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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by stargate barbie
    as far as i can remember it was supposed to be shown sometime around season 8, but they pulled it and then showed it either during the mid season break, or after season 8 but before season 9. i don't keep track of time very well, and i'm kinda stupid, but i definitely remember seeing it before season 9 was shown.
    I'm sorry if someone else has already replied to this. The Science of Stargate was supposed to be shown in the UK in October '05, just before S9 began for us, but was postponed. It was eventually shown in January '06, but was obviously filmed before and during the filming of S9.


      Originally posted by Lizlove
      Entity showed his feelings for Sam don`t really stand in the way of his duty. It screwed him up royally but that didn`t stop him from doing it. Positive if you think like that
      But what if Sam did indeed die? Would he have quit the AF because he had to much guilt to carry? Or continued to fight in remembrance of Sam?
      Well I think he would have done the same like he have done with Charlie. Feel really really guilty at first. think about suicide. But than he would start thinking about what Sam stands for and he would realise (with the help of Teal'c, Daniel, Janet and Hammond) that he can't do that cause Sam would never have wanted that. So after he realised it and thought about everything, I think he would go on with his life as best as possible. and he would do everything even better than he does now. He would want to do everything better for Sam so that her death wasn't useless. That bacause of loosing her he know that he has to fight for freedom for everyone. And that no one can die anymore from his team but alo from his allies he made in the past.
      I also think that there would be a special place on the base ( Sam's lab) who is devoted to her. where everything she was and everything she stands for is united. A little bit like a grave but than bigger and with lots of her stuff in it, and lots of pictures.
      As for Jack, I think he might have made also a place in his house with pictures of her that reminded him about how much he loves her.
      And as for her house, I don't think they would clean it up or so. I think it would stay the same for ever? Just like it is now. And maybe from time to time Jack visits that house

      and after writing this all... that really makes me sad how can we even think about Sam dying


        Originally posted by Gate gal
        I love that scene! Every time I watch it I want to comfort him and tell him she's fine, Jack. You did what you had to do! Of course, he can't hear me so I have to look at the anguish on his face.

        Hey, I just realized this was my 200th post and I'm a super soldier now! Yeah!!!! My goal was to hit 200 before episode 200. Boy, did I make that one!


          Originally posted by Nolamom
          It really is nice having a place where everyone can feel welcome. Not a lot of acrimony, just sharing what we enjoy. Thanks everyone!
          Hi Guys!

          I LOVE this picture. It's amazing. I didn't even noticed fluffy at first because it looks so natural.


          Made by the lovely Jakie


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
            Just PM Nell to ask if you can join it and you will be one of SSHSOT.
            and goodmorning everyone !!!
            What is SSHSOT?

            Made by the lovely Jakie


              Originally posted by m_wendy_r
              What is SSHSOT?

              The Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team.


                Originally posted by chelle db
                Ok..I have a question...and a statement..I think??
                Why is it that people see Sam and Jack as being weak just because the ship is not resolved one way or the other???
                The way I see it is they are both human beings who want something they're not sure they can have. I have never seen the indecisions regarding the ship as making either one of them weak...indecision does not make one weak...just smart...wouldn't you want to be absolutley sure of what you're doing before you do know...look before you leap!!

                Thanks...have a nice day and's actually contagioius!!
                AT said this at Shore Leave last Saturday. Why????


                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                  The Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team.
                  This is going to sound dumb. But I've been away for the longest time. But... what do they do?

                  Having said that, I bet I have heard of them (I haven't been well, sorry).

                  Made by the lovely Jakie


                    Isn’t speculation about actor’s motives and thoughts and motives a No-No in the FAQ’s? We’re all here to voice our opinions of the show and of the Sam/Jack ship, not to attack each other, or most importantly, to lay into actress because of things you (the general you) perceive her to feel or think. Because now the thread has devolved down to playing games with semantics; the written word & projecting her feelings/opinions onto her; IMOHO that’s not really fair or right or a good thing if you want to celebrate the ship and that's what the thread *is* for - celebrating the ship and having a place to talk about the good and bad of what we see in the show (and about S/J fanfic, art, etc.).
                    Originally posted by stargate barbie
                    i don't think any of the actors are "flip-flopping", i don't think she's anti ship, she's quite outspoken when she's opposed to something, and she lets us know. she's consistent when she opposes something. i just dont think she sees the s/j ship as being as important to the show.
                    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                    I hope what I've said tonight doesn't seem like bashing to anyone. I adore AT, and I don't think I've bashed her. I'm just tired of waiting for a real acknowledgement of what we were led to believe had transpired over a year ago. And I feel I am being constantly led one way, then jerked back another.
                    What I’ve learned in my 2 ½ years of fandom is if you (general you again) like it, feel free to lurve it and celebrate that you’ve found other fans who love it too. Never expect to find the actors, the writers, the corporates to acknowledge your opinions. Don't let them influence & detrimentally affect something that gives you pleasure and happiness.
                    Could someone who was in the front of the room (and I know several of you were, because you were holding my seat!) elaborate on these comments in spoilers? Hubby says he interpreted them as ship-positive.
                    IMOHO, as a S/J shipper & Shore Leave attendee (who sat up close the stage during both day’s panels), I for one did *not* come away from the convention feeling she was anti-ship. In fact I came away feeling like she liked the ship. She’s said so in the interviews. But when pushed, when that’s all someone wants to define Sam as, just soley by her ship with Jack (and yes I do realize this is the S/J thread & the focus of the thread) – then that’s when, especially a season or two ago, I began to read interviews with Amanda saying she didn’t want Sam to be defined just solely by her S/J ship (or any ship for that matter); she hoped a ship would give her another facet, another piece to make her a well-rounded person and character.

