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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by RealmOfX
    Wow the repeat eps (one of them) in the recent marathon got a 1.1 in the ratings. I wonder what the excuse will be when the comparison is made to their bright shiny new eps which can only pull in 1.3 to 1.6 (excluding 200 because that was a special event).
    Not bad for the "Oldie but goody" repeats. It almost tied with "Who wants to be a Superhero" (1.2) and better than the repeat "Killer Jane" movie (a possible new series).

    Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


      Originally posted by RealmOfX
      Wow the repeat eps (one of them) in the recent marathon got a 1.1 in the ratings. I wonder what the excuse will be when the comparison is made to their bright shiny new eps which can only pull in 1.3 to 1.6 (excluding 200 because that was a special event).
      Really? An episode a few years old and out on DVD got a 1.1? I'd like to see this explained also.

      Where did you get this information?

      Mourning Sanctuary.
      Thanks for the good times!


        Originally posted by Sg Gato
        Not bad for the "Oldie but goody" repeats. It almost tied with "Who wants to be a Superhero" (1.2) and better than the repeat "Killer Jane" movie (a possible new series).
        1.1 is not bad unless you look at what the repeat marathon last year did at the same time of year--a 1.6. The reruns are down as much as the new eps.


          Originally posted by JessM
          So true. What I would give to see her be her own person, totally independant of Daniel.
          I can accept that. It's actually the never-varying joined-at-the-hip D/V combo that I find so repellant onscreen. I've been hoping for a Teal'c and Vala story or a Sam and Vala story, or even, dare I say it, a T/S/V story!

          Funny, but even when Jack was around and Daniel was his bestest-ever buddy, I don't remember that they were paired up in every single episode. They may have had their buddy moments, but mostly they interacted with everyone as a TEAM.


            Originally posted by JessM
            Exactly. Ship bothers me even more when it's really contrived. Everything, from the bracelets, to the comparing Vala to Teal'c, to the "date" the "new improved" opening credits just smacks of contrivance to me.
            it is VERY contrived. and the more i feel that it's forced the more i shake my ehad at it.

            TO ME, sam and jack were natural. other than the odd 'we were married?' type of comments, i never felt that that ship was forced upon us

            yet with vaniel i do feel that it's forced. they do everything but wave a red flag adn say 'see, isn't this soooo special!!!!!!!!!!' to draw attention to it
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Seshat
              I can accept that. It's actually the never-varying joined-at-the-hip D/V combo that I find so repellant onscreen. I've been hoping for a Teal'c and Vala story or a Sam and Vala story, or even, dare I say it, a T/S/V story!

              Funny, but even when Jack was around and Daniel was his bestest-ever buddy, I don't remember that they were paired up in every single episode. They may have had their buddy moments, but mostly they interacted with everyone as a TEAM.
              yes, the balance was so much better in the earlier seasons.

              which, imho, gave the show such a broad appeal. viewers had a large vareity of relationships to explore and tehy could be mixed up to see things in a different light

              it made things very appealing

              this focus on vaniel, is fantastic for the shippers that like it, but doesnt' leave much for the rest of the fandom/viewers

              one thing that i think has contributed to the demise of the show is this forced focus on only one aspect of the show.

              it's often seen as a sam eps, or a daniel eps, or a cam eps and there's not much left for those that like any other angle, thus every episode is ratehr polarizing and appealing to a small group, and more and more folks get tired of it and turn the channel
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Seshat
                Funny, but even when Jack was around and Daniel was his bestest-ever buddy, I don't remember that they were paired up in every single episode. They may have had their buddy moments, but mostly they interacted with everyone as a TEAM.
                When was this?

                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                  Originally posted by MediaSavant
                  1.1 is not bad unless you look at what the repeat marathon last year did at the same time of year--a 1.6. The reruns are down as much as the new eps.
                  A point for you. But since I was comparing to what was on the list and not last year, it's still good.

                  Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


                    Originally posted by Seshat
                    Originally Posted by Seshat
                    Funny, but even when Jack was around and Daniel was his bestest-ever buddy, I don't remember that they were paired up in every single episode. They may have had their buddy moments, but mostly they interacted with everyone as a TEAM.
                    Originally posted by ReganX
                    When was this?
                    Oh, might have been
                    or maybe
                    or even
                    I could go on?

                    Nope, not buying Daniel/Vala, for reasons others have already stated, not least of which being the complete lack of any Vala interaction with the other chraracters.
                    Ship in any form bores me, this one is no exception and given their disgraceful treatment of Amanda Tapping ("We don't know what to do with your character" - how insulting can you get?) once they had lost half of her double act, if I was a Vala fan, I'd be worried about the writers dropping all interest in her if MS wasn't there.
                    And when did Vala go from streetwise thief stealing a spaceship to fluttery girl in pigtails fluttering her eyelashes and simpering? Not an attractive look in a grown woman.



                      Originally posted by Frostfox
                      Oh, might have been
                      or maybe
                      or even
                      I could go on?

                      Nope, not buying Daniel/Vala, for reasons others have already stated, not least of which being the complete lack of any Vala interaction with the other chraracters.
                      Ship in any form bores me, this one is no exception and given their disgraceful treatment of Amanda Tapping ("We don't know what to do with your character" - how insulting can you get?) once they had lost half of her double act, if I was a Vala fan, I'd be worried about the writers dropping all interest in her if MS wasn't there.
                      And when did Vala go from streetwise thief stealing a spaceship to fluttery girl in pigtails fluttering her eyelashes and simpering? Not an attractive look in a grown woman.


