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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
    Uh, no. SciFi should challenge as many of our beliefs as possible. It's up to you whether you want to change your mind as a result of that or not; same with every single thing that is out there that is not under your control. They all challenge your beliefs; I'm doing so right now; such is the nature of reality. I want them to make Jesus an Ancient, just for the lolz
    Honestly, dude, I don't want to go into reasons, but if they made that a major plot point, I would seriously consider stopping watching SGU. And you know how much I love watching Stargate and SGU!!!!!!

    OH and dude, seriously, when you see me so adamant or frustrated about something, joking lines like the last one are the only things that make me mad. Like honestly, I was never mad this whole time up till the last line(no offense.. sorry). I mean Jesus, blameless, came down to die for my sins so I can spend an eternity with him rather than in hell, and that I can have a friend and savior in my life ready to help me and be with me 24/7. And he didn't even have to die for my sins, after all we were the ones who messed up in the first place!!!!!!!! And now you guys are joking around about it for the lolz!!!!!!!! Like it's not funny dude. I mean test my faith all you want but when you start hoping that Christianity is pretty much called fake, just I don't think that's right man. I mean Jesus has done so much for me and has done so much in my life and for my life, it's just not something to mess about and joke about. Sorry, you guys are still my Stargate friends and bros, but seriously, please don't say something like that again when you see me like this.

    Thanks man.

    Sorry it had to end this way and sorry I had to overreact.


      Hwy guys sorry. God just revealed to me like a few minutes how selfish and how self-pityish that post was. I mean, I have offended people as well, it's not like Im perfect, and I kinda treated it like what you said was a horrible sin. Sorry again for overreactingit was wrong and rude of me to act so vicious back there.(even though I still do think it was not a good descision to joke about the lolz thing).

      Thanks so much guys( and sorry again).
      Major D. Davis


        Originally posted by PG15 View Post

        Joe also posted a myriad of pictures relating to the offices of Homeworld Security. Check it out via that link!

        Boy, the New Zealanders are gonna be pissed.
        Well there's no such thing, but for the sake of argument... why would they be pissed?
        || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


          Originally posted by major davis View Post
          Sci fi should not challenge our religious beliefs, it should expand our ideas amd spur our imagination, but not try to change our mind on what we believe in.
          The people who write science fiction can challenge anything they want, there being that pesky thing of freedom of speech and all. Whether or not it changes your mind is completely up to you. Whether or not you even listen to it is completely up to, but you shouldn't attempt to deny a person the right to freedom of speech.

          What makes your right to have that belief anymore right or appropriate than someone else not having it?

          And TPTB should know enough to know that Christians believe the Judeo-Christian is the one and only omni-powerful God.
          But that is not the case for everyone. Again, why is that belief more important to respect than any other?

          Originally posted by major davis View Post
          Like saying Jesus is an ancient on the show is stating a fact, not challenging our beliefs. Saying, in the show of course, that we discovered an ancient writing that has Jesus mentioned in it in some way that relates him with hanging out with ancients while he was on earth. That only suggest something, not states it as fact. I hope that helps you understand where I'm coming from.
          It's fiction first and foremost. Don't forget that.

          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
 I want them to make Jesus an Ancient, just for the lolz
          You rock my world, you know that?


            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
            That is a lie. See Critical Mass.
            Heheheh, good point.

            Hmm, Ancient!Jesus would actually be a very interesting twist, if only so I can watch the resulting fallout (It'll never happen, of course.)

            The funny thing is that I'm sure that people would get up in arms about that, even though something so blatant as 'Stargate Jesus is an Ancient' is obviously just fictional and shouldn't really affect anyone's opinion. But many of those same people are not so likely to be bothered by the assumption of an evolutionary history in Stargate, and many believe the same or similar is true in real life, even though it makes Jesus completely irrelevant. (An evolutionary history means death has always existed and is normal, humans are nothing special, there was no literal Adam and Eve, no literal original sin, and therefore no need for a literal Jesus.)
            To paraphrase, saying that humans evolved destroys Jesus just as much as saying he was an Ancient, but a lot of people don't realise it. (Many prominent Atheists are well aware of it ) My point being that Stargate is already unwittingly anti-Jesus, so no one really has any right to complain if tptb decided to interpret Stargate Jesus as an Ancient.

