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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by trupi
    Anyone who wants the synopses of last night episode here is the SCIFI site:
    thanks trupi

    sig by starlover1990


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
      nell, you are too funny!
      Yeah Nell is just to funny, but I love the little pictures with text on...they make me happy
      and after yesterday I can use some positive things here.


        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn

        I hearby nominate nell for Thread Morale Officer!
        Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
          Aw, that's sweet. There is hope for our two!
          Off course there is hope!! Did we ever doubt about that??? I mean they are ment to eachtother and IMO they are already togheter but just don't show it cause well they would be court martialed. I think Sam and Jack (and maybe Daniel and Teal'c) know that they are seeing eachother.


            Originally posted by hopalong
            It may be a random post, but it's relevant. It was so sad, it had me sobbing, and I knew that she wasn't going to die!

            Sorry for the lateness of this post, but I wasn't able to read anything fort over 48 hours. And I picked a bad weekend to do that!
            yeah but aren't you "working". this is our twisted form of fun right? no excuses needed for that one.
            There are Brave Pilots. There are old Pilots. But there are no brave, old Pilots.


              Originally posted by stargate barbie
              ah but with hart to hart they started off as a married couple and it was a major part of the show. that and they had max. could we rename teal'c "max"? i guess we could rename daniel "freeway", but he might not be too happy about it.
              Teal'c as Max, I can so see him...

              Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
              Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
              Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                Originally posted by SqueeG-1
                Thirded! (Im greening you nell, right now)
                THANKYOU so much annelies!!! (samjackshiplover)


                  Thanks, Shippers! ShipShipHooray!!! It's what we do!!!


                    I had a shippy dream last night! But it involves S10, so I'll put it in spoilers.

                    Ok, so Sam's floating in space. But in my dream it was longer than she was actually out there in the episode. So she starts hallucinating. She thinks Jack comes out there to rescue her, but then realizes it's not real. Then when she gets back on solid ground and is finally released from the infirmary, Jack's there! And you know what? They were already together. SQUEE!!! And he's so happy to see her alive and all that mushy stuff, but it was a nice shippy dream. I never have those so it was a nice change. Inspiration for Ship Day! Woot!


                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                      I had a shippy dream last night! But it involves S10, so I'll put it in spoilers.

                      Ok, so Sam's floating in space. But in my dream it was longer than she was actually out there in the episode. So she starts hallucinating. She thinks Jack comes out there to rescue her, but then realizes it's not real. Then when she gets back on solid ground and is finally released from the infirmary, Jack's there! And you know what? They were already together. SQUEE!!! And he's so happy to see her alive and all that mushy stuff, but it was a nice shippy dream. I never have those so it was a nice change. Inspiration for Ship Day! Woot!
                      Yeah it was a good dream, or was it real. Sometimes, when I dream, which I really don't, I look for new people only to realize a little after the fact that the people that I just met are really close to me. Sometimes they just look different. Ill work on that. Hope the sigs were ok. Can we "dream" again soon?
                      There are Brave Pilots. There are old Pilots. But there are no brave, old Pilots.


                        Wow. I go away for the weekend and so much happens on the thread...

                        Regards the AT article that had everyone so passionate (if you've had enough of the debate I've put it in spoilers so you don't have to read it but wanted to add my ten cents)

                        I read it and I have to say that I think a lot of the way she responded was because of the way the questions were phrased - not just that question but the whole piece. She'd just been pressed to 'admit' they missed RDA and then the next question out of the box is the old 'is your character pining for a guy?' Quite honestly, if I had been her, I would be feeling annoyed at that point especially when if there is one consistency to AT's comments (all the interviews and articles I've read over the years) is that she doesn't want Sam to be completely defined by just her relationship to Jack or by her feelings for a guy (which is what I take from the 'Jack's girl' and the 'I'm glad they didn't go there' remark not to mention the vehement reply on the idea of Cam/Sam).

                        I also think the other area of consistency in her comments in recent years has been that she wanted the ship resolved so they could move on in terms of story-telling/character development. As an actress it must be frustrating to feel that your character is not progressing and its probably not unlike the frustration of many shippers in seeing the ship remain vague and unresolved.

                        I personally think AT's comments in general over the years have been more pro than anti-ship. But I never expect her to come out with a definitive statement. I never expect any actor to come out with a definitive statement about their character/show - if they seem critical of the writers/production, it doesn't do them any favours in terms of working atmosphere back at the office and if they give the spoiler cookies away before TPTB want them shared, they'd be in trouble.

