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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
    Ok...I've never done this before...but majorsal just sent me some green...and I have to post her comments here because I got such a kick out of them:

    "if you meet rda... be prepared to either die on the stop, or jump him and end up in jail. if you die, visit me ! if jail, i'll visit you."

    LOL!!!!! Sally, honey...I will meet least, briefly...because our group all have VIP tickets, which include getting our photos made with him. Why do you think I've been dieting since January and going to the gym since March?????

    I hope I can restrain myself from jumping him (Hubby is not going along on this trip). I'll just have nell, trupi, sugarshaker, SG1-Poz and starflight to supervise me.

    Even more, I hope I don't do this when I meet him: + +

    * Smilies by Mala
    * And now, I must go prepare my MOP postcards for printing...

    Sweet Dreams, Ship Family!!!
    That's classic. I'm so jealous of all you ladies, and I can't wait to hear about it.

    Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
    Oh, General, before I forget...One of the sigs on the MOP site was credited to me, but I didn't make it. I want to say Brooke did, but I'm not sure. It's pink, and was right after mine on the site.
    Speaking of oddities, my sig never showed up on the site.

    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    i've sent postcards to canada (from california) for YEARS and didn't know i had to have 'special' stamps. so if i just put two stamps on a postcard, it wouldn't end up in BC? (and we're talking a LOT of postcards over the years... )

    You don't need an air mail stamp to send mail to Canada.


      somewhere a while ago i saw something about what movies sam (and possibly jack) would watch together....

      if its possible, i would like to add "You've Got Mail" to the list. not only do i think that sam could probably relate to the character, i think that she would also enjoy the romantic side of the story. plus, meg ryan's hair is almost identical to the hair of sams in season's 1-3.



      Thankyou to Jann who made my signature


        Originally posted by k8tyds View Post
        somewhere a while ago i saw something about what movies sam (and possibly jack) would watch together....

        if its possible, i would like to add "You've Got Mail" to the list. not only do i think that sam could probably relate to the character, i think that she would also enjoy the romantic side of the story. plus, meg ryan's hair is almost identical to the hair of sams in season's 1-3.

        Ahhh you're from Brisbane too...!

        Hahah yeah I'm all for the "You've Got Mail" suggestion! Lili I'm sure will agree with you too


          Originally posted by jumble View Post

          CONGRATS ON 1300 KRISSIE
          From me too!
          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
          And now, a little pic spam...just 'cause I feel like it.
          Nice! I like when you feel like it.

          Yesterday I decided what am I going to do to make Ship Month a bit more special (to me). I'm think posting 2-3 caps, 4 tops, from EVERY ep featuring Sam and Jack. Right from the beginning - CotG- to the end - "The Shroud" (last ep with Jack). I know it's a bit of a mouthful. but I'm already making necessary preparations. I plan to post every day July 1st-27th, so I must post at least 6 or 7 eps per day. And even if I won't make it posting all eps in July, I'll continue in August. I can't watch all eps, although I'd really like to, so that would be a nice way for me to go through all eps. Kinda. I just wanted to ask are you OK with that? Or has anyone done this before?


            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
            Heee! Sorry if I haven't been posting much... lurk every day, you know
            delurk! lol

            Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
            "Blinkin, fix your boobs, you look like a bloody Picasso!"

            My favourite line in that movie. Classic indeed!
            ahahah I love when he's got the Brail Men's magizine "Oh you lost you arm's in battle...." etc etc and "I thought it felt a bit drafty."

            Originally posted by starlover View Post
            me too
            its good to see him back. I missed him in the last few seasons and all...I love him when I watch the old episodes!

            and short OT

            I have my graduation very soon(like in 30 min) ...kinda nervous...last time I go to my highschool...then its all weird! after 6 years...weird...
            Yaya! Jann congrats on your Graduation! It feels better to be free does it not? (i graduated HS last year)

            Originally posted by starlover View Post
            Thanks! and it was fun

            I got mentioned 3 times during the speech of one "teacher" he he...but instead of all bad things (that he mentioned of most people) he said only good things...about that you always see me with some friends(two to be exact) and that he will miss me(he even kissed me on my cheeks and said I *had* to stay coming next years lol) .
            Then I got my diploma/certificate...was fun as well...on the picture and all..oh and I got a picture of my class.
            Afterwards we had a drink, and some teachers came to me...said how good I had done it...and to my parents how perfect student I am That I left a good reputation on the school!!! erm...what more...oh and 'bout my marks that they were very good lol!...

            That's about it I think...but it really made me smile...(and my parents very proud lol!)

            I already had that one ...when I was on vacation I kinda missed it...but tomorrow I do have a party of a friend(Actually two parties but not going to one) (both in another village)




            You do know you that costed me 5 min eh...

            Good although I already knew for a while that I was graduated...just got my certificate and all today...and my final mark list Yay. Now I'm officially done with highschool

            ...if only...that would have made good entertainment...

            i dunno if you felt it but in the last year of school senior teachers became more like mutaul friends.. we used to play tricks on them they used to play them on us it was fun and at grad they all got teary and we were like whoo free at last!

            Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
            Ahhh you're from Brisbane too...!

