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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Thank you Gate has been so long since I've posted anything. I had forgotten about the little green blocks.

    Oh hey look every body....This is my 50th post!!!!!! woo hoo!!!!!! I think Sam and Jack should kiss 50 times in celebration of my accomplishment!

    I'm now "Jaffa Fodder" exciting!
    This is great.
    I told ya.
    I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
    Well, let's not dwell.


      Was it just me or was too much left out of...
      "Threads"? I think the 90 minute epi was a good idea...but it should have really been a 2 hour epi...there were so many holes in plot...or rather the TPTB got from one scene to the next. They made major leaps using a faulty hyper-space generator I think.

      And why can't they bring back some of those characters that we have seen too little of over the years...
      Paul Davis
      Col. Ronson
      Sarah Gardner (Osiris) - at least mention what's become of her now
      Dixon was pretty cool too

      why not further the Sam/Jack ship with them and subtle dialogue comments?
      This is great.
      I told ya.
      I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
      Well, let's not dwell.


        Well, this was really fun tonight. Thank y'all for letting me play along, but I must retire for the evening. Hope to come ship with y'all again soon.
        This is great.
        I told ya.
        I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
        Well, let's not dwell.


          Originally posted by chelle db
          Hey..I got an idea!! That could be our anthem for the ship!! All you Need Is Love!!
's just an idea. But you got me singing it now...I can't get it out of my head...thanks a lot RC...DoH!
          I think it's a great idea-- so I added it to the shipper shop!

          ship sistah

          ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


            Originally posted by GateSeeker2
            Was it just me or was too much left out of...
            "Threads"? I think the 90 minute epi was a good idea...but it should have really been a 2 hour epi...there were so many holes in plot...or rather the TPTB got from one scene to the next. They made major leaps using a faulty hyper-space generator I think.

            And why can't they bring back some of those characters that we have seen too little of over the years...
            Paul Davis
            Col. Ronson
            Sarah Gardner (Osiris) - at least mention what's become of her now
            Dixon was pretty cool too

            why not further the Sam/Jack ship with them and subtle dialogue comments?
            I agree, and I'm going to mention a little of what was in spoiler tabs for our friends who are being extra careful and staying spoiler free.
            You said you would like to see Hailey, Felger, Ferretti, Paul Davis, Col. Ronson, and Sarah Gardner (Osiris), and Dixon again. I would love that! Especially Hailey and Davis. I think Hailey would make an excellent sounding board for Sam. Sam could talk to her about Jack, like she would talk to Janet if she were still here. Davis is in D.C. right? He could visit when the head of homeworld security visits. He could hit on Sam and she could turn him down flat!


              Originally posted by Rachel500
              TPTB and the ship...
              I'm not going to quote all the comments that were made about TPTB forgetting to resolve the ship and how impossible it would be for them to forget or to deny what they've done in the past regarding the view...

              1. They missed a trick in Season 9 by not making it explicit that the results of Threads/Moebious were that Sam and Jack were together. RDA's absence actually would have enabled them to play the ship in the background with one or two odd comments in one or two odd episodes making pro-shippers and anti-shippers happy (pro because they're together and anti because the ship doesn't take over the show).

              2. I hate to break it to everybody *gets ready to duck* but they could effectively deny everything that has happened in the ship. This isn't the timeline that had Sam and Jack confessing everything in D&C, the kiss in WoO and them realising that they couldn't be with Kerry and Pete in Threads; that timeline got wiped out in Moebius and rewritten. The assumption in Moebius is that they restored the timeline but don't forget there is a difference - Jack's pond now has fish.

              The only positive signs that they wouldn't do this have been that Moebius still ended with them fishing together and that Sam confirmed to Barrett that she had broken up with Pete in EDM.

              3. As to what we get in S10, I'm keeping my expectations low; that way I won't be disappointed and may be pleasantly surprised. I agree with whoever posted that sometimes when you get unexpected ship its much better (like the kiss in Grace - interestingly for me that she imagines the kiss puts a whole other spin on her conversation with 'Jack' to how everyone usually interprets it).

              Pining - who pines for who?
              Sorry that this post is a little late, but with regards to your point number 2 and the
              Fact that the slate had been rewritten with 'Mobius'.

              Remember one thing. Sam and Jack have been together in every AU we've encountered!

              And Congratulations MeiMei! You'll have to tell us when the book comes out.


                Originally posted by Oma-1
                Course you can

                Shipper Medal of Courage Awarded To Jafacakes

                (NB: Mala made the medals and Ship Nana shared them with us. I just added the names )
                okay, I'm breaking down, as well-- can I have one?

                ship sistah

                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                  Originally posted by sacme
                  okay, I'm breaking down, as well-- can I have one?

                  ship sistah
                  LOL! Resistance is futile

                  Ship Sistah or Sacme??


