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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
    Ok so out of sheer boredom (and waiting for my daughter to call about picking her up after the Van Morrison concert at Austin City Limits) I have to ask-Teal"c
    what is with the hat?
    Gotta wonder where he got that thing... maybe it was Vala's idea?

    Nothing else about that ep really stands out for me... except that the magic fairy beam gave quite an excellent performance </sarcasm>...

    I think Daniel was overdoing it a bit with the snark (was he supposed to be some weird combination of Vala and Jack?...with all due respect to Jack of course, he did snark way better than Daniel does now). But that's right... he is the New Improved Daniel with Built-In OTT Snark...almost forgot.

    It was nice to see Sam have more lines and screen time. Oh, and I guess it goes without saying that the Cam scenes just about bored me to tears.
    Last edited by JessM; 15 September 2006, 07:29 PM.


      Originally posted by DEM
      Aunt Jemima could kick Mrs Butterworth's a butt! And she has! Several times!
      I still like Mrs. Butterworth's best. The more buttery taste the better. I like the thickness. Nothing like it on a bowl of corn fritters (PA Dutch style, not southern.)

      On "Company of Thieves"
      who thought "Damn you Cam Mitchell was a good idea? OOOOOOOTT, wouldn't you say?

      Mourning Sanctuary.
      Thanks for the good times!


        Originally posted by suse
        I still like Mrs. Butterworth's best. The more buttery taste the better. I like the thickness. Nothing like it on a bowl of corn fritters (PA Dutch style, not southern.)

        On "Company of Thieves"
        who thought "Damn you Cam Mitchell was a good idea? OOOOOOOTT, wouldn't you say?

        Probably the same person who thought..."We need a plan...a damn good one" and "I'll fight 'til my last breath"...were gems.

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
          so-how many gallons of sap did they need to make Cam?
          He's still (a) sap. No reduction necessary.

          Mourning Sanctuary.
          Thanks for the good times!


            Feeling the need to vent about tonight's episode, and this thread is the safest place to do so.

            Mind you, I rarely watch anymore and with the exception of "200" haven't seen a single S10 episode all the way through. But at some point between 9-10pm on a Friday night, my morbid curiousity gets the better of me and between commercials of whatever the kids and I are watching, I flip to The Show I Once Adored. Mayhap on the misguided hope that something of what I once loved might fleetingly cross the screen. (Does that make me an eternal optimist or a glutton for punishment? )

            Anyway, my very first and strongest reaction echoes this:

            Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
            Ok so out of sheer boredom (and waiting for my daughter to call about picking her up after the Van Morrison concert at Austin City Limits) I have to ask-Teal"c
            what is with the hat?
            I just kept repeating aloud "What the HE*L is that thing on Teal'c's head?!?" Repeated so much so that my daughter finally sniped at me to quit saying it. I mean that had to be about the ugliest hat in the history of Stargate- well, worn by the Good Guys anyway (for the record I liked the hat Jack sported briefly in "Beneath the Surface", I'm such a Jack-fangirl that I thought he made even that look good... ). What was the purpose of putting T in such a pointy-looking leather contraption? Was it only to make the Almighty Hewo look even more dashing ** by comparison?

            and also...

            As for those "aliens"....those were the fakest looking aliens I've ever seen on Stargate! Shame on whomever created them! I know they appeared in another episode somewhere in S9 or S10, but since I paid so little attention I couldn't say if I got a really good look at them before. They looked as though the designer was incredibly lazy and completely unfamiliar with the realisitic aliens of of SG history (S1-5 Unas, for example)---or perhaps the intent was for them to "homage" the aliens in the bar scene of the very first Star Wars movie (yup, I'm old enough to remember the original release of that one). In either case, it left me aching for the way things used to be, when attention to detail and artistic PRIDE was a hallmark of what made Stargate SG-1 so much better than most of telelvision.

            My 10 yr. old son summed it up, being a seasoned viewer of SG since the tender age of 4: "Their mouths didn't even move!". And then he added, in his childlike wisdom. "I guess since they (meaning TPTB) know the show isn't going to be on anymore, they just don't care."

