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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post

    I can't see that. I can't imagine Wray with her.

    So the show should sacrifice their vison because you can't imagine something? I say if we can't imagine something its the step in the right direction. After all the biggest compliant among people was predictibility so if you can't imagine something I say TPTB go in that direction because I will bet unpredictibility is what will make SGU great.
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post

      Oh hey, Ming Na doing a soliloquy about human rights!


        I was thinking about the 'lost whilst located in space' premise on the show, and realised that for me one of the really interesting facets is the tenuous connection to Earth. They're not just trapped on a ship which is bouncing from place to place, but they can still communicate with Earth. Although they can't return home, they're not completely cut off either. I think that will result in a very interesting dynamic.

        Also, Chloe!
        "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
        Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
        Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
        Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
        Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time



          Okay, it’s time for round two of “Guess the Episode Title”. Further hints to the titles of episode #14, #15, and #16:

          One shares the name of a movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock.

          Another shares the name of a television series.

          Another shares the name of a software package.


          DasNDanger writes: “[...] 3. What role do more mature, experienced actors play in helping younger actors keep their heads so that they don’t get drunk on self-importance with their first taste of fame?


          5. Though you cannot foresee the future, how hopeful are you that the new SGU cast will continue to stay grounded?”

          Answers: [...] 3. Experienced actors certainly set the tone. Take Robert Carlyle for instance. He’s an international celebrity with some major productions under his belt and yet when he comes to set, he is wholly professional, and wholly focused on what needs to get done. Off the set, he’s surprisingly low-key and charmingly self-deprecating. If ever you wanted an experienced actor to set the tone, you’d be hard-pressed to find better.


          5. I feel really, really, reaaaally good about this cast. As I’ve been saying all along, they’re not only talented but genuinely good people. The kind you’d invite to your chocolate party if you were to ever host one.

          Major D. Davis writes: “[...] 2. Is the Uniform Julia is wearing in the picture the Icarus Base uniforms you have been praising? [...]”

          Answers: [...] 2. Actually, the uniform Alaina is wearing is the Icarus Base uniform. [...]

          [Refer to this photo from this blog entry]

          PG15 writes: “1. Is episode 16 the “story in limbo” you talked about on May 30th? And is it written by yet another freelancer, different from those who wrote #13 and #14?

          2. Is Paul writing the season finale?

          3. Got any more episode titles you can reveal to us? [...]”

          Answers: 1. The “limbo” story is now #16. It will be written by a freelancer. #14 is also a freelance script. Marty G. is doing the honors on #15. Speaking of which – where’s that outline?!

          2. Paul and I are presently hammering out episodes #19 and #20. It remains to be seen who will be writing which one.

          3. See above. [...]

          Ben writes: “[...] 3. How damn awesome is it working with Robert Carlyle?! He’s legitimately one of my favourite actors, a brilliant choice in my book.

          4. This may be a repeat…but will the elusive ‘Furlings’ make any kind of appearance in SGU, be it reference or otherwise?”

          Answers: [...] 3. Incredibly damn freaking awesome! Like I said, he’s a gentleman on and off set. As many of the crew put it: a very sweet guy.

          4. No.

          SnowDog1942 writes: “ How is a freelance writers script able to fit in the main themes/arcs of the show? Can I assume a freelance script will be more of a standalone episode? Do the freelancers get to read the script that lead up to their episode? How do they know the characters well enough to write for them, considering the show is more serialized than the previous two Stargates.”

          Answer: Freelancers are given all up to date materials (usually scripts). Based on those scripts and a preliminary conversation with Brad and Robert, they’ll be invited to pitch. If one of their pitches is a home run, they’re flown up for a day. All of the writers will get together and discuss the story, spin it, then break it down, beat by beat. The freelancer heads home and writes an outline. We’ll give them notes and they’ll revise the outline, then move on to draft. We’ll also provide notes toward a second draft. After that, the script goes to one of the producers who will do their pass (for tone, character, adding or losing elements to the episode in line with recent developments or future story ideas).

          Le Francais writes: “ 1- The Opening of Universe will be short as that parodied in the episode 200 of SG-1 or the end of the season 5 of Atlantis, or a “length” as SG-1?

          2- Is Rush strictly the main caracter of Universe and the others are secondary, or the totality of the team are main caracter? [...]"

          Answers: 1. Remains to be seen.

          2. Rush is a pivotal character but, overall, this is an ensemble show. [...]

          Eric. Stewart writes: “Re: SGU,
          1. how long is the filming of the first season expected to last?
          2.Is it planned to start filming season 2 immediately after the filming of season 1 is completed?
          3. From what I could read, the actors have been working on the episodes since the beginning of February. If the filming of episode 11 has just started, ( meaning approximately 2 episodes and a 1/2 being shot each month), how do they avoid information overflow ?(doesn’t it feel at one point that it’s too much information to learn in such a short period of time. Assuming of course that each episode’s script is fairly long)”

          Answers: 1. Oh, I expect we’ll be picking around The Bridge until early October.

          2. Nope. We need to find out whether or not we’ve been picked up first. And we won’t know that until after the show starts airing.

          3. They accomplish this by being absolutely brilliant at what they do.

          Deni writes: “Hey Joe, whatever happened to Joel’s Q&A? Are we still going to get it?”

          Answer: Joel contacted me a couple of months ago to apologize for the delay. I told him I understood, that we was very busy. Then, SGU went full throttle and he got busy again.

          MattG1987 writes: “I must say that Alaina Huffman is looking very nice in the picture you posted! What is it like working with her?”

