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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
    Yes. If the ratings continue like this, they might just cancel it. FCOL, please resolve the ship while you can PTB!!!
    Ooh I hope not
    They better do something with the ship or this positive shipper will turn in a mad shipper, a really mad shipper.


      Originally posted by Oma-1
      I just made a new wallpaper - my first in I don't know how long! I lost my enthusiasm for a while but it seems to have re-emerged with S10

      It's in spoilers cos it's a pic from S10 and a quote from S9. You have been warned!

      Jack's reaction to a comment....

      He was hoping for more than that too

      And he's come back to set the record straight.

      Can't green you but I love your wallpaper is so funny
      pitty Sam isn't on it


        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
        Hi! *waves* I'm back and I have 23 honkin' pages to catch up on! Eek!
        Hi LA Doyle *waves both arms*
        How was your trip?
        So glad your back...we missed you...well I did anyway!!!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by chelle db
          Hi LA Doyle *waves both arms*
          How was your trip?
          So glad your back...we missed you...well I did anyway!!!
          What Chelle said! Hope you had a great trip
          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

          My fanfic


            Originally posted by dreid
            I don't like thunkers, it ends up hurting team members unneededly. HAve you seen the Daniel Thunker's thread? My team will end all thunkers.
            The following comment was typed with a smile on my face...but I mean every word I say...Thank you!!

            You leave us hussies/thunkers alone!!!
            I happen to like that thread's different...granted...but we hussies as we call ourselves...happen to be a nice group of Daniel/MS fans!
            Besides...what's wrong with thunkers I ask ya???
            I do not hurt any team member...I love em all...and I do not put down the actors or characters...and I haven't read anything that states otherwise in that thread...mind you, I sometimes skip some pages cos there are soooo many posts everyday...but generally speaking we're thunkers!!
            So there

            You're opinion is not shared by myself...however, I accept that that is your opinion and respect your right to express it!
            Just don't be surprised if Santa puts coal in your stocking this year!!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Originally posted by GaterGeek
              Hey Guys!

              I was bored, so I decided to make a new Jack/Sam wallpaper. You can check it out at my livejournal here ------>

              Hope ya'll like it, thanks guys!!!
              Very cool GG ...I really need to learn how to do that!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Back again
                Here's my POV regarding "the new show" and its ratings:
                TPTB really blew it at the end of S8. Should have made a new Stargate Movie to introduce the ORI and to give us the right amount of Ship.
                Regarding Moebius: even after the time-change they still went fishing, so no worries about the fellings they are still there.
                Regarding S9:Maybe Sam doesn't have a relationship with Jack yet (but she's determined to wait
                for him whatever it takes so Barret doesn't have a chance in Netu) or they are together but have to hide.
                What I can't understand about S9 is the almost kiss to Martouf in Ripple Effect? How can TPTB do that? The only possible explanation is that Sam's body was hijacked by Jolinar's feelings.
                Last edited by ccdsah; 21 July 2006, 02:48 AM.


                  Originally posted by sacme
                  I think it's a great idea-- so I added it to the shipper shop!
                  ship sistah
                  Thanks ship sistah!! Now all I need is the directions to the shipper shop!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Good night ship family...loved the posts today...can't wait to read spoilers for the next ep in season 10...just watched TTTB last night...I loved it...I thought it was funny!!!
                    And before you say's just what I think of far season 9 for me has been pretty good...but I do miss Sam...and Jack...and Teal'c hasn't been in it much yet either...but I still like it all the same.
                    Take care and be safe...happy posting!!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Originally posted by Lesleyp
                      Well, possible.....BUT

                      Ep 200 will air in the US in if Avalon were to promote ship it's a few months too late. Ie: if there's any real ship to be had, the squeeee heard round the world will have diminished to a dull roar by November.

                      Then again, you never know
                      However, Avalon will happen either just around or after Ep 200 airs in the UK on Sky (satellite channel not everyone has for people not conversant with UK TV channels) given what we know of current predicted schedule dates for S10 and its also possible that S9 may have start on the terrestial channel around the end of Nov (C4 which is one which everyone in the UK has access to).

                      It wouldn't surprise me if AT and RDA are also scheduled to do promotion work in the UK alongside their charitable commitments around these dates. I personally don't expect any 'new' S/J news/announcements at Avalon but I don't think the date is a coincidence.
                      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                        Originally posted by Oma-1
                        I missed L4J! I'm gonna be in soooo much trouble

                        And finally Waterfall

                        I think I got everybody that has asked so far ..... anyone else want one? I have lots of shiny medals just begging for names

                        Oh Oh! Can I have a medal pretty please, with sugar on top? I have lots of patience, you need it for Stargate.


                          Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
                          Hey you guys,
                          I just re-watched Citizen Joe...Very shippy!!! If memory serves me right, somebody mentionned earlier that this ep was suppose to air "AFTER" Threads...AT was apparently pregnant in that ep (CJ), it has to be just before Moebius or even after...and when Sam & Jack are talking on the phone, they are soooo flirting....and no mention of or Kerry when they're talking about their weekend!!! Also, when Joe mentions that he knows all about Jack's feelings for "you know who"...ayeayeaye!!!!
                          Very shippy indeed...Plse let me know your feelings about this ep...
                          Someone may have already said this (making my way through lots of pages of updates so apologies if it has) but Citizen Joe was supposed to be aired before Reckoning (and did in the UK) only they changed the position to be between Threads and Moebius in the DVD release (at least for the UK).

