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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I will not post on this again...I will not post on this again...I will not...


    I will...

    First of all, Rachel...I'm so sorry you're ill, all our hopes for a speedy recovery. I hope you understand...if you haven't aready left...that I never meant to insinuate you called the mods. Tame says no one called her and I'll have to take that at face value. However, the fact remains that in the nearly 2 years I've been here and the gazillion trips to the gutter this place has taken--where far worse has been said--we've never been modded before. An internal reminder to tone it down has worked and we've moved on.

    Which is what should have happened yesterday.

    The only difference, which I can see, between all those other times and yesterday was the one comment about not being allowed to stay on the forum if it doesn't stay PG. Perhaps it was meant in jest. The sad fact is, it wasn't taken that way. And now we have the fall out.

    I too have come here to relax and discuss something I've enjoyed tremendously...the great relationship that is Sam and Jack. The point of my post yesterday was to say that the essential nature of a relationship between a man and a woman is going to include themes of an adult nature. We ought to be able to discuss these within the limits of the forum rules without feeling like we need to tread on eggshells.

    I find it slightly ironic, btw, that I'm the one defending the right to gutter, all things considered.

    And as with Jenn and Rachel and Leiasky, I think perhaps it's time for me to step back for a while and get some perspective as well, cuz really, coming here and leaving with my stomach in a knot is not how I like to start my days.

    Hugs to you all.


      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
      <great post, nothing to add...but still snipped for length>

      I find it slightly ironic, btw, that I'm the one defending the right to gutter, all things considered.
      I knew you had the gutter within you...


      And as with Jenn and Rachel and Leiasky, I think perhaps it's time for me to step back for a while and get some perspective as well, cuz really, coming here and leaving with my stomach in a knot is not how I like to start my days.

      Hugs to you all.
      Not you too...many members that are suddenly leaving(also some that just don't announce it in here)

      Just before Valenship*huggles all and wishes them to come back*

      Can't we just in a way...leave this behind us and go further with how it was...we just got back with episode discussions and all, and now some of our best debaters are leaving...who can I listen to then? I want the fun back, and without you all I like it less in here as well


      *dwells to angst cavern*

      Look what y'all made me do.


        Guys please, can we drop this now? I'm feeling like it's all my fault Sorry.

        Yesterday was a down day, let's not let it spoil today as well............

        Jeez, a lot of sparks flying around here!
        I know, but we know how to cheer up the Shippers and get their mojos back online
        We do?

        *peeks out* Is it working?
        *scans thread* Not yet, but I'm confident

        *Thanks to all the gif-makers


          *grins evilly and decides that this is the perfect time to annoy everyone with crack!poetry*

          The subject of today's abomination...

          ...*hasnt thought of it yet*...

          BLUE JELLO!

          That jello is blue
          that jello is blue
          one more inch from the table
          'twould have been on my shoe!

          That jello is nasty
          and horrid and wrong
          It teaches Samantha
          a horrible song

          It sings "Eat me eat me,
          fill your mouth with my blueness
          and forgo Colonel Jack
          with his awesome and coolness

          Eat me instead,
          I am fresh and so nice
          and Jack O'Neill is a human so eating him would technically be caniibalism and i've heard that is frowned upon in most societies"

          But don't listen to jello,
          he's a mean devil critter
          jello shouldn't have mouths
          that in your ears they would litter

          Come to think of it
          jello shouldn't have ears either
          to hear about Cannibals
          or even MacGuyver

          So listen now, Carter
          and listen quite well
          Don't eat that darned jello
          or you'll go to hell! (as in Netu...I've heard that demon jello has connections...)

          So eat me instead
          Only just on my lips
          'Coz a second for the rest
          would go straight to your hips (and be frowned upon in most societies...but I heard that from the jello so it might not be true)

          So eat me, well, kiss me
          throw your troubles away
          and that jello can go make
          someone else's day


            Nice try Bekki


              Sweet Bekki

              I want Jell-O now

              *looks at chips and chocolate she just got*

              That will do

              No other things said with this gif, because perhaps it will otherwise get too..."adult"

              *stares at tongues that are colliding and hoping that one day we will see that kiss happen for real.*



                Well I am new and here I am. I don't think that I will attempt to read every post I will be hear forever. Any who Hi folks!


                  *pokes head in and decides that some picspam might help move things along *

                  Shall we start with Threads? Cause after all that's what it is; a start of something.
                  *cough* *cough*

                  Nostalgia: The New Adventures of Robin Hood. (Tv-series)
                  Proud member of the Subtle Ear Glances Club!
                  My fanfiction, SG-1 included


                    Originally posted by MissGrace View Post
                    Well I am new and here I am. I don't think that I will attempt to read every post I will be hear forever. Any who Hi folks!

                    Welcome MissGrace

                    Have fun in here, post lots of fun posts! And just enjoy it

                    Grace...mmmm...Grace kiss...Sweet


                      Hello--Hello is anyone out there? Please relax, take a deep breath and step back. Remember we have shipper friends that have lost their family this year and might need our support instead of returning or coming on line to find everyone has disappeared. That's why we are here and makes the thread so dear,"US" to give hugs and support to each other. Not for getting upset at each other for something which really wasn't a big deal. We have been moderated before and even in the past the moderator has been moderated (Sorry Tame) I have been moderated big deal move on and have a good time. If someone called the mods in "big deal and it was Tame" a mod who understands and wants resolution just a much as anyone on the thread(what's it 8+ yrs on GW?). So please as an elder (it's going to be 5 years "Holy Cow") Peace and Love and lets get some S/J love in our lives


                        Originally posted by MissGrace View Post
                        Well I am new and here I am. I don't think that I will attempt to read every post I will be hear forever. Any who Hi folks!
                        Welcome MissGrace!


