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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by AmberLM
    Oh my I haven't seen that pic before! WHere did you get it?!? *Squee*
    I snurched it from a German fan page. I'd post the link but I can't find it at the moment. Busted!
    Last edited by zuz; 01 July 2006, 04:01 PM.
    "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
    Colonel Jack O'Neill


      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
      I'm not a Mod, but I'm sure that you still have to use spoiler tags for Season 8 (along with S9 and S10) until it has been seen in syndication in the US. If in doubt, use spoiler tags.
      They show s8 here late at night on the weekends on local channels. They NEVER show it on sci-fi. I wonder why?

      @sueKay-Sorry you got annoyed, and please don't think anyone doesn't like RDA. I posted the link on Samanda b/c she really needed help, and it got over here and you know the rest of the story. It's just supposed to be for fun-I didn't think people would care that much!

      Everyone having a shippy day? I am. I watched Fallen and Homecoming and found some shippy moments. One that caught my attention that never had before was not necessarily shippy, but it showed how much confidence Jack places in Sam. Sam was talking to the Kelownans and they asked what could they do. Sam looked to Jack and he just nodded. She went on to tell them what could be done. Then later, when he wasn't getting anywhere with them, he turned it over to Sam. Even though he's her CO, he let her handle much of what was going on then. It's nice to know he trusts her like that. It's like a sig I saw here once. 'Do you want to talk to the man in charge, or the woman who knows what's going on'


        Originally posted by zuz

        PS: What's with the poll? Sorry, I wasn't around for a while. Please can anyone explain what poll and what's the fuss? Thanks a lot.
        right, now pay attention everybody cos i'm only gonna post this once this month! its a meaningless but (hopefully) fun thing which can be found here:

        and should not be taken too seriously. you can vote every five minutes. as this is the shipper thread i'm only posting links to AT and RDA. if you want to spread the news to other threads, CJ, MS, BB, CB and others are on it too.

        now as for all this vote trading and such, some people are discussion alliances with other groups in other polls and such. its being discussed on the blue jello thread in the off topic section. personally i'm not trading or making alliances. i'm just voting for who i like.

        last month i posted in malas thread and in the RDA thunk thread with a link for rdas page on this. this month i'm not gonna bother posting anywhere but here this one time. if you want to then go ahead. original credit for finding this goes to L.A. Doyle, who rocks btw!

        just don't take it too seriously please!!! its meant to be fun.


          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
          They show s8 here late at night on the weekends on local channels. They NEVER show it on sci-fi. I wonder why?

          @sueKay-Sorry you got annoyed, and please don't think anyone doesn't like RDA. I posted the link on Samanda b/c she really needed help, and it got over here and you know the rest of the story. It's just supposed to be for fun-I didn't think people would care that much!

          Everyone having a shippy day? I am. I watched Fallen and Homecoming and found some shippy moments. One that caught my attention that never had before was not necessarily shippy, but it showed how much confidence Jack places in Sam. Sam was talking to the Kelownans and they asked what could they do. Sam looked to Jack and he just nodded. She went on to tell them what could be done. Then later, when he wasn't getting anywhere with them, he turned it over to Sam. Even though he's her CO, he let her handle much of what was going on then. It's nice to know he trusts her like that. It's like a sig I saw here once. 'Do you want to talk to the man in charge, or the woman who knows what's going on'
          i posted the link to it over here, and i posted both AT and RDA's links. i don't think there's anything for anyone to get annoyed over to be honest. it is supposed to be for fun. and i don't think people should care that much. i actually bugs me sometimes that over here there sometimes arises some form of competition or something between RDA and AT or between sam and jack. i understand that some people have a favourite of one over the other, but obviously (one would assume) we are all fans of both characters, otherwise we wouldn't (you would think) be shippers. i don't get it.

          another bit i liked in that episode was the bit where jack comes out of daniels, um, tent (?) and goes over to carter and essentially tags her to tell her its her turn to talk to him. i thought it was very cute.

          (i've underlined and bolded respectively to indicate which parts of the post i was replying to. sorry if it looks stupid. also, if i sound odd or snarky today its because everything is bothering me. i'm in tremendous pain. )


            Originally posted by stargate barbie
            right, now pay attention everybody cos i'm only gonna post this once this month! its a meaningless but (hopefully) fun thing which can be found here:


            and should not be taken too seriously. you can vote every five minutes. as this is the shipper thread i'm only posting links to AT and RDA. if you want to spread the news to other threads, CJ, MS, BB, CB and others are on it too.




            just don't take it too seriously please!!! its meant to be fun.
            Thanks, stargate barbie. Now it's clear.
            "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
            Colonel Jack O'Neill


              Originally posted by stargate barbie
              original credit for finding this goes to L.A. Doyle, who rocks btw!
              *blushes profusely*

              Originally posted by stargate barbie
              just don't take it too seriously please!!! its meant to be fun.
              PLEASE! The last thing I'd ever want to do is create dissension in the ranks!

