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GateWorld's Vision Statement .Suggestions welcome

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    Originally posted by marimba26 View Post
    So I'm one of those older members who doesn't play here much any more and it's probably about time I said why to the forum since I am the very demographic we're discussing with this new mission statement.

    I have always (even when I violently disagree) tried to be constructive and polite. Period. It was Shadowma'at that taught me that there is a person behind that post (even though I've never told her that). She unknowingly taught me that the day I met her in 2004 at the Gateworld dinner. There were people there who had NEVER MET HER and yet were horrible to her. In person. I didn't much care for what she had to say at the time and she and I still disagree on many things. But she is a person. Who has become a friend. And no matter what she (or anyone else here) says, there is no reason to EVER be mean and rude because there is a person behind that post and every post. So that day, at that dinner, I realized that there might be a potential friend there behind the post that I didn't agree with. So it is my responsibility to be careful what I say and rewrite until I say what I mean without attacking that person (or delete the entry if I can't). And I have since made many friends whose philosophies were dramatically different from my own but we all have one thing in common--we love the show (or at least used to/want to).

    That said, I haven't played here much in more than a year because I have gotten sick of all the sniping and camps. I have tired of people who say things to others that they would never say to them in person. One camp hates the other and vice versa. I won't bring up particular groups because that is not the point of this post but this kind of behavior is divisive and it is miserable for those of us who just come here to get away and have a little fun.

    I came into Atlantis from SG-1, so I'm an old-timer you might say. There were many I disagreed with in the SG-1 fandom but they played their way and I played mine. And we had fun. But when I shifted to the new show, all of a sudden, it was not okay to like people who had opposing viewpoints any more. The SGA fandom quickly formed violent camps that refused to acknowledge any viewpoint but their own and many were forced to pick sides or risk being ostracized by the very people they agree with. I am not here to pick sides. Never was. I just want to play and have fun. But it stopped being fun when I started getting attacked by people who didn't care for my taste. When I started getting called names by people who were FORMER threadmates in the old fandom and everything escalated to outright hatred, that's when I said enough.

    And when Gateworld tried to put a stop to it, those who were guiltiest cried 'censorship'. The First Amendment is not a shield for bad behavior. Period. It does not protect those who would slander, libel or defame, it only says that you may say what you wish. On your own nickel. Last I checked, this was Darren's nickel and he was kind enough to share it with the rest of us. He does NOT however have to put up with bad behavior. Just as you may write a letter to your newspaper and they may choose whether or not to print it. The Constitution protects your right to say what you please. It does not require others to listen or to reprint or otherwise forward your opinion.

    As owner of this forum, Darren (and the moderators) decide ultimately what kind of place this will be by the rules/policies they set. This used to be a great place to play. This was the place where shippers like me could come and express their love of something and not be persecuted for it. And I can speak to this because I tried two other major forums before landing here. And in the last year, Gateworld has sadly joined the ranks of those other forums by trying to give people the experience they claim they want. All the while being disparaged other places by those very people. And those of us who have tried to be considerate and remember that there are people behind those posts have chosen to go away quietly rather than suffer a free-for-all environment where only those who cry the loudest are taken seriously (even though they are often the biggest offenders).

    So I am behind this change. And those who wish to cry foul should remember that they also were once welcomed here with open arms.

    *applauds*....but then I knew that common sense would come from you my dear....

    The krux of the matter to me is not whether a person's opinions are right or wrong but the courtesy that should be awarded to ALL forum members.....manners cost nothing, in real life or on-line....if you can't put your point across without being civil, then don't bother imho...

    Deeds xx
    Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
    MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


      Personally I'd prefer this "A fun place that is a destination worldwide for Stargate fans that hold respectful, intelligent, fun and wide ranging conversations about the show". Just make it clear that polarising threads will disappear and a move towards more constructive, polite, respectful and open discussion is required and people who can't contribute in such a fashion really aren't welcome. Keep it simple and lose the biased wording or do you really only want positive people here all agreeing with each other? Yes, I do realise I just took it to the extreme but I feel that the wording of the "Vision Statement" is laying the foundations to possibly take the forum there in the future.
      That's a good point. Maybe the wording isn't quite as clear as 'we' would like (the royal we of course)

      Ultimately, it's up to Darren to alter and change things, however i do like the first part

      Originally posted by Jedi_Master_Bra'tac View Post
      Is the SGU lulz thread on the hit list?
      We have no 'hit list' for any area. We have discussed some 'maybe's' in various folders, but no decisions have been made.

      Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
      I've also heard about 'fighting' going on in some social groups.
      If there is, then we'll deal with it, eventually.

      Like i've said, this isn't something that'll happen over night. It'll be slow and work its way from one part to another.

      Probably the only thing that'll happen now is that there will be no creation of any polarized threads for SGU. If you don't like the casting thus far, please find some other aspect to discuss.

      Now, bear in mind, something along the line of 'i saw eragon last night and i jusst can't wrap my head around Durza being on SGU' isn't bashing or polarizing. It's an opinion. While 'you have GOT to be kidding me! wtf!!! durza???? wtf are the writers drinking???' is not fine

      Hostility breeds hostility and intolerance breeds intolerance.

      Those are, in my opinion anyway, the bigger issues.

      If others have suggestions about the wording or the like of the vision statement, please post them. I can't guarantee that every one will be used or put into place...but through discussion, you can get a better idea of an issue.
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        right now, i am happy with the forum. I have been with it since '03 and i recently got an account. Just one request, more mods, and the rest is fine

        Sig made by squirrely1
        *PM me if you clicked on that link*


          marimba26 has just made a most excellent point: behind every post is a poster, and behind every poster is a real live person.

          What a lot of people do on fora is to let their inhibitions (and manners) slide and just go hammer and tongs at people who don't agree with them. I wonder if we were all sitting around a table (ok, if we were all sitting around in a football stadium) talking to each other, if we would use quite the same tone?

          Now I've never been an especial proponant of "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" but I do believe that you should treat people how you like to be treated yourself. And outside of a few, rather special, individuals, most of us like to be treated with respect, have our views listened to and not to be shouted down (or at) every time we make an utterance that dosn't necessarily tally with what the herd thinks.

          What I would like, Father Christmas, is for everyone to have a little pause before they hit the "post reply" button. Just to think: do I really want to say that? Am I adding to the general sum of Stargatey discussion by posting that?

          Why don't we all suck it and see, and then come back and discuss how the forum is working?
          In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



            Is any one (new or old member) actually even going to read the "Vision Statement"? People can't even bother to read the forum rules and apply even the simplest of them.

            I get this is a general statement to back up moderator decisions and to censor thread creation, but I find it rather pointless, imho. The forum rules should have just been enforced in the first place with more than just a slap on the wrist.
            IMO always implied.


              i agree with both MC and Marimba

              post to people like you'd like to be posted to.

              All too often, what i'll see is a handful of people 'pwning the noobs' and getting their jollies snarking off at others. And this kind of behavior has nothing to do with being pro or anti. It's just a form of bulling. Someone making themselves feel better by cutting someone else down.

              I think stuff like that fits into the vision statement. if 'pwning the noobs' is why you're here, then it's just no fun. Because it creates an adversarial atmosphere.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Gavatarman View Post
                right now, i am happy with the forum. I have been with it since '03 and i recently got an account. Just one request, more mods, and the rest is fine
                This is a good point.

                I've been here since we transferred from Delphi. I signed up to comment on the UK showing of Lost City IIRC.

                Since then the forums has increased in size dramatically. Yet, the mod staff has not likewise increased. They've admitted they can't read everything themselves.

                So to me there would be three solutions:
                1) More mods
                2) find away to limit traffic to a more manageable volume.
                3) Encourage the poster to behave themselves with out modding.

                Obviously this Vision is an attempt at number 3, but one finds it a slightly idealised approach, perhaps one of the first two should also be employed.
                Banner By JME2


                  I haven't had time to read th rough this entire thread, but I just wanted to say HALLEUAH!! I have been so unhappy with Gateworld, more and more so, since I joined it in 2005. The negativity has made me vow never to come back time and time again. And I know many people who never come here or who never leave particular threads (like character threads) because they don't want to have to deal with the negativity elsewhere on the forum.

