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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Bucky
    My thoughts exactly!

    I have mixed feelings about "Ascension" because it is such a good Sam/Amanda episode, but the whole Orlin business was just creepy. All three of those guys--Narim, Martouf, Orlin--were so passive around Sam they just gave me the willies--too bad because the actors are good-looking guys especially Sean Patrick Flannery and J.R. Bourne. But their characters!....shudder.


    p.s. good luck on your exam, SueKay!
    yeah, but narim did kiss sam in the first episode they met

    and then she tells him she can't have a relationship with him. and what does he do? he creates a secutity system with her voice! obsessed much?
    and you see it in the episode (I don't remember which one it is) that she's creeped out by that too
    Thank you Jenova Synthesis

    Thank you to homever I borrowed this from


      Originally posted by ReganX
      The Sam scenes when she's working to get Jack back are great. Her dedication to her task and to getting Jack back was obvious. It looked like she practically gave up eating and sleeping so that he wouldn't be marooned on Edora a minute longer than he had to be.

      The ending was really sad. I love Jack, but I could have smacked him for saying, in Sam's hearing, no less, that he wasn't happy about going back.
      Sam was wonderful in this episode, and you could feel what she was going through. Plus she built a particle beam generator, for crying out loud! Way to go, Sam!
      I felt sick to the stomach when Jack ignored her at the end, and went to talk to the other woman. I really hated him then, and I'm a Jack thunker!


        Originally posted by Rogue
        lol, 10 days, I like that. To me the only thing important that came out of the ep was Sam recongition of her feelings for Jack. In the end, Jack had a choice to stay or go, and he went. Yes he did ask her to go with him, but did he really want her to? IMO he didn't. She probably said no for a number of reasons, but deep down she knew he didn't love her. She had him only because he was trapped on the planet.
        Yes, this is the only thing good about the episode for me.


          Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
          what i really wanted to do during parts of that episode is what Jethro does to Tony on NCIS-a thwap on the back of the head.

          100 days bothers me less for Laira but more with the way Jack treated Sam. That scene where they are watching the meteors hitting the planet and the pretty colors???? Man-Daniel and or Teal'c ought to have smacked that boy upside his pointy little head.

          So why did Jack treat Sam so badly? I remember a 100 days discussion a while back and someone mentioned that Jack was acting like a high school guy who liked a girl but didn't want anyone to know. So he treats her badly in front of others to prove he doesn't like her.
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            Originally posted by Rogue
            So why did Jack treat Sam so badly? I remember a 100 days discussion a while back and someone mentioned that Jack was acting like a high school guy who liked a girl but didn't want anyone to know. So he treats her badly in front of others to prove he doesn't like her.
            No, I don't think so. Guilt!!! IMO
            ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


              Originally posted by Rogue
              So why did Jack treat Sam so badly? I remember a 100 days discussion a while back and someone mentioned that Jack was acting like a high school guy who liked a girl but didn't want anyone to know. So he treats her badly in front of others to prove he doesn't like her.
              that is possible-treats her badly and tries to impress another girl so that no one would know.

              i still think he deserved a thwap to the back of the head. Sam should have just left him there.
              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                Originally posted by Bucky
                My thoughts exactly!

                I have mixed feelings about "Ascension" because it is such a good Sam/Amanda episode, but the whole Orlin business was just creepy. All three of those guys--Narim, Martouf, Orlin--were so passive around Sam they just gave me the willies--too bad because the actors are good-looking guys especially Sean Patrick Flannery and J.R. Bourne. But their characters!....shudder.


                p.s. good luck on your exam, SueKay!
                I didn't find Orlin creepy. Just, well, I guess he always seemed in Ascension like the child he was in season 9. I don't think I could take him seriously as an adult threat so he didn't bother me.

                Narim and the voice thingy: creepy

                Martouf I liked well enough. I was sad when he died, anyway.
                ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  Sam was wonderful in this episode, and you could feel what she was going through. Plus she built a particle beam generator, for crying out loud! Way to go, Sam!
                  She also designed it. Definitely going above and beyond the call of duty. It looked to me that Janet was worried about her.

