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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by cess525 View Post
    I agree, everytime I watch Grace I think she is finally going to say something...even though I know she is going to say 'nothing'. It just seems like she really is going to open up to him right then and my little shippy mind forget everytime that it ends with NOTHING.
    Oh, it's worse than that. It ends with...

    Well, thank goodness, that's not how it ends


      Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
      you have no idea what a friend of mine ever send as a manip of that pic...
      I was in really shocked...I actually deleted that immediatly...So you get the picture eh lol...Well you don't get it

      Btw OT rant: I HATE BEING SICK...really don't like it at all...Brings me to a lovely question to ask all of you... What would Jack do when Sam was sick at home? How would he spoil his wife... (wow see how I can make something OT to on topic )

      Uhm...uhm..see i'm in the gutter**tries to think pg**

      uhm i think he would take care for her...and be with that she gets better again. He would be there...that's one for sure i think...
      He would give her things nice back rub

      uhm for the rest i can't think off anything pg...


        Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
        Btw OT rant: I HATE BEING SICK...really don't like it at all...Brings me to a lovely question to ask all of you... What would Jack do when Sam was sick at home? How would he spoil his wife... (wow see how I can make something OT to on topic )
        <hugs> I hope you feel better. And spoilers for LiS
        Wouldn't that make a great tag? Sam is recuperating at home...


          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
          <hugs> I hope you feel better. And spoilers for LiS
          Wouldn't that make a great tag? Sam is recuperating at home...
          YEAH SURE YA BETCHA!!!!
          are you offering Jenn?? cause I know some stalkers around here who willing to help me to get you start writing


            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
            <hugs> I hope you feel better. And spoilers for LiS
            Wouldn't that make a great tag? Sam is recuperating at home...
            **stalker inside Jann wakes up**

            uhm Jenn

            i hear that you are willing to write something i can stalk ya again for something new
            So you have to write a tag...i see that plot really has to written i swear


              Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
              I'm all in favour of continuing the episodes of the week discussion.

              I think all the creative wallpapers, icons, slides and shots, reading all the fanfic recs and just seeing what people liked, favourite moments, discussion points and everything has been great.

              I also think we have a nice balance because it hasn't stopped everyone posting on any oter aspect of S/J as well.
              OK, so like everyone wants to continue
              So I'll try to keep making the polls, or my friends on YIM wilp help me *right gals?* I think we have about 8 more weeks to go.

              Ooh, and go vote here


                Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                aw Jenn...why do ya always have to pull me in the gutter again...just when i;m not in it...i'm almost 24/7 in it now
                Everytime i don't see the gutter...or i'm missing see it..and pull me back into the gutter...please continue doing that
                Tell me about it Jann, I was doing FINE until I met you lot!

                (((you lot)))

                concentrate on PG thought! Concentrate on PG thoughts!


                  Originally posted by cess525 View Post
                  I agree, everytime I watch Grace I think she is finally going to say something...even though I know she is going to say 'nothing'. It just seems like she really is going to open up to him right then and my little shippy mind forget everytime that it ends with NOTHING.

                  LMAO with the 'crap I just signed for her;
                  I like Grace but to me it is the start of her "getting a life" without Jack. I remember watching it the first time, having this knot in my stomach and thinking that this was the end of S/J.

                  I do like the scenes between Jack and Tealc. For a man of so little words he is very observant. He wants Jack to open up, but Jack just shuts down. I also like the elevator scene between Jack and Daniel. If the doors hadn't opened, Jack might have smacked Daniel.
                  Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    See, I disagree. But I know a lot of people disagree with me, so *shrugs*. My reason is that he looks so hopeful, like she might finally be opening up to him, when she thanks him, then so crestfallen and dissapointed when she says 'nothing'. Then there's such a saddenness and almost-bitterness when he tells her he's got a whole lot of nothing. It always breaks my heart. And the fact that he really did do nothing to bring her home is part of the problem. I don't think he feels she needs him because she is so complete and capable on her own -- more so than he, in his opinion. What can he add to her?

