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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by chelle db
    Wow thanks it me or
    do the Furlings look like Ewoks??
    They're supposed to be


      Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
      No i think they look so much like

      How was this much info about the episode obtained?
      What??? Are you kidding me!!!
      Hope they don't bite as bad as Koala's do!!!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by krystina
        With all the speculating about 200, I thought I'd add my two cents.
        If they tease us again, it will just be plain mean.
        They might be afraid of adding a relationship into sci-fi, but it didn't hurt the X-files did it? Certainly didn't hurt Farscape. So why be so anxious about doing it with SG1? They can't use the "regulations" argument any more because Sam is no longer in Jack's direct chain of command, and to quote Amanda, "she might be able to have some fun with him ".
        Even if the wedding is imaginary, I hope that it's talked about, in our reality, not in the 'movie', but for real. And talked about between Jack and Sam. And I reallyreally hope that there is at least something for us shippers. Apart from the wedding, I mean. It's time we got some real ship. All we've really gotten, not including the not-so-subtle looks and comments, is Divide & Conquer, and Threads.
        And with so many fans basing their loyalty to the ship and the show on this one episode, it would really be a shame for them to not give us something.
        Of course they're teasing us!! I'm being realistic here...if that's possible...but the much as I would love for it to be real...won't be real...if it will here me squeeee from matter where you live!!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by RepliCartertje
          Thanks for your little pep-talk I think we all needed it here for a minute!! Well I certainly needed that!!! THANK YOU NELL
          And you are so right about the spoilers why do we always read them and be upset by it??
          I love reading spoilers but I don't take them as gospel...I remember when I first came to GW and read all about season 9 and how not many people liked it...I'm watching season 9 now and I am actually enjoying it...a lot...I love being spoiled in every sense of the please...spoil me!!!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by AmberLM
            Thank you sooooo much! My mum will be so happy that we FINALLY have an answer!!!!! Did I mention "thank you"?
            Yes, you did and... no problem!
            always and forever
            My LJ
            My History Website


              Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
              Guys, Guys
              What if it's for real...what if all this talk about imaginary wedding yada yada is a huge red herring...what if it starts just as an imaginary wedding but then they decide, what the heck, let's do this for real???
              ...I'm still hoping...
              I would so love that...but either way I'm gonna be squeeing with delight...I can't wait!!!!!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by Lizlove
                You don't really believe yourself do ya?!? Sorry but everyone is sooooooo excited about that ep that I'm getting annoyed with all of it. They're showing that much and there's no suspense anymore and I wish I had never began with the 200 spoilers!

                Sorry, but I'm down, tired and frustrated!
                Aww...Lizlove...don't be'll be matter how it turns'll be a great ep.
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by chelle db
                  Aww...Lizlove...don't be'll be matter how it turns'll be a great ep.
                  I think we need some of Ship Nana's new cookies, chelle!
                  Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                  My fanfic


                    Originally posted by waterfall
                    ROFL!!! They're kidding, right???
                    I guess my sig isn't too far off!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    LOL!!! WooHoo...that was great...thanks waterfall!!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Originally posted by Ship Nana
                      Ok all, Introducing a new Shipper Cookie just in time for 200.

                      It is:

                      The "Enjoy It For What It Is" Shipper Cookie - when eaten allows you to view any episode and enjoy it and whatever ship we get "For What It Is" with no or at least very little expectations.

                      and i'm sure the cookie will be whitewashed, correct?

                      sorry, coudn't help myself.




                        Originally posted by Ship Nana
                        Ok all, Introducing a new Shipper Cookie just in time for 200.

                        It is:

                        The "Enjoy It For What It Is" Shipper Cookie - when eaten allows you to view any episode and enjoy it and whatever ship we get "For What It Is" with no or at least very little expectations.

                        Woohoo...thank you nana!!!
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Good evening, Ship Family! How's everyone feeling today? Can you focus your concentration on anything besides what's going to happen Friday night?

                          Yeah. Me neither.

                          With that thought in mind, I have just posted the third and final chapter of the 200 Pre Tag that I started on Ship Day. You can read it without fear, because I guarantee you a happy ending!

                          And if you want to wait to read it until after the show airs Friday evening, I certainly understand!

                          It's at:

                          Sure bet. Just sayin'.


                            Originally posted by Ship Nana
                            Ok all, Introducing a new Shipper Cookie just in time for 200.

                            It is:

                            The "Enjoy It For What It Is" Shipper Cookie - when eaten allows you to view any episode and enjoy it and whatever ship we get "For What It Is" with no or at least very little expectations.

                            Make mine with chocolate chips.
                            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                              Originally posted by Rachel500
                              Sorry, hon.

                              Spoiler for 200

                              There is a picture of Sam in the shower staring out at the space behind her suspiciously during a segment of the show where the time that Colonel O'Neill became invisible is discussed. Hence we all think invisible Jack might be spying on Sam in the shower.

                              Which led to whether Jack would be naked when invisible...

                              Which led to...well, it generally deteroriated from there...

                              EDIT: I see Lizlove answered your question and Lizlove...thank you! I have no self control...leaving to write. 'Night shippers!
                              Oh wow...that is soooo the suspense is really killing me!!! WooHoo!!!
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by Rogue
                                Everyone hop in. There is always room on the shipper bus.

                                Wooohooo! The Shippy Hippy Bus!!!!! Road Trip here we come!

