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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Albion
    Okay, I officially hate the addition to the credits. Thanks for the link, Dem.

    I guess at one level it's kind of cute. But by far the biggest reaction I had to it was that it reinforces the idea that Vala is somehow apart from the group and somehow more important than them as the focus of the shot shifts from the group to just Vala.
    Yup! Very good point. Insightful.

    I really, really didn't like the "close on Daniel & Vala as they step through together -- apart from everyone else" ending. (cf JessM)

    I suppose there may have been a question of space. Maybe they couldn't fit a five person group on that narrow ramp for a five group shot. And so they came up with what they thought would be a cutesy addition to get around that.
    I don't think you're reaching at all. That cutesy is par for the course in the S9-10 Era of Slapdashery. When finding a solution would involve of lot of effort (), TPTB seem to throw up their hands and go for the goofy.

    Much like Vala's
    Just Shove the Crystal In and Kick the Console Method.™ Once was funny, twice was excessive. But that's what these writers do a lot nowadays.


      Originally posted by Amanda Eros
      It even emphases how much she's apart of the group because of Daniel. He's the one that steps out of line to walk though the gate with her.

      And I still can't stand the fact that TPTB probably thought that we were dumb enough to accept her just because she's attached at the hip with Daniel. If anything that's a bigger turn off, and it makes Daniel's character look bad... It makes you rethink his ability to judge other people's characters for the last ten years.
      Exactly. I mean come on, enough already. Yeah, he went to bat for her and all that - but don't emphasize it even in the credits.

      It does make me question his ability to judge other people's characters. I thought he did a great job defending Teal'c in Cor-Ai, and thought it was showed how forgiving Daniel is and how he's accepted Teal'c. But that wasn't in the first two episodes of S1, it was towards the end (not that that means he didn't accept Teal'c as a friend til the end, but we didn't see it until near the end). Makes me wonder if his judgment has become a bit...skewed...since he descended, either the first time in Fallen or the second time in Threads.


        Originally posted by Rogue
        And why is she late? The team is embarking on a mission and she runs in at the last minute? What is she doing, fixing her hair, going to the bathroom, talking on her cell phone? To me it just shows how unprofessional SG-1 has become.
        Me too. And it sort of evokes that whole "Wait, wait, I want to go too!!! I'm coming I'm coming, wait for me!" type of thing. She could have been flirting with any random airman/airmen before she realized she was supposed to join them on the mission.


          Okay, I saw the opening clip and Vala wasn't skipping or flouncing, thank goodness. The "hold on guys, wait for me!" element was somewhat irksome though. Would have been better to run them all through the gate at the same time (or would five abreast get them stuck in the gate? ).

          I guess we now know what Vala brings to the team - a lack of punctuality.


            Originally posted by DEM
            I don't think you're reaching at all. That cutesy is par for the course in the S9-10 Era of Slapdashery. When finding a solution would involve of lot of effort (), TPTB seem to throw up their hands and go for the goofy.

            Much like Vala's
            Just Shove the Crystal In and Kick the Console Method.™ Once was funny, twice was excessive. But that's what these writers do a lot nowadays.
            Yep, sad but true. It almost seems to be poking fun at Carter, who is supposed to know what she's doing, but *gasp* the quirky Vala does something accidentally-on-purpose and it WORKS! Hmm maybe we should just rely on that from now on.

            All the cutesy stuff is getting rather old imo. Yet another thing that makes me glad I'm not so broken up over the cancellation.


              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
              Okay, I saw the opening clip and Vala wasn't skipping or flouncing, thank goodness. The "hold on guys, wait for me!" element was somewhat irksome though. Would have been better to run them all through the gate at the same time (or would five abreast get them stuck in the gate? ).

              I guess we now know what Vala brings to the team - a lack of punctuality.
              Hmmm...have no idea if five would get them stuck. I would not have minded if they had it like they did in the last scene of 200
              When we had Jack, Daniel, Sam and Teal'c going through together with Mitchell and Vala behind them. In this case, have the Big 3 in front with Vala and Mitchell behind. Oh but I guess that would not work since Mitchell is the leader, eh?


                Originally posted by JessM
                Yep, sad but true. It almost seems to be poking fun at Carter, who is supposed to know what she's doing, but *gasp* the quirky Vala does something accidentally-on-purpose and it WORKS! Hmm maybe we should just rely on that from now on.

                I was thinking the same thing.
                Carter is telling her the crystal doesn't fit and she ignores her and shoves it through anyway. Then she makes a comment that it normally doesn't work. Of course the writers made sure her stunt worked and the drive didn't blow up. But the drive could have blown up or become irreparable.

                Another thing, don't these ships have mechanics that can Carter can direct - why is Vala helping her? You would think by now there would be other "experts" in hyper drive that would actually be on the ship just in case the bloody drive became disabled.