            Thus ends my rant. I now return you to your regularly scheduled......venting.
            Titania of the V V

            Keeper of the Quantum Mirror
            (I swear, it's in my basement!)


              Oh, and something else that bothered the HE*L out of me...
              TeaL'C in chains. Why in heaven's name do they keep doing that to him? As if making him wear that hat wasn't torment enough. Enough already with the torturing of our beloved Jaffa warrior!!!!
              Titania of the V V

              Keeper of the Quantum Mirror
              (I swear, it's in my basement!)


                I swear, I nearly cried when Teal'c had Mitchell up against the wall. I could not BELIEVE that Mitchell was SO close to a whomping - I was thinking, "TEAL'C, if you don't do it, I WILL!" - and I swear, swear, I nearly cried when he stopped.

                I also thought it was very uncharacteristic of Teal'c to do that to a team member (no matter how.....GRRR! they are...).

                I beat the crap out of the pillow when I saw Teal'c's hair. His hair is like the show - (no, really, I'm not insane) - it just keeps going downhill. And what the DUCK was he WEARING for a HAT?

                I will admit, though, that they surprised me in a rather positive way tonight. I saw the snippet preview summary that shows up when you highlight a show on the menu, and it said something along the lines of, "Mitchell goes undercover....blah, blah, Aschen Alliance...blah..." and I starting groaning. I thought for SURE it was going to be a "Mitchell saves the day!" love letter.

                My hope is seriously hanging on the end of a single thread for the series. If it keeps going like it is, I'm going to end up like this: I'll leave it to your imaginations to decide which one I am...

                (Wow. And just when I think I can't rant anymore. My burning anger to rant is slowly being replaced by sadness, though.)

                (At least I have some inspiration for my new series...)

                Where did come from, and what happened to the we know and love? (Shave Teal'c and give him back his staff weapon!)

                My Fanfics Warning!: Some fics may contain , so non-S/J shippers BEWARE!


                  Aschen Alliance?
                  "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                  DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                    Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                    so-how many gallons of sap did they need to make Cam?
                    Just pure sap!
                    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                    My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                      Originally posted by nell
                      Just when I thought "This is the last straw!!!" Vala goes traipsing to the ramp to join SG-1 through The Gate in the opening credits!!! ***bangs head against keyboard** I ask this a comedy show???!!!
                      I'm not laughing.
                      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                        Originally posted by Titania V V
                        Feeling the need to vent about tonight's episode, and this thread is the safest place to do so.

                        Mind you, I rarely watch anymore and with the exception of "200" haven't seen a single S10 episode all the way through. But at some point between 9-10pm on a Friday night, my morbid curiousity gets the better of me and between commercials of whatever the kids and I are watching, I flip to The Show I Once Adored. Mayhap on the misguided hope that something of what I once loved might fleetingly cross the screen. (Does that make me an eternal optimist or a glutton for punishment? )

                        Anyway, my very first and strongest reaction echoes this:

                        I just kept repeating aloud "What the HE*L is that thing on Teal'c's head?!?" Repeated so much so that my daughter finally sniped at me to quit saying it. I mean that had to be about the ugliest hat in the history of Stargate- well, worn by the Good Guys anyway (for the record I liked the hat Jack sported briefly in "Beneath the Surface", I'm such a Jack-fangirl that I thought he made even that look good... ). What was the purpose of putting T in such a pointy-looking leather contraption? Was it only to make the Almighty Hewo look even more dashing ** by comparison?

                        At least it didn't have the long bassett ears al a Martouf.
                        Originally posted by Titania V V
                        and also...

                        As for those "aliens"....those were the fakest looking aliens I've ever seen on Stargate! Shame on whomever created them! I know they appeared in another episode somewhere in S9 or S10, but since I paid so little attention I couldn't say if I got a really good look at them before. They looked as though the designer was incredibly lazy and completely unfamiliar with the realisitic aliens of of SG history (S1-5 Unas, for example)---or perhaps the intent was for them to "homage" the aliens in the bar scene of the very first Star Wars movie (yup, I'm old enough to remember the original release of that one). In either case, it left me aching for the way things used to be, when attention to detail and artistic PRIDE was a hallmark of what made Stargate SG-1 so much better than most of telelvision.

