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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by Eternal Density View Post
    *throws 100 gallons of blue jello on greenfeenix*

    NO!!!!!!!!! stop its a cartoon lol


    Made by the wonderful Lahela


      Originally posted by Eternal Density View Post
      *throws 100 gallons of blue jello on greenfeenix*

      LOL...too funny!


        Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
        LOL...too funny!
        Hahahaha yea lol
        Made by the wonderful Lahela


          Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
          George Lucas is a hack. The best thing that could happen to the Star Wars franchise now would be for someone else to have a go at it, but he'll never let that happen. With SGU Wright seems to be going bold new places, and I think the franchise will be bigger and better. I can't say the same for Star Wars, considering what Lucas did to it.
          Regardless of weather or not you (fans in general) think Episodes 1-3 are good, there's nothing to back up the claim he's a hack. I challenge anybody that thinks that to do something better... and if you look at the people making the best movies and TV right now I guarantee they're all huge fans of Lucas.

          I don't know if I'd say Wright/Cooper are taking SGU in a "bold" new direction either. It's definitely a new direction, but considering how the evolution of the franchise has always been something that gets bigger and better each year I wouldn't use that word.
          || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


            i wouldn't call lucas a hack. Prior to the episode 1-3 debacle the man had dozens of hit movies. american graphiti, episodes 4-6, the stuff he did with spielberg

            I do think that he fell in love with his own idea, didn't have or didn't listen to anyone that tried to call him on it, and the franchise suffered from a decade of self indulgence.

            since he could afford to bank roll the whole thing on his own, he didn't need to justify the idea to anyone, so he had carte blanch to do whatever he wanted

            even the most brilliant creator in the world needs a good editor.

            and when the creator edits his own work...well if a person that represents himself has a fool for a client, a creator that edits himself has the same
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              i wouldn't call lucas a hack. Prior to the episode 1-3 debacle the man had dozens of hit movies. american graphiti, episodes 4-6, the stuff he did with spielberg

              I do think that he fell in love with his own idea, didn't have or didn't listen to anyone that tried to call him on it, and the franchise suffered from a decade of self indulgence.

              since he could afford to bank roll the whole thing on his own, he didn't need to justify the idea to anyone, so he had carte blanch to do whatever he wanted

              even the most brilliant creator in the world needs a good editor.

              and when the creator edits his own work...well if a person that represents himself has a fool for a client, a creator that edits himself has the same
              It's probably because I didn't grow up during the times when the original three were airing in theaters, but I didn't have such huge issues with the newer three episodes as so many others seem to have. It isn't lost on me that I'm in the minority on this, but I don't consider episodes 1-3 a debacle

              I agree with your points on needing a good editor though, as well as your previous points about needing to take an objective step back.
              Sig by Pandora's Box


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                i wouldn't call lucas a hack. Prior to the episode 1-3 debacle the man had dozens of hit movies. american graphiti, episodes 4-6, the stuff he did with spielberg
                I agree with Cornarch that 1-3 were not a 'debacle'. Rabid fans just made it out to seem that way. Really, they're alright movies. All flash, not too much substance (as were the originals, really). 3 in particular was pretty good.

                It also has to do with the fact that I was 11 when I saw TPM and absolutely loved it back then. Guess I was the perfect age for that movie. *shrug*

                I do think that he fell in love with his own idea, didn't have or didn't listen to anyone that tried to call him on it, and the franchise suffered from a decade of self indulgence.
                Well, some of the fans (kinda like SG fans) feel entitled to it and think it's their franchise. I don't think that's the case.

                He was very into where CGI and special effects were going and he wanted to showcase how far they've come while showing what happened and where everything came from. There's nothing wrong with that.

                So, you either like the result or don't. There's no need to shake your fist and scream to the heavens about it.
                "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                  Originally posted by Descent View Post
                  I agree with Cornarch that 1-3 were not a 'debacle'. Rabid fans just made it out to seem that way. Really, they're alright movies. All flash, not too much substance (as were the originals, really). 3 in particular was pretty good.

                  It also has to do with the fact that I was 11 when I saw TPM and absolutely loved it back then. Guess I was the perfect age for that movie. *shrug*

                  Well, some of the fans (kinda like SG fans) feel entitled to it and think it's their franchise. I don't think that's the case.

                  He was very into where CGI and special effects were going and he wanted to showcase how far they've come while showing what happened and where everything came from. There's nothing wrong with that.

                  So, you either like the result or don't. There's no need to shake your fist and scream to the heavens about it.
                  I absolutely agree with you. Couldn't have said it better.

                  There are no regrets. Thank you Brad Wright and everyone else for SGU,
                  and the amazing Stargate franchise in general.


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    i wouldn't call lucas a hack. Prior to the episode 1-3 debacle the man had dozens of hit movies. american graphiti, episodes 4-6, the stuff he did with spielberg

                    I do think that he fell in love with his own idea, didn't have or didn't listen to anyone that tried to call him on it, and the franchise suffered from a decade of self indulgence.

                    since he could afford to bank roll the whole thing on his own, he didn't need to justify the idea to anyone, so he had carte blanch to do whatever he wanted

                    even the most brilliant creator in the world needs a good editor.

                    and when the creator edits his own work...well if a person that represents himself has a fool for a client, a creator that edits himself has the same
                    LOL I totally agree with his falling in love thing.

                    Wow skydiver... You're amazing


                      From BLAST magazine...

                      Click to make it bigger.

                      And you really should make it bigger.


                        I think I might need a drool bucket over here.

                        Yes I'm a shallow thunker but you people already knew that
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          I think I might need a drool bucket over here.

                          Yes I'm a shallow thunker but you people already knew that
                          I just got done posting the same response in the promotional photo thread, .

                          [EDIT]Also...this picture further confirms what I've already thought was the case (spoiler based on previous trailers):

                          The woman on Scott's bed holding his hand is case anyone didn't think so

                          I can hear the wind hitting the sails of the ship already...
                          Sig by Pandora's Box


                            Originally posted by Coronach View Post
                            I just got done posting the same response in the promotional photo thread, .
                            Then we shall be shallow together. Especially if its directed at Chloe.
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              Then we shall be shallow together. Especially if its directed at Chloe.
                              Oh...most definitely
                              Sig by Pandora's Box


                                Originally posted by Coronach View Post
                                I just got done posting the same response in the promotional photo thread, .

                                [EDIT]Also...this picture further confirms what I've already thought was the case (spoiler based on previous trailers):

                                The woman on Scott's bed holding his hand is case anyone didn't think so

                                I can hear the wind hitting the sails of the ship already...
                                :: bows down ::

                                You may be right. I'm all for that. I vowed long ago to make Chloe my second favourite character...second after Wray of course.

                                And Scott is just plain hot so that's all the reason I need.