                    But it’s just like for all of us here – our significant other isn’t 100% of who we are. That person complements us, gives us joy and pleasure, may make life extremely worth living and looking forward to, but we don’t live our lives super-glued to that person. We want to be known to others for who we are, for what we do, for who we can become. Right? (or not? )

                    So take heart, take a step back, know that it is liked. Know that AT’s made her feelings known to TPTB, just like any other actor, but be aware that TPTB will do as they please (or as they are directed by the corporate suits) and that AT, just like the rest of us, can’t please everyone fandom-wise or say what each of us wanna hear exactly in the words we want to hear it in.

                    All I can say is that from what I gather through my experience here and at the con, Amanda wants resolution too, not ambiguity. For it to be clearly resolved it so the characters can deal with it and move on. Not to stunt Sam's growth in all areas because TPTN want to tease viewers in just one area. Not to forget about it, just the same way she said she didn’t want TPTB to forget those team/friend moments either, but to not make it 100% of who the character is… But anyway this at least is my take on it.

                    I wish everyone here had the opportunity to see Amanda in person and to hear her and see her gestures and facial expressions as she responded graciously and tactfully (as well as with a great deal of humor and wit!) to the questions posed to her. As one of the actors said during the panels – you may have actors who really hate each other, hate what they’re doing, but they may come in and act so dang well that you’d (the fans) never know it. Guess what I’m trying to say is that it shouldn’t so much matter to us what she the actress personally feels, but that she has acted so beautifully to have given us some wonderful moments with Jack O’Neill.

                    I know it was an honor and a pleasure to see her at Shore Leave this past weekend and it’ll be an even better one when I go to GABIT in London in November.
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                      Isn’t speculation about actor’s motives and thoughts and motives a No-No in the FAQ’s? We’re all here to voice our opinions of the show and of the Sam/Jack ship, not to attack each other, or most importantly, to lay into actress because of things you (the general you) perceive her to feel or think. Because now the thread has devolved down to playing games with semantics; the written word & projecting her feelings/opinions onto her; IMOHO that’s not really fair or right or a good thing if you want to celebrate the ship and that's what the thread *is* for - celebrating the ship and having a place to talk about the good and bad of what we see in the show (and about S/J fanfic, art, etc.).

                      What I’ve learned in my 2 ½ years of fandom is if you (general you again) like it, feel free to lurve it and celebrate that you’ve found other fans who love it too. Never expect to find the actors, the writers, the corporates to acknowledge your opinions. Don't let them influence & detrimentally affect something that gives you pleasure and happiness.
                      IMOHO, as a S/J shipper & Shore Leave attendee (who sat up close the stage during both day’s panels), I for one did *not* come away from the convention feeling she was anti-ship. In fact I came away feeling like she liked the ship. She’s said so in the interviews. But when pushed, when that’s all someone wants to define Sam as, just soley by her ship with Jack (and yes I do realize this is the S/J thread & the focus of the thread) – then that’s when, especially a season or two ago, I began to read interviews with Amanda saying she didn’t want Sam to be defined just solely by her S/J ship (or any ship for that matter); she hoped a ship would give her another facet, another piece to make her a well-rounded person and character.

                      But it’s just like for all of us here – our significant other isn’t 100% of who we are. That person complements us, gives us joy and pleasure, may make life extremely worth living and looking forward to, but we don’t live our lives super-glued to that person. We want to be known to others for who we are, for what we do, for who we can become. Right? (or not? )

                      So take heart, take a step back, know that it is liked. Know that AT’s made her feelings known to TPTB, just like any other actor, but be aware that TPTB will do as they please (or as they are directed by the corporate suits) and that AT, just like the rest of us, can’t please everyone fandom-wise or say what each of us wanna hear exactly in the words we want to hear it in.

                      All I can say is that from what I gather through my experience here and at the con, Amanda wants resolution too, not ambiguity. For it to be clearly resolved it so the characters can deal with it and move on. Not to stunt Sam's growth in all areas because TPTN want to tease viewers in just one area. Not to forget about it, just the same way she said she didn’t want TPTB to forget those team/friend moments either, but to not make it 100% of who the character is… But anyway this at least is my take on it.