                        Was the whole wild night remark best judged? Probably not and if I was a mother with a daughter, I'd be moaning about an actress who is a great role model and who plays a character who is a great role model for women for seemingly sending out the wrong message. However, as I've been known to make the odd inappropriate comment myself (and generally when I'm not being put on the spot by an interviewer), I'm not going to let one throw-away comment in one interview, in amongst who knows however many other promo interviews she's done in the run up, to ruin my whole view of her. I can appreciate why the comment upset a few people and AT fans, and if you weren't an AT fan before the article then I guess I can appreciate that its not going to change your mind.

                        As you can see I've kind of agreed with some previous posts, not agreed with others. I didn't want to post specific replies to each post on this debate (it would take me all day!) but my final line on this is: I like the fact that we can all have differing opinions here and respect each other and AT.

                        Originally posted by chelle db
                        Why is it that people see Sam and Jack as being weak just because the ship is not resolved one way or the other???
                        I think there is a worry that the longer the characters seem to just focus on the ship, the other aspects of their character and relationships with other characters are not shown hence the overall character is 'weakened'. I also think if the characters are appearing indecisive about how they feel, this can come across as a flaw to some people (as opposed to a strength in making sure you're certain before you jump into something).

                        For me, the Pete storyline did undermine Sam's character...

                        his introduction was shrouded in the whole controlling/stalker storyline where everyone was scratching their heads and wondering why a strong female character would put up with such behaviour.

                        He was barely reintroduced in New Order with Teal'c's throw away line of 'how are things with Pete' (or words to that effect) and then the next epi was Affinity. There was so little build up to the proposal, of them having continued their relationship (esp with epis like Lost City in between that seemed to hint very strongly that her feelings were with Jack) that it seems unimaginable that she accepted the proposal even after two weeks of thinking about it and in an unprofessional manner on the job! There was no real reason why she would have accepted offered by the story itself.

                        Jack's conversation with her in Affinity is disappointing from a ship perspective as he seems to actively encourage her (although I personally take the view he's trying to be a friend to her and also knock down each excuse so she can't hide behind what is really causing her to doubt her answer) but I don't take the view that the conversation propelled Sam into saying yes.

                        Threads on the other hand helped redeem the situation somewhat by Sam coming to the conclusion she had made a mistake and fixing it.

                        Originally posted by nell
                        Yeah, I want TPTB to acknowledge what was presumed in Threads

                        Not that TPTB delivered it to us on a silver platter but the logical conclusion to Sam and Jack fishing is that they were moving into a relationship.
                        I agree with you Nell. I believe...
                        Threads was meant to imply Jack and Sam were finally recognising their feelings for each other were still strong, that they couldn't be happy in a relationship with someone else and were moving forward together - Sam taking the unprecendented step of actually going fishing with Jack whereas previously she had always said no.

                        For me, this was TPTB offering an almost-resolution to the ship which if they had ended the show at the end of Season 8 would have been fine. But they didn't end the show so the logical question for the audience to ask is 'well, did they get together or not?' and my view is that they need to answer the question.

                        Ok, so I think those were all the discussion points I wanted to comment on...I'll stop now.
                        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                          Great post Rachel500! Yes, it was a busy weekend on the board. We're glad your back!


                            Originally posted by AmberLM
                            Hi guys! Just returned from the UK Shipper Meet in Manchester (which, in the end, consisted of myself and Oma!) We've had a fab day and Oma has the pictures which she's promised to upload later. We ate blue jell-o and talked ship and roasted ourselves in the hot, sunny weather in Manchester and now I'm feeling all happy! Bring on S10 and bring on
                            the ship!
                            There was a shipper meet in Manchester and I missed it!!

                            Well, I couldn't have made it as I was away but still I didn't even realise it was on!!

                            Please let me know when the next time is as I'd love to come along.

                            I am thinking (as I have Sky) of holding a UK '200' Party when S10 gets shown in the UK - would anyone be interested? *wonders at own sanity at asking this on a forum - hmmm*
                            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                              Originally posted by Rachel500
                              Wow. I go away for the weekend and so much happens on the thread...

                              Regards the AT article that had everyone so passionate (if you've had enough of the debate I've put it in spoilers so you don't have to read it but wanted to add my ten cents)

                              I read it and I have to say that I think a lot of the way she responded was because of the way the questions were phrased - not just that question but the whole piece. She'd just been pressed to 'admit' they missed RDA and then the next question out of the box is the old 'is your character pining for a guy?' Quite honestly, if I had been her, I would be feeling annoyed at that point especially when if there is one consistency to AT's comments (all the interviews and articles I've read over the years) is that she doesn't want Sam to be completely defined by just her relationship to Jack or by her feelings for a guy (which is what I take from the 'Jack's girl' and the 'I'm glad they didn't go there' remark not to mention the vehement reply on the idea of Cam/Sam).