            Actually, that would kinda be an improvement. Currently in the world of Stargate, Jesus is just an irrelevant guy who said he was sent by a God who didn't create us to save us from sin which doesn't exist in that world. Making him an Ancient in Stargate at least gives him some purpose, if only to heal a bunch of people, teach them to be good and perhaps cast out the occasional goa'uld. It doesn't explain why Stargate Jesus let himself be killed though. Perhaps his personal shield ran out of juice.

            Well, that's enough playing Devil's Advocate for one post.
            "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
            Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
            Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
            Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
            Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


              Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
              The people who write science fiction can challenge anything they want, there being that pesky thing of freedom of speech and all. Whether or not it changes your mind is completely up to you. Whether or not you even listen to it is completely up to, but you shouldn't attempt to deny a person the right to freedom of speech.
              I would say Freedom of speech and religion are two paths that don't go well together...

              If you want to stir up some controversy I guess that's a good way to do it though.

              but It's something that probably should be stayed away from on T.V.


                Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
                I would say Freedom of speech and religion are two paths that don't go well together...

                If you want to stir up some controversy I guess that's a good way to do it though.
                That's a mentality that I can't get behind. I'm sorry, but I generally disagree with having some things be off limits in a discussion or having some things merit more "respect" than others. So long as people remain respectful and discuss the topic rather than the merits of the individuals who believe it, then I don't see why people can't just accept the fact that people are bound to have different perspectives and opinions.
                but It's something that probably should be stayed away from on T.V.
                Why? Why do we have to tread so lightly and on tip toes around the topic?


                  Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
                  I would say Freedom of speech and religion are two paths that don't go well together...
                  I would say that statement is scarily wrong.

                  Sadly it has become a common idea that atheism/agnosticism and the assertion that the only things we can or should know and discuss are those that can be explored with science, are neutral positions and are the only ones that should be encouraged.
                  Last edited by Eternal Density; 23 July 2009, 06:47 PM. Reason: once sentence was not enough
                  "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
                  Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
                  Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
                  Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
                  Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                    Originally posted by major davis View Post
                    Sorry it had to end this way and sorry I had to overreact.
                    End? No, the debate doesn't end here. Fundamental disgreements is just another option, one that we must all face. The grey rain-curtain of this forum rolls back, and all turns to silver glass; and then you see it: white shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.

                    Anyways, I was all ready to antagonise you further because, if there's one thing I can't stand, it's people who take themselves so very seriously (and that refers to people of any belief); these people deserve to be mocked IMHO, and mock them I do and oh-so-enjoy. However, your apology says a lot about your character, and I respect that; so I'll just say this: even though it looks like I made fun of Jesus, it doesn't mean I don't respect your faith; this is how I show respect, with jokes and harmless jabs. If I didn't respect something, then the jabs wouldn't be harmless, trust me.

                    I recognize that people of Christian faith take their religion seriously, but for me, personal belief is that which is core, and that no matter what other people say, you still believe it, and there is no loss of faith, ever. If other people denounce it, or make fun of it, the response is not to tell them to stop or shut up, as that is an intention to silence the voice of another, and that is bad. Instead, just tell them that you disagree; or, if you have time to kill and the will to do it, start a debate with them like I usually do.

                    This is what I believe.

                    By the way, I wasn't hoping that Christianity is called fake; I'm just saying that the writers are free to do as they please with theri own show and if they want Jesus to be an Ancient, then so be it. It's fine that you want to pretend Stargate is real and all, but at the end of the day it's not and you can't expect the writers to write like it is.

                    Originally posted by Shan Bruce Lee View Post
                    Well there's no such thing, but for the sake of argument... why would they be pissed?
                    New Zealand is missing on the Homeworld Command logo.

                    Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                    You rock my world, you know that?
                    I am quite aware of that, yes.

                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    That is a lie. See Critical Mass.
                    I reject your reality and substitute my own.


                      Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                      That's a mentality that I can't get behind. I'm sorry, but I generally disagree with having some things be off limits in a discussion or having some things merit more "respect" than others. So long as people remain respectful and discuss the topic rather than the merits of the individuals who believe it, then I don't see why people can't just accept the fact that people are bound to have different perspectives and opinions.

