of the post where it also says the date and time of said post and the report post is next to it, and the number of the post. Anyhow, just click on there and it should come up with a thing that says approve, disapprove, and then a comment below that. *nod nod* Atleast I think so, I can't go back and look at it right now. I've given to much green in a 24 hour period and have to wait. lol


      *drools* martouf eh? O.o good taste. good taste. if i wanted a snake for a boyfriend id snap him up in a second

      and hey! dont worry you'll find people just like you here and i actually remember the stargate movie. i wasnt even in double digits birthday wize

      I'm not dead. Yet.


        Originally posted by susanne View Post
        *drools* martouf eh? O.o good taste. good taste. if i wanted a snake for a boyfriend id snap him up in a second

        and hey! dont worry you'll find people just like you here and i actually remember the stargate movie. i wasnt even in double digits birthday wize
        And I was in my late teens! I am officially old *boo hoo*
        Sigs by the very gifted Luciana
        STARCON - For further information, please go to: aurorisentertainment


          *gives medusacascade a non poisonous cookie* dont cry! i feel quite the child now

          I'm not dead. Yet.


            Originally posted by susanne View Post
            *gives medusacascade a non poisonous cookie* dont cry! i feel quite the child now
            It's OK. He's only a couple of years younger than me and I like younger men! I look young for my age, too Thank you for the cookie!!
            Sigs by the very gifted Luciana
            STARCON - For further information, please go to: aurorisentertainment


              Originally posted by medusacascade View Post
              It's OK. He's only a couple of years younger than me and I like younger men! I look young for my age, too Thank you for the cookie!!
              yeah well...*spots her sig* uh.....*wavers on the gutterline* yeah....he's what? O.o

              I'm not dead. Yet.


                Originally posted by susanne View Post
                yeah well...*spots her sig* uh.....*wavers on the gutterline* yeah....he's what? O.o
                *chuckles* yep, Luciana is very good at sigs isn't she? This one is her latest and we're all over on the Jr Bourne/Martouf 'THUNK' thread drooling away He is absolutely gorgeous isn't he?
                Sigs by the very gifted Luciana
                STARCON - For further information, please go to: aurorisentertainment


                  yeah.... *steps back from the gutter with an audible sigh* i dont mention this much but martouf is the only tokra i would gag and drag home with me and that distracting....

                  I'm not dead. Yet.


                    Originally posted by susanne View Post
                    yeah.... *steps back from the gutter with an audible sigh* i dont mention this much but martouf is the only tokra i would gag and drag home with me and that distracting....
                    Yep, we have a running joke that he'd be trying to walk away from me with my arms locked around his ankles and my teeth set firmly in his jeans hem just in case. It goes rugby tackle-hogtie-ravish *gaaaaahh*
                    Sigs by the very gifted Luciana
                    STARCON - For further information, please go to: aurorisentertainment


                      my god.... the poor fella. its a good thing he doesnt have a whump thread... at least what i know about O.o

                      I'm not dead. Yet.


                        Who says he doesn't like it?

                        Welcome all newbies. Have fun!

                        *runs off*


                          LUCI! you get back here and explain to me why you thought it was a good idea to railroad everyone who ever saw that sig! *chases luciana*

                          I'm not dead. Yet.


                            *sneaks in*

                            I didn't do it on purpose.
                            I just did a sig using a pic of an adorable and hot guy.

                            Couldn't know something like that would happen.


                              Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                              *sneaks in*

                              I didn't do it on purpose.
                              I just did a sig using a pic of an adorable and hot guy.

                              Couldn't know something like that would happen.
                              somehow i feel your trying to be innocent and failing miserably *sigh* every time i see that sig... *dislodges gutter thoughts*

                              I'm not dead. Yet.


                                Actually, the sig's a bit bigger.
                                medu resized it a bit. I guess.

                                I'd never try to be innocent.
                                That just won't work.

