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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I've got a friend with that T-Shirt!
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      on the issue of
      RDA being in 1 episode of sg1 and 4 of atlantis. this really irks me. what the hell are they thinking!?!
      even if its 2 sg1 and 3 atlantis, its still stupid IMO, in the same way that its wrong and stupid to have AT in more than one or two eps of atlantis.

      and from a shippy point of view it sucks! i'm no longer optimistic that we'll get some non AU s/j stuff in season 10. i don't think they're gonna give us what we want, and whats worse, i think they're just gonna f*** around with us. and not in the vague "not exactly" way that i actually like, where we can happily assume given a lot of evidence that they are together. at present, i do believe that they are together, and i just hope that season 10 doesn't screw that up for me.

      and if this rumour of 4 atlantis eps is true, then RDA's comments on coming back for 5 episodes to tie up some loose ends doesn't really make sense to me. this made me sad. if i read the article will it make me more sad?

      and as for the question of how we'd like them to get together;

      i think that sam should start to talk to him about it again, because he seems less distant than before following threads. this time jack doesn't stop her line of conversation or act all difficult about it, and nobody interupts. he lets her talk, tell him how she feels, then he makes the first move and kisses her. she responds, they pull away, smile at each other, and maybe instead of a long speech from him about his version of how he feels about the whole thing, and all that stuff, he simply smiles at her and says "i love you".

      his heavy conversation piece could wait for the sequel.

      then after that she smiles back at him, the hug or something and after a moment he says something like "wanna go fishing?" or "wanna go get some lunch?" or something like that. it could be set before the fishing scene in threads i think.

      i don't want to see this on the show, because
      i like to think that the resolution there has already happened off screen and that they are already a couple.


        Re: Pictures of Wylie

        Ya know I was kinda wondering whether Rick (or the rest of the Stargate cast for that matter) get "stalked" by paparazzi. Being British and all I figured that maybe it was just our paparazzi that behaved like sub-human creatures and that the rest of the world didn't have such vulture-like photographers. I apologise if my opinion seems harsh but I refuse to buy anything or look at websites that I know contain 'stalkerazzi' pictures of celebs; they deserve their privacy too. I guess it's not just a problem here in the UK then.

        Edited to say: BTW I'm not ranting at the person who posted the link, I don't mind if you choose to look at the snaps I was just making a point about an observation

        *Ahem*, anyways, rant over, back OT. I always thought that Jack always had this in mind with the 'always' comment:

        "This romeo is bleeding
        But you can't see his blood
        It's nothing but some feelings
        That this old dog kicked up

        It's been raining since you left me
        Now I'm drowning in the flood
        You see I've always been a fighter
        But without you I give up

        Now I can't sing a love song
        Like the way it's meant to be
        Well, I guess I'm not that good anymore
        But baby, that's just me

        And I will love you, baby - Always
        And I'll be there forever and a day - Always
        I'll be there till the stars don't shine
        Till the heavens burst and
        The words don't rhyme
        And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
        And I'll love you - Always

        Now your pictures that you left behind
        Are just memories of a different life
        Some that made us laugh, some that made us cry
        One that made you have to say goodbye
        What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair
        To touch your lips, to hold you near
        When you say your prayers try to understand
        I've made mistakes, I'm just a man

        When he holds you close, when he pulls you near
        When he says the words you've been needing to hear
        I'll wish I was him 'cause those words are mine
        To say to you till the end of time

        Yeah, I will love you baby - Always
        And I'll be there forever and a day - Always

        If you told me to cry for you
        I could
        If you told me to die for you
        I would
        Take a look at my face
        There's no price I won't pay
        To say these words to you

        Well, there ain't no luck
        In these loaded dice
        But baby if you give me just one more try
        We can pack up our old dreams
        And our old lives
        We'll find a place where the sun still shines

        And I will love you, baby - Always
        And I'll be there forever and a day - Always
        I'll be there till the stars don't shine
        Till the heavens burst and
        The words don't rhyme
        And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
        And I'll love you - Always"

        'Always' by Bon Jovi

        - I would've added my two cents worth of interpretation but why bother when Jon Bon Jovi says it so much more eloquently than I ever could?!?
        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

        My fanfic


          Shippy hugs everyone!

          I haven't been able to hang out much lately, and I'll be gone for the next two weeks, so I just wanted to pop in and say I miss you guys and I'm still shipping with you, so don't forget about me. Here's to season 10, the return of RDA and plenty of SHIP!

          s u g a r s h a k e r


            [QUOTE=Sam_Carter]Just found these....