                    Later in Threads, that scene is replayed almost exactly in the 'Always' scene, only this time Sam has figured things out, is willing to take the HUGE emotional/professional risk of opening completely to Jack (ohh...<splash>) and so she gives him the answer he needed... the reason she loves him, which I don't think he's EVER understood and thus never fully believed... Which, ironically, is really no reason at all except she wants him with her... and that simple explanation finally, IMHO, convinces him she really does need/want/love him (because I'd suspect it's the reason he loves her ), and he gives himself... (though there is one second of almost-fear there when I think he realizes, 'crap! I just signed for her!'

                    My fully animated gif of the 'Always' scene. I really wouldn't click if I didn't have broadband...
                    That's a huge part of Jack's problem, imho - he needs to be needed and know that he's contributing, even if all he's doing is making Sam smile. So he was stuck on Earth feeling helpless and being obvious enough that Teal'c had to talk to him, and Sam was out there, doing her thing and saving herself and the rest of the Prometheus crew. So he did nothing, in his opinion. He needs her, but she doesn't need him.

                    So when he says he's got a whole lot of nothing, he means it, especially as he immediately changes the subject to something more trivial and lighthearted - if he can't be any real use to her than at least he can make her smile - because he can do the goofy friend thing.

                    And then, in Threads, he gets it. He doesn't need to be anything other than himself to be the right person for her, and that amazes him, because you always get the feeling that he's not that keen on himself. And from the moment he realises that he truly, honestly wants him - not a perfect picture of him that she's built up in her mind, not the facade that he throws at the world, but him, then he's not going to let go. Because in the end, the only thing he really wants is to see her smile.
                    Stuart: “You’ve done nothing, Vince. You go to work, you go for a drink. You sit at home and watch cheap science fiction. Small and tiny world. What is there…that’s so impressive about that? What is there to love?”
                    Vince: “Yeah.”
                    Stuart: “…It was good enough for me.”


                      Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post

                      Uhm...uhm..see i'm in the gutter**tries to think pg**

                      uhm i think he would take care for her...and be with that she gets better again. He would be there...that's one for sure i think...
                      He would give her things nice back rub

                      uhm for the rest i can't think off anything pg...
                      Jann, Sam is sick fcol, get yourself out that gutter.

                      Maybe Sam gets really cranky when sick, cause she can't work and do other stuff herself, and she doesn't like that. So Jack will be really sweet and diplomatic (sure he can do that) with her and not patronize her.
                      *I hope you get what I mean, cause 'm not sure about the english.*

                      And Eve: hope you feel better soon


                        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                        Jann, Sam is sick fcol, get yourself out that gutter.

                        Maybe Sam gets really cranky when sick, cause she can't work and do other stuff herself, and she doesn't like that. So Jack will be really sweet and diplomatic (sure he can do that) with her and not patronize her.
                        *I hope you get what I mean, cause 'm not sure about the english.*

                        And Eve: hope you feel better soon
                        i know and understand it...but blame jenn for this..cus i was out of the gutter...till THAT post
                        And i hope for jack that sam isn't cranky

                        btw i understand ya


                          Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                          I like Grace but to me it is the start of her "getting a life" without Jack. I remember watching it the first time, having this knot in my stomach and thinking that this was the end of S/J.

                          I do like the scenes between Jack and Tealc. For a man of so little words he is very observant. He wants Jack to open up, but Jack just shuts down. I also like the elevator scene between Jack and Daniel. If the doors hadn't opened, Jack might have smacked Daniel.
                          I felt exactly the same. Before Grace I never heard about Gateworld and stuff like that, but after Grace I just had to know more. So Grace took me here (wel, Sonyboard at first, untill Uber told me about this place). And now I know ther are
                          sooooo married


                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                            you have no idea what a friend of mine ever send as a manip of that pic...
                            I was in really shocked...I actually deleted that immediatly...So you get the picture eh lol...Well you don't get it

                            Btw OT rant: I HATE BEING SICK...really don't like it at all...Brings me to a lovely question to ask all of you... What would Jack do when Sam was sick at home? How would he spoil his wife... (wow see how I can make something OT to on topic )
                            In the gutter thanks to the pic. Oh and how Jack would help a sick Sam...hubby says there is only one cure for that...ummm yeah I'll leave it at that.

