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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nell
    Well, me, too. But, I'd also love to see the outtakes for
    Window of Opportunity kiss
    Divide and Conquer leave-it-in-the room
    Divide and Conquer forcefield
    Point of View kiss
    and those are for starters!!!

    me too!

    but the NUMBER ONE outtake i'd LOVE to see is the 12 TAKES 'GRACE' KISS!!!

    *that* i would pay a LOT of money to not only see but own!




      Originally posted by majorsal
      me too!

      but the NUMBER ONE outtake i'd LOVE to see is the 12 TAKES 'GRACE' KISS!!!

      *that* i would pay a LOT of money to not only see but own!

      Me, too! Me, too!

      BTW **slaps self on forehead** we're supposed to be good about not showing spoilers. For sure, no spoilers for 8,9,10 but I don't know about 7. Is there a mod out there to guide us?


        Originally posted by scjon
        A really quick flyby off topic post.

        Just to let you know that I have basically passed my PhD-I still need to make a few minor revisions to my thesis before it is all official, but that shouldn't take any more than a month (with any luck). I am very relieved! And should be able to come on here a lot more again starting next week.

        Hope all is well with the shipper family!!.



          Which episode is this picture from? He looks so young!


            Originally posted by trupi

            Which episode is this picture from? He looks so young!
            I think it's from Watergate.


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
              I think it's from Watergate.
              yup-that is where it is from.
              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                I think it's from Watergate.
                Thanks! He looks so great! How could Sam keep her hands to herself?


                  Happy Birthday


                    Originally posted by hopalong
                    I have just rewatched 'The Lost City' and apart from making me cry at the end, for some reason it gave me and insight (or rather an idea) into the Jack/Sam/Pete situation.

                    Please hear me out. I have previously said that I didn't mind the Pete storyline, and I still don't. But I have been thinking...when I should be sleeping...

                    I have just rewatched 'Grace', 'Heroes' pts 1 & 2 as well as TLC. We first saw Pete in 'Chimera', but from what I remember of the rest of season 7, we don't really hear much from him until season 8. From the interraction between Jack and Sam in Heroes and TLC it doean't appear to me that Pete was in the picture much at that time. It was almost as if he was only meant to be a short fling (and I could be misremembering here)

                    I will put the rest in spoilers just in case...

                    Cut forward to the end of TLC and Sam's reaction to Jack in stasis. If there was a few months between that and the beginning of season 8, then when popped into my head could make sense.

                    Just say Sam and Pete have been occassionally seeing each other, nothing serious. It is possible that as Sam was distraught about Jack's fate, she could have been seeking solace in Pete as he is an outsider, not really connected to the main thrust of her life, but by that point he had enough clearance that she didn't have to lie to him much.

                    To have someone there that she could rely on for comfort--and to a certain degree, normalacy--but not an integral part of the SGC would have been a great help to Sam during that time. Pete, for all his faults (and yes, we could prolly name them all...) really cared about Sam, and he would have done anything to help her through at that time. Being a cop, he could understand about losing a comrade, so he could definitely sympathise with the loss of Jack (even if he did wonder about the depth of the relationship between our favourite couple).

                    I'm babbling, lack of sleep. Anyway, seeking solace in Pete's friendship at that point probably went a long way towards deepening that relationship... leading to the seriousness that we saw between Sam and Pete in season 8. But as time went on, and Jack recovered, Sam would have realised where her heart and feelings truly lay.

                    Am I making any sense? Somehow I doubt it... Sorry for the long post.
                    great post but I'm fresh out of jello

                    I know I'm too hard on just on principle. and that ain't gonna change And, yeah Sam would have needed someone during that time. But ...I'll go for spoilers too just in case ...
                    I do wonder though that if Sam hadn't met before Lost City would she have dated him at all?? She wouldn't have been in the frame of mind to be blind dating! She would have leaned more on Daniel and Teal'c for friendship and support during the time Jack was in stasis. Plus I can't believe she didn't spend most of her time in Antarctica trying to figure out the ancient technology to see if it could help Jack once he was defrosted, and the rest trying to contact Thor - especially if you use 100 Days, Abyss and Paradise Lost as your basis for Sam's actions.

                    I do get that Sam would have needed someone on a more personal / intimate level than Daniel and Teal'c. I just don't like it!