                      Why? Why do we have to tread so lightly and on tip toes around the topic?
                      That's one of the main problems... when you bring up such controversial topics there is always one person who is bound to completely disagree with what you say, and believe me... they won't be respectful of what you believe in.

                      I doubt we'll ever see a society where people accept that others can have different views on subjects, and not have them try and change it.

                      IMO, religion is just something that shouldn't be touched on at all... and should be left well enough alone. If only because it's one of the most sensitive subjects out there.

                      Some things are better left off limits for the good of everyone else.

                      Anyways, I hope it's left out of the show... I'm ok with a little "touch and go religion", but Jesus has an ancient? That's going a bit far. It would definitely cause many long debates that probably won't end nicely. If you want to attract attention to this show... that is the way to go though.


                        Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
                        That's one of the main problems... when you bring up such controversial topics there is always one person who is bound to completely disagree with what you say, and believe me... they won't be respectful of what you believe in.
                        I'm completely okay with that. I am comfortable enough with my beliefs that I don't mind having them challenged however disrespectfully. Plus, in my experience those people are few and far between. Most of the time, reasonable discussion is possible.

                        Some things are better left off limits for the good of everyone else.
                        If that were actually true then we'd still think the world was flat and we'd have progressed very little up to now.

                        It's definitely more comfortable for all people involved if no ideas or the status quo were ever questioned, but it would be to the detriment of our society.


                          Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
                          IMO, religion is just something that shouldn't be touched on at all... and should be left well enough alone. If only because it's one of the most sensitive subjects out there.

                          Some things are better left off limits for the good of everyone else.
                          I couldn't disagree more. Antagonizing people for their beliefs is bad taste, but even that shouldn't be "off limits", not to mention a polite and respectful discussion. It being a sensitive subject is exactly why it should be talked about.

                          Things being "off limits" is directly in opposition to the concept of free speech, and is a grave disservice to people who may not hold these privileged beliefs.

                          As far as religion in SGU goes, I am completely fine with it as long as it's not made preachy (and this goes for the non-religious aspects as well).
                          Sig by Pandora's Box


                            Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post

                            Anyways, I hope it's left out of the show... I'm ok with a little "touch and go religion", but Jesus has an ancient? That's going a bit far. It would definitely cause many long debates that probably won't end nicely. If you want to attract attention to this show... that is the way to go though.
                            Long debates on an Internet forum is a small price to pay for the freedom of speech afforded to writers wishing to add an interesting twist to their very own story.


                              Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
                              That's one of the main problems... when you bring up such controversial topics there is always one person who is bound to completely disagree with what you say, and believe me... they won't be respectful of what you believe in.
                              Some things are better left off limits for the good of everyone else.
                              I can't agree with that. People shouldn't have to keep controversial ideas to themselves simply because there are some people who completely disagree and can't gracefully handle disagreement. If we all tried to avoid stepping on anyone's ideological toes, society would stagnate and scientific progress would halt. While I certainly promote tact, and some arguments are futile, that is no reason to make controversial topics utterly taboo.

                              Example: while I disagree with many of the conclusions of Charles Darwin (geologist, botanist, zoologist, and general man of science - who once aimed to become an Anglican parson), I believe he had every right to publish his ideas, just as Isaac Newton (physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian) did.

                              [edit]Of course PG15 said it better.
                              Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                              If that were actually true then we'd still think the world was flat and we'd have progressed very little up to now.
                              You're right on the second point. As to the whole flat earth thing, that's a myth.
                              Here's a coincidence for you, I went to a site to search for an article on the topic of the flat earth, and to my surprise there was a link to one at the top of the front page
                              Last edited by Eternal Density; 23 July 2009, 07:23 PM. Reason: because I spend too long rambling that people post in the meantime
                              "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
                              Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
                              Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
                              Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
                              Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                                I'm sorry, I just find it amusing that people are still entertaining the idea that the people at Stargate would seriously consider making Jesus an Ancient.

                                Originally posted by Eternal Density View Post
                                It doesn't explain why Stargate Jesus let himself be killed though. Perhaps his personal shield ran out of juice.
                                to re-ascend...

                                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                                New Zealand is missing on the Homeworld Command logo.
                                Well that just goes to prove my point that they don't exist in the first place...
                                || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!