                          There is a mention of Kerry; when Sam is on the phone with Jack, he mentions he has a meeting with 'somebody Johnson' from the CIA to talk about the mess of the Goa'uld infiltration shown in previous epi Full Alert. Daniel also mentions its the second time in a week that Jack's house got broken into (Kinsey in Full Alert being the first).

                          I think the whole idea of 'Joe' was supposed to be a kind of tribute to the fandom and for the production team (and when I say production team I mean this in the widest sense of everyone who has a part in getting the show on screen) to poke a little fun at themselves and at the fandom in a gentle sibling kind of way.

                          Joe, his customers and family provide the commentary of the fans and the production team. So, you get comments like Anubis - isn't he just another Goa'uld, are we ever going to see the Furlings, was Laira pregnant with Jack's child, Joe's devastation at Daniel's death 'Daniel can't be dead!', in among some comments about what they felt they did well (Hathor) and what they thought didn't work (The Light).

                          Joe, for me, is a shipper. He obviously knows Jack's feelings as they are connected (along with his 'and don't worry I won't say a word about your feelings for...') and his side comment to Sam beginning with 'about this whole Pete Shanahan thing' which Jack stops with a hand on Joe's shoulder is funny.
                          This along with the opening scene for me make it all very shippy.
                          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                            Well said, Rachel, I still have faith in fellow shipper JM! Now if only he comes through for us...*crosses fingers*
                            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                            My fanfic


                              Originally posted by cronan1013
                              hey again all! so my first contribution to the discussion... i have to agree with some of the other postings that i was kind of disappointed in season nine with the lack of confirmation of a "behind the scenes" relationship with jack and sam. it would have been SO easy and effortless to just throw in the occasional reference or comment. i was so desperate for ANYTHING in season nine that i totally believed for a while that the comment sam made to barrett in the ep EDM
                              where he says, "so you're single now then?" and she replies, "NOT EXACTLY"
                              i needed some kind of ship so badly i was convincing myself that that was a reference to MAYBE??? something with jack??? just my hopes... thats how i took it to mean, but who knows anymore... hopefully season ten will give us more -staying positive!
                              Me too - I think everyone jumps on anything which might be, possibly, could be, maybe an inference to the ship in S9 - like the comment in EDM, and

                              Jack selling a motorcycle comment in Avalon - was it Sam's because it was never mentioned that he had one previously. All the teasing in Ripple Effect over the alternative Sam's and who they were with.

                              Like I said before they definitely missed a trick in S9 with the ship...rather than this vague stuff, a couple of real comments might have improved the fans opinions of S9.
                              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                                Originally posted by ccdsah
                                Back again
                                Here's my POV regarding "the new show" and its ratings:
                                TPTB really blew it at the end of S8. Should have made a new Stargate Movie to introduce the ORI and to give us the right amount of Ship.
                                Regarding Moebius: even after the time-change they still went fishing, so no worries about the fellings they are still there.
                                Regarding S9:Maybe Sam doesn't have a relationship with Jack yet (but she's determined to wait
                                for him whatever it takes so Barret doesn't have a chance in Netu) or they are together but have to hide.
                                What I can't understand about S9 is the
                                almost kiss to Martouf in Ripple Effect? How can TPTB do that? The only possible explanation is that Sam's body was hijacked by Jolinar's feelings.
                                Quite honestly, I think TPTB were enormously surprised to get S9. I think they really did want to end SG1 at the end of S8; the Replicators defeated, Anubis defeated, the Jaffa free at last, the S/J ship almost resolved in subtle fishing scene way.

                                I think they consider S9 themselves as a new show: only it isn't - which IMO is actually their major weakness in terms of creating storylines and getting the right balance between the characters. I posted elsewhere my opinion on the ratings and the changes but succinctly for me it all comes down to this: fans can accept a lot of change if it is done right and respects what has gone before (like RC said).

                                I personally actually like a lot of the changes introduced
                                (I'm not averse to the Ori, love the Merlin mythology stuff, I like the new characters although I would never have shifted Sam out of the leadership position personally) but I don't think some of the story-telling to introduce the changes or with the new characters (Mitchell, IMO, could have been better written most of the time in Season 9), or in terms of balancing the old with the new was good at times.

                                Maybe the ratings for the S10 premiere is the fans verdict on S9; maybe it was just a one-off and the ratings will climb back up. I'm still hopeful S10 will deliver better story-telling than S9 either way and while I would hate for the show to be cancelled I have been expecting it for some years now; all good things you know...

                                Re Ripple Effect...
                                I rewatched this last night and the whole of RE is a tease for Sam and ship.
                                In one universe she's just back from a honeymoon (but no mention of who the groom was - could be Shanahan, could have been Jack) although our Daniel's surprise at this seems to indicate there was no honeymoon for Sam in ours.
                                In one universe she's on maternity leave (but again no mention of who she's with so could be Jack).
                                In our universe that whole almost kiss with Martouf I just find insane (I was screaming 'no, no, no' at the TV the first time I saw it although, prepared for it last night, I managed to sit through it stoically.)

                                If there is an explanation for it, I think the Jolinar influence is part of that, how Jolinar felt for Martouf is part of Sam after all, and Sam was truly fond of Martouf herself and maybe the whole confusion of having him back from the dead swirls up old feelings and what if's especially as he is helping her like he used to in the old days.

                                For me, the way AT played it, was actually as though it was just an insane 'what if' moment; that when Kvasir interrupted she was grateful to have been interrupted - the very heartfelt 'thank you'; that she would have considered it a mistake if it had happened. So I put it down to a crazy moment of almost insanity for the character that fortunately gets interrupted. Her goodbye scene to him in the gate room is nicely subdued by comparison.
                                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.