                  Thank you so much for addressing this issue! It's a huge undertaking and a lot of work, and I really commend you for doing so.


                    Originally posted by Gavatarman View Post
                    I have been with it since '03


                      I'm generally a long-winded (read: wordy) poster on most things I like or dislike. I don't venture into anti- threads because I don't really believe in being negative--I'd very much rather celebrate what I do like (I admit to snarking on bad days, though. )

                      But if you don't mind--the problem I see with this is the way GW is structured--is you're not dealing with a one-show world. You're dealing with a three-show world. A cross-over world, yes, built by the same PTB, yes, but in themselves separate shows. I'd analogize the situation to a forum called "Whedon-world" where you had the same rules governing "Buffy" "Angel" "Firefly" and "Dollhouse" discussion all the same time.

                      Here, as far as the TV show is concerned, SG-1 is finished--maybe one more movie? SGA is finishing, it hasn't had movies yet and may have the potential for a few. SGU hasn't even started yet. All three are in different points in time in their development.

                      And while I don't agree with blatant negativity--and do agree that a positive environment is certain a more fun place to play--I don't think it's that easy to curb negativity or criticism universally in this type of environment. I'm not dismissing the idea based on human nature, but more on the fact that the stuff causing the criticism has already happened on two shows, and hasn't yet happened on the upcoming show.

                      But...I do see what you're aiming for--and I think it can be accomplished with the new parts of the forum made for Universe. Right now, there is no reason to criticize Universe. It hasn't begun. Once the show hits air, then I think this 'Vision Statement' aptly applies. If you don't like parts of--or entire--episodes, fine--explain why logically. No Anti-threads for characters--that's the new rule for this new show. If you don't like a character, don't dwell on them, but visit the threads for the characters/pairs you do like. If you don't like those rules, too bad. This new part of GW is not for you. Same with show concepts. If the entire show disappoints you--don't watch. And be forewarned that slamming the show simply because you don't like what TPTB did on previous SGs WILL be modded for Universe. It's about what's to come and how that's handled, not what's been.

                      But as for SG-1 and SG:A--perhaps they should be treated differently. I'm not saying that they shouldn't be modded or encouraged to demonstrate this more positive/discussive attitude. But maybe considerations should be made that these shows have defined fan bases--some over 10 years old--where opinions and attitudes are already established. I'm not saying one-liner slams of characters, ships, whatever are justified. But maybe pro and anti threads are.

                      Bearing that in mind--is it reasonable to consider changing the layout of the forums to more directly spotlight Universe as the top level threads on the forums, where SG-1, SGA, etc are now--with these new rules in place. That includes Universe general discussion, characters and relationships, and Episode threads. Also include General SG stuff like ships, weapons, etc, as there is now, since that stuff is still 'live' discussion due to SG:U being in existence. Old and new users, be forewarned--the modding in here IS STRONGER because this is a new show, new world.

                      Then, have a secondary forum for 'dead SG television series'--SG-1 (subforums) & SGA (subforums). Include all their related threads into their respective categories--character and relationships for SGA go into an SGA C&R thread; movies, same thing, etc, campaigns--everything for their shows. We no longer share a 'character and relationship' general forum. These threads would also be watched under the aim of the new rules, trying to cut down on the negativity, but established anti- and pro- threads remain.

                      Let the news, fandom, merchandise, etc remain universal because it is generally universal. New merchandise is always coming out, news about SG actors is generally current. All three serve crossover purposes. So do games, fanfiction, etc.

                      Only show crossover threads may have a problem here (without a general C&R thread).

                      In general, as those shows diminish in time, you'll see more and more of the negativity fade for them because they're essentially 'going away'. I've never met members who started certain threads I enjoy visiting. They've left. And I think that will keep happening for the cancelled shows, even with the movies.

                      But Universe is new--a new aim for TPTB, a new experience for SG fans, old and new alike. It's perfectly reasonable to expect that for a new concept with new ideas, it should be handled differently here, too. TPTB want to make a drastic change on how they do things with Universe, and it's understandable that GW wants to reflect on that.
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                        Originally posted by Jedi_Master_Bra'tac View Post
                        What's the point of having a discussion if everyone agrees with you?
                        Because it is noce to go in to a place and say "hey did you see ______ was it just me or ______" and know that someone else is going to agree and even expand on the topic. Plus it is a place where you "know" the people you are posting with and if you have an OT thing to add they are going to listen and care.