                      Originally posted by Terrah
                      Oh c'mon wouldn't you want to see Makays sad face when he catches Sam & Jacks BHK on the Balcany overlooking a beautiful sunset? LOL
                      LOL! Yeah I can see it now! Jealousy, chagrin, wry acceptance, some sort of stupid comment coming out of his mouth Just so long as he then backs off and leaves them to it. Maybe stands as a guard by the door so no one else can interrupt them too


                        With all the news floating around about RDA's return, I say here's to some J/S ship in S10! Ship ship hooray! *Consumes purple jello*


                          Originally posted by Oma-1
                          great post but I'm fresh out of jello

                          I know I'm too hard on just on principle. and that ain't gonna change And, yeah Sam would have needed someone during that time. But ...I'll go for spoilers too just in case ...
                          I do wonder though that if Sam hadn't met before Lost City would she have dated him at all?? She wouldn't have been in the frame of mind to be blind dating! She would have leaned more on Daniel and Teal'c for friendship and support during the time Jack was in stasis. Plus I can't believe she didn't spend most of her time in Antarctica trying to figure out the ancient technology to see if it could help Jack once he was defrosted, and the rest trying to contact Thor - especially if you use 100 Days, Abyss and Paradise Lost as your basis for Sam's actions.

                          I do get that Sam would have needed someone on a more personal / intimate level than Daniel and Teal'c. I just don't like it!
                          spoilers for s7's 'lost city'

                          i don't believe for a second that sam would have dated pete by the time 'lost city' aired. in 'lost city', i truly believe that sam had figured out that she was IN love with jack (not just loved him). so if sam's brother had tried to set her up around the 'lost city' time, i completely believe sam would have said 'no thanks'. at least one part of her mind was made up, and that was that she knew she truly loved jack in the romantic sense. that, and figuring out jack's real feelings for her, are the whole shebang. one down, one to go.




                            Originally posted by sueKay
                            I've been having a think about RDA being on Atlantis...and I have a theory...
                            I've read the spoilers for the s3 episode called Progeny where they discover a race that can actually manufacture maybe they manage to get some of these...allowing them to dial earth...that way they could visit Jack either at homeworld security or at the SGC...and possibly Sam too!

                            Regarding Vala and Mitchell...

                            I love BB...I loved him in Farscape (even though I didn't really like the show) and I've loved him in every other role that I've seen him in...Mitchell has potential...but with the way the writing's been...that potential may be squandered.

                            I also love CB... again like BB...I loved Aeryn Sun in Farscape...She was a tough, complex character who could kick ass without making lame-ass jokes at the same time. Vala is an afront to everything that SG1 stood for for eight years...and while given some recent spoilers, indicating she may change, IMO the damage is already done.

                            I've always liked the Bridges...but I just cannot *stand* Landry at all...not even one bit.

                            So...that's why I stopped watching...That and the fact that Daniel seems to have lost the ability to smile.

                            And on the subject of Atlantis...I have to jump to McKay's defence.

                            McKay's mellowed, and I think after the events of Grace Under Pressure, he's accepted the fact that Sam will never be attracted to him. I also think that he does really care about Sam and would want what makes her I don't see him being any obstacle for ship.

                            I actually have an idea for a little scenario
                            during one of Sam's trips to Atlantis
                            when McKay could rather cautiously ask her "how's General O'Neill?"

                            I think that could be a great scene.

                            I also have no problem with Jack and Sam going to Atlantis. SG1's sinking fast...even if the rating's soar, the show's going to go off-air anywhere due to budgetary concerns.

                            What these s10 and s3 appearances in Atlantis will do will open the doorway to bring Sam, Jack and other characters in for guest appearances on Atlantis, long after SG1's demise.

                            It means we could see S/J Ship for MANY years to come

                            wowie...that's a pretty long post for me!
                            And a darn good one too Great points suz.


                              Originally posted by SG1Poz
                              Where did you read this please?
                              It was in an interview she did and that was posted on a web site but I can't remeber which one at the moment - it might have been the official AT web site but I'm not 100% certain. A question was put to her as to whether she could see herself playing Carter in another ten years (if it goes that much longer). I'll keep my eye out for it. Sorry I can't help any further.
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                i read this news last night, just before i shut down my computer. i don't think it's bad news for shippers!

                                remember, amanda/sam is supposed to go to atlantis for some eps, so... the sam-in-atlantis eps might be the same jack-in-atlantis eps too!

                                besides - and remember this, shippers - amanda said YES to s/j ship in season 10! remember this!

                                i don't watch atlantis, but i would have if sam/amanda went there. now if jack is going 'along' with sam... just might be, shippers.

                                I agree, sally! And, Amanda sounds pretty leading in the interview below! TPTB always said if Sam and Jack got together while she was in his chain of command that it would "jump the shark." Now, choose 200th series (2) and listen to what AT says:


                                I'm not giving up hope yet...not by a long shot!

                                Happy birthday, zuz!

