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    who're you calling insane? im prefectly sane.i just have...little oddities. *innocent face*

    I'm not dead. Yet.


      Originally posted by susanne View Post
      who're you calling insane? im prefectly sane.i just have...little oddities. *innocent face*
      lol Right....


        Originally posted by Tsaalyo Phoenix View Post
        POISONED COOKIES!! O_O This place is evil!

        LOL don't eat the cookies trust me I ate one and I lived lol.. just kidding . Their not poisoned cookies but the cookies where good. anyway welcome to Gateworld forums.
        Todd: There is much about wraith that you do not know.


          Originally posted by SerenaSerenity View Post
          lol Right....
          really! im just as sane as MT ....wait... thats not right... O.o

          (lol just kidding tuttles )

          I'm not dead. Yet.


            *cries inconsolably*

            *sniff sniff*

            actually, come to think of it, you are probably just as sane as me

            *grins wickedly*


              Originally posted by Muh_tuttles View Post
              *cries inconsolably*

              *sniff sniff*

              actually, come to think of it, you are probably just as sane as me

              *grins wickedly*
              *scratches head* Don't know if I want to know how sane I am. Probably going to come up as -25% sane.


                I have no sanity. It was stolen by the flying purple monkeys that live under my bed. So I don't evern have to worry about such a burden as sanity. LOL


                  Originally posted by SerenaSerenity View Post
                  I have no sanity. It was stolen by the flying purple monkeys that live under my bed. So I don't evern have to worry about such a burden as sanity. LOL
                  I left my sanity in Atlantis. Now it'll take a three-week trip on the Daedalus to get it back.

                  The only problem is the Daedalus is grounded...


                    Originally posted by Alteran of Atlantis View Post
                    I left my sanity in Atlantis. Now it'll take a three-week trip on the Daedalus to get it back.

                    The only problem is the Daedalus is grounded...
                    Well, I guess your kinda in the same boat I am then. Though, if the Daedalus ever gets ungrounded, you have a chance of getting your sanity back. I will never get mine back. Ah well, I've always believed sanity was over rated anyhow. lol


                      Originally posted by SerenaSerenity View Post
                      Well, I guess your kinda in the same boat I am then. Though, if the Daedalus ever gets ungrounded, you have a chance of getting your sanity back. I will never get mine back. Ah well, I've always believed sanity was over rated anyhow. lol
                      And Earth doesn't have a ZPM. Guess I'm stuck here. But I want to go back to Atlantis!


                        Originally posted by Alteran of Atlantis View Post
                        And Earth doesn't have a ZPM. Guess I'm stuck here. But I want to go back to Atlantis!
                        Awww, well I would help if I could. But I have no way of getting ya back to Atlantis. I prefer to hang out here with my insanity anyhow, so I never thought of a way to get there cause I didn't wanna. lol


                          Originally posted by SerenaSerenity View Post
                          Awww, well I would help if I could. But I have no way of getting ya back to Atlantis. I prefer to hang out here with my insanity anyhow, so I never thought of a way to get there cause I didn't wanna. lol
                          I live in Atlantis, and I want to go back there. Oh, well, I'll go annoy SG-1..


                            Originally posted by Alteran of Atlantis View Post
                            I live in Atlantis, and I want to go back there. Oh, well, I'll go annoy SG-1..
                            LOL Sounds like a plan. Mind if I join ya?


                              Originally posted by SerenaSerenity View Post
                              LOL Sounds like a plan. Mind if I join ya?
                              Nope! Just follow me! *disappears down corridor*


                                Originally posted by Alteran of Atlantis View Post
                                Nope! Just follow me! *disappears down corridor*
                                Sweet! *follows*

