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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    L.A. Doyle;7597848]

    I watched one ep, and only because I wanted to see RDA as this famous MacGyver dude. The mullet really scares me.
    LOL, yes! The mullet has been the subject of much discussion And, yes, I do prefer the shorter, silver streaked style of

    BTW apologies for the multiple posts, I have not got the vaguest idea how to quote more than one person at once


      helenmagnus23;7597907]I remember when i was younger and my mum and dad would take me and my brother to my nanas for dinner i was about 5 or 6 and my brother was 2 i remember being put infront of the tv and MacGyver would be on and we would watch it untill dinner was ready i dont realy remember much being so young at the time but if i watched it know it would be to strange i'm used to
      Sheesh, I'm starting to feel like everybody's Granny!


        Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
        <snip for space>

        Either way, for me there is something so special about this ship. Something I've never felt before (I mean I've enjoyed other ships in other shows, but I've never been so...obsessed. I've never been so emotionally invested in fictional characters before. So perhaps that's what it is too. That something special that sets this ship apart.
        I find myself having to agree with you here, mainly because I just spent 5 mins defaming my computer for crashing internet explorer when I had about 8 multi-quotes going from the Evolution discussions - which I thoroughly enjoyed btw! I love your idea of watching them together and posting about them. I wish I'd stayed up longer now!

        It's just a TV show! That's what my husband tells me anyway I know it's just a TV show, but it's so well written, the characters are so human, and the chemistry between Sam & Jack is so incredible! How can my life not revolve around it? Well, maybe not entirely, but it certainly factors in! Besides, it's his fault cos he introduced me to it, and he willingly bought me all the boxsets for christmases, birthdays, mother's days, valentines days...

        It's also why I'm constantly drawn back here time after time. No matter how busy life gets, I always find my way back here as soon as I get the chance


          Hey Ship Family,

          Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
          You all won't hit me if I say I don't think it's shippy will you? But I absolutely agree that it is incredibly meaningful...because I think it's the "Always" in action. This is the moment of crisis for Sam--her father is about to die. She needs every shred of support she can get to get up and go down into that room and say her final good-bye. She looks to Jack for that support...and Jack gives it to her in the way they have best communicated from the very beginning...a silent, shared look. In Jack's face you can see his concern...his caring...his absolute love...not romantic love, necessarily...but the deeper kind...the kind that raises up the other person...carries them over the valleys and across the mountains of their lives. Armed with that, Sam finds the courage she needs to move from that spot and go into that room. It happens in an almost miss it when you watch the ep...but when you freeze it like Mara has done here, I think you catch the heart and soul of Sam and Jack.
          Great post APA and I agree it isn't necessarily a look of romantic love they share in that second, to me its a look of "I can't go through this alone again, help me" from Sam (which is a big admission for her) and for Jack its "Sam, I'm here, you wont be alone I promise" Jack sees (possibly for the first time in a long time) Sam 'the woman' with all her feeling laid bare for him to see. Jack for his part is doing the same, we see Jack 'the friend' there's no 'I'm an AF officer and I have to be detached' right we only see Jack helping Sam though a most difficult time and Sam trusting her friend by allowing Jack to see and *feel* her pain

          Ooops! Forgive my rambling
          Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
          Well we have a ladder. And occasionally people will throw in life preservers - if you choose to accept them

          The good thing about the shipper house is that there is room to chop and change depending on where our mood takes us.
          Oh is that what those are for? I always thought they were for sitting on while you drank a gutter cocktail, ooops!! Oooh and I love the angst cavern too

          Oh and I'm another one who'd never heard of RDA/MacGyver until I started to watch SG1 BTW, when did MacGyver air on TV in the UK? Just trying to work out how old I would have been

          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


            Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
            I, on the other hand, was too busy bringing up three kids to be watching TV very much in the 80s, so MacGyver passed me by at that time. LOL! Now you know how old I am

            I think you said it very well, thanks

            Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
            LOL, yes! The mullet has been the subject of much discussion And, yes, I do prefer the shorter, silver streaked style of

            BTW apologies for the multiple posts, I have not got the vaguest idea how to quote more than one person at once
            Like you I prefer the shorter silver hair on RDA. He looks more distinguished. Also as he has aged he has lost the "round face" he had when younger. Hey, I am older than you.... I remember RDA as the resident hottie doctor on Gerneral Hospital in the mid to late 70's when I was in high school. (he had a lot of shirtless scenes )Hated the mullet from Macgyver. My hubby and our daughter loved macgyver and never missed an episode.
            I like RDA more as jack, his character seems better rounded and more "real". Macgyver was simply a "kid's show" in my mind. I do remember Teri Hatcher as Penny Parker... omg she was a great ditz. Then to see her a few years later in Lois and clark as a more serious type was fun.

            P.S. you will figure out the multiple posts eventaully... i did.


              Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
              Good catch on that final chuckle and smirk...I was trying to fit that in to last night's discussion as well, and I think you've pegged it.
              But I do enjoy my Tim Tam therapy!
              What is a 'Tim Tam'?

              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
              I just wanted to let everyone know that I've started a new thread: 500 Looks Between Jack & Sam.
              Great thread! I can't load any pictures, but will be 'lurking' and immensely enjoying the view

              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
              .... I watched one ep, and only because I wanted to see RDA as this famous MacGyver dude. The mullet really scares me.
              LOL ! I'm surprised somebody hasn't made a 'mullet' smiley. Believe it or not, but it was 'cool' at the time. I never really liked the style, except on Bono, but a lot of my friends did.