          Answer: Remember back in school, the girl that all the guys liked because she was so pretty, and the guys AND girls liked to hang around with because she was always so upbeat and fun to be with? Well, on the set of Stargate Universe, Alaina is that girl. With a gun. Also – Best Laugh Ever.


            Thanks PG15!

            Movie directed by Hitchcock? The 'Saboteur' comes to mind (actually one of the few films I've seen from Hitchcock and it was great, Nazi conspiracy in the U.S., action ans suspense of course...)

            But 'Saboteur' is not 'Sabotage'.

            And yeah, Alaina Huffman is hot.

            Well, not anymore... Good bye Atlantis!


              Actually, IMDB says that Hitchcock did do a movie called Sabotage.


                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                Actually, IMDB says that Hitchcock did do a movie called Sabotage.
                Well, smack my... back and call me Judy, I didn't know that!

                Yet, I own a near complete Hitchcock DVD collection.

                Well, not anymore... Good bye Atlantis!


                  Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                  Actually, IMDB says that Hitchcock did do a movie called Sabotage.
                  Yes, Hitchcock wrote a film called Sabotage (which is also one of the songs of the Bestie Boys !)

                  BUT : Coldplay wrote a song called Murder (which is also a film from Hitchcock !)

                  so what is the episode title ?
                  ___________Stargate SG-1____________________Stargate Atlantis____________________Stargate Universe
                  ________07.27.97 ~ 06.22.07________________07.16.04 ~ 01.09.09__________________10.02.09 ~ 05.09.11


                    Okay, it’s time for round two of “Guess the Episode Title”. Further hints to the titles of episode #14, #15, and #16:

                    One shares the name of a movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock.

                    Another shares the name of a television series.

                    Another shares the name of a software package.
                    Coldplay have a song called "Lost"

                    And God Module have a song called "Lucid", which is also a software package

                    So my guess is:-
                    Last edited by Madwelshboy; 07 June 2009, 03:18 AM.


                      So that's how it works?

                      The Beastie Boys have an interesting album title... Some Old Something


                        It's not one-word long.


                          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                          It's not one-word long.
                          The episode title isn't one-word long? o.o

                          There are no regrets. Thank you Brad Wright and everyone else for SGU,
                          and the amazing Stargate franchise in general.



                            Today’s photos: Actors Patrick Gilmore and Mark Burgess react to the latest script. You can practically chart the five stages of grief in their reactions: shock, denial, bargaining, fear, anger, despair, acceptance, and Smirnoff.


                            Daniel Willis writes: “Do you think there will be a chance you will be able to show the opening credits, or in the very least, the theme for SGU? Or do you think we’ll have to wait patiently for it?”

                            Answer: It’s not my call but I would hope they release the opening credit sequence we watched the other day prior to the premiere. It’s amazing.

                            Sealurk writes: “…is SGU somewhat made up of the “wish list” from doing SG-1 and SGA, or was it more a case of setting out to do something new and different from the start?”

                            Answer: “The latter. Brad and Robert are very proud of both SG-1 and Atlantis but wanted to strike out in a different direction with Universe. That said, and as I’ve said more than once, fans of the franchise will find many familiar elements in the new series, from the thrill of exploration and discovery to the strong bonds between the characters to the sense of humor that typified the previous two shows.

                            Quade1 writes: “SGU has been referred to as an “ensemble” cast several times. When I think “ensemble”, shows come to mind like ER, and Third Watch. Where there was 6+ main characters who shared the screen time in each episode. I once heard Atlantis be referred to as an “ensemble” show. Sure it had 5-6 main characters and several supporting roles, but it nevered seemed that more than 3 of them to be heavily involved in the episode, barring premieres, two parters and finales. Will this also be the case in SGU, or will we be seeing more major players per episode? Can you specify on average how many main characters take part in the episodes?”

                            Answer: SGU will definitely be showcasing more players, both major and minor. Characters like Rush, Young, Scott, Greer, Eli, Chloe, T.J., and Wray will drive the stories, sometimes individually but more often than not alongside their fellow crew members.

                            Randomness writes: “ Maybe you both could work together and write both episodes together before branching off and improving a certain episodes script?

                            I think you should do episode 20, because you’re a better writer.”

                            Answer: I disagree. I’m certainly faster, but a more emotional writer while Paul is very meticulous I his approach, addressing every issue before sitting down to write. As a result, his scripts tend to be much tighter.
                            Also, some photos of Patrick Gilmore (aka. Volker) and Mark Burgess (aka. Franklin):

                            Patrick Gilmore (Volker) checks out the latest script.
                            His incredulous reaction draws the attention of a passing Mark Burgess (Franklin).
                            Oh no they di’int!
                            Oh, yeah, they – uh – di’id.
                            Mark assures Patrick he’ll make a wonderful alien drag queen. On the outside, Patrick is smiling. On the inside, he’s already calling his agent.

                            (All captions courtesy of JM!)



                              In regards to the last question recently I have found myself liking Mullie's stories a lot more then Mallozzi's
                              Originally posted by aretood2
                              Jelgate is right


                                Which of these shows would you like added to the main menu?

                                30 Rock, 90210, Burn Notice, Flash Forward, Greek, Mad Men, Private Practice, Psych, Stargate Universe, The Big Bang Theory, The Mentalist

                                With a few shows coming to an end we now have room for 2 more shows in the main menu. Please vote on the shows that you can would like added. The top 2 in a few days time will be added. You can vote for more than 1 in this poll.

