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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I gotta get to bed




      Originally posted by Bucky View Post
      So, first, CONGRATS! Sarai! Sprung at last. Hope you get your energy back soon!

      Second, got a note from Mala letting me know I gave the wrong author for "What Will it Take?" It's by SG-1Fanfic, who's page at FF.N can be found here. It's a great place for those of you looking for Sam and/or S/J fic recs as well--she has a whole page of 'em.

      Our own sg-1fanintn also has a page of shippy fic at FF.N. Hers can be found here.

      And for SamJackShipper93 and anyone else looking for S/J stories not on FF.N, try SJD--hasn't been updated since 2005, but a huge repository of SJ stories, and of course, Sam and Jack Always and Forever Lots of very adult stuff, but not all.

      And, if you want to do some searching, go to Heliopolis which has regular, adult, slash, and Atlantis fic archived separately.

      And I believe the Stargate Novel Archive has already been suggested. Once again, you'll have to do some sifting and searching.

      I'll try to put together a list of good sites for Monday.

      That list of sites is a great idea for Ship Day, Bucky! See you here! I'm taking the day off from work.

      LOL!!! And thanks for the misplaced writing credit! I WISH I had written that incredible story!

      Not me! I'm more the short, fluffy romance/gutter writer.

      SG1-fanfic (who is actually astrogeologist from the SAGC thread) is a substantive writer.

      Big difference--tee-hee!!!
      Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 24 July 2008, 11:13 PM.


        Nice banner!

        Originally posted by Blacky Kitten View Post
        Congrats On 1700 Josiane!!!
        From me too!

        No congrats for my milestone... *sniff*

        9.13 Ripple Effect

        AU Martouf: She stopped being "my Samantha" a long time ago.

        Sam: Just out of curiosity, where did I go?
        AU Janet: Maternity leave.

        According to JM in AU Sam was married to Jack.

        10.06 200



          10.12 Line in the Sand

          Sam: In my personal directory. Letters mostly. There's one to Cassie… some other people. Password's "fishing."

          10.14 The Shroud



            Stargate Atlantis

            4.03 Reunion

            From JM's blog:

            4.16 Trio cut scene:


            A little chat between Carter and Keller as they are knotting up that rope:

            Carter: So…you seeing anyone?

            Keller: What?

            Carter: Around the base, you seeing anyone?

            Keller: I dunno…I had a moment with - with this…guy. He’s not exactly easy to read so…I guess the short answer is “no”. You?

            Carter: Well, I’m the boss, so I can’t really…

            Keller: Right Anyone back home?

            Carter: Uhm…

            Keller: Un-huh, I thought so. Give it up.

            Carter: Well, it’s complicated.

            Keller: Show me a relationship that isn’t.

            Carter: He’s in Washington…I’m here.

            Keller: Ouch. Long distance relationship.

            Carter: He’s going to retire soon, so maybe -

            Keller: Really! Retire? So…an older man, huh?

            Carter: Not that much older.

            Keller: Washington, older man…is he like a Senator or something? Someone famous? Would I know him?

            Carter: Probably not.

            I'm afraid that's it. Finito. Next up Continuum and 3rd movie. Was fun. I think I'll post best caps on Ship Day.


              Originally posted by Egle01 View Post


              A little chat between Carter and Keller as they are knotting up that rope:

              Carter: So…you seeing anyone?

              Keller: What?

              Carter: Around the base, you seeing anyone?

              Keller: I dunno…I had a moment with - with this…guy. He’s not exactly easy to read so…I guess the short answer is “no”. You?

              Carter: Well, I’m the boss, so I can’t really…

              Keller: Right Anyone back home?

              Carter: Uhm…

              Keller: Un-huh, I thought so. Give it up.

              Carter: Well, it’s complicated.

              Keller: Show me a relationship that isn’t.

              Carter: He’s in Washington…I’m here.

              Keller: Ouch. Long distance relationship.

              Carter: He’s going to retire soon, so maybe -

              Keller: Really! Retire? So…an older man, huh?

              Carter: Not that much older.

              Keller: Washington, older man…is he like a Senator or something? Someone famous? Would I know him?

              Carter: Probably not.

