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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
    I've seen so many people say that, i'm glad i watched it without commercials.
    Agreed. While I'll never be able to restrain myself from watching it the night it airs, I'm going to watch it on Hulu (with far fewer commercial breaks) today to see if there's a difference in overall momentum of the episode
    Sig by Pandora's Box


      Sneaking in to give my thoughts.

      People have been comparing this to BSG - after watching, I'm thinking it's actually more like "Lost" - start with the disaster, and jump around to give us backstory. This is basically from Eli's POV - he knows nothing about anything or anyone (long-time viewers know more than he does), so as he learns, we learn.

      So, instead of being the Gaius of the group (who was in cahoots with the enemy) I'm thinking Rush is more like John Locke, who tries to do what's best for the survivors and the island - Rush is respecting the ship in much the same way as Locke respects the island, but the others don't see that, so don't understand why his priorities are different than the others.

      So, my deep thoughts fro the day.

      banlu --> wandering off
      It failed to qualify as a cave, technically speaking, but Jack called it one anyway.
      He'd never been one for speaking technically.

      Jaunt to Paradise - Spiletta42


        Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
        Ok now that people have seen the premiere officially...

        Was I right about Rush and Eli? Come on now. Seriously they truly focused on those two characters and they sold the show for me. I also like TJ she comes off as a female Beckett.
        I'll give you Rush but the jury is out on Eli and TJ. He has potential but his curiousity was a little nerve racking. TJ didn't really do much in this episode so we'll see what the future holds
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          after watching it im glad they had gone the nitty gritty route.

          having it like the old stargate would be a pain mostly due to the fact we as humans had become to powerful for our own good.

          sticking them on a ship which is falling apart and having to deal with the true aspects of human mentality really made this a watchable series for me


            A very well written premiere. If only they could have done this with SG-1 and SGA.

            • more realistic military
            • realistic and dynamic characters
            • MUCH better script
            • more tension and conflict
            • nice tidbits of past stargate concepts
            • new look and feel (a la Vegas but better)
            • the Ancients weren't portrayed as dumb or arrogant
            • the ship is mysteroius, and not everything is known at the beginning
            • Vfx and Sfx

            • dry at certain parts
            • jumpy order (didn't follow a sequential timeline)
            • didn't explain why all the other people were there, besides the geologists and other scientists.
            • pink hyperspace window

            I am very pleased with the series so far.

            This really is SG-1 + SGA but better.
            Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

            ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
            encounter on the strange journey.


            2 Cor. 10:3-5
            3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
            4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
            5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


              I don't think that was hyperspace. Rush said something like "Faster then light, without hyperspace". Plus you can see stars outside the rainbow effect.


                Eh, I kinda sorta liked it mostly. I didn't have any enormous problems with it, and generally liked the characters so far (which is probably the most important thing). There is still a little something missing. And the other thing is not a lot happened in this pilot compared to Rising and Children of the Gods. So it runs the risk of being a little boring by comparison. I thought it was fine or at least decent introduction and they succeeded at not "offending" me so that's a huge plus. I'm still far from completely sold on the show. Some characters I liked better than others. I'm not sold on Eli, frankly. He runs the risk of being a know it all young punk who constantly saves the day away from the more experienced people. And here at this time, the jury is still out on whether I shall find him annoying or endearing. But still its too early to make any meaningful assessment. The characters that stood out best for me were Scott and then Colonel Young. Those were probably the two I liked the best. Rush was interesting, he looks like hes got the role of the shifty complicated ally down well, but I hope I'm not constantly wondering what possible reason he could have to do the things he does. I wasn't crazy about the flashbacks telling how they got this point, at first it seemed lie they were lifted directly out of LOST exactly that same way. There's obviously almost certianly going to be more but I hope we don't constantly get them all the time. This is a show that seems kinda good but it still really runs the risk of turning terrible. So I guess there may still be a fine line. I like that the characters are getting development scenes together but The LAST thing I want to see happen is some horrible soap opera like situation where there's some love square between Eli, Cloe, Scott and uh "Scott's sex scene partner" (James?).

                But overall I'd like to give a tentative slight thumbs up, (despite all the little problems); I really would certianly like to see more at this point, so I'd call that a success I suppose. But at the ending part, when they played Stargate: Atlantis music for a second, that made me really sad.
                "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                  Stargate Universe premiere bests Dollhouse, averages 2.3 million viewers

                  I just heard that Stargate Universe averaged 2.3 million on Friday night between 9p-11p on Syfy. I’m expecting a full release from Syfy shortly. Stay tuned.


                    Elyse Levesque is now on twitter -


                      Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
                      Elyse Levesque is now on twitter -
                      Yes! Already started following her
                      Sig by Pandora's Box


                        Originally posted by Coronach View Post
                        Yes! Already started following her
                        Remember to keep your tongue in your mouth


                          Originally posted by HappyMarvin View Post
                          I don't think that was hyperspace. Rush said something like "Faster then light, without hyperspace". Plus you can see stars outside the rainbow effect.
                          He was talking about the
                          George Hammond entering hyperspace. It had a purplish/pink color. Lighter than it was in the other series.

                          There are no regrets. Thank you Brad Wright and everyone else for SGU,
                          and the amazing Stargate franchise in general.


                            Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
                            Stargate Universe premiere bests Dollhouse, averages 2.3 million viewers

                            I hope that isn't true because even without the DVR boost, it is still very low for a series premiere, isn't it? (I mean, I don't understand all of the ratings stuff enough to know what is good or not. Brain! Where are you when I need you!? So many questions!!) Here's hoping this show was heavily DVR'ed and will bump it up high when all added in.
                            Last edited by Orion Antreas; 03 October 2009, 11:20 AM.

                            There are no regrets. Thank you Brad Wright and everyone else for SGU,
                            and the amazing Stargate franchise in general.


                              I'm new(ish) to the forum. I'm on a Doctor Who forum a lot, but never felt the desire to participate here. SG:U changed that a little.

                              I'm really pleased after the pilot. I've been a Stargate fan since the movie, (though I couldn't watch the series until the early '00s due to not having cable at home for a while) and..

                              As someone who loved Star Trek: TNG a long time ago, let me say...

                              HOORAY!!! for existing showrunners who are able to adapt, change, update, etc., a franchise. Star Trek so needed something even *close* to this in the 90s and they refused and refused and refused (Enterprise: less than too little, too late), and here Stargate is succeeding in changing the formula and trying new things. I love it.

                              The end. Nothing much more to say. Happily looking forward to the rest of the first season!


                                Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
                                Remember to keep your tongue in your mouth
                                Now what is the fun in that?
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