                          Originally posted by petite_stars View Post
                          *Hugs* to everyone... I'm not as familiar with this thread as others, so I'm not really in a position to comment.

                          Reason why I'm posting is I have a question for a fic I'm writing. I'll put it in spoilers so people can pass it by...

                          Do people think Jack would allow a gun in the house if he and Sam had a baby together? Were I live, guns aren't commonplace in households, so I'm not familiar with the likelihood of guns in family homes in America. Given his history with Charlie, I'm leaning towards no, but he's a soldier, a protector, wouldn't he want a gun around?

                          Jack & Sam both seem to keep personal side arms, may have to given the potential threats. I'd assume they'd be extra careful with them if they had kids, given what happened to Charlie - locking them in a gun safe, trigger guards/locks, maybe even finger print recognition (though the technology isn't there yet in real life it is apparently being developed since it's been proposed as future mandatory requirements, and it's probably within the capabilities of the SGC already).


                            Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                            I've been on this thread for almost a year now. In that time we've strayed down the gutter lane many times (usually I was a part of it), but we never crossed the line into 'too much'. Mostly because there was always someone to remind folks that it went on too long, or it made them uncomfortable in some way. There hasn't been a need for a mod to come in, because when someone stood up to the task to play the 'party pooper', people listened and backed off a little. There are a lot of posters on this thread and they all have different views... on basically everything. What one finds amusing another might find insulting. That is the one thing that all sides should keep in mind. Sadly that doesn't seem to be the case. Rachel's try to 'cool things off' was met with snark and hostility (although not be everyone). While I don't think there was anything inappropriate being said yesterday (I got a nice chuckle out of some posts), I respect people's views that do. There was a time when you didn't have to be afraid about expressing your opinion on any subject. I also find it ironic that some people are complaining about 'not being allowed to discuss adult topics' (although that was never the case IMO) when they act childish about the whole situation in the first place. Age has nothing to do with it, because the younger members can act with more grace then some of the older ones.

                            I miss the family atmosphere the thread once had, cause right now I'm not seeing it. And I'm sorry to see people leave, but I can't say that I don't understand them.
                            I think what I highlighted is what bothers me the most too. I can really care less how much gutter is or isn't on the thread. It does sometimes get out of hand but people have always been extremely respectful in the past when they were asked to tone it down but that didn't seem to happen this time. Maybe the case yesterday was just too much gutter making the gutter seem worse than it was. But either way, I'm just extremely disappointed in some peoples reaction when they were asked nicely to tone it down for a bit.

                            And yeah, the family atmosphere seems gone to me too. But I'm still smarting over the whole Vala bashing incident so maybe everything is just rubbing me the wrong way.


                              Wow, this has really carried!. I honestly don't see the probelm if we mod our own posts and becareful of what we post. i see no reason for people to leave.

                              I think we all need to just in a lack of a better term get over this hump and get on with what we do best in this thread and that is to discuss and shp s/j as a Family

                              Anyhoo i've said my 2 cents back on topic. I'm making a S/J Soundtrack. (i wont be uploading the links to direct song download but just to you tube) with songs from the late 70's early 80's so i hope you will enjoy it!
                              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                                Nice Bekki and Jumble. Well I appreciated it anyway!

                                (and I'm not going anywhere, if anyone cares. )

                                Spoilering this because I realise some of you probably don't care to read this anymore and I can't say I blame you:


                                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                                Because now, members are actually leaving because of nothing...and I don't like this. At all.
                                Yeah see, I'm thinking that too and I don't like it either.
                                Ok I didn't see what was posted and edited out but even if I had and even if I'd rolled my eyes and considered it an overreaction (and all things consiered I'm fairly unshockable) I would still respect the decision of the moderator. Perception is reality; someone perceived something OTT, asked a moderator to come make a judgement call on it and that's what happened. Isn't that their job? And shouldn't it be ours to respect and obey the rules and decisions of forum management?
                                I really don't understand why there's even an issue or why there seems to be any disagreement about it, let alone why people are taking it so seriously they want to leave? Am I missing something obvious here?

                                You know, just a few weeks ago we were all sitting around worried about how the thread might change if and when GW gets around to reviewing it and we all kind of agreed we'd be OK because we do stick pretty much to the spirit of the thread without being disrespectful to others and because we work our own issues out and need very little intervention, but now... I am not so sure we would be safe after all...if we can't even work through something like this...
                                I remain hopeful of being proven wrong on that.

                                Anyway, because I don't really want to bring the thread down more than it already is, and because I'm thinking and feeling for those on here who are perhaps sad and confused right now and see the Ship Family as a way of brightening their day, I'll just repeat what Solo said:

                                Aaaand, to get back on topic... sort of. I am trying to make a video, hopefully for Valenship (but don't hold your breath) and I'm after scenes of Jack being a bit, well, dumb, and Sam having to explain things to him...or just Jack being a bit goofy around Sam. Any season any time, just complete fluff. I'm having a complete mental blank about them; the only ones that come readily to mind are Red Sky (with the whole apple thing) and matter Of Time (again, with the apples and worms). That's the kind of stuff I am after. Can anyone help me out with suggestions?

                                Oh and I thought you might appreciate this because it's Penguine in nature:
                                Snow (sort of) OT

                                My neighbour opposite works for Sky TV. This is what he has on the side of his van. Every time I see it I think of the Ship Family and


                                ((((((Ship Family)))))

