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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
    Fly-by post!!!

    Another note from Baltimore and Shore Leave:

    Hubby and I arrived last night and found a covey of Gateworlders in the lobby getting acquainted. We quickly joined them.....meeting trupi, tsaxlady, ForeverSG1, dancer of spaz, SG1Poz, Jumper13 and Spacemonkey 52.

    Today, most of us took the Metro Train down to the beautiful Baltimore waterfront, then came back to the convention area to meet the rest of the Gateworlders for our dinner at Panera Bread. There, we also met Skydiver, nell, LOL4JACK, WhatFateAlmondRoca, sugarshaker, ShimmeringStar, sacme, Dani76, simhavaktra, veryangrystargatefan, and more! Most of us then went to see a movie before returning to our respective hotels. I'm trying to get to bed before the middle of the night, so after a short visit with LOL4JACK and nell, I was getting ready to head back to my room when trupi called to tell us that Amanda, Alan and Olivia had just checked into the main hotel...and they had seen them go through the lobby. Of course, that caused lots of excitement, and those of us who didn't go over were sorry we hadn't. But we're all looking forward to Saturday morning...the sessions...and our photo op with Amanda, Carmen and Corin!

    So that's it for the short report from Shore Leave. We should have more news, and maybe a picture or two, tomorrow.

    Oh, yes.....since this a multi-fandom event.....I had a surreal Star Trek experience this morning when a guy in full Klingon garb walked into the lobby of our hotel. Strange.....
    OMG...WOW!!! Why were you sorry that you didn't go over? Did Amanda meet some of you guys in the lobby or what?
    Wow..this is getting exciting just sitting here and reading the what's happening in Baltimore...I can only imagine how cool it must be for you guys!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Good night's very quiet here so I'm gonna go to bed early.
      See you tomorrow..I hope!
      Sweet shippy dreams!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        So much excitement for our friends at Shore Leave. Woohoo! Can't wait for the piccies and tidbits. Have fun!


          so many lucky people at Shore Leave getting to meet amanda! so wish i was there!!!! I've never been to a Con i bet it's amazing!

          *shuts eyes, crosses fingers and toes, and wishes she was in Baltimore, or ANYWHERE that amanada is......opens eyes....nope still in my bedroom. ~sigh~*

          I can't wait to hear all the details and see all the pictures

          must go to work now *yuck*

          Last edited by natalia; 08 July 2006, 06:01 AM.
          My Fic: LJ &


            Brrrrr I need a little shipper love here !! *waving hand*
            I was watching an episode of Gimore Girls (I like this show it's funny ) and guess who appeared on screen !!! :
            YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can you believe that ?!! I was resting a little and then it happenned and I'm so not resting anymore !!!!!!!!

            At first I was finding it funny cause his big bro Michael DeLuise was in the ep and thought wow those DeLuise dudes are everywhere !!!! Guess I'd better have keep my mouth shut !!

            Wish I was far far away from and my computer and this episode!!...somewhre like Shore leave for instance!

            *can't believe I'm still spoilers free!! but I'm afraid it won't be long before I open one of those Shore leave report and turn into spoilers "not so" free !! * repeating to herself : need to resist, need to resist, you can do it !*


              How long do you have to wait? I only have 6 days until the start of s10 but there are spoilers for the entire first half of the season that I'm avoiding. Repeat after me: spoilers bad, holding out good; spoilers bad, holding out good.


                I gave up MirthMistress. Or gave in. Or whatever. The Power of The DARK side - (spoilers) has consumed me. muwahaha! I tried, really tried to remain spoiler free for this season. And I did, until this week. I couldn't resist it any longer.

                Oh well. Now I'm off to go see The Devil Wears Prada.


                  Originally posted by MirthMistress
                  How long do you have to wait? I only have 6 days until the start of s10 but there are spoilers for the entire first half of the season that I'm avoiding.
                  Same her, same here !! I won't wait til the episodes are on french tv that's for sure I'll make sure to watch the episodes just after you lucky American people watch them I'd die if I had to wait over 6 months to finally see them!!

                  Originally posted by MirthMistress
                  Repeat after me: spoilers bad, holding out good; spoilers bad, holding out good.
                  *breathing in, brething out* spoilers bad, holding out good; spoilers IS gonna be difficult!

                  spoilers bad, holding out good, spoilers bad, holding out good, spoilers bad, holding out good...


                    Originally posted by Nolamom
                    I gave up MirthMistress. Or gave in. Or whatever. The Power of The DARK side - (spoilers) has consumed me. muwahaha! I tried, really tried to remain spoiler free for this season. And I did, until this week. I couldn't resist it any longer.

                    Oh well. Now I'm off to go see The Devil Wears Prada.
                    Yeah me to I also gave up. I mean to see al those spoilertabs... I couldn't help myself by reading them. But I did not read an articel yet...So I am a little bit spoilerfree, cause I only know from what you guys are writing.

                    and to everyone who didn't read any spoilers congratulations


                      AAHHH!!! Did anyone get the SCIFI mag yet? The one with Kiera Knightley on the front?? It has an article in honor of the 200th episode of Stargate. Well Amanda Tapping said something interesting in it....

                      " I think the writers are determined to torture the fans who want to see Jack O'Neill and Sam together forever. But who knows? This season is but young. They might get it together in season 10 "

                      This is good news right?! *crosses fingers*


                        Thank You for the article GateGeek.These
                        comments are not surprising.I said it before and I'll say it again.TPTB are not done with messing with the Shippers.We may been in for a very long wait.TPTB figure most Shippers are still watching so why resolve the Sam/Jack Ship.I have been very surprised that most Shippers seem so positive.I wish I could be.


                          Originally posted by Tita J
                          Nothing anorakish at all OMA-1 Me, I have the SG-1 theme mp3 as my ringtone which my sister thinks is totally uncool but then again she has a map of middle earth on her bedroom wall so she has no right to snicker (he he!)

                          Thanks for the sympathy (Sci Fi Girl and L.A. Doyle too) - I'm trying to be strong till I get them back. Till then, visiting this forum helps heaps
                          Er - did I not mention I have that as my ring tone too?


                            Originally posted by Oma-1
                            Er - did I not mention I have that as my ring tone too?
                            hey, me too!


                              Originally posted by shipper hannah
                              hey, me too!
                              well looks like I am not the only one... I also have that as ringtone. And when I get an sms it is sam saying 'holly hannah'


                                gah! i'm so p*ssed off! Over at that topic i started (on the 13 things game of the 13 times Sam & Jack called each other by their first names...) well the same guy who tried to start another one by saying it was a stupid category has done it again... and convinced others!

                                Damn it! AND a DVD i bought for my mum for her birthday off ebay has arrived but the quality is really bad.

                                Sorry for moaning, i'm just really annoyed! (it may also be the fact that ive driven over 400 miles the past 2 days so i'm knackered!)

                                Oh well, i love how i can turn to the family when i need cheering up!

                                So pass around the cookies!!!!!

                                Although i did get a REALLY nice surprise when i got back today... chelle_db had sent me some blue jell-o and some jaffa's (the candy) and a little blue bear all the way from Autralia! It was so touching! Chelle you are so kind and i've just written a letter to you (which i'll send on monday). I'm sending a big virtual squishy hug to you!
                                Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                                Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                                Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."