                            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                            Oh, it's worse than that. It ends with...

                            Well, thank goodness, that's not how it ends
                            Yeah thats the sad part about the end of Grace...the pain that came with watching the end of the season and beginning of the next much was going to screw with Sam/Jack. In the end it worked out but watching the eps as they came on TV I was not a happy camper.

                            Originally posted by Caladria View Post
                            That's a huge part of Jack's problem, imho - he needs to be needed and know that he's contributing, even if all he's doing is making Sam smile. So he was stuck on Earth feeling helpless and being obvious enough that Teal'c had to talk to him, and Sam was out there, doing her thing and saving herself and the rest of the Prometheus crew. So he did nothing, in his opinion. He needs her, but she doesn't need him.

                            So when he says he's got a whole lot of nothing, he means it, especially as he immediately changes the subject to something more trivial and lighthearted - if he can't be any real use to her than at least he can make her smile - because he can do the goofy friend thing.

                            And then, in Threads, he gets it. He doesn't need to be anything other than himself to be the right person for her, and that amazes him, because you always get the feeling that he's not that keen on himself. And from the moment he realises that he truly, honestly wants him - not a perfect picture of him that she's built up in her mind, not the facade that he throws at the world, but him, then he's not going to let go. Because in the end, the only thing he really wants is to see her smile.
                            They always say to be yourself and you will find happyness.
                            GO NEWMAN! 31!


                              Originally posted by Caladria View Post
                              And then, in Threads, he gets it. He doesn't need to be anything other than himself to be the right person for her, and that amazes him, because you always get the feeling that he's not that keen on himself. And from the moment he realises that he truly, honestly wants him - not a perfect picture of him that she's built up in her mind, not the facade that he throws at the world, but him, then he's not going to let go. Because in the end, the only thing he really wants is to see her smile.
                              Agree completely. Like this:
                              or this:

                              And I find it interesting that so many people, especially non-shippers, find Jack so 'off' after S8. Of course he's less joking and more serious -- he beats Landry at chess FCOL. Like Sam, he is now confident in who he is and is able to face reality a little more easily knowing that he doesn’t have to hide behind jokes, he has been accepted by Sam simply because of who he is.. so who he is must not be all that bad. If you get that his joking was so often a way to hide himself and his emotions, then the reason behind his new found seriousness is apparent And smiling. And joking. A lot…

                              Speaking of signing for people, that first picture I just posted… her smile there was specifically because poor ole Hank had to beg Jack’s permission to use the light colonel Jack had signed for….
                              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                              Jann, Sam is sick fcol, get yourself out that gutter.

                              Maybe Sam gets really cranky when sick, cause she can't work and do other stuff herself, and she doesn't like that. So Jack will be really sweet and diplomatic (sure he can do that) with her and not patronize her.
                              *I hope you get what I mean, cause 'm not sure about the english.*
                              I dunno, in LiS
                              she looked amazingly happy considering she’d been stuck in the bed for awhile and was going to be recovering for several weeks more. Amazingly happy. Oh, but I already went into that, didn’t I
                              Old work-aholic fishing-is-a-waste-of-time Sam, yes. New Sam O’Neill, not so much…


                                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                                I dunno, in LiS
                                she looked amazingly happy considering she’d been stuck in the bed for awhile and was going to be recovering for several weeks more. Amazingly happy. Oh, but I already went into that, didn’t I
                                Old work-aholic fishing-is-a-waste-of-time Sam, yes. New Sam O’Neill, not so much…
                                Lol Jenn, yes you just proven the point (fact ) again. I am still watching the earlier seasons, where my idea on Sam being sick probably is the case (although Jack wouldn't then take care of her), but now, since she's much more laid .... back things are probably different *sees Sam enjoying Jack taking care of her while being sick*