                    Originally posted by Gate gal
                    Personally, I will that the episode would have aired between Threads and Moebius. I think a lot of the shippy moments would have seemed even shippier in that order, so in my mind Citizen Joe will always be #18 of S8!
                    As much as I like the idea of 'Citizen Joe" being between 'Threads' and 'Moebius' (like it is on my dvds), Daniel made a comment about Joe breaking into JAck's house, saying it was the second time that week. I find it head to believe that the replicator 2-parter (can't remember the title) and 'Threads' could have happened within the same week as the ep where Kinsey was Goa'ulded (can't remember that ep title either. Bad me...)

                    But I really like the ep order on my dvds...


                      Originally posted by hopalong
                      Fact that the slate had been rewritten with 'Mobius'.
                      I had a horrible thought. What if the slate had been completely cleaned? As in during this new timeline, after SG-1 messed things up and 'fixed' it, what if this Sam and Jack didn't love each other? That's a horrible thought, isn't it? It's late and I'm tired and probably just babbling... But they had the fishing scene again. That makes me feel better. I mean, TPTB wouldn't just write us off like that, would they? Would they? No...of course not....right? *thinks positive thoughts, thinks positive thoughts*


                        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                        I had a horrible thought. What if the slate had been completely cleaned? As in during this new timeline, after SG-1 messed things up and 'fixed' it, what if this Sam and Jack didn't love each other? That's a horrible thought, isn't it? It's late and I'm tired and probably just babbling... But they had the fishing scene again. That makes me feel better. I mean, TPTB wouldn't just write us off like that, would they? Would they? No...of course not....right? *thinks positive thoughts, thinks positive thoughts*
                        LIke I said; Jack and Sam have been together in every AU we've encountered. If Moebius has made s9 and onwards an AU, then it has to be a good sign. Right?

                        Suddenly unsure...


                          Originally posted by hopalong
                          LIke I said; Jack and Sam have been together in every AU we've encountered. If Moebius has made s9 and onwards an AU, then it has to be a good sign. Right?

                          Suddenly unsure...
                          D'oh! Told you I was tired! I feel better now because you are right. 100% right! Don't be unsure. It's just me not fully comprehending the original post. I must go to sleep now. I must!


                            hey again all! so my first contribution to the discussion... i have to agree with some of the other postings that i was kind of disappointed in season nine with the lack of confirmation of a "behind the scenes" relationship with jack and sam. it would have been SO easy and effortless to just throw in the occasional reference or comment. i was so desperate for ANYTHING in season nine that i totally believed for a while that the comment sam made to barrett in the ep EDM where he says, "so you're single now then?" and she replies, "NOT EXACTLY" i needed some kind of ship so badly i was convincing myself that that was a reference to MAYBE??? something with jack??? just my hopes... thats how i took it to mean, but who knows anymore... hopefully season ten will give us more -staying positive!


                              Goodmorning ship family you've been bussy in the 5 hours I slept but it is so great that you all have been busy
                              IT'S FRIDAY so that means I can hardly wait for the nice little details on the new ep. you all going to tell us.

                              Originally posted by GaterGeek
                              Hey Guys!

                              I was bored, so I decided to make a new Jack/Sam wallpaper. You can check it out at my livejournal here ------>

                              Hope ya'll like it, thanks guys!!!
                              love your wallpaper. It's really great, But I do find it a bit sad. I mean the colors make it a little sad, but love it love it love it. going to use it as desktop so...
                              Greened you for it


                                Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
                                Hey you guys,
                                I just re-watched Citizen Joe...Very shippy!!! If memory serves me right, somebody mentionned earlier that this ep was suppose to air "AFTER" Threads...AT was apparently pregnant in that ep (CJ), it has to be just before Moebius or even after...and when Sam & Jack are talking on the phone, they are soooo flirting....and no mention of or Kerry when they're talking about their weekend!!! Also, when Joe mentions that he knows all about Jack's feelings for "you know who"...ayeayeaye!!!!
                                Very shippy indeed...Plse let me know your feelings about this ep...
                                That is such a shippy ep. I mean you barely see Sam but everything you see point at the dirrection that there is something between them but than again we already knew that
                                And if I am not mistaken...I think Jack does say something about Kerry at the phone. I am not certain of it but still
                                And that phone scene is really great, Sam is so touching the cable of the phone and everything...
                                I think that is the only clip-show I actually like

