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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by LOL4JACK
    Sorry for reposting my post shamless self propaganda

    But I was wondering, does anybody have an example of a show where ship was written succesfully? something that did not happen at the begining or at the end of the show?
    Errrrrrr ....... no. Something will probably come to mind in the middle of the night!

    Anyway, how's a girl supposed to concentrate and think when those eyes are staring at her from the computer screen?????



      Originally posted by RepliCartertje
      Ok don't shoot me...Please don't

      Ok I can understand why she would say something like that.
      well if you think about the fact, Sam has always been a strong woman and that someone was a member of a the team, She has never been seen as the girl and that was really great. she was just a member, a scientist, a soldier, a friend, a collegue,... and that she was a woman...well that was not so much a problem. she fitted in between the guys. They even forgot that she wasn't a guy. But atm that she got feelings for Jack it started to get complicated. She wasn't just the collegue anymore, she became suddanly someone that has feelings for Jack. And that made of her a girl, cause well that would never had happened between jack and teal'c or jack and Daniel. Because of the fact that she was a woman people started to think about her as 'the girl' but she is so much more. So if she would ever end up togheter I can see why people would think as her as Jack's girl. She is the girl who fell in love with Jack and the girl who has something with him. And people will see that first before they see the wonderfull woman Sam is.
      I just wonder what would slashers think about this comment...
      "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
      Colonel Jack O'Neill


        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
        I Love Lucy?

        I don't know. I don't really watch much TV. I do think that ship is hard for people to write. What TPTB should really do is get RDA and AT together and say "Hey, you've played these characters for years. You know them better than we do. These are our ideas, but how do you think we should finally resolve this?" Then I think we'd have a happy shippy ending for our pair. Hopefully.
        "Who's Lucy?"

        Last edited by Oma-1; 15 July 2006, 04:48 PM.


          Originally posted by zuz
          : I just wonder what would slashers think about this comment...
          Well do you see a slashers here??? I don't think so
          But you get my point ok, don't think slashy or anything. think as a shipper.
          Last edited by RepliCartertje; 15 July 2006, 04:33 PM.


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
            Ok don't shoot me...Please don't

            Ok I can understand why she would say something like that.
            well if you think about the fact, Sam has always been a strong woman and that someone was a member of a the team, She has never been seen as the girl and that was really great. she was just a member, a scientist, a soldier, a friend, a collegue,... and that she was a woman...well that was not so much a problem. she fitted in between the guys. They even forgot that she wasn't a guy. But atm that she got feelings for Jack it started to get complicated. She wasn't just the collegue anymore, she became suddanly someone that has feelings for Jack. And that made of her a girl, cause well that would never had happened between jack and teal'c or jack and Daniel. Because of the fact that she was a woman people started to think about her as 'the girl' but she is so much more. So if she would ever end up togheter I can see why people would think as her as Jack's girl. She is the girl who fell in love with Jack and the girl who has something with him. And people will see that first before they see the wonderfull woman Sam is.
            I agree with you 100% on this.
            Re: slashers not visiting this thread...who knows?
            "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
            Colonel Jack O'Neill


              Originally posted by RepliCartertje
              So if she would ever end up togheter I can see why people would think as her as Jack's girl. She is the girl who fell in love with Jack and the girl who has something with him. And people will see that first before they see the wonderfull woman Sam is.
              Yeah, good point there. It's sad that people could reduce Sam to that.

              But to me, Sam will always be the kick butt soldier who can blow up a sun, who just happened to snag a total hunk.

              It's human to fall in love and you can't help who you fall in love with. And Sam is stuck in a position where loving someone could hurt her career and reputation. That cloud will always hang over them. That's why I think that if they ever do get together, it will be very private, with only close friends knowing.