              I'm afraid that's it. Finito. Next up Continuum and 3rd movie. Was fun. I think I'll post best caps on Ship Day.

              Please do! I so enjoied these!


              Ok... I am dense... I will give you that... but I just rewatched Threads, and I guess I just don't get how it is the be all end all for the ship.

              Does someone have a link to Jennifer's LJ page? She has said more than once that she's not reposting it here. LOL
              Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
              You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


                OT X-Files 2 movie...

                OMG OMG OMG...if any of you are die hard Scully/Mulder shippers like I am, you will LOVE THIS MOVIE!! It is sooooo shippy!!! There is fluff, angst, something for everyone I love how this movie centered around their relationship and it was SO COOL to see them together and so relaxed with one another. I've never seen Scully more at ease than she is in this movie. And Mulder is so cute with her. I just had to squeeeee.

                The movie itself is also really really good. The story is sufficiently creepy and icky and there is a late cameo appearance that had the theatre cheering But seeing Mulder and Scully snuggle and smooch and be cute made this movie for me hehe. God I'm such a sap LOL.


                  Originally posted by madaline_7 View Post
                  Please do! I so enjoied these!


                  Ok... I am dense... I will give you that... but I just rewatched Threads, and I guess I just don't get how it is the be all end all for the ship.

                  Does someone have a link to Jennifer's LJ page? She has said more than once that she's not reposting it here. LOL
                  Y'mean this?


                    Just swingin' by to say hello before I go to sleep!

                    Those caps made me happy, It's been a long day.

                    *grumbles* AT is so gosh darn pretty.......
                    Too cool for a signature.


                      Originally posted by Meriwyn View Post
                      OT X-Files 2 movie...

                      OMG OMG OMG...if any of you are die hard Scully/Mulder shippers like I am, you will LOVE THIS MOVIE!! It is sooooo shippy!!! There is fluff, angst, something for everyone I love how this movie centered around their relationship and it was SO COOL to see them together and so relaxed with one another. I've never seen Scully more at ease than she is in this movie. And Mulder is so cute with her. I just had to squeeeee.

                      The movie itself is also really really good. The story is sufficiently creepy and icky and there is a late cameo appearance that had the theatre cheering But seeing Mulder and Scully snuggle and smooch and be cute made this movie for me hehe. God I'm such a sap LOL.
                      OT X-Files
                      I haven't been Scully/Mulder shipper, I think, but your post made me want to see the movie. Snuggle? Smooch? Really?

                      I sooo want to hear words like that for our ship. *Mojo getting low*

                      Aah, much better. I'm off now. Got tons of work to do.


                        Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                        Y'mean this?
                        Yes 'em. Thank you. I'll look at it later while watching. (If nothing else it'll drive the babes up the wall. And I enjoy nothing less than driving my babes up the wall. )

                        Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
                        Just swingin' by to say hello before I go to sleep!

                        Those caps made me happy, It's been a long day.

                        *grumbles* AT is so gosh darn pretty.......
                        Isn't she though? I so fangirl her!


                        hey EGLE!!

                        Did you know that BW is writing a "romantic" scene for our ship? How about JM confirming that Sam and Jack were married in a AU? Did you know he posted a MOP penguin on his blog? The trio seen was written and documented... Sam said she was with someone.

                        Did that help? no?

                        How about this...

                        (made by Jann!)

                        Did it help?

                        Yes? Rock on!

                        No? I'm sorry I tried!
                        Last edited by madaline_7; 24 July 2008, 11:18 PM.
                        Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
                        You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


                          BELATED CONGRATS ON 2400 EGLE

                          Too busy looking at the pics to notice ((((((Egle))))))


                            Originally posted by madaline_7 View Post

                            Awww! I love the lyrics!

                            And a pic of Daniel from some wedding....

                            And you know TPTB killed that prop guy who put that pic of Daniel in her office!
                            So tahts a yes?!

                            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                            Hey all !

                            Hospital OT:

                            First things first, I'M OUT!! Finally!!! Got out yesterday morning but now I'm kind of struggling to get back into a routine. I seem to be so tired all the time, and really early as well, like 8 o'clock. When I was in there all I wanted to do was get out and I had so much energy, now I've kind of deflated a little, lol. Still, back now and ready for some major shipping. Trying to start, yes start, work on my Ship Day offering but it might be a little late . Apologies.

