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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nell me daft or what...but where and when was this pic taken?
    I've like seen it a gazillion times but just can't figure out where it's from.
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by chelle db me daft or what...but where and when was this pic taken?
      I've like seen it a gazillion times but just can't figure out where it's from.
      Behind the scenes sort of thing...Holiday I think?


        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn

        I hearby nominate nell for Thread Morale Officer!
        I second that motion if no one else has!!

        EDIT: Dang...just saw Sqeegi's post...she beat me to it!!
        EDIT AGAIN: And it's been thirded too...DoH! Well I'm all for it!
        Last edited by Chelle DB; 16 July 2006, 10:42 PM.
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by hopalong
          And yes, I realise that this comment may be a little late...
          Not to worry...most of my comments are late too...sorry!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by Buc252
            We've already closed this discussion, and I'm not going to respond to what I feel is a personal attack about my control issues. I'm just stating that I was never talking about the character, who I like fine.
            (((Buc52)))...I'd give you a kiss too but I'm not sure my hubby would approve!! I'm not attacking you...personally...just your post!!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
     visit my Grandma and other relatives on my mother's side here in Texas. But I will be back by Friday for my Stargate! Woot!
              Cool...hope you have fun! You do realize it will be hard to catch up on the ship when you come has taken me nearly 2 hours to catch up after missing just one day...Doh!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                Behind the scenes sort of thing...Holiday I think?
                Thanks LA..I kinda had an idea that it might be a behind the scenes pic coz I'm sure I would have remembered it, had it been in an ep!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by chelle db
                  Cool...hope you have fun! You do realize it will be hard to catch up on the ship when you come has taken me nearly 2 hours to catch up after missing just one day...Doh!
                  Yeah...lots and lots to catch up on!


                    Originally posted by MunchkinStar
                    Well I most definatly feel welcomed. <smiles> Thanks guys... I'm still going through and figuring out all the controls and what not. I just hope I don't hit a wrong button some where...
                    I wouldn't say that no concequences goes for everyone but the way that you two have handled the roles you have chosen its nice to see that what we have been working for has worked out for at least one couple.
                    There are Brave Pilots. There are old Pilots. But there are no brave, old Pilots.


                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                      I had a shippy dream last night! But it involves S10, so I'll put it in spoilers.

                      Ok, so Sam's floating in space. But in my dream it was longer than she was actually out there in the episode. So she starts hallucinating. She thinks Jack comes out there to rescue her, but then realizes it's not real. Then when she gets back on solid ground and is finally released from the infirmary, Jack's there! And you know what? They were already together. SQUEE!!! And he's so happy to see her alive and all that mushy stuff, but it was a nice shippy dream. I never have those so it was a nice change. Inspiration for Ship Day! Woot!
                      You know, if I had a dream like that, I would seriously be thinking that it was an omen (a good one!) of the coming season. Mainly because when I have TV related dreams as clear as that, it generally predicts what is about to come on in the episode...

                      Not that I've had any recently


                        Hey shippers how's it going?
                        I was interested to hear the various points of view over AT interviews. I'm not gonna put in my opinion but I think it was an interesting discusion, I wouldn't worry too much what an actor says because I thought the ship was dead when Pete came into the picture, then our prayers were answed in Threads.
                        Anyhoo I have what may seem like a dumb question, where does Jack mention he dosen't like trees? In a lot of fics I've read he complains about trees but I can't seem to remember an ep where he says that, is it just a fandom thing?
                        Any answers are appreciated.
                        Oh and a shippy moment I saw in Fair Game the other day, in the conference room where they have the Goau'ld meeting Sam and Jack are having a dicussion then when the Goau'ld come in she leaves and he kinda smiles at her and WINKS, I thought what the hell? Jack you sly dog!


                          Originally posted by MunchkinStar
                          Forgive me if I'm making some mistake my posting here, but I'm just a little new here... ok that is a lie, I'm really new here.

                          I haven't been watching SG-1 long, a little over a year now, but I do believe I've seen all but about sixteen of the episodes. You've got to love the sci-fi channel. <grins>.

                          I am a Jack/Sam shipper and am very glad to have stumbled my way in here. It is cool to see what everyone else thinks about what is going on in the new SG-1 seasons.
                          Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!

                          Now I've got the "We Welcome You to Munchkinland" song from The Wizard of Oz stuck in my head! Which is appropriate, given all the Oz references in Stargate.


                            Originally posted by Oma-1
                            I think Sam_Carter said she's got a Friday pm spot at Avalon too? I'm sure there will be loads of opportunity to meet up with shippers throughout the whole weekend.
                            hey, i'm in the Friday AM session (which was my first choice!) I have the afternoon free (but mustn't miss the auction in the evening hosted by our favourite couple). I've also opted for the Saturday AM bus tour.

                            So, shall we organise to have a meet up? Maybe go for drinks, dinner or whatever you guys want... hell we could meet on the street fo all i care... it'd just be so great to meet some of the family!

                            So i'll be around Friday early PM (after my morning session... but be warned i may still be in shock), Friday evening (AFTER the auction) and Sat early PM (before i drive home).

                            Just PM me if anyone off to Avalon wants to meet up at any of those times!
                            Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                            Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                            Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                              okay... i'm really getting worried. The cut off deadline to pay for Avalon tickets is the 31st July... and its the 17th July... thats just 14 days away!!!!!!! (if my maths is correct!)

                              And I'm going on holiday from the 22nd till late on the 30th!!!!!!!! And there will be no internet acces at ALL (we're on a canal boat!).

                              I've emailed the gabit team but the nearer it gets to my holiday, the worse my nerves will get... and i wont be able to enjoy my holiday if i still havent paid!!! Oh HELP!!! I don't see why they don't push back the payment deadline date if they havent managed to sort through all the registartion acceptances... i mean... i love the gabit team for this opportunity and always will but isn't it getting a little too close to the cut off date... and still no word (or am i the only one with no ticket payment details emailed to me?!)
                              Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                              Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                              Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                                Originally posted by MunchkinStar
                                Forgive me if I'm making some mistake my posting here, but I'm just a little new here... ok that is a lie, I'm really new here.

                                I haven't been watching SG-1 long, a little over a year now, but I do believe I've seen all but about sixteen of the episodes. You've got to love the sci-fi channel. <grins>.

                                I am a Jack/Sam shipper and am very glad to have stumbled my way in here. It is cool to see what everyone else thinks about what is going on in the new SG-1 seasons.
                                Welcome to the family!

                                I see your enthusiasm knows no bounds

                                Hope you have lots of fun here