                Finally, I was so hoping Teal'c would belt Mitchell. Oh well, lost opportunity.

                Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


                  i think that they meant for the tweaked credits to be cute

                  see, here i am, better late than never, wait for me!!!!!!!!!'

                  and were probably aiming for her being late, as in a late addition

                  but i am heartily sick and tired of the daniel/vala pairing

                  PLEASE let her interact with ANYONE else
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by DEM
                    Much like Vala's
                    Just Shove the Crystal In and Kick the Console Method.™ Once was funny, twice was excessive. But that's what these writers do a lot nowadays.
                    Over the 8 years of Classic Stargate SG-1 (Seasons 1-8), I think about how hard Sam "The Scientist/Engineer" worked to repair
                    engines, machines, computers and so on especially in crises AND for Vala to kick a console and shove a crystal into place and IT WORKS.....FCOL!!! Give me a break!!!


                      Originally posted by JessM
                      Hmmm...have no idea if five would get them stuck. I would not have minded if they had it like they did in the last scene of 200
                      When we had Jack, Daniel, Sam and Teal'c going through together with Mitchell and Vala behind them. In this case, have the Big 3 in front with Vala and Mitchell behind. Oh but I guess that would not work since Mitchell is the leader, eh?

                      I am surpised by one thing. They never used the "we can't send five people though the gate at one time" thing as an excuse to not have Jonas stay on.

                      Normally I'm all for having more women in the cast, but I would much rather have Jonas on the team than her. I would rather have Jonas on the team than Mitchell. I would just plain rather have Jonas there than both of them. Think of all the money they could have saved for crying out loud! Shame on them for crying about their budget when they make dumb choices like that.


                        Originally posted by Rogue
                        And why is she late? The team is embarking on a mission and she runs in at the last minute? What is she doing, fixing her hair, going to the bathroom, talking on her cell phone? To me it just shows how unprofessional SG-1 has become.
                        I completely agree. I honestly cannot believe that after the ratings have tanked, fans have left the show in droves, and now it has finally been cancelled that TPTB still think it's ok or funny to do crap like this. I mean I suppose if they are going to have an implausible reason fer her to be accepted onto the team, they might as well have an equally implausible opening credit sequence. Seriously though, I feel like that's a deleted scene from 200 that they were going to use until someone was like "well we probably need to have RDA in the last shot."

                        This show has become so incredibly bad that I find myself actually happy that it has been cancelled (and it really pains me to say that). To allow this crap to continue any longer would only further sully SG-1's good name and reputation. In addition, another season would only convince them that everything that they've done over the past two years has been great. I can only hope that 10 years from now, TPTB can look back and see how they completely ruined this show.

                        So sad.


                          I fear for any miniseries or movies that come from this.
                          If they are smart and roll back to classic SG-1 than Fantastic! But I suspect it will just be more of the same. One of the greatest Scifi shows of all time has become a B level comedy parody of itself. It is quite sad.
                          Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                          ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                          AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                            Originally posted by RealmOfX
                            I think I'll start with a light and fluffy nit pick - I do have more meaty ones but I actually want to rewatch the ep before I can wrap my head around one of 'em.

                            OMG I'm actually gonna rewatch an AM ep!! Actually it was much better than I thought it would be, but then on my AM modified scale of lowered expectations it didn't tank like I thought it would. Could it possibly be that PDL wasn't the director or did someone actually review the script??

                            Oh well - fluffy nit pick : Vala's HAIR!!!!!!

                            I absolutely hate the pig tails but what the hell was the do in this ep??

                            Seriously anyone with long hair knows you need it restrained if you are going to be doing something (like fighting or runing through the bush etc) but damn!! rolled up pigtails with your collar turned up is just - yuck. Are they staying away from a pony tail because it would be too reminiscent of Aeryn Sun? They seriously need to think out Vala's hairstyle and soon.
                            Your right, PDL didn't direct "CofT". It was William Waring. There would have been much more eye rolling if PDL had directed.

                            I'm with you on the hair. With the rolled pigtails and aliens, I had a true Star Wars flashback, but not in a good way.

                            Token ~


                              i think that's why i enjoyed CoT as much as i did, PdL kept his paws off it.

                              my major beefs was Cambo towards the end, now had PdL directed, i think mister OD'd on ritalyn woulda been there from the credits

                              alan writes cam as a hyper active child marty stu, and PdL directs him that way. those two should NEVER be paired up again
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Interesting addition to the credits. I guess now the show is officially a comedy, start as you mean to go on after all.
                                And if I were Ben I'd put a call into my agent, because, going by this new addition, he's definitely not the star of the show any more. It really picks Vala out of the crowd.