                            Anyhoo, how the diddly is everyone?

                            Sarai!!!!! Welcome back Hon! (((((hugs)))))

                            Originally posted by josiane View Post
                            Dropping off a new sig for my 1700th post


                            Hmmm, why do I always seem to hit milestones just before I go to bed?

                            Originally posted by Meriwyn View Post
                            OT X-Files 2 movie...

                            OMG OMG OMG...if any of you are die hard Scully/Mulder shippers like I am, you will LOVE THIS MOVIE!! It is sooooo shippy!!! There is fluff, angst, something for everyone I love how this movie centered around their relationship and it was SO COOL to see them together and so relaxed with one another. I've never seen Scully more at ease than she is in this movie. And Mulder is so cute with her. I just had to squeeeee.

                            The movie itself is also really really good. The story is sufficiently creepy and icky and there is a late cameo appearance that had the theatre cheering But seeing Mulder and Scully snuggle and smooch and be cute made this movie for me hehe. God I'm such a sap LOL.

                            *covers screen as she answers this *sticks fingers in ears and hums loudly
                            Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                            Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                              Originally posted by Meriwyn View Post
                              OT X-Files 2 movie...

                              OMG OMG OMG...if any of you are die hard Scully/Mulder shippers like I am, you will LOVE THIS MOVIE!! It is sooooo shippy!!! There is fluff, angst, something for everyone I love how this movie centered around their relationship and it was SO COOL to see them together and so relaxed with one another. I've never seen Scully more at ease than she is in this movie. And Mulder is so cute with her. I just had to squeeeee.

                              The movie itself is also really really good. The story is sufficiently creepy and icky and there is a late cameo appearance that had the theatre cheering But seeing Mulder and Scully snuggle and smooch and be cute made this movie for me hehe. God I'm such a sap LOL.

                              Yey, I'm a Mulder/Scully shipper too. Am gonna watch the movie next week! I'm soooo glad it's getting good reviews. Now I'm really exited! LOL


                                Originally posted by Egle01 View Post


                                A little chat between Carter and Keller as they are knotting up that rope:

                                Carter: So…you seeing anyone?

                                Keller: What?

                                Carter: Around the base, you seeing anyone?

                                Keller: I dunno…I had a moment with - with this…guy. He’s not exactly easy to read so…I guess the short answer is “no”. You?

                                Carter: Well, I’m the boss, so I can’t really…

                                Keller: Right Anyone back home?

                                Carter: Uhm…

                                Keller: Un-huh, I thought so. Give it up.

                                Carter: Well, it’s complicated.

                                Keller: Show me a relationship that isn’t.

                                Carter: He’s in Washington…I’m here.

                                Keller: Ouch. Long distance relationship.

                                Carter: He’s going to retire soon, so maybe -

                                Keller: Really! Retire? So…an older man, huh?

                                Carter: Not that much older.

                                Keller: Washington, older man…is he like a Senator or something? Someone famous? Would I know him?

                                Carter: Probably not.

                                I'm afraid that's it. Finito. Next up Continuum and 3rd movie. Was fun. I think I'll post best caps on Ship Day.
                                This was fun. No green to give just thanks for recaping all the moments

                                Originally posted by Meriwyn View Post
                                OT X-Files 2 movie...

                                OMG OMG OMG...if any of you are die hard Scully/Mulder shippers like I am, you will LOVE THIS MOVIE!! It is sooooo shippy!!! There is fluff, angst, something for everyone I love how this movie centered around their relationship and it was SO COOL to see them together and so relaxed with one another. I've never seen Scully more at ease than she is in this movie. And Mulder is so cute with her. I just had to squeeeee.

                                The movie itself is also really really good. The story is sufficiently creepy and icky and there is a late cameo appearance that had the theatre cheering But seeing Mulder and Scully snuggle and smooch and be cute made this movie for me hehe. God I'm such a sap LOL.
                                Really? Awesome!!! I wanna see that moive now, but I have to wait...don't know how long.

