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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by AmberLM
    Oooh, that would be really nasty! How would I be able to choose between my first ever shipper couple and Sam and Jack?!? Please don't suggest they do that!
    No they better not do that I would really find it hard to choosse between them... But if I had to choose I probably would be going for sam/jack. Don't ask me why but that is really my only ship ATM because scully and mulder are over... I only see it on dvd now and again. they don't show it on tv so.
    ok I know stupid reason but still...


      Originally posted by stargate barbie
      i know! there's so much subtext to that episode. no wonder she second guessed everything. i would have too. this is probably the only line that she couldn't doubt or question if it was real or not. even if they could never have been together, she knew that he would always be there for her as a friend, as she would be for him.

      aw, now i'm gettin' all sappy.
      Sam and Jack make me all sappy too! There's just something about them. I'm really not a romantic at heart, but those two just make me squee!


        Ah, but some of the very best relationships are borne out of friendship and mutual respect! I mean, who would you rather be with, someone you truly admire and respect on a fundamental level, or someone who's just a good weekend playmate?


          Originally posted by Nolamom
          Okay, a line from "Grace" that I love - "I will always be there for you, no matter what. Believe me." Now, I know that she's hallucinating at this point, but there really is basis it!!!!

          (Something non-poll for a little while)
          I love the "Thank you.- For what?- For being here for me.- ALWAYS." dialogue from Threads. It says pretty much the same thing, but this one really happened.
          "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
          Colonel Jack O'Neill


            Originally posted by Nolamom
            Ah, but some of the very best relationships are borne out of friendship and mutual respect! I mean, who would you rather be with, someone you truly admire and respect on a fundamental level, or someone who's just a good weekend playmate?
            I agree. They have the best kind of relationship-one with a solid foundation built on respect, trust, and friendship. Sam and Pete didn't have that, and even if Jack hadn't been an issue, their relationship wouldn't have worked well for that reason alone. Being attracted to someone physically is fine, but for things to work, it must go much deeper than that.


              Originally posted by RepliCartertje
              No they better not do that I would really find it hard to choosse between them... But if I had to choose I probably would be going for sam/jack. Don't ask me why but that is really my only ship ATM because scully and mulder are over... I only see it on dvd now and again. they don't show it on tv so.
              ok I know stupid reason but still...
              No I kind of agree with you. M/S ship was good until David left and then Scully turned into some crying, pathetic idiot for the next two years. I loved every moment of that ship until Scully said "I'm pregnant!" at which point I yelled really loudly and threw things at the TV (I was mad that it was so ambiguous and out-of-left-field!)

              With S/J ship there's still a chance that we could get a) real closure b) a kiss that's actually lit up so you can see it and c) an ending that doesn't consist of 'Aliens are taking over the world so let's run away to hide in Mexico!'

              - I live in hope!
              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

              My fanfic


                "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                Colonel Jack O'Neill


                  Okay, how much does Jack trust Sam? In Frozen, he flat refused to be blended with a tok'ra until Sam asked him to. She can say "Sir" the way some people say "dear" when the occasion warrants it.


                    ^I love the way she smiles at him in that last pic Zuz!


                      Oh are those pics from it is good to be king? I love them. that ep. is so shippy. especially when they are in the puddle jumper alone

                      ok off topic: is someone else having trouble with GW loading very slow? or is it just me?


                        Originally posted by Nolamom
                        Okay, how much does Jack trust Sam? In Frozen, he flat refused to be blended with a tok'ra until Sam asked him to. She can say "Sir" the way some people say "dear" when the occasion warrants it.
                        Is it really a question of trust here? Personally I think that Jack would've rather died but he couldn't do it if he knew how much pain it would cause Sam if she lived and he died, knowing she could have done something about it and I'm thinking that he knew that because he put himself in her shoes. I agree with your last statement BTW, 'Sir' and 'Carter' might as well be terms of endearment at this point but I thought that the fact that she said 'Please' after it in the way that she did made it impossible for Jack to refuse. We saw how Sam saying 'Please!' affected him in ITLoD, he almost lost it when Sam/Jolinar started screaming 'Please don't leave me!' at him - Sam might as well have just said exactly the same thing in 'Frozen' for everything her tone and expression revealed!
                        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                        My fanfic


                          Originally posted by Nolamom
                          Okay, how much does Jack trust Sam? In Frozen, he flat refused to be blended with a tok'ra until Sam asked him to. She can say "Sir" the way some people say "dear" when the occasion warrants it.
                          He trusts her with his life. That simple.

                          Does Jack trust Sam with his heart? Sam pretty much trampled his poor little heart to pieces with that Pete...incident. But that man never stopped loving her despite the mistakes. To be so devoted to someone is amazing. That's love. I'd say she had his heart and still does, so yeah, I think Jack trusts her with everything he's got. Same with Sam. I think that even after everything that's happened, and no matter what, they completely trust each other in every way possible.


                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                            Oh are those pics from it is good to be king? I love them. that ep. is so shippy. especially when they are in the puddle jumper alone

                            ok off topic: is someone else having trouble with GW loading very slow? or is it just me?
                            its not loading slowly for me, but for ages now some of the butons like the QR one and all the ones on the panel including the smilies don't work for me. i think its just my computer/internet browser or something though, cos nobody else is complining about it that i've seen. and my yahoo mail is all screwy.

                            anyway. while were talking about season 8 ship, i'm just gonna throw this one out there;

                            "if only" - gemini.


                              Originally posted by stargate barbie
                              its not loading slowly for me, but for ages now some of the butons like the QR one and all the ones on the panel including the smilies don't work for me. i think its just my computer/internet browser or something though, cos nobody else is complining about it that i've seen. and my yahoo mail is all screwy.

                              anyway. while were talking about season 8 ship, i'm just gonna throw this one out there;

                              "if only" - gemini.
                              Well it looks like it is going better now... it isn't that slow anymore. It is still slow but quicker that before...

                              are we going to talk about season 8 shippy moments? well you know there are a lot in season 8.

                              But the one I like the most has to be Reckoning whe she is beamed in his office by thor and then the looks they gave to eachother... really guys just look at it. It is really great.

                              and gemini is also great, this whole ep. is just to good. (but that has nothing to do with it being shippy)


                                Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                                Oh are those pics from it is good to be king? I love them. that ep. is so shippy. especially when they are in the puddle jumper alone

                                ok off topic: is someone else having trouble with GW loading very slow? or is it just me?
                                Yep. It's from It's good to be king. Jack stands no chance when she uses THE SMILE on him.
                                "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                                Colonel Jack O'Neill