                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                i think this and your previous post are a bit harsh on AT. and i have to disagree. i don't think amanda tapping has ever been more anti ship than pro ship. i think she wants the best thing for her character. and i think she wants what will make her character look best.

                i don't think it will matter what TPTB do on the ship issue, someone will be unhappy and even a lot of shippers will not be satisfied. if they get together, people want to see more of the relationship, some people want a bedroom scene, some people want a wedding, etc.

                why should AT just get used to these questions? the final decision is not up to her, and regardless of her opinion on an issue, TPTB will just do what they want anyway, as has been proven many times.

                i feel sorry for AT, because she's the one out there doing the interviews and going to cons, she's the public face most often. RDA doesn't do as many interviews or cons, and when he does he rarely gets asked these questions.

                and before i get accused of RDA bashing, i'm not. i'm just stating that he doesn't do as much PR work, and doesn't get asked the same questions in the same way.

                she does not only see a physical attraction. even in that interview she admits or accepts there are feelings between them. she has said countless times that she doesn't just want to be "jacks girl" but that she would love to see them go "fishing". she has said a lot of pro ship things.
                I have to say, I agree with Ses - and not a single word of what's above. It's unusual for me to grow to really lose respect for an actor/actress who is a member of one of my ships, but my feelings for AT are definitely moving in that direction. To the point that I wouldn't *go* to a convention where she appeared for fear of what I'd say to her if I encountered her face to face. Yes, TIIC have jerked around the shippers for years, but she has, too.

                Other people may be able to be more forgiving, or more open-minded than I am, but I just can't let it go with her. This flip-flopping is driving the fans crazy. Pick a side, for God's sake! And if you absolutely don't want to, then decline to comment. I would rather have her say she's against it than to keep changing her position.
                Last edited by Buc252; 15 July 2006, 05:55 PM.
                - Mary
                SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                  Originally posted by stargate barbie


                  if RDA came out and stated that he didn't want sam and jack to be a couple, what would people say about him?

                  I wouldn't be happy, but at least he would have made a decision and taken a position. What drives me crazy with AT is how she plays both sides of the fence against the other, thereby making neither camp happy. Is this the desperation of a personality that has to have everybody like her? Possibly, but we all know that nobody is ever liked by *everybody*. <g>
                  Last edited by Buc252; 15 July 2006, 05:56 PM.
                  - Mary
                  SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                  Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                    Originally posted by ses110
                    I cannot understand anyone being worried about Sam becoming just Jack's girl.Does anyone really believe TPTB would just have Sam become Jack's girlfriend and nothing more?When RDA was one of TPTB does anyone really think RDA would allow that? Since RDA is no longer a full time cast member there is no way Sam can become just Jack's Girl.I never bought that Jack's girl argument for a second.Stargate is a SciFi Show not desperated Housewives.
                    I agree and last night
                    Sam demonstrated that she is a soldier first when she joined Cam, Teal'c and Bra'tac on that seeming "suicide mission" to warn the Free Jaffa on Chulak. Personally, I stopped breathing for a moment. I believe she and Jack are in a relationship of sorts and BY GAWD think about your mate before volunteering for a dangerous mission. Hey, Sam's a national treasure that has to be responsible to protect her expertise by not placing herself in dangerous positions. But, then we wouldn't have had the exciting scene on Bra'tac's mothership and rescuing Daniel/Vala.
                    **nell mutters for shippers to disregard her rant**


                      Originally posted by Buc252
                      I have to say, I agree with Ses - and not a single word of what's above. It's unusual for me to grow to really lose respect for an actor/actress who is a member of one of my ships, but my feelings for AT are definitely moving in that direction. To the point that I wouldn't *go* to a convention where she appeared for fear of what I'd say to her if I encountered her face to face. Yes, TIIC have jerked around the shippers for years, but she has, too.