                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                Hey Ship Family,<snip>Oh and I'm another one who'd never heard of RDA/MacGyver until I started to watch SG1 BTW, when did MacGyver air on TV in the UK? Just trying to work out how old I would have been

                I can't tell you when exactly but it must have been around 1986 or '87 given it started in the US in '85. If you're interested and you have Sky Digital, MacGyver is repeated on the FX channel (no. 165).

                I watched a couple of episodes and thought it was quite good apart from one episode where about 75% of it used footage from the end chase near the end of the movie The Italian Job (the 60's version)! It was pretty bad.

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                    Originally posted by Alan View Post
                    I can't tell you when exactly but it must have been around 1986 or '87 given it started in the US in '85. If you're interested and you have Sky Digital, MacGyver is repeated on the FX channel (no. 165).

                    I watched a couple of episodes and thought it was quite good apart from one episode where about 75% of it used footage from the end chase near the end of the movie The Italian Job (the 60's version)! It was pretty bad.
                    LOL, well in 1986 I was only 4 years old *feels young*

                    And yeah, I have seen an ep of it on FX Alan and I had to restrain myself from > < HeHe!

                    But I bet at the time it was great! I just prefer RDA as Jack, its Jack's ruffley hair that does it!

                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                      LOL, well in 1986 I was only 4 years old *feels young*
                      I was 5 in 1986 *feels a bit young but not by much* but I was too busy watching Doctor Who and The A-Team. LOL

                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                      And yeah, I have seen an ep of it on FX Alan and I had to restrain myself from > < HeHe!
                      Tell me about it! I was watching this one episode which had Nana Visitor guest starring (who went on to play Kira Nerys in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) and MacGyver meets up with a friend of many years and then suddenly out of nowhere they start to have a fist fight! LOL

                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                      But I bet at the time it was great!
                      Yes, I'm sure. TV audiences were far easier to please back then I think. LOL

                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                      I just prefer RDA as Jack, its Jack's ruffley hair that does it!

                      Yes, I'm doubly sure! LOL

                      - Alan

                      THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                      K-9, CLASS and much more...


                        Rac80;7598126]Hey, I am older than you.... I remember RDA as the resident hottie doctor on Gerneral Hospital in the mid to late 70's when I was in high school.
                        Erm, I left school in '69 sooo, think that makes me older (but, hey, it's not a competion so I'll shut up!) I don't think I ever even heard of General Hospital until I started looking up RDA's earlier work. Shirtless you say? '......' (speechless)

                        Macgyver was simply a "kid's show" in my mind.
                        Ok, so that makes me an overgrown kid because I love it! Saw this quote somewhere recently: 'Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional' That's me, right there (thanks to whoever I 'borrowed' this from)
                        P.S. you will figure out the multiple posts eventaully... i did.
                        Aw, c'mon, I was hoping for more of a hint than that!


                          Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
                          Erm, I left school in '69 sooo, think that makes me older (but, hey, it's not a competion so I'll shut up!) I don't think I ever even heard of General Hospital until I started looking up RDA's earlier work. Shirtless you say? '......' (speechless)

                          Ok, so that makes me an overgrown kid because I love it! Saw this quote somewhere recently: 'Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional' That's me, right there (thanks to whoever I 'borrowed' this from)

                          Aw, c'mon, I was hoping for more of a hint than that!
                          Alright since everyone's sharing their Mac stories...

                          I think I was 10 or 11 when it started. I used to watch with my mom and sister all the time. I think we all had a crush on RDA, even with the *shudder* hair. I remember being disgusted with the mullet even then. I've always been a short hair on men person.

                          Oh and multi quotes...

                          For each post you want to quote, click the button right next to the "Quote" button, it has the quotation marks and little plus sign. Then, on the last one, click the "Quote" button. Should work.


                            hisg1fans;LOL ! I'm surprised somebody hasn't made a 'mullet' smiley.
                            Oh, yes pleeeze! Somebody? Anybody? (not that I'm, um, obsessed or anything...)


                              Finally caught up on the thread, ! Bummed to have missed the It's Good to be King chat last night, love that ep, and all the shippy cuteness between S/J.

                              Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
                              can i try and persude you to the other side?
                              You can try...I'm open to different options. I just like John and Teyla together, they are one hot couple! I know one ship no one will take me away from though...WOOO

                              Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                              Melissa...have enough people responded to set the date for Valenship Day? And as this is my first one, I'm assuming it's like Shipmas and Shipsgiving and Ship I right?
                              I think I'm good for this day. Although I'm useless at working out the time differences so was wondering if some lovely person could tell me what times that corresponds to over here across the pond?

                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                              I have currently moved out of the Cavern of Angst and into the Infirmary. I hope to return to my normal wallowing soon. Until then, someone get me Dr. Jack, stat...
                              (((Jena))) Hope you feel better soon hunni. That pic of Dr. Jack, however, sent me from the Cavern into the gutter then to the Infirmary. Definete thunk moment.


                                Oh and multi quotes...

                                For each post you want to quote, click the button right next to the "Quote" button, it has the quotation marks and little plus sign. Then, on the last one, click the "Quote" button. Should work.
                                (((Seahen))) So obvious once it has been pointed out Thanks!

