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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    On parents and children and walking in on one way or the other OT

    Hmm would I rather walk in on my parents or vice versa... I think I'd rather walk in on them since I think my dad would be scarred for life if he walked in on me. And my mother would make non-stop jokes *sigh* - they say opposites attract and my parents are complete opposites LOL. I remember when I told my parents we were pregnant. My dad just got really quiet (while my mom squealed). I think my dad was trying to deal that his oldest daughter (he had two girls LOL) was now in the family way. And was not so sweet an innocent anymore.

    My parents were always really good about using the lock though. When I was little I used to go to their room and pound on the door (because hello, little kids have no idea how to give their parents privacy) and I used to be confused as to why mom would answer the door, irritated and in a bathrobe. When I got older I figured it out... and um... went to watch tv LOL. I suppose there are worse things than finding out your parents are still hot for each other after 25 years of marriage (now 34...).

    I can't believe I just said that. I think I'm going to need more therapy...


      I got a chuckle out of this item found on JM's blog:


      Ccdsah writes: “Hi Joe, someone who has seen “Air” said there are some pics in Jack’s office. Of Sara O’Neill? Seriously? Can you confirm or deny? If it’s really true I consider this just another frak you to the shippers.”

      Answer: I can neither confirm nor deny. But if it is the case, then, yes, that was the intention all along. I know it seems like a lot of trouble to go to in order to sleight a specific section of fandom, but that’s just the type of guy our props master is (very anti-shipper!).


        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
        Oh and a fic rec for "sort of" guttery UST. I starts off looking like a Sam/Daniel fic but actually it's very Sam/Jack UST um, sort of RST actually) in the end. I'm not overly fond of the way it ended since I don't think the author adequately explored the ramifications of what happened, but I do like the whole "under an alien influence" excuse yet again!

        (warning contains adult themes - nothing explicit though)
        My assessment of this fic - disappointing. It was a great plot, but as you pointed out, you get to the end and everyone's just fine. Seriously? Just fine? I've always been a believer that the ending makes the story - and I felt let down. Well written, neat idea, poor ending.


          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
          I got a chuckle out of this item found on JM's blog:



          Yeah, I couldn't believe that person was so SNARKY. I've always appreciated JM's sense of humor and snark to people who are like that.


            Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
            What? Why can't you find any? Doesn't anyone have any??? It seems like with all of us around here we ought to have SOMETHING.

            What do you consider guttery for UST?

            Hmmm... I sat pondering that question for a good several minutes, trying to recall whether I might have anything that would fit that bill...

            The answer is...

            I really don't think so. Not yet. My dangling O'Malley's WIP would, once it's finished, but that's the closest I've gotten to limiting a fic to highly Guttery story in the realm of UST without resolving it.

            Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
            Those fics DRIVE ME CRAZY. If you're going to make it that guttery, FINISH IT... LOL Sorry, you're only going to find RST with my stuff (or mild UST)
            And that is precisely why I can't keep it at the UST level. Once I get going, I don't want to stop without reaching a fully satisfying... um... climax...

            That being said, I did manage to figure out a way to write early-canon-appropriate-UST and canon-appropriate RST in one of my favorite stories that I've written. It starts immediately post-Entity, then flashes forward to sometime post-Threads ("Letting Go", if your curious...)

            But strictly UST? It just goes against my nature! After all, if it weren't for the Gutter, my mind would be homeless!

            Love and hot fudge,
            Bren Ren
            My stories!



              ROFL on all the gutter stories Love 'em

              Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
              On parents and children and walking in on one way or the other OT

              Hmm would I rather walk in on my parents or vice versa... I think I'd rather walk in on them since I think my dad would be scarred for life if he walked in on me. And my mother would make non-stop jokes *sigh* - they say opposites attract and my parents are complete opposites LOL. I remember when I told my parents we were pregnant. My dad just got really quiet (while my mom squealed). I think my dad was trying to deal that his oldest daughter (he had two girls LOL) was now in the family way. And was not so sweet an innocent anymore.

              My parents were always really good about using the lock though. When I was little I used to go to their room and pound on the door (because hello, little kids have no idea how to give their parents privacy) and I used to be confused as to why mom would answer the door, irritated and in a bathrobe. When I got older I figured it out... and um... went to watch tv LOL. I suppose there are worse things than finding out your parents are still hot for each other after 25 years of marriage (now 34...).

              I can't believe I just said that. I think I'm going to need more therapy...
              OMG that sounds exactly like my parents!
              My father even makes jokes(all the time) that are so...wrong...that I can't even say them in here!

              As for the therapy...I think I already need it for 4 years now...ever since my parents know that I know what the thing is...they talk...a lot...

              Even a few weeks ago they said they went to a "market"(exchange or so; don't know the word in English) and it was in the same city as where my school is and I walk by it every day...they said it was a 50+ one...while I knew it was one...with the same name as a certain, popular, guttery book.

