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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by zuz
    It sounds great. What song??? *zuz being nosey*
    **nell waggles finger** It's a surprise!!!


      Originally posted by sueKay
      I think this'll be one of my last posts here...

      As you've probably noticed, I've not been around here very much, and that's because I stopped caring about SG1...and now I think I've gotten to the point where I no longer really care about the ship either...It's time for me to move on.

      I'll be around with goodies for ship day, but other than that...this S/J shipper will probably ship S/J no more.

      *ducks rotten fruit*

      I've only stuck around as long because you guys are the best! I've thoroughly enjoyed the 2 years I've been here, but with no interest in SG1 anymore, I'm finding it harder and harder to participate, and that's why I'm leaving.

      Hope you all understand

      ((((((((((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY)))))))))))))))))

      Sorry to hear that, sueKay. But I hope you don't plan to leave GW altogether?
      "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
      Colonel Jack O'Neill


        Originally posted by nell
        **nell waggles finger** It's a surprise!!!
        Oops! Guess I have to wait patiently for *zuz checks the calendar* another 13 days? Nell, you're evil teasing us like this.

        "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
        Colonel Jack O'Neill


          Originally posted by sueKay

          I'm really sorry I couldn't make it

          Glad you had a good time
          Not a problem, SueKay! I'm really sorry to hear you're leaving ; I think it's safe to say we'll all miss you around here! I do understand, though, what with all the teasing and messing around TPTB have been doing.

          Please pop back occasionally just to say Hi and let us know how you're doing. Regardless of the ship status, you're family!

          I wish you all the best in the future.

          Love and hugs
          AmberLM xx
          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

          My fanfic


            Originally posted by sueKay
            I think this'll be one of my last posts here...

            As you've probably noticed, I've not been around here very much, and that's because I stopped caring about SG1...and now I think I've gotten to the point where I no longer really care about the ship either...It's time for me to move on.

            I'll be around with goodies for ship day, but other than that...this S/J shipper will probably ship S/J no more.

            *ducks rotten fruit*

            I've only stuck around as long because you guys are the best! I've thoroughly enjoyed the 2 years I've been here, but with no interest in SG1 anymore, I'm finding it harder and harder to participate, and that's why I'm leaving.

            Hope you all understand

            ((((((((((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY)))))))))))))))))

            Hope you well and you know where you family is if you ever need to vent.


              I've noticed that a lot of folks have lost interest in SG-1 over the years - some due to the cast changes, some due the the quality of the writing, others for their own personal reasons. Season 9 almost squelched me, but last night's premier was spot on to rejuvenate the hope for a great new show again. I don't know about if or how ship will work this season, and I'm not terribly worried about it. From the first episode, it looks like the writers have gotten their stuff together again and are putting together a show worth watching. Cam came across as a leader, finally, and seemed to consult with Sam on decisions rather than make them unilaterally. Vala was great, under very trying circumstances. Daniel has changed from the soft-hearted boy he once was to a man of action. Teal'c still has issues, but hey, he's jaffa at heart.


                sueKay I'm sorry to see you go.You will be missed.SG-1 has to be the most fustrating Show I have ever watched.IMO these TV Shows should go 5 or 6 Years and then stop.They can always do Movies.This way the Show goes out on a high.Lost has the right idea.I think they are planning to do 5 Seasons then a Movie.


                  Originally posted by Rocketgal
                  Newbie Lesson #1476: If you want to post about current episode, ya better sign on to forum BEFORE the epi comes on or forget it!

                  Wow, so if this all is for a non-shippy episode, I can't wait to see this place after 200.

                  Did anyone notice in sick bay, that Sam only got a handshake from Cam? Note: there was no eye sparklige, no raised eyebrows, no thumb stroke,etc.
                  Only for Jack!!!
                  Previews for next week had Sam in that AF plastic bubble box thing.
                  Oh and about the whole AT "Jack's girl" thing.
                  What about Jack being "Sam's guy"? It does run both ways.
                  When hubby and I started dating, among his friends at his squadron we were introduced as Sgt Honey Bear(names changed to protect the not so innocent) and his girlfriend, BUT among my flight and my guys, it was A1C Rocketgal and her boyfriend. So it's all in how you look at it! What's the big deal?!?
                  Good example. It DOES go both ways. And I mean, when she was with Pete, was she not Pete's 'girl'? Granted, Pete's not her CO(ex-CO), but she was still in a romantic relationship. I'd rather see the woman with someone she really loves rather than a Pete-like situation. THAT hurts her character and makes her weaker than being with Jack ever would. You put Jack and Sam together-they'd be unstoppable! And seriously, who do you think would wear the pants in that relationship? I think JACK would have to worry about being SAM'S guy.


                    Originally posted by zuz
                    Oops! Guess I have to wait patiently for *zuz checks the calendar* another 13 days? Nell, you're evil teasing us like this.

                    Last edited by nell; 15 July 2006, 01:18 PM.


                      Originally posted by Gate gal
                      Now, last week someone was complaining about RDA busting on the board, and I kind of agree that the board was a little anti RDA for a bit. Let's not play the AT busting game now. (I know nobody meant it that way, but...)
                      It isn't AT's opinion about Jack/Sam that matters anyway. We must focus all of our efforts on the PTB (who I love at the moment, great episode).
                      And I say let's not confuse the characters with the actors. If there is a discussion about whether Jack should do such and such and the discussion comes down a bit hard on Jack that doesn't mean there is complaining about RDA.