                        My 10 yr. old son summed it up, being a seasoned viewer of SG since the tender age of 4: "Their mouths didn't even move!". And then he added, in his childlike wisdom. "I guess since they (meaning TPTB) know the show isn't going to be on anymore, they just don't care."
                        They looked like a combination Boba Fett and Unas

                        Originally posted by Titania V V
                        Thus ends my rant. I now return you to your regularly scheduled......venting.
                        Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                        My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                          I think I'll start with a light and fluffy nit pick - I do have more meaty ones but I actually want to rewatch the ep before I can wrap my head around one of 'em.

                          OMG I'm actually gonna rewatch an AM ep!! Actually it was much better than I thought it would be, but then on my AM modified scale of lowered expectations it didn't tank like I thought it would. Could it possibly be that PDL wasn't the director or did someone actually review the script??

                          Oh well - fluffy nit pick : Vala's HAIR!!!!!!

                          I absolutely hate the pig tails but what the hell was the do in this ep??

                          Seriously anyone with long hair knows you need it restrained if you are going to be doing something (like fighting or runing through the bush etc) but damn!! rolled up pigtails with your collar turned up is just - yuck. Are they staying away from a pony tail because it would be too reminiscent of Aeryn Sun? They seriously need to think out Vala's hairstyle and soon.


                            Mind you, I rarely watch anymore and with the exception of "200" haven't seen a single S10 episode all the way through. But at some point between 9-10pm on a Friday night, my morbid curiousity gets the better of me and between commercials of whatever the kids and I are watching, I flip to The Show I Once Adored. Mayhap on the misguided hope that something of what I once loved might fleetingly cross the screen. (Does that make me an eternal optimist or a glutton for punishment? )
                            Well, I had another sad milestone occur this morning, in the descent of my interest in the show. I've given up downloading the eps several weeks back - started to figure that, meah, what was the point, I could watch them when SKY starts showing them in October. Which was a distinct shift on previous years when I couldn't wait to see what happened next.

                            This morning, I key up the GW forum, first thing my eye catches is 'The Company of Thieves' and I'm puzzled for a moment before thinking, "Oh yeah...there was a new ep last night..." Interest? Not much.

                            I did half-heartedly check out some of the comments on the ep thread.
                            They killed Emerson? it compulsary now that at least one starship commander has to check out per season? And, oh look, Teal'c was tortured. <sigh> These guys just don't know the meaning of the word originality any more, do they?

                            The Show I Once Adored. Sums it up all right.

                            Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

                            Richard Dean Anderson


                              Sounds like it was a good thing I missed most of this episode by going to a football game instead.

                              Oh Yeah... It was a good thing.

                              Daniel/Vala match up or any reminder that Daniel’s “Responsible” for Vala just makes me want to hit my head against the desk. I have a real hard time believing that a civilian with no training would be handed responsibility for Vala.

                              Add in with all the BAD press the US Military has received lately for prisoner abuse Landry came off as incredibly STUPID for handing sole responsibility to a lone male. Daniel or not, it is incredibly unintelligent on Landry’s part. Heck, female detainees are even supposed to be searched without a witness in the room if the person doing the search/ pat down is a man. Either Sam should have been or it should have been a Cam/Sam responsibility.
                              Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!


                                Originally posted by Crow T. Robot
                                Heck, female detainees are even supposed to be searched without a witness in the room if the person doing the search/ pat down is a man. Either Sam should have been or it should have been a Cam/Sam responsibility.
                                -Sigh- I meant....

                                “Heck, female detainees are NOT even supposed to be searched without a witness in the room if the person doing the search/ pat down is a man.”

                                Sorry. I badly need some caffeine to knock my blood level’s down this morning.
                                Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!