              As for the me walking in or parents or other way around...I think I prefer the me on parents because they still think I'm all sweet and innocent*cough*...I prefer to keep that status for a little while


                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                ROFL on all the gutter stories Love 'em

                OMG that sounds exactly like my parents!
                My father even makes jokes(all the time) that are so...wrong...that I can't even say them in here!

                As for the therapy...I think I already need it for 4 years now...ever since my parents know that I know what the thing is...they talk...a lot...

                Even a few weeks ago they said they went to a "market"(exchange or so; don't know the word in English) and it was in the same city as where my school is and I walk by it every day...they said it was a 50+ one...while I knew it was one...with the same name as a certain, popular, guttery book.

                As for the me walking in or parents or other way around...I think I prefer the me on parents because they still think I'm all sweet and innocent[/b]*cough*...I prefer to keep that status for a little while
                Oh if only they knew


                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  Pete who

                  Oh very nicely done
                  Thanks ^^

                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  I'm getting the feeling that they are trying to sell SGU to us SG-1 fans and Jack/Sam fans I wouldn't have been watching any of it if Jack and Sam weren't in it
                  I haven't finished watching SGA yet (am finishing season 3) and nothing can fill the gap in my heart after SG-1 ended. Maybe SGU will prove me wrong

                  I am of the same opinion. I thought she would have been pissed with Pete for what he done but noooooooooooo. He knew her work was classified and she couldn't tell him about it. Being a cop he should know these things and what does he do? He gets an FBI buddy to do a background check on her. Now that was bad enough but then he goes and gatecrashes their stakeout. Now as a cop he should know how dangerous stakeouts can be so what the hell was he thinking He almost blew it and almost got himself killed. He risked the lives of the others that were on the stakeout. If it was me I would have been seriously pissed at him for pulling a stunt like that. But does she yell at him or ask him what he was thinking? Nooooooooo, she tells him about the stargate program What was that about *shakes head*I'm sorry but the Sam I have gotten to known over the years wouldn't have just sat back like that.
                  Yep, that Sam was pathetic. It reminded me of a quote "What Whedon did for women for 7 years, S. Meyer undid in a book" It's pretty much how I felt for Sam in that episode....

                  Sam's hair
                  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I want my blonde Carter back
                  I prefer Carter blond as well but Helen is just the awesomest in her whole dark self. I dressed like Helen Magnus too when I could afford it so I have more than her awesomeness to be happy about ^^

                  lookalikes ot
                  Oh lucky you
                  Well, I can find a picture of him on facebook if you're curious but I don't think it is right to post it on a public forum without asking him and I really don't feel comfortable to ask

                  Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                  On parents and children and walking in on one way or the other OT

                  There are worse things than finding out your parents are still hot for each other after 25 years of marriage (now 34...).
                  Well, my parent's had the hots for each other for about ten years into their marriage so I guess I'd be so happy if I were you
                  Videos Artwork

                  In loving memory of Col. L. Pendergast1960-2006
                  Yes I actually enjoy SGU.


                    Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                    I don't know why I can't find any

                    Guttery I consider for UST would be Either Xanadu by Spiletta42 or Two in One by Jojo where Jack is way too close to her and you know he's thinking things he shouldn't....and his sidearm was definitely going to be in trouble because of her being so close...but they're not...ya know...


                      Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                      On parents and children and walking in on one way or the other OT

                      Hmm would I rather walk in on my parents or vice versa... I think I'd rather walk in on them since I think my dad would be scarred for life if he walked in on me. And my mother would make non-stop jokes *sigh* - they say opposites attract and my parents are complete opposites LOL. I remember when I told my parents we were pregnant. My dad just got really quiet (while my mom squealed). I think my dad was trying to deal that his oldest daughter (he had two girls LOL) was now in the family way. And was not so sweet an innocent anymore.

                      My parents were always really good about using the lock though. When I was little I used to go to their room and pound on the door (because hello, little kids have no idea how to give their parents privacy) and I used to be confused as to why mom would answer the door, irritated and in a bathrobe. When I got older I figured it out... and um... went to watch tv LOL. I suppose there are worse things than finding out your parents are still hot for each other after 25 years of marriage (now 34...).

                      I can't believe I just said that. I think I'm going to need more therapy...


                        Originally posted by starlover View Post
                        ROFL on all the gutter stories Love 'em

                        OMG that sounds exactly like my parents!
                        My father even makes jokes(all the time) that are so...wrong...that I can't even say them in here!

                        As for the therapy...I think I already need it for 4 years now...ever since my parents know that I know what the thing is...they talk...a lot...

                        Even a few weeks ago they said they went to a "market"(exchange or so; don't know the word in English) and it was in the same city as where my school is and I walk by it every day...they said it was a 50+ one...while I knew it was one...with the same name as a certain, popular, guttery book.

