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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nell
    Thanks, Just warming up for Ship Day!!!
    I can't wait to see what you have in store for us then!


      Originally posted by Gatetrixer
      Well, there's Friends. Monica and Chandler did not break up or anything.(Did they?) But they weren't the romance that got the most attention. That was Ross and Rachel , and their romance had a rocky journey until the very, very end. Which is the norm for ship, I guess, which is part of a continuing show. Breakups, other partners, getting back together. Too bad.

      There's also The Nanny, but that was all about Fran's quest for her boss. Gee, no "nanny regs?"

      I assume you mean by written successfully that the show kept on being interesting and the ship didn't hasten it's demise.
      Thankfully, we have had years of UST vs. the whole Ross/Rachel thing. That would weaken our characters! (Of course, I loved Ross and Rachel.) The Nanny did wait until nearly the end of the series to get them together, so it doesn't quite count (IMO). Actually, the more I think about it, the more I think that the angst has been a good thing for the show. It has gone on long enough (real ship in s10, please), but maybe the series wouldn't have lasted without it. I have enjoyed the way they loved each other from a far and respected each other too much to break the regs. Now, the series has Vala (who TPTB love) and Cam (also loved by TPTB), so let's develop some UST between them and let Sam and Jack be happy together.

      Edit: It could be Vala/Daniel, Vala/Teal'c, or Vala/Landry. Just get another ship going so that our ship can be resolved. TPTB can play with a new group of shippers, and we can love the PTB for giving us our heart's desire.
      Last edited by Gate gal; 15 July 2006, 10:35 PM.


        Originally posted by Gate gal
        To answer your question:
        We don't see Chekov again in the episode, but we know that 6 people beamed off before it exploded. I love Chekov, too, but I think he is probably dead.

        I didn't watch Voyager, but my husband and I were big FarScape fans. We were very for the ship of John and Aeryn, and we loved it when they got together. However, I think if the PTB had waited longer to give us the ship that show would have lasted more than 4 seasons. I am personally glad that SG1 took their time in getting Sam and Jack together, but 10 years is long enough. I think they could get them together now and not really affect the other areas of the show. On the other hand, 10 years is soooooooo looooooong that if they don't get together soon we may lose more than Sue kay. I want them to leave some things unresolved in the series (aka my major motion picture wedding), but the relationship should begin soon.

        Thanks so much for that comment! I was crazy about the pairing of John and Aeryn too.....but it was production costs that caused the show to end, not storyline. It was a very successful pairing, and it stayed interesting, even after it was resolved. Very creative writing.


          Originally posted by stargate barbie
          or in hammonds office, or on the alpha site, or in the x302, or daniels lab, or teal'cs room, or the control room, or the briefing room, or in the elevators, or the MALP room, or that room where they had the ping pong table, or... ok i'll stop. i'm running out of known locations on the base anyway.

          hey sally, has your brain turned to mush yet?
          Ok, that was the obvious one I was looking for. Sorry I didn't read it earlier. Anywhere and everywhere marking territory.
          There are Brave Pilots. There are old Pilots. But there are no brave, old Pilots.


            Originally posted by nell
            Jack: Quick! The Shippers want Ship! Make some!
            Sam: Hey, I blow up one sun and now you think I can do anything?

            Jack: FCOL, these Shippers get edgy without The Ship! Maybe Daniel and Teal'c can help!

            Jack: Hey, Danny-boy! T-man! I'm getting desperate, the Shippers want Ship...right here, right now!
            Daniel: Jack, don't be such an a$$.
            Teal'c: Indeed.
            Jack: Yeah and thanks for nothing!

            Jack: Shippers, work with me here! Any clues for finding The Ship?

            nell: Jack, it's right in front of you. If you were any closer you'd trip over it and it would bite you!
            Jack: FCOL, enough of those cliches! You know I hate them!
            nell: Yeah, well, let's start at the beginning. And maybe some Shippers will join in with the story to find The Ship!
            Jack: Yeah, now you're talkin'!!
            nell: So, about 10 years ago...
            Originally posted by nell
            Jack to nell: Wait a minute! And all this time I thought you were talking about Mother Ships! Excuse me a moment.

