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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Welcome to the Thread Bee!!
    sigpicMy Fanfic


      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      The S.H.I.P. covers all bases.
      We're love spreading Ship group hoppers.

      *blinks* ...D'oh!

      Originally posted by josiane View Post

      I see your first newbie question has already been answered, but if you come across any more words or things that make you go 'huh', you can always check out the shiptionary - there's a lot of stuff in here that's a bit, um, well, peculiar to us...

      And if Jumble and Jasmina and Nad haven't scared you off already (Jann's on holiday, so I guess someone had to fill the vacuum ), hopefully the shiptionary won't convince you that we're completely nuts and you'll stick around, post lots and have a lot of fun We do!

      Edit: MOP = Member of Operation Penguin, our campaign to TPTB to get confirmation of Sam and Jack's relationship. It's been going pretty well so far
      I do not scare the newbies. *stomps foot*

      Few looks from the "500 looks between Sam and Jack" thread

      I'm nice...not crazy.
      Last edited by jasminaGo; 25 July 2008, 02:23 PM. Reason: can't spell


        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        Shippers can't make their own decisions...
        We're a collective, right?

        Well, of to bed, too sleepy now and it's too late.
        And since Egle's caps are finished... some picspam... ear looks

        Night shippers (((((family)))))


          ((((Jasmina)))) You are very nice! And not at all scary.

          I think I'm going to have to add the ear thing to the shiptionary...

          And with that I'm off to bed too, night everyone! (((family)))
          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
            Do you have any idea how guttery that is? Maybe Nad should pull you back into the S.H.I.P.
            Thats just your guttery mind at work there Jasmina I was 'innocently' suggesting that she might like to join the coolest group on the thread

            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
            The S.H.I.P. covers all bases.
            We're love spreading Ship group hoppers.

            *blinks* ...D'oh!
            Nad, that really isn't helping the cause
            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
            I like presents

            OT Dutchies
            Well, we'd welcome you! We can offer you...
            Well a pretty solid government for one
            Just kidding. I love Belgium.

            And if not...
            We'll need to know your sizes so we can custom make you a penguin suit to wear when we all go to Vancouver to protest.
            Well I'm definitely not telling you my size

            Originally posted by Bee11 View Post
            ok lol question what does MOP stand for?

            thanks for the welcomes guys
            Member of Operation Penguin. Go visit the site

            Originally posted by Blacky Kitten View Post
            You two, stop seducing newbies! Let them make their own decisions
            Just offering an alternative to Jann's Gutter Army, its only fair


              Originally posted by josiane View Post
              ((((Jasmina)))) You are very nice! And not at all scary.

              I think I'm going to have to add the ear thing to the shiptionary...

              And with that I'm off to bed too, night everyone! (((family)))
              Yes! Yes! Yes! As Queen of 'Ear looks' i empower you to do this! And it would be ear-neck looks then

              Realy of to bed... honestly...
              Last edited by Blacky Kitten; 25 July 2008, 02:30 PM.


                Originally posted by Blacky Kitten View Post

                Night shippers (((((family)))))
                Nighty night Kitten

                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                ((((Jasmina)))) You are very nice! And not at all scary.

                I think I'm going to have to add the ear thing to the shiptionary...

                And with that I'm off to bed too, night everyone! (((family)))
                Nighty night Josiane

                And I'm off to bed as well. Nighty night Shippers ((((((((((Ship Family))))))))))
                Last edited by Jumble; 25 July 2008, 02:25 PM. Reason: What? No banner on this page? :eek:


                  Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                  Third Stargate Movie:[spoiler]And, speaking up on a third movie of Stargate Universe. Here's the thing as I see it (I've slept AND I've got coffee, so this may be more coherent than I was this morning): We Need Closure. I dont' mean just us shippers. I mean, SG-1 fans. We need to KNOW what happened to Jack, and Sam, and Daniel, And Teal'c. And, since some people care (well.. I do honestly ), Vala and Cam. Obviously, for me, some of the what happened to Jack and Sam involves what happened to them together, but..

                  Point is, we need an ending. Or at least, something which could actually serve as an ending. Or at least, some sort of decent send-off to these characters we've come to know and love over 11+ years (oh. My. That's. Long!!) years.

                  That is all I have to say about that. But, I don't think it's too terribly much to ask for. Is it?
                  Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                  I think you're absolutely right.
                  Eventhough I really don't want to see The End just yet, I also think there definately should be one. Frankly, I think TPTB also believe that. Ok, unending may have been a lousy way to actually end it, but I like to think that that only happned due to the movies...

                  But anyway...
                  Yes. I usually hate it to say that 'we' (as in fans) deserve something, but IMHO, this is a time I'll do it anyway. I think fans who have been following the show for over ten years 'deserve' to know what happens to the characters.
                  Oh I heartily agree. We need an ending.Unending was just un-ending. Like an un-birthday. And deliberately so. And I honestly think TPTB would like to give us an honest to goodness conclusion--when it becomes apparent that there's no place else to go.

                  Which has to be a hard call, on their behalf. Obviously AoT was deemed successful enough to warrent consideration of Movie #3 (That's Stargate: Revenge of the Ship, isn't it? ). Probably they're just waiting to see how the numbers for Continuum play out before giving that green light. They'll want to know how a stand-alone movie that doesn't wrap up a two-year storyline does. I think if sales are high, a 3rd movie is in the bag, regardless of Series #3.

