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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ReganX
    I figure that the universe is trying to tell our Sam and Jack something.

    Listen to the universe!
    You know I saw The Day After Tomorrow a week ago and there are a Sam and Jack related in that movie.
    That gotta saying something huh?

    Thankd LAD! It`s doing verrrryyy great!


      100 days has just started on tv here and I've had to change channels. I tried , but couldn't pass the credits, the knot in my stomach too big. How sad is that ?!


        Originally posted by jafacakes
        100 days has just started on tv here and I've had to change channels. I tried , but couldn't pass the credits, the knot in my stomach too big. How sad is that ?!
        Well, I actually watch it and yell at Jack the whole time. And that woman. I yell at her too.


          Originally posted by jafacakes
          100 days has just started on tv here and I've had to change channels. I tried , but couldn't pass the credits, the knot in my stomach too big. How sad is that ?!
          That's not sad. I only watch it when I absolutely have to ie when my husband wants to-he's not a shipper, so it doesn't have the same effect on him. It's much the same with Chimera and Affinity....
          always and forever
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            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
            Well, I actually watch it and yell at Jack the whole time. And that woman. I yell at her too.
            It's the end that makes me very mad at Jack. He knows how long he's been on Edora and that Sam was working to bring him back during that time.

            Would it have killed him to listen to what she was saying, to thank her for working around the clock for three months to bring him back?

            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


              Originally posted by scjon
              That's not sad. I only watch it when I absolutely have to ie when my husband wants to-he's not a shipper, so it doesn't have the same effect on him. It's much the same with Chimera and Affinity....
              Chimera is the hardest episode of all to watch. I've only watched it completely once and didn't feel too great after.


                Come on there are some really shippy moments in 100 days.
                Just the frustration Jack has cause he can't return home... that is not because he misses the SGC... that is because he misses Sam (well that is what I always think).
                And how hard sam has it when she knews that the gate is burried. the look she has on her face when she is in the dialingroom and they can dial the planet.
                Or when she is looking for a solution how to rescue jack and she is working at the computer and Janet comes to talk to her. And Janet says to her you miss him and sam comfirms it. (isn't that shippy?)


                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                  Well, I actually watch it and yell at Jack the whole time. And that woman. I yell at her too.
                  I know , I was really hoping I could do it this time, specialy after the exelent discussion about it a few weeks back, but a look at it and denial just took over. Just can't face the tought of how calous Jack behaves towards Sam I'm a coward


                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                    Come on there are some really shippy moments in 100 days.
                    Just the frustration Jack has cause he can't return home... that is not because he misses the SGC... that is because he misses Sam (well that is what I always think).
                    And how hard sam has it when she knews that the gate is burried. the look she has on her face when she is in the dialingroom and they can dial the planet.
                    Or when she is looking for a solution how to rescue jack and she is working at the computer and Janet comes to talk to her. And Janet says to her you miss him and sam comfirms it. (isn't that shippy?)
                    I like the shippy bits, but they don't make me less mad at Jack at the end.

                    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                      Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                      Come on there are some really shippy moments in 100 days.
                      Just the frustration Jack has cause he can't return home... that is not because he misses the SGC... that is because he misses Sam (well that is what I always think).
                      And how hard sam has it when she knews that the gate is burried. the look she has on her face when she is in the dialingroom and they can dial the planet.
                      Or when she is looking for a solution how to rescue jack and she is working at the computer and Janet comes to talk to her. And Janet says to her you miss him and sam comfirms it. (isn't that shippy?)
                      Well yeah, but the end always succeeds in making me forget all that. *shakes fist at Jack* You stupid stupid man!


                        Well maybe I am just to optimistic.
                        Cause well as much as I hate Pete...I really don't hate chimera. there are also some nice shippy scenes in it. And well maybe it is also because you see Samantha (AT) in it really really hot. that makes it for me really worth watching it


                          Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                          Well maybe I am just to optimistic.
                          Cause well as much as I hate Pete...I really don't hate chimera. there are also some nice shippy scenes in it. And well maybe it is also because you see Samantha (AT) in it really really hot. that makes it for me really worth watching it
                          She was VERY pretty in that episode...but I'd prefer to see her dressing up for Jack. And I'd rather see Jack in a tux than .


                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                            She was VERY pretty in that episode...but I'd prefer to see her dressing up for Jack. And I'd rather see Jack in a tux than .
                            Yeah you are right about that. But that scene in the elevator...come on that was a really great scene. You have to love it. that part I know that good that I know the lines.

                            And just noticed me you really can't typ in the name of Pete can't you?


                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                              Yeah you are right about that. But that scene in the elevator...come on that was a really great scene. You have to love it. that part I know that good that I know the lines.

                              And just noticed me you really can't typ in the name of Pete can't you?


                                Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                                Off course Sam was afraid... she was terrified of it all. she didn't know what to do with herself. She just has losted Janet...she could not believe it. she was mad because she lost her, she was angry, she was sad. she had all those emotion because of it. (you can see that in the scene where she is crying and shouting at that reporter. She just didn't know it anymore. She just didn't know what to do with herself so... That is one of the reason she went to Jack IMO. She wanted the support and confermation that he was still alive. she needed a hug because she was just so afraid, but she didn't and couldn't talk about it with anyone. So she went to him knowing that he wouldn't talk to much. But also knowing that he would support her a little.
                                Still I didn't find him that supporting enough. I mean a hug can be great and good but I think that sam needed more. Cause I don't think her fear was over after that hug.

                                And well that Teal'c and Daniel didn't visit... I didn't mind at all. They will probebly visit him but they just didn't show it.

                                And I don't find the hug really shippy, cause the intention was totally different. It wasn't ment to be shippy. It was ment to be supportive for sam nothing more nothing less.

                                love your wallpaper, really look great
                                It's all the the way one views it, thus I got the idea when Sam shouted at the reporter(those making the documentary) that she didn't know at that time about Janet . She only knew about Jack getting shot and didn't yet know how bad it was. The way the episode was made the fans were supposed to wonder too,IMO, but the spoilers were out about Janet being killed, so probably only those viewers who don't get on the web were in doubt. The documentary makers in the ep were wondering who had been killed, too. We don't know if Sam and Jack had more conversation about Janet after the hug. Maybe they did. We know they didn't have a convo about their feelings towards each other, because if they did they would have been interrupted anyway!!! But that hug was shippy. He walked towards her looking at her lips, FCOL! Of course, there could be no kiss, because of Janet's death. (regs, too of course) TPTB make sure there is some reason they can't kiss, like Janet's and Jacob's deaths.

                                As someone said, some fans berated Sam, because of things in this episode, including her actions on the planet when Jack was hit.
                                Last edited by Gatetrixer; 03 July 2006, 04:39 PM.

