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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Gatetrixer
    Need some experts on the military and their uniforms.

    We call what Jack and Sam and Hammond wear when they're dressed up "dress blues." Okay, what do you call the real formal uniforms? You can see what one looks like (on a general) in those pictures where RDA receives his award from the AF in Washington,D.C. is one place to see it. They look darker than the "dress blues", and also have a bowtie and maybe a cummerbund. The jacket is cutaway. Those who have watched JAG will remember the Navy version. Does Jack have one of these uniforms and would he wear it for his wedding? Personally I like the "dress blues" better, though maybe seeing Jack in one of these formal unis would change my mind. I have a feeling he needs to have one in D.C., but probably hates to wear it.

    If anyone knows a site that shows this uni better than on that general, link it!

    Oooh, yeah, I went to a wedding last week where the groom was wearing some really unusual tuxedo-style dress uniform (he's in the British Territorial Army) and I thought it was a little OTT for a dress uniform similar to the ones that the Officers wear on Stargate for official functions. What is it for exactly? (and who designed it coz they should be sacked! The dress uniforms that Jack O'Neill and Harmon Rabb wear are much nicer IMO!)
    Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

    My fanfic


      Catysg1 love your video, "No Promises"!! As always you have great videos!!!! Left me feeling all warm and S/J fuzzy inside!!


        All this watching of seasons I and now two have me writing little character/thought pieces. I can't help it! I'm the eternal writer.

        This is the first piece I wrote. It's from the climactic scene in Singularity.

        First time posting fic to this thread. Please be gentle.

        On a side note, watching 'In the Line of Duty' gave me the sense that it was agonising for Jack to watch Sam/Jolinar. I think he had definitely fallen for her by then.


          OK I'm finally finished catching up on this week's posts after 2 hours! I'm freezing my mikta off in here (my bedroom is really cold for some reason!) but I don't care! I think a UK shippers day would be fab but I dunno where we would go! How many of us are there for a start?

          On a side note I thought I'd eaten all of my blue Jell-O and was really depressed coz I can't get any more. However I found one box lurking in the back of my kitchen cupboard yesterday; I'm sooo saving it for July!

          When are RDA's episodes gonna b broadcast in the US BTW?
          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

          My fanfic


            *Hangs head in shame* I know I should probably know this but what are 'rep points' and how/what do you give them out for?
            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

            My fanfic


              Originally posted by hopalong
              All this watching of seasons I and now two have me writing little character/thought pieces. I can't help it! I'm the eternal writer.

              This is the first piece I wrote. It's from the climactic scene in Singularity.

              First time posting fic to this thread. Please be gentle.

              On a side note, watching 'In the Line of Duty' gave me the sense that it was agonising for Jack to watch Sam/Jolinar. I think he had definitely fallen for her by then.
              Very Good *claps* Wonderful fic!!!! And I do agree w/ you about the whole "In the Line of Duty" thing! He had defininitly fallen for her by then!!!

              Hehe, S/J forever!!!!! *squeeeeeeee*


                Such a shame they let Jack to sell his house. I have always hoped that they will live there together one day.
                "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                Colonel Jack O'Neill


                  Originally posted by zuz

                  Such a shame they let Jack to sell his house. I have always hoped that they will live there together one day.
                  I loved that house too. I wish they had kept it in the show for Jack to return to. Then they both could climb to the roof and look at the stars together.


                    Originally posted by zuz

                    Such a shame they let Jack to sell his house. I have always hoped that they will live there together one day.
                    I know Zuz It was such a gorgeous house aswell would've been perfect for them


                      Originally posted by trupi
                      I loved that house too. I wish they had kept it in the show for Jack to return to. Then they both could climb to the roof and look at the stars together.
                      You're such a romantic.
                      "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                      Colonel Jack O'Neill


                        Originally posted by trupi
                        I loved that house too. I wish they had kept it in the show for Jack to return to. Then they both could climb to the roof and look at the stars together.
                        Awww, shippy sigh, maybe they'll buy it back!! That was such a beautiful house. Romantic too!!! Perfect for a happy couple *cough* Sam/Jack *cough*
                        And even a big yard for lots of little O'neill's to run free!!!! *hehe*


                          Originally posted by k8tbug1
                          Awww, shippy sigh, maybe they'll buy it back!! That was such a beautiful house. Romantic too!!! Perfect for a happy couple *cough* Sam/Jack *cough*
                          And even a big yard for lots of little O'neill's to run free!!!! *hehe*
                          *** Squeeeeeeeeeeee's madly at the thought of little O'Neill's running around *** LMAO


                            Originally posted by Lady_E
                            *** Squeeeeeeeeeeee's madly at the thought of little O'Neill's running around *** LMAO
                            And a little O'neill dog running behind!!!! hehe...I'm such a crazy nut!!!!


                              Originally posted by k8tbug1
                              And a little O'neill dog running behind!!!! hehe...I'm such a crazy nut!!!!
                              Well your in good company hunny cos so am i


                                Originally posted by Lady_E
                                Well your in good company hunny cos so am i
                                Yipee!!! *runs in circles squeeeing madly*

                                / = Yep, I've had way to much caffeine today!!! That and I'm drunk on shippyness!!! Which both are good things in my opinion!!!!!

                                *k8t continues running in circles squeeing madly*

                                = forver!!!!!!!