            Hahah yeah I'm all for the "You've Got Mail" suggestion! Lili I'm sure will agree with you too
            MJ we have another Aussie?! ayay!

            i went to the bank today and there was this poster outside promoting the bank. There was a Pengiuin on the edge of a glacier and it said

            " Your Future is our Future"... i walked out fo the bank with the biggest smile on my face ahaha
            Last edited by atlantis_babe34; 27 June 2008, 05:11 AM.
            Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
            Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


              Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
              MJ we have another Aussie?! ayay!

              i went to the bank today and there was this poster outside promoting the bank. There was a Pengiuin on the edge of a glacier and it said

              " Your Future is our Future"... i walked out fo the bank with the biggest smile on my face ahaha
              Hahahaha oh yeah! Heehee


                Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
                Ahhh you're from Brisbane too...!
                yes, yes i am! im going to guess your from here too?

                and just so that this isn't completely off topic,


                Thankyou to Jann who made my signature


                  Egle, thanks for the manip.

                  I made a wallpaper!!!!!! My very first one!!!! What do you guys think? MOP worthy?
                  Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                    Originally posted by k8tyds View Post
                    yes, yes i am! im going to guess your from here too?
                    Yes, yes indeed

                    Woo! Morjana posted the link for new Continuum photos.

                    3 days till July!
                    3 days till July!
                    3 days till July!
                    3 days till July!
                    3 days till July!
                    3 days till July!

                    I'm going to watch Entity tonight.......HAH just for a change! I don't watch that episode enough I'm not being sarcastic


                      woohoo! Another Brisbanite!

                      I feel we should have some kind of shipper reunion (can you call it a reunion if you've never met before?) at...Krispy Kremes...or...pancake manor

                      Oh yeah...that was quite OT, wasn't it?

                      To slightly Un-OT this post, today I made Sam and Jack puppets out of toilet rolls! I will post a picture when I get my camera all hoked up!



                        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                        woohoo! Another Brisbanite!

                        I feel we should have some kind of shipper reunion (can you call it a reunion if you've never met before?) at...Krispy Kremes...or...pancake manor

                        Oh yeah...that was quite OT, wasn't it?

                        To slightly Un-OT this post, today I made Sam and Jack puppets out of toilet rolls! I will post a picture when I get my camera all hoked up!

                        That is brilliant! Must post photos!


                          Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                          - if your teacher basically said that you're a perfect angel he obviously doesn't know about all the gutter you've introduced into the hallowed halls of the school....
                          shhh...what he doesn't know he doesn't has to know!
                          And he probably knows I'm not a perfect angel...after those two times I was send to his office...*whistles innocent*

                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          i've sent postcards to canada (from california) for YEARS and didn't know i had to have 'special' stamps. so if i just put two stamps on a postcard, it wouldn't end up in BC? (and we're talking a LOT of postcards over the years... )

                          For the stamps, I usually check the internet how much it is, or just ask it at the postoffice where I buy my stamps...oh and if you look...I normally do "priority" mail...goes a lot faster...forgot it when I was in Spain...and the card I Send to my parents arrived a week after I got home....

                          Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                          From me too!

                          Nice! I like when you feel like it.

                          Yesterday I decided what am I going to do to make Ship Month a bit more special (to me). I'm think posting 2-3 caps, 4 tops, from EVERY ep featuring Sam and Jack. Right from the beginning - CotG- to the end - "The Shroud" (last ep with Jack). I know it's a bit of a mouthful. but I'm already making necessary preparations. I plan to post every day July 1st-27th, so I must post at least 6 or 7 eps per day. And even if I won't make it posting all eps in July, I'll continue in August. I can't watch all eps, although I'd really like to, so that would be a nice way for me to go through all eps. Kinda. I just wanted to ask are you OK with that? Or has anyone done this before?
                          It's fun to do, cap and watch...I'm rewatching and capping the series as well!! But just to say so..6 or 7 eps a day is a lot...sometimes, in the beginning I managed to do that...but not anymore...just saying!
                          2 eps a day is reasonable!!!
                          I'm now almost at S6

                          Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
                          Yaya! Jann congrats on your Graduation! It feels better to be free does it not? (i graduated HS last year)
                          To be honest, not really. I still have other things to do atm and other responsibilities. and after the vacation I have, I will start with my new school...

                          i dunno if you felt it but in the last year of school senior teachers became more like mutaul friends.. we used to play tricks on them they used to play them on us it was fun and at grad they all got teary and we were like whoo free at last!
                          well I already had that the last two years. but it is true, how better the teachers get to know you, how more fun they are to have lessons from them!! but then again, it's also your own thing, if you don't do a thing about it the teachers stay the same and detached.
                          and tricks on them....that/'s the most fun thing to do

                          and teary...yeah....kinda....I really think I'm gonna miss HS

                          oh and Sally I loved the green you gave Melissa very funny!!!...


                            Originally posted by Chocolatequeen View Post
                            That's classic. I'm so jealous of all you ladies, and I can't wait to hear about it.

                            Speaking of oddities, my sig never showed up on the site.

                            You don't need an air mail stamp to send mail to Canada.
                            CQ, either pm it to me or post it here and I'll put it on for you

                            Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
                            it was like a underwear add replaced a model's head with Joe's.... he was on a bed
                            I found that pic strangely offensive, made me feel really uncomfortable

                            MOP site There are still a few uncredited pieces of artwork. Please everyone check that your names are on your work and let me know any that are not


                              JACK: These people and their stealth six grabbing, they just won't quit! I'm getting out of here!

                              I couldn't resist...

                              Nostalgia: The New Adventures of Robin Hood. (Tv-series)
                              Proud member of the Subtle Ear Glances Club!
                              My fanfiction, SG-1 included


                                Ibaraz -

                                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                                It's fun to do, cap and watch...I'm rewatching and capping the series as well!! But just to say so..6 or 7 eps a day is a lot...sometimes, in the beginning I managed to do that...but not anymore...just saying!
                                2 eps a day is reasonable!!!
                                I'm now almost at S6
                                Ya think? Well,we'll see.