                      Other people may be able to be more forgiving, or more open-minded than I am, but I just can't let it go with her. This flip-flopping is driving the fans crazy. Pick a side, for God's sake!
                      i'm not surprised that you feel that way. i've never really felt that you were a fan of AT, and frequently i find myself thinking that you and a few others here just don't like her for whatever reason. and you and i rarely share the same opinions. and thats fine, and i'm not saying that there is anything wrong with that so please don't misunderstand me here. we shouldn't all be the same, and everyone sees things differently.

                      i do like and respect both AT and RDA obviously, and it does sadden and bother me that people feel as you and ses and others do, but i'm not going to lose sleep over it.

                      all i do know is that of all the people i've heard of who have ever encountered her, not one of them has had something negative to say. i don't think i've ever heard of someone who had a personal encounter with her say anything bad. i am not really the kind of person who would easily call myself a "fan" of people, but i am certainly a fan of amanda tappings. she seems like a wonderful person, and i've never had any reason to believe otherwise.

                      and she genuinely seems to care about her fans, and about people in general. she inspires me to try to be better, nicer, more honest, and just generally to be the best person i can be. and i think she is one of the best rolemodels i've ever seen, celebrity or otherwise, especially for women, and more especially for women aspiring to survive in male dominated occupations. in particular the media.

                      i've heard how other people on this thread feel about her lately, so i just thought i'd post a brief explaination of my thoughts on her.

                      general post, not neccessarily in direct response to the quote at the start of this post;

                      i've already made comments and replied with my opinions on terms like "flip-flopping" "pick a side" who gets asked what during interviews and how it determines what is said (RDA doesn't bring it up much, but neither does AT. its ususally the interviewer who mentions it first, with rare exceptions in my interview reading experience). i get the feeling i may be upsetting, annoying and possibly even making a few enemies here regarding my defence of AT (possibly among other things, i'm not sure), so i think i'll just resolve to sticking my fingers in my ears and humming loudly when ever i feel one of my favourite characters of actors is being spoken of unfairly. i know not everyone has this opinion based on the amount of green i've had in the last day, for which i thank you all greatfully. basically, if people want me to stop defending people and offering up my mostly honest opinions on this or any other issue, i'll do so. heck, i'll even vacate the thread if someone asks me too. but its in my nature to defend those whom i believe need defending.

                      i'd like to apologise in advance to anyone who doesn't like my opinions or my vocalisations of them.

                      (and just so that people don't think i'm being an uber-samandan or something, i'm more than willing to talk about why i like RDA in the same way i did about AT. just for the sake of equality.)


                        Originally posted by chelle db
                        Ah well...the way I see it is...Amanda has said on several occasions she does not want to become the girl who gets the guy, or vice versa, because there is more to the character of Sam Carter than that. And I totally understand that because it would be very easy for her character to become lost to the hype of being the girl!
                        I so want to see the ship develop but I'm not sure how I want to see it go...exactly?? On one hand I would like a happy ever after wedding and all story and on the other I would like it to be subtle and not a big deal made of it...does that make sense???
                        As for AT declining interviews and the's just not her to do that...she's very generous with her time she devotes to her fans and if she were to start declining interviews, what would you be thinking???
                        No...I think she's doing a great job. AT is probably contractually bound to not reveal what is happening on the show so I would like to think that she plays both sides because she can't give too much away and she tries to satisfy everyones ones ever happy with the answers they get anyway.
                        You know, I totally agree with you and a point. I just don't understand how it would diminish Sam's character at this point to say, "Yep, Sam and Jack have finally gotten together, after all those years of working together." Daniel and Teal'c could even comment that neither of them is surprised that this happened, once the regs were out of the way. They've known for some time how Sam and Jack feel.....especially Teal'c. What makes Sam and Jack both look "romantically inept" is to keep them dancing around each other when TPTB have made it clear that each is in love with the other!!! That's just.....un-adult!

                        Sam Carter is a highly accomplished woman.....and an accomplished woman should be able to enjoy success in every phase of her life. Being loved by someone, and loving them in return, doesn't make anyone less capable, less professional, less independent. It just means that the person has achieved success in another phase of her life!

                        How come all the adults on the show feel afraid to admit this? I get it. I think most of you get it. Why are they afraid to acknowledge it? Just acknowledge it, shut us up and move on to other stories!!!