              JACK AND SAM FOREVER!!


                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                also, if i sound odd or snarky today its because everything is bothering me. i'm in tremendous pain. )
                Feel better soon!! Watch D&C. That should help some!


                  Originally posted by stargate barbie
                  if i sound odd or snarky today its because everything is bothering me. i'm in tremendous pain. )
                  I hope you get to feeling better! (((barbie)))


                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                    No thank you... I am not going to vote for BB... I really don't like him in stargate. but in farscape I loved him so...
                    And aren't we forgetting someone??? I mean how about TR (come on don't forget the doc) and DSD. And what about CN???
                    (this is getting very off topic here)
                    so back to our daily shippy thoughts...

                    I am watching D&C again and that ep. is really just to great. I can not get enough of it. SQUEEEEEEEE
                    The only ones in the previous group I'd vote for is RDA and CN. (And XF's DD, of course.) Definitely not BB or CB, don't care for MS. CJ would be okay, but I'd rather entrust my votes to the ones I really love.

                    Now if they did *pairs*, I'd be there for RDA and AT in a blink, maybe even over DD and GA, although that would be a tough call.
                    - Mary
                    SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                    Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      SPOILERS From Starbust Magazine
                      Quote from AT - "Richard Dean Anderson is in it [episode 200] and there's a wonderful Carter and O'Neill moment that I think audiences will enjoy. Rick walked in and it was like he'd never left."

                      On the voting...and please don't take this the wrong way...but since when did this thread become an extension of Samanda? Even well after AT had moved in front of RDA, there were very few calls to vote for him, and I have to admit that that annoyed me a lot.

                      (and personally...RDA should be at #1)
                      I'm with you on this totally, Suekay. I've been trying to say this - not so well, apparently - for the last couple days.
                      - Mary
                      SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                      Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                        Originally posted by Buc252
                        Now if they did *pairs*, I'd be there for RDA and AT in a blink, maybe even over DD and GA, although that would be a tough call.
                        Oooh, that would be really nasty! How would I be able to choose between my first ever shipper couple and Sam and Jack?!? Please don't suggest they do that!
                        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                        My fanfic


                          Originally posted by Buc252
                          I'm with you on this totally, Suekay. I've been trying to say this - not so well, apparently - for the last couple days.
                          hey i understand that you might not like AT and aren't inclined to vote for her, but there are plenty of people here who are voting for RDA or for RDA and AT. (i'm one of them). if you want to talk about that and encourage people to vote for them then nobody's stopping you or me from doing that. everyone thinks that their fave should be #1. people who are voting for AT are talking about it because AT plays sam and sam is one half of our ship pairing. i know that some people (not from here) stopped voting for RDA because he was losing ground.

                          honestly, i don't see the big deal. we love both of them and its just a little poll. but if you want people to talk about RDA here, then talk about him. i'll gladly join in. sorry if people feel hard done by because samandans are talking about sam. i think its really just because she was gaining on people a lot quicker and easier than RDA so we put our efforts behind her more for last month.


                            Okay, a line from "Grace" that I love - "I will always be there for you, no matter what. Believe me." Now, I know that she's hallucinating at this point, but there really is basis it!!!!

                            (Something non-poll for a little while)


                              Originally posted by Nolamom
                              Okay, a line from "Grace" that I love - "I will always be there for you, no matter what. Believe me." Now, I know that she's hallucinating at this point, but there really is basis it!!!!
                              i know! there's so much subtext to that episode. no wonder she second guessed everything. i would have too. this is probably the only line that she couldn't doubt or question if it was real or not. even if they could never have been together, she knew that he would always be there for her as a friend, as she would be for him.

                              aw, now i'm gettin' all sappy.


                                Originally posted by Buc252
                                I'm with you on this totally, Suekay. I've been trying to say this - not so well, apparently - for the last couple days.
                                Just for the record, Stargate Barbie did post BOTH links to RDA and AT at the same time. It was each individual voter's choice from that point on to decide how they wanted to vote. The ONLY reason there was a push for AT was because she was WAY behind. That's ALL. Part of the reason AT got higher was because some Samandans spread the word at other AT websites. You are free to do the same for RDA-get the MacGyver fans! Just please relax-it's for FUN.

                                Let's please get back to the ship. Isn't that better?

