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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Bee11 View Post
    honestly, i think this thread is what i have been searching for these past few months

    this operation penguin has to be the best thing anyone could ever had thought of

    i'd be prepared to wear a penguin suite if thats what it came to
    black is a flattering colour after all
    Welcome to the Thread!!

    A present:


      I agree 100% I would like to know what happens to SG1.

      No... I need to know what happens... if that makes any sort of sence.
      Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
      You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


        Originally posted by Bee11 View Post
        unfortunatly i am to poor for this so have been forced to download ark of truth and watch episodes on
        ohh how illegal of me
        but you gotta do what you gotta do to get your stargate fix
        Oh, yeah. I meant anyone who can afford it, of course


          Originally posted by madaline_7 View Post
          I agree 100% I would like to know what happens to SG1.

          No... I need to know what happens... if that makes any sort of sence.
          i know what you mean with the NEED thing

          it is a full on desire to see what's going to happen
          "What we need now is a tactical retreat. Did you see the episode on Stargate where they found themselves on a planet with a culture based loosely on Earth Athens and Sparta?"


            can anyone help me out
            i've been dying to find this out


            at 1:33 of this sam/jack video what episode is it from?
            seen it in various videos but don't remember ever seeing that episode!
            "What we need now is a tactical retreat. Did you see the episode on Stargate where they found themselves on a planet with a culture based loosely on Earth Athens and Sparta?"


              Originally posted by Bee11 View Post
              can anyone help me out
              i've been dying to find this out


              at 1:33 of this sam/jack video what episode is it from?
              seen it in various videos but don't remember ever seeing that episode!


                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                thank you so much
                i'm so watching that tomorrow
                just looked up what episode it is and i KNOW i've seen it before but don't remember that bit
                "What we need now is a tactical retreat. Did you see the episode on Stargate where they found themselves on a planet with a culture based loosely on Earth Athens and Sparta?"


                  Back home from another day of playing in traffic. Has anyone heard from Amy yet?

                  Yes sir?
                  Did you pack any snacks?
                  No sir.
                  Yes sir?
                  This is going on your performance report you know. Failure to anticipate commanding officer's needs.
                  Yes sir.
                  Yes sir?
                  I'm just kidding you know. Besides, it's a short flight, so I'll let it go this time.
                  Yes sir.
                  Yes sir?
                  Have I told you today that I love you?
                  Yes sir.

                  *manip by jumble-Thanks jumble!


                    ^^^^ Cute. Very cute.

                    And no...haven't heard from Amy yet.


                      Hello shippers.

                      I'm just popping in so I can post my new milestone here. I've never missed coming here for a major milestone, and was surprised when this one crept up on me. I was hoping it would happen on Ship Day.

                      Anyway, I can't think of anything profound to say, so I'll just chant the old Shipper mantra:

                      "Sam and Jack. Together. Forever!"



                        Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post

                        Oh, I need ship too! But I didn't find it with them. I found that in Doggett and Reyes. I liked m/s as friends because...I don't know why. I just did. Just like some people don't like s/j...I just didn't like m/s. I liked their sweet interactions with eachother (all of them could be argued as being just friendshippy) I just didn't get or see all the ust between the two. I thought the ship was forced and not natural. It didn't flow well for me. I would have rathered them stay friends...and never had that kid.:s
                        XF OT:

                        I am/was one of the biggest Mulder/Scully shippers in the history of the show. Yet even with that . . .
                        This "lovey-dovey"-ness is not good news to me. Because while I loved them together for the first seven years of the series, I cannot accept Mulder being with her after what she did with their son. What she did was unforgivable, and I think it would be in Mulder's eyes, too. This is a man to whom family meant *everything.* At least, he wouldn't want her unless she could FIX IT!

                        So here's something you'll probably never see again: An S/M shipper who doesn't want them together in the new movie. <shrug> Call me weird, but that's the way I feel.
                        - Mary
                        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                          Completely OT (X FILES):
                          I just got back from the X Files movie and cannot stop squeeing....seriously, it was AMAZING (IMHO)!!!!!!! Oh....and if you go to see it...stay to the end of the credits

                          Sigs by Mada


                            Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                            wooo hooo!

                            dang, but look at that hotness!!


                            Last edited by majorsal; 25 July 2008, 06:13 PM. Reason: okay, i must edit to thumbnail size :p



                              Congrats on 23,000 posts Dipsofjazz!

                              (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                                Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
                                Ooh. Two movies?! Am I the only one thinking that one movie could contain a certain honeymoon and wedding and the second could possibly contain one or two babies....

                                i 'try' not to let my brain go to those places...