                      Nicely said, FF

                      You know it's really got bad when anti-shippers like me are saying Sam and Jack wasn't quiet so bad after all (or should I go with the name swopping thing and say Sack and Jam sorry couldn't resist.)

                      But yes it's true, in the earlier seasons there was something for everyone and there was generally a good mix of the pairings, and no one character/pairing was given preference over another. I can ignore certain episodes/scenes with a shippy element.

                      Now, what is there if you don't like Daniel/Vala together, or if you're a fan of Daniel but not Vala? Maybe if you're a Mitchell/Teal'c fan Oh and if you don't like ships (the spaceship kind) you can forget it

                      I think it would have been far better if Vala had been a recurring character and not full time, then at least if you find her annoying like me, there would be something for you to look forward to when she wasn't there (or not as the case may be) Then perhaps we could have been spared the whole "let's get her on the team and have Daniel defending/babysitting her" thing.

                      Plus it would give Daniel a break and give him more of a chance to interact with the others and perhaps have less of him acting like one half of a comedy double act and more like the old Daniel who cared about others besides Vala

                      I'm ranting now so I'm off to watch some early season DVDs

                      Thanks to Kidwizz for sig


                        Seeing how the writers have written Sam in recent seasons (and not written her at all really in s9+) and what they've done with Vala (OTT sexy to OTT childish) makes me miss Janet. Fiercely. And don't get me started on Lam (though she has been giving some of the best offscreen performances I've seen in a while, are there awards for that? )


                          I've seen people say that no one complains about the same people being paired up all the time on Atlantis so they don't understand why we're complaining about it for SG-1. However, I think what has to be remembered is that Atlantis is a completely different show and it's only a few years old. How they pair people up can't really be compared to early seasons because they're still in those seasons. So IMO I don't see how someone can possibly compare complaints about the pairings in Atlantis to complaints in SG-1. With SG-1 having been on for so long, we can say that they used to be great at mixing up the pairings and because of that, we got used to more variety which makes the "D/V, M/T, Sam alone" formula boring. If SG-1 had started out with the same pairings in the early seasons then I know I wouldn't have as much to complain about because I'd be more used to seeing the same people together all the time.


                            I've seen people say that no one complains about the same people being paired up all the time on Atlantis so they don't understand why we're complaining about it for SG-1. However, I think what has to be remembered is that Atlantis is a completely different show and it's only a few years old. How they pair people up can't really be compared to early seasons because they're still in those seasons.
                            Good points.

                            Not to mention the stupidity of that theory presupposing that every SG1 viewer also watches Atlantis. I don't. I gave up on Atlantis with the first couple of weeks and these days will only tune in if one of the SG1 cast guests. (And even then I'm frequently bored). And that's despite loving the characters of Rodney and Carson.

                            So I see no reasons whatsoever why I should a/ be forced to watch a show that bores me just because it's from the same stable as SG1 and b/ should have my opinions on SG1 devalued by comparisons to a show I don't even watch.

                            And besides that, I always hated any kind of comparison between SG1 and SGA precisely because of your point here. I don't believe it's at all fair to compare a show that is in its seventh or eighth season (as it was then - can't recall the specifics) with one that's in its first or second. The older show will simply never be able to compete.

                            Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

                            Richard Dean Anderson


                              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                              Seeing how the writers have written Sam in recent seasons (and not written her at all really in s9+) and what they've done with Vala (OTT sexy to OTT childish) makes me miss Janet.
                              What you have mentioned here about how Vala has gone from OTT sexy to OTT childish...this peculiar and nonsensical change in the way her character is written has perplexed me no end. It is simply ridiculous to me to think that this woman who was ruling worlds successfully AFTER her symbiote was removed, and has been a wily space thief and liar (for want of a better description) and probably a whole lot of other things that suited her at the time, simply needed to put her hair in pigtails and experience the joys of 20-second motherhood to become a completely reformed angel. *bats lashes* *then throws up*

                              It's whore or madonna with the writers. And it's making me sick.

                              Sorry, I get very discouraged on this topic. This story/character arc just strikes me as completely unbelievable. And the fact that Daniel is along for the "beauteous transformation" ... ugh. It's piteously laughable.

                              I'm not talking morality here. I'm saying that it doesn't make any sense.


                                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                                Seeing how the writers have written Sam in recent seasons (and not written her at all really in s9+) and what they've done with Vala (OTT sexy to OTT childish) makes me miss Janet. Fiercely. And don't get me started on Lam (though she has been giving some of the best offscreen performances I've seen in a while, are there awards for that? )
                                it boils down to teh writers/show runners and thier weaknesses

                                they persist in making cam a juvenile deliquent Hewo, and perpetually denigrate the female characters. Brad could and did create one heck of a female character - two if you count janet, but vala and sam since coop took over????

                                cliche after cliche after cliche

                                coop has issues with strong female characters, thus no one is able to/is willing to, correct the writers when they cliche sam or vala or teyla or weir

                                thus we have vala the cocquetish vamp instead of the strong and survivor that we know she can be. Sam is often there for the Hewo to rescue or to apologize for the hewo mucking something up, teyla props up the scenery when she's not giving shep his 'het male' time and weir is the mommy waiting for her kiddies to come home
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