                        Originally posted by chelle db
                        Ok..I have a question...and a statement..I think??

                        Why is it that people see Sam and Jack as being weak just because the ship is not resolved one way or the other???
                        The way I see it is they are both human beings who want something they're not sure they can have. I have never seen the indecisions regarding the ship as making either one of them weak...indecision does not make one weak...just smart...wouldn't you want to be absolutley sure of what you're doing before you do know...look before you leap!!
                        Thanks...have a nice day and's actually contagioius!!
                        chelle, I took your question out of spoilers cos it's not really spoilers, but is a really good discussion point.

                        I don't see Sam and Jack's (lack of a ) relationship as making them look weak. I see it as their strength of character allowing them to keep in control their emotions for the "greater good" of saving the universe every other week. They sacrifice the happiness they know they could have together, for the sake of us normal people. That doesn't make them weak, it makes them heroic. That's why I've been able to accept the rollercoaster ride we've been on these long years. I don't want their relationship to be resolved without the regs issue being taken care of.

                        I don't think Sam has ever been indecisive about her relationship with Jack at all, and neither has Jack. They both know how they feel about each other. They both knew they couldn't do anything about it. To me, that's acceptance (and great angst ).

                        I don't even think that Sam showed weakness by starting the relationship with Pete. She is human, and she needed companionship, romance, love - all the things everyone else needs. I see a little why Sam was swept away by . He was very romantic, brought her flowers, took her dancing, made her laugh and smile, made her forget the toughness of her job for a while. (The only thing I find mind boggling is that she went for a puppy dog type of character who can't compare in any way to Jack! Although I suppose him being a cop is supposed to make him tough?!? Don't see it myself, but... anyway.)

                        I think that the weakness comes in in the way tptb wrote the storyline. They carried on the relationship too long, ignoring too many other things that had happened inbetween times (Death Knell and Lost City to name but 2). They had Sam accept the proposal in a totally inappropriate time and place. Then Threads (although it had great moments in it) was slightly farcical, because the engagement had gone on way too long and showed Sam as being indecisive in ending the relationship.

                        That indecisiveness I saw as a weakness of the script rather than the character. Carter never hesitates when she sees shes made a mistake. She faces it head on and tries to deal with it in the best way. In S8
                        Gemini she was quick to take the blame and recognise where she felt she made mistakes.

                        In many episodes, the fact that Sam & Jack care for each other so much, and the rest of the team has been a strength to them. They have all put themselves on the line, gone way beyond the line of duty for each other - all because they care about each other so much.

                        Someone asked earlier if Jack had actually killed Sam in Entity, would he have carried on or quit? I think he would have carried on. Partly in her memory. Partly because he knew Sam would rather die than be trapped in her body. Partly because he wouldn't be able to give up the fight when his own sense of honour is still urging him on.

                        So I guess the point of all my rambling is love makes them stronger. Whether it be Sam & Jack shippy type of love, or the love between SG-1 that makes them such a powerful team, or the love they have for the rest of us peons on the planet that makes them want to keep sacrificing to save us.

                        Sorry for going on so long This is one subject I feel really strongly about


                          Originally posted by Oma-1
                          So I guess the point of all my rambling is love makes them stronger. Whether it be Sam & Jack shippy type of love, or the love between SG-1 that makes them such a powerful team, or the love they have for the rest of us peons on the planet that makes them want to keep sacrificing to save us.
                          Amen to that! Love makes all of us stronger, not weaker.


                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                            That is what I mean. There is such a great difference between Sam and Amanda. I mean Sam really loved Jack and wants to marry him one day. She is the one that is also the soldier the scientist,... She is the one who have been through all with him and the team. He is the one who has boyfriends and who had Pete. And the one who dumped Pete for Jack cause she couldn't live a lie
                            And then you have Amanda, who is just an actress playing Sam. Who has here own life. And she has lots of fan, because of her playing sam but also becaus of her other acting. And I think it is normal that she wants to please all her fans cause they are loyal to her and support her in everythings she does. So she doesn't want to offend them in anyway. What that she thinks of it isn't the question here actually. It is what Sam thinks that counts. And from what I have been reading, she really wants to be with Jack.

                            (and sorry if that already has been said but I wanted to comment on this one, cause that is how I feel about it. I really get the idea that you are 'bashing' amanda cause of one line she said. that maybe wasn't put in the right words. Or maybe was twisted by the person who made the interview)
                            Great post RCje. I wanted to stay out this debate, but you've drawn me in just to make one little comment.

                            Sometimes I wonder if we blur the line a little too much between the actor and the character? The actor, in this case Amanda, is not going to think the same way as her character. And being only human, sometimes changes her mind. I constantly revise my opinions on different subjects as I either learn more about them, tire of them, get bored of them, get enthused by them. Why should Amanda be any different? It's a testament to her acting ability that we know the character as well as do, and believe in the ship as much as we do.

                            I'm not going to say I like what she says all the time, but hey, I don't like what I say half the time either


                              Originally posted by Rocketgal
                              Newbie Lesson #1476: If you want to post about current episode, ya better sign on to forum BEFORE the epi comes on or forget it!

                              Wow, so if this all is for a non-shippy episode, I can't wait to see this place after 200.

                              LOL! All hell will break loose then


                                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar

                                <snipped purely because of length>

                                I know it was an honor and a pleasure to see her at Shore Leave this past weekend and it’ll be an even better one when I go to GABIT in London in November.