                        I will say, however, that the AOL interview seems to be at odds with other things AT has said about Sam Carter. I'll put these observations in spoiler tags.

                        A woman who wants to be taken seriously and who respects her character (as we know AT does) wouldn't suggest that the character and another character, "have a night of incredible sex....and move on." Come on! That's just.....slutty! Skanky! Trashy! I don't think AT sees Sam this way. And I know I don't!!!

                        Also.....AT said in a Skiffy promo just a few weeks ago that, "Now that he's not her boss anymore, maybe she can have a little FUN with him!" That doesn't sound like someone who is anti-ship.

                        So, are we sure this interview is accurate? One thing's for sure: I'm back to being anxious and confused......


                          Originally posted by Buc252
                          I wouldn't be happy, but at least he would have made a decision and taken a position. What drives me crazy with AT is how she plays both sides of the fence against the other, thereby making neither camp happy. Is this the desperation of a personality that has to have everybody like her? Possibly, but we all know that nobody is ever liked by *everybody*.
                          *puts fingers in ears and hums loudly*


                            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                            You know, I totally agree with you and a point. I just don't understand how it would diminish Sam's character at this point to say, "Yep, Sam and Jack have finally gotten together, after all those years of working together." Daniel and Teal'c could even comment that neither of them is surprised that this happened, once the regs were out of the way. They've known for some time how Sam and Jack feel.....especially Teal'c. What makes Sam and Jack both look "romantically inept" is to keep them dancing around each other when TPTB have made it clear that each is in love with the other!!! That's just.....un-adult!

                            Sam Carter is a highly accomplished woman.....and an accomplished woman should be able to enjoy success in every phase of her life. Being loved by someone, and loving them in return, doesn't make anyone less capable, less professional, less independent. It just means that the person has achieved success in another phase of her life!

                            How come all the adults on the show feel afraid to admit this? I get it. I think most of you get it. Why are they afraid to acknowledge it? Just acknowledge it, shut us up and move on to other stories!!!

                            I will say, however, that the AOL interview seems to be at odds with other things AT has said about Sam Carter. I'll put these observations in spoiler tags.

                            A woman who wants to be taken seriously and who respects her character (as we know AT does) wouldn't suggest that the character and another character, "have a night of incredible sex....and move on." Come on! That's just.....slutty! Skanky! Trashy! I don't think AT sees Sam this way. And I know I don't!!!

                            Also.....AT said in a Skiffy promo just a few weeks ago that, "Now that he's not her boss anymore, maybe she can have a little FUN with him!" That doesn't sound like someone who is anti-ship.

                            So, are we sure this interview is accurate? One thing's for sure: I'm back to being anxious and confused......
                            Honey, we need Ship Day...right here, right now!!! I'll be back later!!!


                              Ok sorry If it sound a little rude or so...
                              but will we please stop it!!!! I mean really it is not nice to say nasty things about AT or about RDA. I really get the feeling that you all hate her just because she doesn't have a oppinion. And I thought that this was a friendly thread but I really am not feeling that anymore.
                              So please if you can stay with Jack and Sam and not with the actors cause they can not defend themselfs here!!!


                                Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                                Ok sorry If it sound a little rude or so...
                                but will we please stop it!!!! I mean really it is not nice to say nasty things about AT or about RDA. I really get the feeling that you all hate her just because she doesn't have a oppinion. And I thought that this was a friendly thread but I really am not feeling that anymore.
                                So please if you can stay with Jack and Sam and not with the actors cause they can not defend themselfs here!!!
                                I thought that same thing. And I want to say one thing.
                                Stop acting like kids! Amanda just said what she thought so why are you so crazy about it??? It`s just words FCOL!!! It`s not like that will reign the ship.
                                You have to understand to never never ever taking what an actor says to much at heart!!! They always change oppinions. So let it go... enjoy the ship.

                                Make fun and don`t start this... thing because someone dared saying what she wanted to say.

