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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
    Hang on, I thoguht the last ep of s10 was 'The Shroud' and that they'd already finished shooting on like october the 5th?
    Nope. The last episode is titled "Unending"

    Here's where you can get more info:
    my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


      Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
      Hang on, I thoguht the last ep of s10 was 'The Shroud' and that they'd already finished shooting on like october the 5th?
      No, I think the Shroud is much earlier on in the second half of season 10. Err episode 13 I think. So the third one after break.


        Originally posted by Goddess View Post
        Even if
        they don't show Jack in the future they can still IMPLY stuff! Remember we still have the movies to look forward to! That's where my ship hope is!

        I think
        they've already said something about what a pain it was to do the actors makeup to age them 20 then 40 years. This is good though because I wouldn't want the last episode to be played by actors other than the ones we already love!
        i don't mind to much how the series end the only thing i want is that:
        Jack and Sam are together, they don't have to have childeren, i would prefer that, but it isn't necessary. And i want a happy ending. i also would love to see the stargate in public, but i don't know if that ever is going to happen. For the rest i won't mind how it ends...just as everything is okay...i hate sad endings!

        Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
        Alright, I have to get ready for work now...

        Talk to you all later!

        I forgot to mention how I was able to spend time with my cousin during Thanksgiving. He's a huge sci-fi fan, and loves SG-1. He doesn't watch the new episodes, but watched '200'.

        And, of course, I had to ask him what he thought of the scene. And, he was supportive. He likes how the characters have their personal lives, and how that combines with the "main" storyline.

        It was interesting to hear his views, since he's about the only person I know that watches SG...
        only one you have to convert's very easy...let your brothers/sisters/parents watch with you it in the living room so they don't have a choice Or in the kitchen, atleast a place were they are the most of the time. And in the end they will like it


          Oh and to all those lucky GW'ders who got to go to Avalon...I WANT DEATAILS! Are ya going to give us and full run down of the event and experiences, any shippy questions or answers?

          ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
          I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
          Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


            Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
            Well, I do have my other friend, but she's only seen seasons 1-3 of Stargate. So.. I'm going to let her borrow my seasons as soon as I get them. I've already converted her into an Alias fan. Now I just need to make her a shipper.

            So that brings the total to 2.
            Nice! Always good to convert more people to the cause! I remember my friend found out that I only watched Atlantis and had only seen a few episodes of SG-1 because I couldn't follow the plot of SG-1. She promptly lent me the first eight seasons. Which I watched in eight weeks. Needless to say I've been a little addicted ever since.


              You only know ONE person who watches SG-1!! I would die!
              I know NO ONE. Can you believe that, out of all my friends and family no one watches stargate...either one. I rely heavily on forums to discuss stuff about the show, esp sam/jack ship...hence why i love shippers...totally my kinda people, lol.

              (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                I don't think I'm going to have much luck over converting my family. They're not too much fun. They watched the movie, but that was about it...

                I'm off to work... see you around 10:30 CST!!
                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                  Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                  only one you have to convert's very easy...let your brothers/sisters/parents watch with you it in the living room so they don't have a choice Or in the kitchen, atleast a place were they are the most of the time. And in the end they will like it
                  Though I wouldn't let them watch an episode with Unas(sp?) in it first. It tends to scare them away. Long story . . .


                    Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                    I don't think I'm going to have much luck over converting my family. They're not too much fun. They watched the movie, but that was about it...

                    I'm off to work... see you around 10:30 CST!!
                    Jeesh! Work till 10:30? Good luck!


                      Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                      I know NO ONE. Can you believe that, out of all my friends and family no one watches stargate...either one. I rely heavily on forums to discuss stuff about the show, esp sam/jack ship...hence why i love shippers...totally my kinda people, lol.
                      Oh no that's have to convert people...i'm also one of the converted people...wait...i'm not...i grew up with this i didn't had a choice

                      (((Nikki))) for don't knowing anyone


                        Originally posted by Goddess View Post
                        Though I wouldn't let them watch an episode with Unas(sp?) in it first. It tends to scare them away. Long story . . .
                        i've got time...just tell it....please

                        maybe this is going to let you tell it:



                          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                          i've got time...just tell it....please

                          maybe this is going to let you tell it:

                          Oh dear . . . It's really not that interesting. It's just that my mom always walks in on the most unfortunate part of SG-1. The first two times it was episodes with the Unas and they they're just like grunting away and she's like, "You're right the guys on this show are hot" and rolls her eyes, obviously thinking I'm totally mental. Then the next time she comes in it's Lifeboat and Daniel's talking like a little kid one second and a crazed dictator the next. This time no comment, just raised eyebrows. The next time Daniel's in the mental institution and hiding in the corner babbling incoherently.

                          I don't let her walk in during Stargate anymore . . . :sigh:


                            Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                            I don't think you should worry if RDA's gonna be in it or not
                            I totally agree for two reasons.
                            First, there is alot to cover about Sam's future, let alone the rest of SG-1 and Earth, that they probably won't have much time to dwell on everything, so chances are that any references to Sam's personal life are likely to be quick and thus obscure. This is still more likely if RDA is really going to be in the movies since I really think they'll continue to be coy til then


                              Originally posted by Goddess View Post
                              Oh dear . . . It's really not that interesting. It's just that my mom always walks in on the most unfortunate part of SG-1. The first two times it was episodes with the Unas and they they're just like grunting away and she's like, "You're right the guys on this show are hot" and rolls her eyes, obviously thinking I'm totally mental. Then the next time she comes in it's Lifeboat and Daniel's talking like a little kid one second and a crazed dictator the next. This time no comment, just raised eyebrows. The next time Daniel's in the mental institution and hiding in the corner babbling incoherently.

                              I don't let her walk in during Stargate anymore . . . :sigh:
                              oh that's bad(((Goddess)))
                              My father always teasing to go to the next scene when i'm gonna say it will be a good scene(he then allready knows it's a sam one or a sam/jack one) And the last time he did it when the Grace Kiss was just coming had heard me scream..he was quick at rewinding so that i could watch it*sigh* and my mother is always reading the newspaper then, or some magazine, she's the only one i didn't converted in here!!!


                                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                                I totally agree for two reasons.
                                First, there is alot to cover about Sam's future, let alone the rest of SG-1 and Earth, that they probably won't have much time to dwell on everything, so chances are that any references to Sam's personal life are likely to be quick and thus obscure. This is still more likely if RDA is really going to be in the movies since I really think they'll continue to be coy til then
                                My thoughts exactly! Except with more elegant words like obscure and coy. Good thoughts!