                        Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                        it nice to know you are not alone and in each of those threads you can have a discussion with out pleading your case every time yes general discussions are good too why can't we have them all I don't agree with the logic of this direction and the motives behind it.

                        I have had respectful debates with people that share different views and that is fun I have no problem doing that but then again those same people I had a respectful discussion with have then turned around and started to make personal attacks those people one of whom I once called friend is now on my ignore list. That solved the problem for me.

                        There are people though who walk a fine line that will say one thing to you and then turn around and in a PM or a public post on someone's page say something against you and no matter what, sadly, that will countinue.

                        In general I like the idea of making the forum a nicer place but then again most of the threads that I post in are very friendly and I have no issues with.


                          Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                          But...I do see what you're aiming for--and I think it can be accomplished with the new parts of the forum made for Universe.


                          But as for SG-1 and SG:A--perhaps they should be treated differently. I'm not saying that they shouldn't be modded or encouraged to demonstrate this more positive/discussive attitude. But maybe considerations should be made that these shows have defined fan bases--some over 10 years old--where opinions and attitudes are already established. I'm not saying one-liner slams of characters, ships, whatever are justified. But maybe pro and anti threads are.
                          well that's a good point (sorry I had to cut so much out but people can go back and reference it). Perhaps we should indeed look at both differently. I believe are doing this to a certain degree - we will be modding SGU more rigorously from the word go. But perhaps we should take it to the point of two seperate discussions.

                          I've been here since we transferred from Delphi. I signed up to comment on the UK showing of Lost City IIRC.

                          Since then the forums has increased in size dramatically. Yet, the mod staff has not likewise increased.
                          Wasn't Lost City at the end of Season 7? In which case we've added at least four mods since then.


                            Originally posted by Jedi_Master_Bra'tac View Post
                            What's the point of having a discussion if everyone agrees with you?
                            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                            Because it is noce to go in to a place and say "hey did you see ______ was it just me or ______" and know that someone else is going to agree and even expand on the topic. Plus it is a place where you "know" the people you are posting with and if you have an OT thing to add they are going to listen and care.
                            Not everyone else in the thread is going to agree that everything about Stargate is craptacular/OMG SQUEEE!!!!. One POV is not neccesarily anothers, for example, Rod might say "Blimey did you see what Keller did with that scalpel, she nearly cut Sheppard's finger off, I can't stand her why don't they ship her back to Earth she's incompetent. Jane might say "Pity she didn't try and cut his head off, Sheppard's a pratt, where on Earth did she go to medical school, Disneyland?" Freddie might say "I like Keller, but if she did that in real life she'd be struck off, do they have medical advisors on the show?". The core of the discussion is in agreement, Keller's lack of medical skills (in their opinions) but they all have other opinions which the others don't agree with.


                              Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                              Because it is noce to go in to a place and say "hey did you see ______ was it just me or ______" and know that someone else is going to agree and even expand on the topic. Plus it is a place where you "know" the people you are posting with and if you have an OT thing to add they are going to listen and care.
                              why can't you have that with everyone? If all people post respectfully, then you'll find support even from fans who don't agree with you. I know that I've got very excited for my shipper friends in the past because I've seen stuff in an episode that I know they'll like.

                              There are people though who walk a fine line that will say one thing to you and then turn around and in a PM or a public post on someone's page say something against you and no matter what, sadly, that will countinue.
                              well that happens and we're never going to be able to mod according to what has happened off forum. We can only ever account for things as they are here.

                              In general I like the idea of making the forum a nicer place but then again most of the threads that I post in are very friendly and I have no issues with.
                              so do I


                                Originally posted by GateGipsy View Post

                                Wasn't Lost City at the end of Season 7? In which case we've added at least four mods since then.
                                Really? Well I stand corrected on that point. Yet still; if you can't read all the posts between you.. is it enough?
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