            I don't know where they are from originally (as what behind the scenes show) but i found them at rda-forever.


            They are from the Travel channel show they did about Vancouver, they went to the studio when they were filming Unnatural Selection

            No Jack=No Way
            No Jack= No Way



              If you're going on holiday, have a good time

              I'm still optimistic too...otherwise AT's comments in the mini-interviews would make no sense.
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Sam: Are you sure no one will see us out here?
                Jack: Who's gonna be out here this deep in the woods?

                Sam: Oops!
                Jack: Daniel get that camera out of here!!

                hehe I love this thread!


                  Okay, two questions.

                  One; does anyone else find it interesting that in the season 3 opener 'Into the Fire', after Jack came out of the cryostasis, and Sam was explaining the plan they did not pull back from the embrace? I mean, it's one thing for them to hug at that moment when they're reunited, but you wouldn't think a hug is good for exposition like that. But they were still holding each other. It was almost like they didn't want to let each other go...

                  Two; does anyone have any avi S/J song vids I can get? I need to do a webfolio for my web design course which includes a page on plugins. I need to cover things like flash movies, applets, rollovers, Quick Time and AVI movies, etc; have an example of each, explain how to put them on a page and so forth.

                  But I don't have any avi files, and while I could go to any number of sites and download one, I would really like to use one where I have permission to do so. I will credit the author/creator, but I would to say that I have permission when I show it to the teacher.

                  Thank you


                    Originally posted by hopalong
                    Okay, two questions.

                    One; does anyone else find it interesting that in the season 3 opener 'Into the Fire', after Jack came out of the cryostasis, and Sam was explaining the plan they did not pull back from the embrace? I mean, it's one thing for them to hug at that moment when they're reunited, but you wouldn't think a hug is good for exposition like that. But they were still holding each other. It was almost like they didn't want to let each other go...
                    Well, my opinion is Jack was cold and Sam tried to give him as much body heat as possible. But if I let my shippy side talk then I'll say that she thought she lost him to the Goa'uld so she didn't to let him go when she found out he's fine.


                      Originally posted by hopalong
                      Okay, two questions.

                      One; does anyone else find it interesting that in the season 3 opener 'Into the Fire', after Jack came out of the cryostasis, and Sam was explaining the plan they did not pull back from the embrace? I mean, it's one thing for them to hug at that moment when they're reunited, but you wouldn't think a hug is good for exposition like that. But they were still holding each other. It was almost like they didn't want to let each other go...

                      Two; does anyone have any avi S/J song vids I can get? I need to do a webfolio for my web design course which includes a page on plugins. I need to cover things like flash movies, applets, rollovers, Quick Time and AVI movies, etc; have an example of each, explain how to put them on a page and so forth.

                      But I don't have any avi files, and while I could go to any number of sites and download one, I would really like to use one where I have permission to do so. I will credit the author/creator, but I would to say that I have permission when I show it to the teacher.

                      Thank you
                      as a shipper i'd have to say

                      as a very sarcastic person i'd have to say that he was so cold they stuck together...

                      as a shipper i'd have to continue by saying;

             when you lick something cold.

                      and i don't have any shipper avi's. sorry.


                        Yeah I agree. Jack was cold and Sam was just warming him up (although I'm sure they could've come up with something a bit more effective, like Mulder's theory about sleeping bags ... whoops, sorry this is a PG thread, right? )

                        Although I do think that, generally, when one has cold hands, people usually breathe on them or rub them together to try to warm them up, oh man this isn't coming out right, urm basically the point I'm trying to make is that if Sam really was just trying to heat him up she'd be warming his face or hands with her hands or something instead of them clinging to each other like limpets to a rock. I'm sure Sam has done enough physics to know that transfer of heat energy through layers of thick fabric is not a very efficient way of heating something. Much like putting freezing cold hands into a pair of thick gloves and then standing next to a fire. The heat takes longer to pass through the fabric than it would through the air to your skin.
                        Last edited by AmberLM; 28 April 2006, 01:02 PM.
                        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                        My fanfic


                          From the reports with spoilers in it about season 10 so far it more sounds like the old sg-1 is going more and more in the background, and the focus will be on the new castmembers, which is understandable if they want to change the show to a more general 'SGC' then SG-1 specific. But that doesn't give me much hope for an actual resolve for the sam/jack ship. Luckily its only a few episodes so far though.