                        As for the me walking in or parents or other way around...I think I prefer the me on parents because they still think I'm all sweet and innocent*cough*...I prefer to keep that status for a little while
                        LOL - I forget so often that English is not everyone's first language around here. Market... exchange - for 50+? Hmmm :: thinks :: What exactly is there? Maybe I can give you the word because I don't know what you're talking about

                        I think my parents and I have an agreement - I don't think about them, they don't think about me. LOL While my mom is probably okay with the whole my daughter is married and is therefore no longer "innocent", my dad won't ever be okay with it I don't think (he loves my husband though). I'll never forget I was sitting in the living room with my mom and my dad was watching tv and my mom starting talking about when I was due for my "annual exam" - I said I hadn't had time blah blah blah, the conversation went on for a minute and then my dad butts in "Shannon go to the doctor. Now can we *please* talk about this some other time?"

                        It's funny because I actually feel UBER prudish around my parents, but around my friends I can make them blush LOL Go fig!

                        Originally posted by BrenRen
                        And that is precisely why I can't keep it at the UST level. Once I get going, I don't want to stop without reaching a fully satisfying... um... climax...
                        I'm the same way. I'm cool writing mild UST (usually humorous) but my longer stories... yeah, there has be some sort of resolution. I don't necessarily have to get graphic (although a couple of my fics are), but I just can't leave them feeling all smoldering without letting them light a fire!


                          Thirty pictures of Ship on the wall!
                          Thirty pictures of Ship!
                          We'll take two down and caption around
                          Twenty-eight pictures of Ship on the wall!

                          Extremely Extreme Gutter Content Warning!
                          Stop now unless you really enjoy playing in the deep end of the Gutter...
                          Seriously, not for anyone with delicate sensibilities...
                          Got your scuba gear on?
                          Dive into the deep end...
                          Deeper still...
                          Now hovering over the bottomless trench...
                          Sirs, if you really want to have a sword fight, allow me the pleasure of hosting.

                          Robo Whoa. Is she suggesting what I think she's suggesting?
                          Our I think so...
                          Robo Well, color me impressed!

                          Love and hot fudge,
                          Bren Ren
                          My stories!



                            Hi fellow shippers. I am really so sorry I haven't been posting very much lately. I've been busy in other parts of the 'Net and, to be honest, not really had much to say because most of the talk has been regarding Sam and Jack in Stargate: Universe which, of course, is going to be behind spoiler tags. As a spoiler phobe I've been avoiding such spoilers no matter how minute they are. So...until all three parts of Air show here in the UK on October 6th...I'm kinda stuck and reduced to a lurking status. I don't like it but that's really the crux of it.

                            But please, please, please rest assured that even if I don't ship on-line I'm doing it in other ways through watching DVD's and reading fanfics. I still believe and don't know how to do anything else but believe.

                            + =

                            Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                            So some OTishness my family converting them...which is kind of funny.

                            Had my parents (technically it's my Dad's favorite S/J vid) watch an S/J vid and my Mom was in the living room and happened to glance at it.

                            WoO kiss comes up...

                            Mom: Who's that?
                            Me: ...Jack kissing Sam...
                            Mom: *looks at my Dad* Why don't you ever kiss me like that?
                            Dad: Because we've been married for almost 27 years.

                            Grace Kiss-
                            Me: Hottest kiss EVER.
                            Mom:'re right.
                            Me: And there's tongue!!
                            Mom: *looks at me with a concerned expression* What do you know about tongue?

                            Awww...((((regularamanda)))). Parents do like to keep you young, don't they? I wish mine would succeed....although I do strike a fine balance I think. There's no point being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes. Or more than sometimes.

                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                            K-9, CLASS and much more...


                              Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                              Thirty pictures of Ship on the wall!
                              Thirty pictures of Ship!
                              We'll take two down and caption around
                              Twenty-eight pictures of Ship on the wall!

                              Extremely Extreme Gutter Content Warning!
                              Stop now unless you really enjoy playing in the deep end of the Gutter...
                              Seriously, not for anyone with delicate sensibilities...
                              Got your scuba gear on?
                              Dive into the deep end...
                              Deeper still...
                              Now hovering over the bottomless trench...
                              Sirs, if you really want to have a sword fight, allow me the pleasure of hosting.

                              Robo Whoa. Is she suggesting what I think she's suggesting?
                              Our I think so...
                              Robo Well, color me impressed!

                              - keep 'em comin


                                Originally posted by Jitter View Post
                                Yep, that Sam was pathetic. It reminded me of a quote "What Whedon did for women for 7 years, S. Meyer undid in a book" It's pretty much how I felt for Sam in that episode....
                                I love Sam, she's my fave character but I didn't like the way she acted with Pete, it's like it wasn't our Sam but an AU Sam

                                I prefer Carter blond as well but Helen is just the awesomest in her whole dark self. I dressed like Helen Magnus too when I could afford it so I have more than her awesomeness to be happy about ^^
                                It took me a while to get used to AT in long dark hair but I finally did and AT was right. It was important to separate Helen from Sam and I think it worked. I don't see Sam as anything but blonde and I don't see Helen as anything but dark hair.

                                Well, I can find a picture of him on facebook if you're curious but I don't think it is right to post it on a public forum without asking him and I really don't feel comfortable to ask
                                I can understand that. Some people are not comfortable posting pics on the net where millions can see them