                              I also think the other area of consistency in her comments in recent years has been that she wanted the ship resolved so they could move on in terms of story-telling/character development. As an actress it must be frustrating to feel that your character is not progressing and its probably not unlike the frustration of many shippers in seeing the ship remain vague and unresolved.

                              I personally think AT's comments in general over the years have been more pro than anti-ship. But I never expect her to come out with a definitive statement. I never expect any actor to come out with a definitive statement about their character/show - if they seem critical of the writers/production, it doesn't do them any favours in terms of working atmosphere back at the office and if they give the spoiler cookies away before TPTB want them shared, they'd be in trouble.

                              Was the whole wild night remark best judged? Probably not and if I was a mother with a daughter, I'd be moaning about an actress who is a great role model and who plays a character who is a great role model for women for seemingly sending out the wrong message. However, as I've been known to make the odd inappropriate comment myself (and generally when I'm not being put on the spot by an interviewer), I'm not going to let one throw-away comment in one interview, in amongst who knows however many other promo interviews she's done in the run up, to ruin my whole view of her. I can appreciate why the comment upset a few people and AT fans, and if you weren't an AT fan before the article then I guess I can appreciate that its not going to change your mind.

                              As you can see I've kind of agreed with some previous posts, not agreed with others. I didn't want to post specific replies to each post on this debate (it would take me all day!) but my final line on this is: I like the fact that we can all have differing opinions here and respect each other and AT.

                              I think there is a worry that the longer the characters seem to just focus on the ship, the other aspects of their character and relationships with other characters are not shown hence the overall character is 'weakened'. I also think if the characters are appearing indecisive about how they feel, this can come across as a flaw to some people (as opposed to a strength in making sure you're certain before you jump into something).

                              For me, the Pete storyline did undermine Sam's character...

                              his introduction was shrouded in the whole controlling/stalker storyline where everyone was scratching their heads and wondering why a strong female character would put up with such behaviour.

                              He was barely reintroduced in New Order with Teal'c's throw away line of 'how are things with Pete' (or words to that effect) and then the next epi was Affinity. There was so little build up to the proposal, of them having continued their relationship (esp with epis like Lost City in between that seemed to hint very strongly that her feelings were with Jack) that it seems unimaginable that she accepted the proposal even after two weeks of thinking about it and in an unprofessional manner on the job! There was no real reason why she would have accepted offered by the story itself.

                              Jack's conversation with her in Affinity is disappointing from a ship perspective as he seems to actively encourage her (although I personally take the view he's trying to be a friend to her and also knock down each excuse so she can't hide behind what is really causing her to doubt her answer) but I don't take the view that the conversation propelled Sam into saying yes.

                              Threads on the other hand helped redeem the situation somewhat by Sam coming to the conclusion she had made a mistake and fixing it.

                              I agree with you Nell. I believe...
                              Threads was meant to imply Jack and Sam were finally recognising their feelings for each other were still strong, that they couldn't be happy in a relationship with someone else and were moving forward together - Sam taking the unprecendented step of actually going fishing with Jack whereas previously she had always said no.

                              For me, this was TPTB offering an almost-resolution to the ship which if they had ended the show at the end of Season 8 would have been fine. But they didn't end the show so the logical question for the audience to ask is 'well, did they get together or not?' and my view is that they need to answer the question.

                              Ok, so I think those were all the discussion points I wanted to comment on...I'll stop now.
                              I read your comment and I agree that she wants to make sure that he has his own format to work with outside from his relationship with her. However, they haven't even defined their relationship. Plus I hear that she signed on for every single movie, episode, etc. that he will be doing. She wants him to be able to shine in his own light but she wants to be in everything that he does? Come on lets just cut to the chase. He is more than capable of functioning on his own I think she really needs to be honest with him about what she wants and feels. Cause right now she says one thing but does another. Is she afraid of getting rejected by opening up? In addition to the fact that it seems that she wants to be included it is quite a compliment. Clever too, this way she can make sure that he stays hers and vice versa.
                              Last edited by dreid; 16 July 2006, 12:20 PM.
                              There are Brave Pilots. There are old Pilots. But there are no brave, old Pilots.


                                Originally posted by trupi
                                Anyone who wants the synopses of last night episode here is the SCIFI site:
                                Thanks for posting the link Trupi!!! I was way too excited when I saw the clip for the next ep I was oohing and aahing and gasping and ing and ..... getting very strange looks from the kids Doesn't matter how many spoilers you read, it's always so much better to see the real thing!

                                It feels great to be so exicted about the start of a season again! Roll on October