                          I do think they're going to give us some resolve though, real time, no AU or anything. Because of what AT said in that little interview thingy, like someone said earlier, about her and jack now being able to 'have some fun', doesn't that also kind of answer the question if he really is out of her chain of command btw? She did say that right?

                          Also just wondering, if you guys could chose between a SG movie with the old SG-1, but set in an earlier season, however with -some- ship, just not resolved ship (because in my opinion, before the Zatarc (sp?) confession, *something* must've happend, more then what we've seen on the series, that they both *know* for a fact they feel the same about each other. Sam didn't seem to doubt that when she told him, they just denie their feelings for obvious reasons, but i never in the previous seasons actually saw anything specific happen that would leave them both without a doubt they felt the same specificly). Say a movie that's set in for example season 3 or 4, with jack on the team, but not the new castmembers of S9-10. Janet and Jacob of course still present.

                          Or a movie set in 'the now' with all the current cast members exactly in the roles they're set in, aka jack not as much present in the movie because he's not in the series either realisticly, his job doesn't require him to be present in the SGC and on missions etc necessarily (that i can think of anyway). However WITH resolved ship.

                          Which would you chose?

                          (I babble to much Sorry? lol)


                            Originally posted by hopalong
                            Two; does anyone have any avi S/J song vids I can get? I need to do a webfolio for my web design course which includes a page on plugins. I need to cover things like flash movies, applets, rollovers, Quick Time and AVI movies, etc; have an example of each, explain how to put them on a page and so forth.
                            i can't actually manage to dig one up, but if you go to kawoosh and pick a category (or if the search isn't down for you) and then scroll to the bottom and click "list all # videos" and then do a find on page (ctrl+F) for "avi" and check "match whole word only" (you'd be surprised how many people make videos by Avril Lavigne), you may get some. probably not may though. the only two i found were non-dl or missing. (i still couldn't find the pink-martini one even on the moved site)
                            "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                            Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                              Originally posted by Diantha
                              From the reports with spoilers in it about season 10 so far it more sounds like the old sg-1 is going more and more in the background, and the focus will be on the new castmembers, which is understandable if they want to change the show to a more general 'SGC' then SG-1 specific. But that doesn't give me much hope for an actual resolve for the sam/jack ship. Luckily its only a few episodes so far though.

                              I do think they're going to give us some resolve though, real time, no AU or anything. Because of what AT said in that little interview thingy, like someone said earlier, about her and jack now being able to 'have some fun', doesn't that also kind of answer the question if he really is out of her chain of command btw? She did say that right?

                              Also just wondering, if you guys could chose between a SG movie with the old SG-1, but set in an earlier season, however with -some- ship, just not resolved ship (because in my opinion, before the Zatarc (sp?) confession, *something* must've happend, more then what we've seen on the series, that they both *know* for a fact they feel the same about each other. Sam didn't seem to doubt that when she told him, they just denie their feelings for obvious reasons, but i never in the previous seasons actually saw anything specific happen that would leave them both without a doubt they felt the same specificly). Say a movie that's set in for example season 3 or 4, with jack on the team, but not the new castmembers of S9-10. Janet and Jacob of course still present.

                              Or a movie set in 'the now' with all the current cast members exactly in the roles they're set in, aka jack not as much present in the movie because he's not in the series either realisticly, his job doesn't require him to be present in the SGC and on missions etc necessarily (that i can think of anyway). However WITH resolved ship.

                              Which would you chose?

                              (I babble to much Sorry? lol)
                              i'd have to go with UST season 3/4 movie. the new character just aren't as interesting to me, and i'd love to see a movie with the "real" sg-1" rather than the new sg-1.2

                              there would still be ship, just not resolved ship, and if it were with the new team, and without jack, we wouldn't get to see them on screen together.


                                Originally posted by Devoe2000

                                Also iI think bad news for the shippers according to BW, RDA will be only in two episodes of SG1 and 3 of Atlantis. I think there goes all our hope for happy endings



                                No Jack=No Way

                                i read this news last night, just before i shut down my computer. i don't think it's bad news for shippers!

                                remember, amanda/sam is supposed to go to atlantis for some eps, so... the sam-in-atlantis eps might be the same jack-in-atlantis eps too!

                                besides - and remember this, shippers - amanda said YES to s/j ship in season 10! remember this!

                                i don't watch atlantis, but i would have if sam/amanda went there. now if jack is going 'along' with sam... just might be, shippers.