                      I wish everyone here had the opportunity to see Amanda in person and to hear her and see her gestures and facial expressions as she responded graciously and tactfully (as well as with a great deal of humor and wit!) to the questions posed to her. As one of the actors said during the panels – you may have actors who really hate each other, hate what they’re doing, but they may come in and act so dang well that you’d (the fans) never know it. Guess what I’m trying to say is that it shouldn’t so much matter to us what she the actress personally feels, but that she has acted so beautifully to have given us some wonderful moments with Jack O’Neill.

                      I know it was an honor and a pleasure to see her at Shore Leave this past weekend and it’ll be an even better one when I go to GABIT in London in November.
                      A really great post, with lots of good things you have said.
                      But isn't this a discussian thread rather than a celebration thread? Ok we do celebrate too but more often we have little discussions and we stated our oppinions. And that is just so nice about it. We all have our own oppinion but we just let the others show our oppinion. As long as we stay friendly to the other I really don't mind it. I mean it gives you insight in other people, who they think and how that you think. As long as we keep friendly to the actors and to the fans. Cause well there are also Samandans here and RDA-fans. I mean just respect the other choice. Don't hurt anyones feeling or oppinion. And certainly don't talk bad about the actors.


                        Wow....who would have thought the special BEFORE Stargate would cause so much hype....

                        I guess for me, as much as I LOVE and WANT Jack and Sam to be together. I just recently got into the show. So its only been about 1 1/2 years of shipping for me. Where-as I know some of you have been with the show all ten years. I can understand how its frusterating. Trust me...I spent years and years shipping Harm and Mac on JAG....and then even having TPTB say that they might not even put them together in the end. But in the end, and it was literally the last episode....they put them together. So I guess I think of that, that even if its not right now, it will happen eventually. They wouldn't go through all they've been through with those two, to put them with other people. Especially put Sam with Cam.....eeewwww.....I happen to love Cam and Vala, but this is a Farscape fan talking.....


                          Congrats on 200 Gate gal!
                          Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                            Originally posted by stargate barbie
                            (italics in quote are mine)

                            HA! thank you. didn't think he would be. i think i've only ever heard him directly asked by one of the behind ths scenes guys (ivon bartok i think). any other time i've heard him mention it he was the one to bring it up. which is not often. i rememer him being asked about coming back for another season a few years ago, and he said something about "resolving this little tap dance between carter and o'neill". something like that. again, thats neither positive nor negative really. resolve how? am i bothered by it? no.

                            anyway, the guys rarely get asked this stuff, and the inequality of it it bugs me.
                            well, one of the reasons why rda might not be asked about it is because he doesn't make a big deal about it. he rarely mentions it in interviews, and this is through the years. when an interviewee makes a comment about something, and then again, and again, and again, then the interviewer is going to know that is a hot topic for that person.

                            i'm tired of hearing the negativity about s/j from amanda, even though i understand her feelings and thoughts on the matter. for me as a fan, it's a killjoy, especially when you are told over and over and over and over again. and it's doubly hard for me because i LOVE amanda so much (she's my fave actress in the world right now). but while i understand some of her feelings on this, i don't understand why she doesn't see this sam/jack thing as a love story. but heck, neither do the ptb. when i asked joe mallozzi some time ago if the s/j thing was written as a love story or just two ppl attracted to one another, he said the second option (with a couple of other descriptives through in). i just plain don't get it.

                            what does amanda really want of sam and jack? she said at shore leave she'd like them to already be married, but then this interview she wants them to have a one night stand. one signifies love, while the other is just sex. which is it???

                            i'm tired of the sam/jack relationship being belittled, especially by the ppl making the show.




                              Thank You Sally.You brought up in clear cut examples the different answers we are receiving about the Sam/Jack Ship.It's bad enough we have to wait Years for a resolution and it just makes it worse when we get Shippers views all over the map IMO.One time it's Sam/Jack should be married and the next it's they should have a one night stand and just be friends.It may be boring but IMO I would rather have an Actor be consistent rather than trying to please everyone.I want to hear an Actor's true feeling whether it is pro or anti Ship.I can still enjoy the Sam/Jack Ship no matter what the Actors or TPTB say.


                                Well, something happened last night because I couldn't get back on after Atlantis. Server was too busy. Imagine what will happen when we get some ship! All in all I enjoyed the ep. It was a good conclusion to a cliff hanger and did a good job setting up the premise for the season. Cam and Vala added to the plot and were not annoying.

                                Atlantis was also good. Same thing - good resolution and set up. Nice twist for added interest. Looking forward to the rest of the season. Especially when (positive thinking) we get our massive shippage. Maybe an aircraft carrier sized ship.