                  So...with someone handing them a nice big check to go make another movie, are they really going to write themselves into a corner with a grand finale? From a character and story telling standpoint, it might be the right thing to do. But from an employment and business standpoint, writing yourself out of future storylines is not very good job security. Weigh that against the risk that, while Movie#3 might fly, MGM may decide not to procede with Movie #4...or it may switch to SGA movies by then. I'm sure TPTB would love a crystal ball so they could know exactly when to call it quits and give us the ending they'd no doubt like and which we (and the characters) so justly deserve (and I'm not speaking ship-justice...just broad fan-based, justice, as Jenn said).

         some ways, I feel badly for TPTB. Their future...and both in and out of their hands, subject to the whims of higher ups, the fickleness of the fan base, the vagaries of the economy and the eroding of opportunities where they can actually make money off their efforts when so many venues exist for people to enjoy them without paying for the pleasure.

                  Ah. Science Fiction meets the real world.

                  Don't think I want to write that script.


                    Originally posted by Blacky Kitten View Post

                    Night shippers (((((family)))))
                    I can't help the S.H.I.P. being so sexy...
                    '' 'cause were too sexy for this thread, too sexy for this thread...''

                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    Thats just your guttery mind at work there Jasmina I was 'innocently' suggesting that she might like to join the coolest group on the thread

                    Well I'm definitely not telling you my size
                    ...The group that has the broccoli.

                    That's ok, penenguin suits fit all

                    EDIT: Obviously, this one needs sleep too...
                    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                      -'Cause I'm too sexy for this thread, too sexy for thread, so sexy it hurts-"

                      Noooooo, I can't get it out of my head.....

                      -can't get it out of my head, boy their love is all I think about...-

                      oh man I'll stop now, I can keep doing this all night long....

                      -all night long, all night, all night long-


                      This one needs sleep too LOL

                      Goodnight ((((((((((family)))))))))



                        Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post

                        Which has to be a hard call, on their behalf. Obviously AoT was deemed successful enough to warrent consideration of Movie #3 (That's Stargate: Revenge of the Ship, isn't it? ). Probably they're just waiting to see how the numbers for Continuum play out before giving that green light. They'll want to know how a stand-alone movie that doesn't wrap up a two-year storyline does. I think if sales are high, a 3rd movie is in the bag, regardless of Series #3.
                        I heard that Continuum is #1 at Amazon right now. So it looks good.

                        Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                        Don't think I want to write that script.
                        But...but...but, it be a great script, you'll throw in lots of angst, lots of adventure, some gutter , spice it all up with team friendship, and end it kinda like Moebius. It's enough to stop there, but it can continue if it's necessary Now stop playing around and go write.


                          honestly, i think this thread is what i have been searching for these past few months

                          this operation penguin has to be the best thing anyone could ever had thought of

                          i'd be prepared to wear a penguin suite if thats what it came to
                          black is a flattering colour after all
                          "What we need now is a tactical retreat. Did you see the episode on Stargate where they found themselves on a planet with a culture based loosely on Earth Athens and Sparta?"


                            Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                            Oh I heartily agree. We need an ending.Unending was just un-ending. Like an un-birthday. And deliberately so. And I honestly think TPTB would like to give us an honest to goodness conclusion--when it becomes apparent that there's no place else to go.
                            I think I've said it before, but I feel this is one of the big reasons we shippers have been strung along as well. Not wanting to burn all their bridges, or play all their cards, or whatever simile you like for wanting to keep the Big Ship Reveal until just the right moment at the end of it all.

                            What I'd like to see, in a third movie, would be more of an ending, but one that would still let them bring the characters back if they chose to do so. Let us know exactly what's going on with Sam and Jack personally, and also where they're at professionally. Does Teal'c stay with SG-1, or find a place back home with the Jaffa? And same for Daniel, does he stay or move onto something else? Any of this, of course, could be changed if they did future movies - just bring them all back for whatever the reason is for that one story. Babylon 5, imho, is a great example of non-closure closure . But, give us 'closure' on this particular group as SG-1 going through that gate together on a daily basis fighting Galactic Menace X. You could still do special event movies, and we'd still get closure.
                            Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                   some ways, I feel badly for TPTB. Their future...and both in and out of their hands, subject to the whims of higher ups, the fickleness of the fan base, the vagaries of the economy and the eroding of opportunities where they can actually make money off their efforts when so many venues exist for people to enjoy them without paying for the pleasure.
                            *takes out soapbox*

                            Which reminds me, and I suspect it's been said here and elsewhere. Even if you've seen Continuum, please, please please buy the DVD. More than anything else any of us can do for the future of SG-1, spending money on that DVD is, I'm certain, at the top of the list.

                            *steps off soapbox*

                            Hmm.. Susannah, maybe we need that OT thread for SG fans who happen to be shippers


                              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                              *takes out soapbox*

                              Which reminds me, and I suspect it's been said here and elsewhere. Even if you've seen Continuum, please, please please buy the DVD. More than anything else any of us can do for the future of SG-1, spending money on that DVD is, I'm certain, at the top of the list.

                              *steps off soapbox*
                              unfortunatly i am to poor for this so have been forced to download ark of truth and watch episodes on
                              ohh how illegal of me
                              but you gotta do what you gotta do to get your stargate fix
                              "What we need now is a tactical retreat. Did you see the episode on Stargate where they found themselves on a planet with a culture based loosely on Earth Athens and Sparta?"


                                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                                Pfff... as if...
                                Seriously, we have so much going on!

                                Shippers can't make their own decisions...
                                We're a collective, right?
                                Affirmative.....resistance is futile.....