                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  I felt sick to the stomach when Jack ignored her at the end, and went to talk to the other woman. I really hated him then, and I'm a Jack thunker!
                  I know Jack isn't exactly patient when it comes to science-talk, but it wouldn't have killed him to listen or to thank her. The way he just pushed past Sam seemed cruel.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    Originally posted by blueiris
                    I didn't find Orlin creepy. Just, well, I guess he always seemed in Ascension like the child he was in season 9. I don't think I could take him seriously as an adult threat so he didn't bother me.

                    Narim and the voice thingy: creepy

                    Martouf I liked well enough. I was sad when he died, anyway.
                    Orlin was Sam's first stalker.
                    Narim was infatuated by Sam, and the voice thing....*shivers*
                    Martouf, to me, is a wimp. He couldn't seem to work out the difference between Jolinar and Sam.
                    On a shallow note, I was blinded by his incredibly white teeth!


                      Originally posted by ReganX
                      She also designed it. Definitely going above and beyond the call of duty. It looked to me that Janet was worried about her.
                      Thanks, I forgot about that.
                      I think Janet was very worried about her too.

                      Originally posted by ReganX
                      I know Jack isn't exactly patient when it comes to science-talk, but it wouldn't have killed him to listen or to thank her. The way he just pushed past Sam seemed cruel.
                      Again, I think this is out of character for Jack. His team always comes first, and you'd expect him to thank them for coming to the rescue. To snub Sam like that is just awful, not to mention just down right rude. I don't think Jack would be like that. Damn the writers for messing with us!


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                        Orlin was Sam's first stalker.
                        Narim was infatuated by Sam, and the voice thing....*shivers*
                        Martouf, to me, is a wimp. He couldn't seem to work out the difference between Jolinar and Sam.
                        On a shallow note, I was blinded by his incredibly white teeth!
                        LOL - picturing Mala's Martouf smiley!
                        ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                          Again, I think this is out of character for Jack. His team always comes first, and you'd expect him to thank them for coming to the rescue. To snub Sam like that is just awful, not to mention just down right rude. I don't think Jack would be like that. Damn the writers for messing with us!
                          I'd have loved to see more of an aftermath for both 'A Hundred Days' and 'Shades of Grey'. Both episodes had Jack distanced from his team and, in the second he was intentionally cruel to all of them, albeit for their protection. I'd have loved to see more about how Sam, Daniel and Teal'c coped and how they fared with Makepeace as their leader.

                          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                            Thanks, I forgot about that.
                            I think Janet was very worried about her too.

                            Again, I think this is out of character for Jack. His team always comes first, and you'd expect him to thank them for coming to the rescue. To snub Sam like that is just awful, not to mention just down right rude. I don't think Jack would be like that. Damn the writers for messing with us!
                            Agreed. Its like they write in some ship, then take their finger and smudge it up.
                            ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                              Ah, 100 Days. Ick! My best friend, who used to watch Stargate years ago, recently watched that episode few weeks ago. She called me up and said she had a question about that episode. Then the ranting began. Poor, poor Jack. I bet his ears were burning! Phrases such as "Jack is a stupid man!" "That lady is old!" and "Sam worked her butt off for him!" etc. resounded over the telephone line. She's a shipper, for sure. That episode just upsets me, not all because Jack/Laira. It upsets me because he brushed Sam off like that! That was incredibly rude and I know her feelings were hurt. I wish they had shown the fallout from all of that. I just want Jack to know all she did for him.


                                I agree with you guys, there is no way that I bought into the fact that after 100 days Jack says, oh well I guess they are not coming for me, time to move on with my life. As you have said, he was a prisoner of war and if I remember correctly he was held for three months! Even if he did give up on them coming for him (and that's a big if) I don't think that he would even have been thinking about a relationship, he would have lost everything and everyone he knew, besides going back in time these people didn't look too advanced. The idea that Jack was so adapted to his new surroundings enough to consider fathering a child, come on. I think the writers wanted to cram too much into this story that it made the whole thing unbelievable except for the determination of Sam. I don't think my disgust was with the actor as much as it was with the writer writing so much out of character.