            Jack: Sam, um, I apologize for snapping at you earlier. I think I understand about The Ship now.
            Sam: Sir....Jack...what are you talking about?

            Jack: I'm talking about this....

            Jack: And this....

            Sam: Jack, I could get used to this...

            Jack: OK, Shippers, is this what you're looking for because we are soooo lovin' this Ship!

            **thunks to Mala, Kliggins, ShimmeringStar and others for these caps**

            I hearby nominate nell for Thread Morale Officer!


              okay just another little random post here. one of our dogs recently had puppies and a friend of my mothers wants one, she was explaining that her friend and husband came over from England, and then she said..."they were in the army and she was his(her husbands)..." she here struggled for a word and started making hand gestures… “above him…”
              "commanding officer" I said. she said "yes!"....I instantly jumped up and I was like “nooo that’s fraternization!...she smiled as I started rambling does happen in real life!! lol...well I knew it did, but I didn’t actually know of anyone that it happened to.

              I kept asking a lot of questions..."did they get court marshaled, how’d they get married, did one of them retire" she of coarse didn’t know the answer to any of these, but still I thought it was pretty funny. lets hope it happens for jack and Sam too!! ….told you it was random

              sigs created by the talented sueKay and RepliCartertje

              thankyou Rocketgal & Oma-1


                Originally posted by stargate-princess
                okay just another little random post here. one of our dogs recently had puppies and a friend of my mothers wants one, she was explaining that her friend and husband came over from England, and then she said..."they were in the army and she was his(her husbands)..." she here struggled for a word and started making hand gestures… “above him…”
                "commanding officer" I said. she said "yes!"....I instantly jumped up and I was like “nooo that’s fraternization!...she smiled as I started rambling does happen in real life!! lol...well I knew it did, but I didn’t actually know of anyone that it happened to.

                I kept asking a lot of questions..."did they get court marshaled, how’d they get married, did one of them retire" she of coarse didn’t know the answer to any of these, but still I thought it was pretty funny. lets hope it happens for jack and Sam too!! ….told you it was random
                Aw, that's sweet. There is hope for our two!


                  Originally posted by stargate-princess
                  okay just another little random post here. one of our dogs recently had puppies and a friend of my mothers wants one, she was explaining that her friend and husband came over from England, and then she said..."they were in the army and she was his(her husbands)..." she here struggled for a word and started making hand gestures… “above him…”
                  "commanding officer" I said. she said "yes!"....I instantly jumped up and I was like “nooo that’s fraternization!...she smiled as I started rambling does happen in real life!! lol...well I knew it did, but I didn’t actually know of anyone that it happened to.

                  I kept asking a lot of questions..."did they get court marshaled, how’d they get married, did one of them retire" she of coarse didn’t know the answer to any of these, but still I thought it was pretty funny. lets hope it happens for jack and Sam too!! ….told you it was random
                  See! And don't people look at you very strangely when you ask those detailed questions. But you NEED to know!!!!!


                    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                    See! And don't people look at you very strangely when you ask those detailed questions. But you NEED to know!!!!!
                    yeah i did get a few strange glances ...but i was hoping for a little idea...about how they got togther...maybe it could work with sam n jack?? and L.A doyle..yeah its given me extra hope

                    sigs created by the talented sueKay and RepliCartertje

                    thankyou Rocketgal & Oma-1


                      Originally posted by AmberLM
                      Yeah I know what you mean about the crying thing (although admittedly I could be accused of being the pot calling the kettle since the last fic I wrote had Sam crying three times over her father's death!) At least we know that Sam does cry tho from 'Paradise Lost' but I agree that it has to be a very bad situation and not just because she broke a nail! (OK, I'm exaggerating a bit but you see what i mean, right?)

                      Shameless plug and I'm sure some of you guys might have read it already but here's the fic if you wanna read it:


                      It's a during/post-Threads fic with a happy ending
                      I know about being dead in side. Im emotionally exhausted from all your crying and not being able to do anything about it. I cant breath anymore. im in my pad and want to go home maybe ill try and sleep now. probably not i cant breath enough to sleep. reminds me of my best friend in "Hotel California" I poped in for a visit and she nearly jumped out of bed. By the way I noticed that my AC was turned off. maybe she could return the favor.
                      There are Brave Pilots. There are old Pilots. But there are no brave, old Pilots.


                        Originally posted by Rocketgal
                        Did ya ever notice that TPTB also tend to put the whole "no J&S ship" blame on the USAF instead of themselves?
                        I may be bias (I'm a 4yr AF vet and hubby is working on his 23rd year in), but the rules are rules. AF members accept them when they raise their right hand and take the oath. Along with how to wear their hair, what lovely ensemble to wear when, what to say and don't say, where to go, etc...(it's fun, really!)

                        Now if the TPTB were honest, and they truely wanted to get J&S together at any point, they had some options.
                        A.) Pre Jack's promotion, place either on another team. They had something like 15 to choose from.
                        B.) Either of the pair could have asked for a transfer or received orders.(NASA,Pentagon, Academy, Gulf, etc.). 8 years at the same location is pushing it.
                        C Jack or Sam could have retired, turned their commission in, medically retired, etc.)
                        At any of these points, the two would be free to be together.
                        Of course then all the UST that gets us to hope, pray and watch would have flown out the window. Along with the ratings

                        Just my 1.8 cents worth
                        and to take the sting out of my rant...

                        yeah well there is a new agency that is growing. considering that I was recently reassigned to recruit I have been trying to track someone special down and bring her in. As far as rules of dating between Agents and Agents or Agents and recuits based on my position I can decide what I want to do. Its basically a family thing. Anyone interested? By the way I know about black string tank tops and black pants. Even with all the teleportation and she shape shifting I mostly new the difference. Yeah my brain is just about mush, when I think back its tormenting 'cause I don't know when we were together or not anymore. Was the diner the first stage undercover or do I just need to quit.
                        There are Brave Pilots. There are old Pilots. But there are no brave, old Pilots.


                          Originally posted by stargate-princess
                          i just watched "the light" and its quite shippy! they stay pretty close the whole time, and theres more than normal physical contact..albeit its a bit rough but any way. i like when there walking along the beach and there so0o0o close to each other, when theres the WHOLE beach to walk along. i wonder what went on in those three weeks they had to stay there
                          any way that was followed by the THAT one dosnt need an explination.. so sad when janet says to jack...
                          "She's being kept alive entirely on life support. I think it's time to let her go Sir"
                          "Just give it a minute, huh"
                          sooo sad. imagine being forced to 'kill' someone you care for like that. hmm, lucky she lived!
                          pretty random post...but i was bored.
                          It may be a random post, but it's relevant. It was so sad, it had me sobbing, and I knew that she wasn't going to die!

                          Sorry for the lateness of this post, but I wasn't able to read anything fort over 48 hours. And I picked a bad weekend to do that!


                            Originally posted by hopalong
                            It may be a random post, but it's relevant. It was so sad, it had me sobbing, and I knew that she wasn't going to die!
                            You know the first time I watched "Entity" I seriously wasnt sure that she wasnt going to die! For a moment or two I thought there was going to be this almighty twist and that I might have missed a spoiler. Looking back now I think thats a testament to the quality of this episode all round. The writing, all the acting, staging and lighting, direction and heck even the music, all contributed to such a moving and totally convincing set of scenes.
                            It was incredibly powerful and you could just "feel" Jacks anguish and the way the supporting cast backed that up was wonderful. Its perhaps one of my fave episodes all round because it managed to draw me completely in.


                              Originally posted by Buc252
                              ROFL! I already blame them for losing Jonas. After all, PDL has made several comments that they had to sacrifice characters so they could have shrimp in the buffet.
                              Okay, this is a little OT and out of place, but I've learned from watching specials that you can't always seriously rely on what PDL says. He seems to spend a lot of time joking for the camera.

                              MInd you, not having seen or come across PDL making those comments, I can't really say if he's joking here. But it sounds like one of his jokes.

                              And yes, I realise that this comment may be a little late...


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                                See, I don't remember that. At all. Did I miss something? I keep hearing this and don't remember this in the episode. Boy, am I confused. Sorry it's OT. To make it on topic, I have one ship on SG-1, and it ain't this one!
                                dont worry i dont remember that either. the only ship i like on sg1 is sam/jack i dont like any other ones

                                sig by starlover1990

